Life In The Other World - The Story Of A Drowned Man - Alternative View

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Life In The Other World - The Story Of A Drowned Man - Alternative View
Life In The Other World - The Story Of A Drowned Man - Alternative View

Video: Life In The Other World - The Story Of A Drowned Man - Alternative View

Video: Life In The Other World - The Story Of A Drowned Man - Alternative View
Video: FAKE DROWNING For My CRUSH In 100 Years Life Simulator 2024, July

About the other world - the story of the drowned on the "Titanic"

This is the story of a man whose life was cut short by tragedy. British journalist William T. Stead (1849-1912) collaborated with various newspapers during his time and, in addition, showed an increased interest in parapsychology. He has written several books on this topic, such as From the Old World to the New; moreover, he possessed the gift of a medium. William Stead himself, as a reporter, took part in the maiden voyage of the infamous Titanic in 1912. The steamer was heading to the United States, and as a result of this voyage was to receive the "Blue Ribbon of the Atlantic". As a result of frivolous mistakes that were made while navigating the ship, on the night of April 14-15, there was a collision with an iceberg in the North Atlantic.

"Titanic", which was called, only as unsinkable, split into two parts and went to the bottom in a few hours, taking with it 1517 human lives. Among them was William Stead. Two days later, through the mouth of Mrs. Wriedt, a psychic from Detroit, he reported accurate information regarding the disaster. He told in more detail later, controlling the hand of his daughter Estelle Stead, who also had the gift of a medium. Here are excerpts from the detailed account of the late Stead she recorded:

“I want to tell you where a person ends up after he dies and finds himself in another world. I was glad that in everything that I heard or read about the other world, there was such a weighty grain of truth. Since, although in general, even during my lifetime, I was convinced of the correctness of these views, doubts did not leave me, despite all the arguments of reason. That is why I was so happy when I realized to what extent everything here corresponds to earthly descriptions.

I was still near the place of my death and could watch what was happening there. The sinking of the Titanic was in full swing, and people fought a desperate battle with the relentless elements for their lives. Their attempts to stay alive gave me strength. I could help them! In an instant, my state of mind changed, deep helplessness was replaced by purposefulness. My only desire was to help people in need. I believe that I have actually saved many.

I will skip the description of these minutes. The denouement was close. It felt like we were going on a boat trip, and the people on board were patiently waiting for all the other passengers to board the ship. I mean, we were waiting for the end when we could say with relief: the saved are saved, the dead are alive!

Suddenly, everything changed around us, and it was as if we actually went on a trip. We, the souls of the drowned, were a strange team that set off on a journey with an unknown purpose. The experiences we experienced in this connection were so unusual that I will not undertake to describe them. Many of the souls, realizing what had happened to them, plunged into painful thoughts and thought with sorrow about their loved ones who remained on earth, as well as about the future. What awaits us in the next hours? Should we appear before the Master? What will be His judgment?

Others were as if stunned and did not react at all to what was happening, as if not realizing or perceiving anything. It felt like they were experiencing a catastrophe again, but now - a catastrophe of spirit and soul. Together we were a truly strange and somewhat sinister team. Human souls in search of a new home, a new home.

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During the crash, in just a few minutes, hundreds of dead bodies were found in the icy water. Many souls rose into the air at the same time. One of the recent cruise ship passengers guessed that he was dead and was terrified that he could not take his belongings with him. Many in despair tried to save what was so important to them in earthly life. I think everyone will believe me when I say that the unfolding events on the sinking ship were by no means the most joyful and pleasant. But they did not fall under any comparison with what was happening at the same time beyond the bounds of earthly life. The sight of the unfortunate souls so abruptly pulled out of earthly life was absolutely depressing. He was as heartbreaking as he was repulsive, disgusting.

So, we waited for everyone who had the chance to go on a journey to an unfamiliar otherworldly world that night. The movement itself was amazing, much more unusual and strange than I expected. The feeling was that we, being on a large platform held by someone's invisible hand, were flying vertically upward with incredible speed. Despite this, I didn't have any sense of insecurity. It felt like we were moving in a precisely defined direction and along a planned trajectory.

I can't say with certainty how long the flight was, nor how far away from the ground. The place we ended up in was fabulously beautiful. The feeling was as if we had suddenly moved from a gloomy and foggy area somewhere in England to the magnificent Indian sky. Everything around me radiated beauty. Those of us who accumulated knowledge about the other world during our earthly life understood that we were in a place where the souls of suddenly dead people find shelter.

We felt that the very atmosphere of these places has a healing effect. Each newcomer had a feeling that he was filled with some life-giving force, and soon he already felt cheerful and regained peace of mind.

So we arrived, and as strange as it sounded, each of us was proud of ourselves. Everything around was so bright, alive, so real and physically tangible - in a word, as real as the world we had abandoned.

Friends and relatives who had died earlier approached each newcomer with heartfelt greetings. After that, we - I'm talking about those who, by the will of fate, went on a journey on that ill-fated ship and whose lives were cut off overnight - parted. Now all of us were again our own masters, surrounded by dear friends who had come to this world earlier.

So, I have already told you about what our extraordinary flight was and what the arrival in a new life for us turned out to be. Next I would like to tell you about the first impressions and experiences I experienced. To begin with, I will make a reservation that I cannot say exactly at what time these events took place relative to the moment of the crash and my death. The whole past life seemed to me to be a continuous sequence of events; as for being in the other world, I did not have such a feeling.

