The Horror Of The Kola Peninsula - Alternative View

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The Horror Of The Kola Peninsula - Alternative View
The Horror Of The Kola Peninsula - Alternative View

Video: The Horror Of The Kola Peninsula - Alternative View

Video: The Horror Of The Kola Peninsula - Alternative View
Video: The Kola Peninsula Russian 2 2024, July

On one of the passes of the Kola Peninsula near the seid - lake, not so long ago, four tourists died. Experienced, athletic guys lay in a chain stretching from the pass to the nearest housing. The latter ran seven kilometers and fell two hundred meters from the nearest house, where he hoped to find salvation. There were no signs of violence on the bodies, but a grimace of horror froze on all faces. And around, according to the terrified local residents, traces were imprinted, not similar to animals, but too large for humans.

The tragedy that happened as two drops of water resembles another one that occurred about 30 years ago in the same northern latitudes, but thousands of kilometers away from the Kola Peninsula. In the northern Urals, in the upper reaches of the Pechora River, a group of Sverdlovsk tourists disappeared. Rescuers, who urgently left for the area where the route of the Sverdlovsk residents was supposed to pass, found them only a few days later. On the pass of the Otorten mountain there were two tents, their back walls were cut with knives, and down the mountainside in the snow lay half-naked tourists. No traces of violence were found on their bodies. But just like on the Kola Peninsula, horror froze on the faces of the dead.

Mysterious death

There is one more detail that unites these two terrible incidents. Near the mountain otorten there is a tract of Man - papunier, sacred for the Mansi peoples. Six huge, several tens of meters high, stone pillars rise here above the spurs of the Urals. According to the legend preserved among the northern peoples, six mighty giants pursued one of the Mansi tribes, leaving for the "Stone Belt" of the Ural mountains. At the headwaters of the Pechora River at the pass, the giants have almost overtaken the tribe. But they were blocked by a little shaman with a face as white as lime and turned the giants into six stone pillars. Since then, every shaman from the Mansi tribe always came to the sacred tract and drew from it his magical power.

Expedition discoveries

Seid is a lake on the Kola Peninsula and still causes awe among the local population. Local shamans found their last refuge on its southern coast. And this is also marked by extraordinary monuments, but not of nature, like the ridge of Man - papunier, but of man. In 1920-1921 a geographic expedition visited this area. The expedition was unusual. It was organized. Ogpu. The head of the expedition, Alexander Barchenko, head of the neuroenergetics laboratory of the All-Union Institute of Experimental Medicine, was also known as an unusual person. The circle of his professional interests was very wide: the creation of devices for radio spying, the study of extraordinary or, as they say now, extrasensory abilities of a person, clarification of the nature of UFOs, the search for Bigfoot and much more.

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The expedition was led to the Kola Peninsula by the order of the Ogpu leadership: to study the extraordinary disease widespread here - "Emerek", or "fancy". It is difficult to find anything similar to this "Devilry", which leads to bewilderment and modern psychologists who are inclined to compare the state of "imagination" with the state of a zombie. Local residents often attributed this disease to the intrigues of a mysterious tribe of sorcerers who once lived on the territory of the Kola Peninsula - dwarfs who were angry with people who disturbed the peace of their graves.

Here is what a member of the expedition, astrophysicist Kondiain, wrote in his diary: “in one of the gorges we saw mysterious things. Next to the snow, here and there, spots lying on the slopes of the gorge, there was a yellowish-white column like a giant candle, next to it was a cube stone. On the other side of the mountain, from the north, you can see a gigantic cave at an altitude of 200 yards and next to it there is something like a walled-up crypt”.

But most of all, scientists were struck by the change in the mental state of people who found themselves near ancient structures. For some reason, their appearance led the members of the expedition into a state of unaccountable horror.

Not far from the natural boundary, the expedition discovered several small hills, similar to the pyramids folded by the hands of people. At their feet, scientists experienced weakness, dizziness, or an unaccountable sense of fear. Even the natural weight of a person, according to Kondiain, here increased or decreased.

And another unexpected discovery was made by the expedition. She found a narrow hole going deep into the rock. It was not possible to investigate it. The daredevil who tried to penetrate him experienced. An irresistible, almost palpable horror. It seemed to him that his skin was slowly peeled off alive.

In 1997, another expedition headed by Doctor of Philology Valery Demin visited these places. True, she did not find the mysterious, awe-inspiring access. But she discovered several ancient structures, including the stone "Observatory" on Mount Bingurt, an Etruscan anchor and a well under Mount Kuamdepakhk.

Dungeon dwellers

The Lapps living on the Kola Peninsula and their Sami neighbors have legends about the dwarfs who once settled underground. Lopari call them "Sayvok". Laplanders are nomadic people. Having stretched out their light dwelling in a convenient place, they could sometimes hear dim voices and the clink of iron coming from under the ground. This served as a signal: to immediately move the yurt to a new place - it closed the entrance to the underground dwelling of the saivok. With dwarfs - underground inhabitants who were afraid of daylight, but powerful wizards, the Lapps were afraid to quarrel.

Legends about small underground inhabitants who know how to process iron and possess supernatural abilities have survived among all peoples inhabiting the north of Russia. So, the Komi, who live on the Pechora lowland, know about the existence of little people who work miracles and predict the future. They came from the north. At first, the little men could not speak the Komi language, then gradually they learned. They taught people how to forge iron. Witchcraft possessed their terrible power. By their order, the sun and the moon faded.

