Man Descended From Aliens - Alternative View

Man Descended From Aliens - Alternative View
Man Descended From Aliens - Alternative View

Video: Man Descended From Aliens - Alternative View

Video: Man Descended From Aliens - Alternative View
Video: Ancient Aliens: Alien Ideas That Changed Human History (Season 9) | History 2024, July

Various extraterrestrial civilizations conducted genetic experiments on Earth many thousands of years ago. Since then, different races have lived on our planet.

Nowadays, many scientists quite reasonably believe that many centuries ago our ancestors communicated directly with representatives of extraterrestrial civilizations. According to these researchers, the "astronauts" have visited the Earth on numerous occasions and for various purposes, leaving numerous traces of their stay on it. This is evidenced by archaeological discoveries, which we will talk about today.

Human skulls with horns were recently found in the Gobi Desert. They were dug up by the Belgian scientist Friedrich Meissner. Based on this, he put forward the assumption that aliens in the distant past carried out genetic experiments on our planet.

No less sensational discovery, confirming the version of genetic experiments of extraterrestrial civilizations on Earth, was made by Egyptian scientists just a few months ago. In a secret room in one of the pyramids, they found the well-preserved mummy of a 16-year-old Egyptian girl who, according to careful instrumental research, had died more than 5,000 years ago. She was pregnant. The fetus in the mummy was found using an X-ray machine. But that's bad luck! After all, the Egyptians mastered the technique of mummification only 1000 years later. Moreover, the unborn child is a completely unknown form of life on our planet. Based on this fact, many scientists now conclude that representatives of various extraterrestrial civilizations took part in the creation of people on Earth. They are, according to our current researchers,mixed their own DNA and the primates that existed on our planet at that time. From here, supposedly, all earthly races appeared. In addition, some scientists believe that the Japanese nation, unlike all others, was created by the geneticists of such an extraterrestrial civilization, which was characterized by spiritual unity within the people and physical identity. This is why the Japanese are exceptionally spiritually united and physically very similar to each other.

Over the past five years, Egyptologists have established that the location of the three pyramids at Giza follows the location of the three stars in the constellation Orion. This means that this complex, including the sphinx, carries some kind of semantic cosmic load. The very ancient Egyptians clearly did not need this. And who then had an urgent need for this? It turns out that the aliens. At least the most ancient Egyptian papyri claim that before the dynasty of the pharaohs, the gods, that is, aliens, ruled Egypt for thousands of years.

At the beginning of this century, near the small Italian town of Val Camonica, in a place called the Valley of the Gods, numerous drawings were found depicting humanoid creatures with halos around their heads that resemble the helmets of "astronauts" or the halos of saints. Scientists say that thanks to these drawings, the place got its name. More than 20 thousand rock paintings have been found here to date. According to researchers, they were inscribed on the rocks about 10 thousand years ago. One of the images clearly depicts a procession that resembles a meeting or farewell. 20 people lined up and hold each other's hands. Opposite them are depicted humanoid creatures with "helmets". Such drawings of "astronauts" are found on all the walls of the caves of the Valley of the Gods. Who made these drawings? Ancient earthlings or aliens? The question is still open! But the fact that they depict aliens from other worlds of the Universe, scientists no longer doubt.

In 1963, a vast underground city was discovered in Turkey by accident. Since then, thousands of tourists have been there to admire the most unique architectural structure of deep antiquity. The city has 13 floors. According to scientists, it was built in the 9th-8th centuries BC. Numerous cells, passages and galleries are hollowed out at a considerable depth. The air in the dungeon is surprisingly fresh thanks to the abundance of ventilation shafts. To date, researchers know more than 1,150 small and 25 large air exhaust shafts, going to a depth of 80 meters. All underground dwellings are connected by passages with a total length of more than 10 km. Since there are not even any signs of dumps of excavated soil around the city, scientists are inclined to believe thatthat the underground structure is the work of the mind of extraterrestrial beings, but it was made for people in case of some kind of global cataclysm.

In the early 1990s, an extremely well-preserved human mummy was discovered in the ice thickness of the Alpine mountains. Its age, according to experts, is at least 5300 years. Until September 2000, it was stored in a special room at a constantly low temperature. But now researchers of various modern professions got down to business. They raised the storage temperature to two degrees above zero. The mummy's body became soft. Then the forensic experts decided to take samples of tissues and bone marrow. The work was carried out with the greatest care. But when the surgeons opened the chest, all participants in the study were dumbfounded to see something shiny under the cold white light of the operating room lamps, where all this was happening. When the researchers parted the ice man's ribs, they saw something amazing - an implanted artificial heart,much more advanced than those used by modern medicine. It follows that the mummy is most likely an alien of physical and biological origin left on Earth. But it may be that this is a person taken by aliens, whom they cured of a heart disease, and only then he died in old age.

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Serafim Shishkin, "Peasant Russia"