The British Will Study The Language Of Dolphins To Find Their Connection With Aliens - Alternative View

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The British Will Study The Language Of Dolphins To Find Their Connection With Aliens - Alternative View
The British Will Study The Language Of Dolphins To Find Their Connection With Aliens - Alternative View

Video: The British Will Study The Language Of Dolphins To Find Their Connection With Aliens - Alternative View

Video: The British Will Study The Language Of Dolphins To Find Their Connection With Aliens - Alternative View
Video: Is This Dolphin Speaking English? 2024, July

The big dolphin, or bottlenose dolphin, is considered the smartest creature on the planet after man. Then the chimpanzee and marmoset monkeys are far behind.

Bottlenose dolphins are able to imitate people and understand human language. They are capable of abstract thinking and recognizing themselves in the mirror, which can serve as evidence of the existence of self-awareness in dolphins. These creatures are supposedly aware of what death is, and their social skills are incredible.

For example, in the eighties, a wounded female was caught near the Australian city of Adelaide. For three weeks she received medical care at the local dolphinarium. During this time, she learned, like dolphins in captivity, to walk on a tail. Note that sea animals are incapable of discovering such a trick on their own, say, for fun. Then the cured female was released back into the ocean. After some time, the sailors began to notice with amazement many wild dolphins "walking" on the surface of the water on their tails. It is obvious that the bottlenose dolphin, who visited the dolphinarium, spread this skill among its relatives.


Many creationists believe that Homo sapiens were created by representatives of an extraterrestrial civilization. However, what about dolphins that exhibit equally amazing intellectual abilities? Where did they get them from?

Dolphins were created by nature or aliens?

British researchers from the University of Bradford decided to analyze the bottlenose language in order to find a linguistic link between dolphins and aliens. The study will be based on the work of American neuroscientist John Lilly, who in the 1960s tried to find a way to verbally communicate with bottlenose dolphins. The scientist believed that all human languages developed artificially, while animals do not need to learn to interact with each other verbally - from the very birth they already know the way of communication inherent in them by nature or some more developed creatures.

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Of course, experts do not know how the language of aliens sounds, so it is not possible to compare it with the speech of dolphins. Nevertheless, British researchers can study the sounds made by bottlenose dolphins and determine how much they correspond to our evolutionary ideas.

Dolphins are known to have no vocal mates. The mechanism of their speech is extremely complex and has not yet been fully explained. Sounds are delivered thanks to three pairs of air sacs, which are connected to the nasal canal and are surrounded by several layers of unique muscles that are not observed in any other living creature on our planet.

If people are near the bottlenose dolphin every day, the dolphin begins to make sounds strikingly similar to human speech.

In the course of their research, the British plan to determine whether a dolphin, like a person, can be considered a product of evolution, or in both cases some third force was at work? If we were really created by a race of aliens, then it is possible that this same force is responsible for the appearance of bottlenose dolphins on Earth.