On the coast of the Arctic Ocean, the Nenets take over the Komi legends about dwarfs. "A long time ago, when Our People were not here, there lived" siirta "- small people. When there were a lot of people, they went right through to the ground." This is how they tell about the Siirta - a strange, mythical people who once allegedly inhabited the space from Kanin's nose to the Yenisei.

Russian explorers, who appeared in the Urals later, also have legends and tales about people of small stature, beautiful, with unusually pleasant voices living in the mountains. Just like the saivok on the Kola Peninsula, they do not like to be in the daylight, but some people hear ringing coming from the ground. And this ringing is not accidental. "Chud White-eyed" - under this name dwarfs appear in the Ural tales - was engaged in underground mining of gold, silver, copper. When the Russians came to the Urals, on the advice of the prophetic shamans who knew the future, the white-eyed strange woman who lived on the western slopes of the Urals dug long underground passages and hid in the bowels of the mountains with all her treasures.

In these foothills of the Urals, where the monster disappeared, there is another place - the Sumgan cave, with which the "Feeling of Horror" is associated, as in the case of the hole found by the Ogpu expedition on the Kola Peninsula.

Cavers who have stormed this cave more than once and reached its second bottom recall a feeling of incomprehensible, unfounded fear that grips them in one of the cave passages. And to this day, no one has passed the narrow hole into which this move passes.

There are traces of mysterious underground inhabitants in distant Yakutia, in the basin of the Vilyui River, in a place bearing the meaningful name of the Valley of Death. Rare explorers who have reached this mysterious place tell about the amazing metal bells that cover the passages leading to the unknown depths. Mikhail Koretsky from Vladivostok was lucky - he visited the valley of death three times. He got there not from a good life - in this place most people could wash gold without fear of getting a bullet in the back of the head. “I Saw, - says Koretsky, - Seven“cauldrons”.

Their size is from six to nine meters in diameter. They are made of an incomprehensible metal that does not even take a sharpened chisel. The top of the metal is covered with a layer of unknown material, similar to emery, which can neither be chipped nor scratched."

The Yakuts say that earlier from under the domes it was possible to get into rooms located deep underground, where thin one-eyed people in iron clothes, frozen through and through, lay.

Stones and Granite

From the mysterious inhabitants who have gone underground, not only legends have remained. The scientific records of the expeditions of the discoverer of the "Russian Hyperborea" on the Kola Peninsula, Alexander Barchenko, were subsequently classified by the Cheka, and then disappeared without a trace. But, fortunately, his novel Doctor Cherny has survived, in which he encrypted some of the results of his expeditions to the Russian north.

“A fire broke out on the far side. He dipped in, disappeared, blinked again, and it looked like a snake crawled in the depths of the lake, flashing its scales.

- What kind of fire is blinking, Ilya? Where is it? Are they fishermen?

The old man turned to the lake, looked for a long time, even covered himself with his hand, although the dawn had long gone out, chewed disapprovingly with his lips.

-. There are no fishermen there. Stones there, rocks, granite. Deaf place. It's in the Pechors. They approach the water itself, and then these caves go to Finland for great thousands of miles underground. Directly, one might say, a dark place. Here in the old days the Chud lived, and then the Chukhnas took possession of this side.

So she went underground. Well, and as it must be before the trouble, before the misfortune, now she crawls out”.

Back in the 16th century, European geographers were convinced of the existence in the Arctic Ocean of an archipelago of large islands or even of the Arctida continent inhabited by dwarfs. They are mentioned in very similar legends among almost all northern peoples. The dwarfs have created a strange, unlike our civilization. They had pronounced extrasensory, as they say now, abilities. The echoes of legends about a just country are systematized by the antiquity historian Pliny in his description of the country of the Hyperboreans. “For six months they have a day and the same night. This country has a pleasant and fertile climate. Their dwellings are located in forests and groves, where they worship gods. They know neither enmity nor disease. They never die. They hide in caves at night."

Then one of the many earthly cataclysms occurred, as a result of which the Arctic continent sank under the water, and the warm Gulf Stream, which warms it, changed its direction. The surviving inhabitants of Arctida left the freezing and quickly ice-covered islands and settled in northern Europe and Asia. They could not restore their civilization, they did not want to fight with the locals and gradually left the surface of the earth into the underground catacombs and caves, into their habitual habitat. After all, in their homeland, they spent six months in them. To protect the peoples of northern Europe from the energetic and greedy for precious metals, especially gold, the peoples of northern Europe, they put psychological barriers at the entrances to their underground shelters, inspiring people with supernatural horror, driving them away from sacred places for dwarfs, and sometimes even leading the curious to death.

The possibility of the existence of land in the north of the land is confirmed not only by legends, but also by the opinion of some major scientists. For example, the famous Russian polar explorer I. Gakkel wrote back in 1965: "As a result of studies of the central Arctic, which illuminates its nature in a completely new way, the question arises about the former existence of the ancient land - Arctida - in the Arctic Ocean." According to the scientist, based on a detailed study of the bottom relief of the Arctic Ocean, relatively recently, about 5 thousand years ago, the appearance of the Arctic was completely different. The tops of the Mendeleev and Lomonosov underwater ridges rose above the surface of the water, the Spitsbergen and Franz Josef islands, the Novosibirsk islands were much more extensive, and another part of the world existed in the Arctic Ocean - arctica,consisting of separate archipelagos and large islands.

5000 years old. The term seems to be too short for an entire civilization to disappear during it. But this only seems to us, people who happened to live in a period of relative stability, the invariability of the landforms and the boundaries of the oceans.