My good friend and my father were next to me. He stayed with me in order to help me get used to the new environment where I now had to live. Everything that happens was no different from a simple trip to another country, where you are met by a good friend who helps you get used to the new environment. I was surprised to the core to realize this.

The eerie scenes that I witnessed during and after the shipwreck were already in the past. Due to the fact that during such a short time in the other world I experienced such a huge number of impressions, the events of the catastrophe that occurred the previous night were perceived by me as if they happened 50 years ago. That is why worries and anxious thoughts about loved ones who remained in earthly life did not overshadow the joyful feeling that the beauty of the new world aroused in me.

I'm not saying there were no unfortunate souls here. There were many of them, but they were unhappy only for the reason that they did not realize the connection between life in the earthly and the other world, they could not understand anything and tried to resist what was happening. Those of us who knew about a strong connection with the earthly world and our capabilities were overwhelmed with a sense of joy and tranquility. That our state can be described in these words: give us the opportunity to enjoy at least a little new life and the beauty of the local nature, before we report all the news about the house. This is how carefree and serene we felt upon our arrival in the new world.

Returning to my first impressions, I want to say one more thing. I am happy to say with good reason that my old sense of humor has not gone anywhere. I can guess that the following can amuse skeptics and scoffers, to whom the events I have described seem to be nonsense. I have nothing against it. I'm even glad that my little book will impress them in this way. When their turn comes up, they will find themselves in the same position that I will now describe. Knowing this gives me the opportunity to say with a certain amount of irony to such people: "Stay with your opinion, for me personally it means nothing."

In the company of my father and my friend, I hit the road. One of the observations struck me to the depths of my soul: as it turned out, I was wearing the same clothes as in the last minutes of earthly life. I absolutely could not understand how it happened and how I managed to move to another world in the same suit.

My father was in the suit I saw him in during his lifetime. Everything and everyone around looked completely "normal", the same as on earth. We walked next to each other, breathed fresh air, talked about mutual friends, who are now both in the other world and in the physical world we had abandoned. I had something to tell my loved ones, and they, in turn, told me a lot about old friends and the peculiarities of local life.

There was something else that surprised me with the surrounding area: its extraordinary colors. Let us recall what general impression that special play of colors, which is characteristic of the English countryside, can make on a traveler. We can say that gray-green tones prevail in it. Immediately there was no doubt about this: the landscape concentrated in itself all shades of pale blue. Do not just think that houses, trees, people also had this heavenly shade, but all the same, the overall impression was undeniable.

I told my father about this, who, by the way, looked much more cheerful and younger than in the last years of his earthly life. Now we could be mistaken for brothers. So, I mentioned that I see everything around in blue, and my father explained that my perception did not deceive me. The heavenly light here actually has a strong blue tint, which makes this area especially suitable for souls in need of rest, as blue waves have miraculous healing effects.

Here some of the readers will probably object, believing that all this is pure fiction. I will answer them: do not there exist such places on earth, one stay in which contributes to the cure of certain diseases? Include your reason and common sense, understand, in the end, that the distance between the earthly and the other world is very small. As a consequence, the relationship that exists in these two worlds should be very similar. How is it possible that a person who is indifferent after death immediately passes into a state of absolute divine essence? This does not happen! Everything is development, ascent and advancement. This applies to both people and worlds. The "next" world is only an addition to the already existing world in which you are.

The sphere of another life is inhabited by people whose destinies are intermingled in the most bizarre way. Here I met people of all social classes, races, skin tones, complexions. Despite the fact that everyone lived together, everyone was busy thinking about themselves. Everyone was focused on their needs and immersed in the world of their interests. That which in earthly life would have dubious consequences was a necessity here from the point of view of both general and individual good. Without immersion in this kind of special state, it would be impossible to talk about further development and recovery.

Because of such a general immersion in his own personality, peace and tranquility reigned here, which is especially noteworthy given the eccentricity of the local population described above. Without such concentration on oneself, it would be impossible to enter this state. Everyone was busy with themselves, and the presence of some was hardly recognized by others.

This is the reason why I happened to get to know not many of the local people. Those who greeted me upon arrival here disappeared, except for my father and friend. But I was not at all upset about this, since I finally got the opportunity to fully enjoy the beauty of the local landscape.

We often met and took a long walk along the seashore. Nothing here reminded of earthly resorts with their jazz bands and promenades. Silence, peace and love reigned everywhere. Buildings towered to our right, and the sea was quietly splashing to our left. Everything emitted soft light and reflected the unusually rich blue of the local atmosphere.

I don't know how long our walks were. We talked with enthusiasm about everything new that was revealed to me in this world: about the local life and people; about relatives left at home; about the opportunity to communicate with them and report what happened to me during this time. I think that during such conversations we covered really significant distances.

If you imagine a world with an area approximately equal to the area of England, where all imaginable types of animals, buildings, landscapes, not to mention people, are represented, then you will have a distant idea of what the terrain of another world looks like. It probably sounds incredible, fantastic, but believe me: life in the other world is like a trip to an unfamiliar country, nothing more, except perhaps that every moment of my stay there was unusually interesting and fulfilling for me."

Further, William Stead describes in detail the new places of the afterlife and the events that happened to it. But one should not assume that every dead person ends up after death in such a world. Even if this happens, this does not mean at all that the deceased can or will have to stay in such a place for eternity. And after death, the opportunity for the further development of the soul does not disappear anywhere …