Secrets Of The First Civilizations: The Sumerians. Vimana - Alternative View

Secrets Of The First Civilizations: The Sumerians. Vimana - Alternative View
Secrets Of The First Civilizations: The Sumerians. Vimana - Alternative View

Video: Secrets Of The First Civilizations: The Sumerians. Vimana - Alternative View

Video: Secrets Of The First Civilizations: The Sumerians. Vimana - Alternative View
Video: You Need To Hear This! Our History Is NOT What We Are Told! Ancient Civilizations | Graham Hancock 2024, July

"When people create a time machine, they will certainly go to the past …" - © Author

Considering the emergence of the first regional and global civilizations on the example of official science, one immediately stumbles upon many contradictions and inexplicable facts. It has long been known that there are finds in the world that do not fit into the framework of general scientific ideas. In general, according to orthodox science, the history of mankind, as interpreted by scientists, is a rhythmic change of civilization cycles, the duration of which is inexorably decreasing, and the dating of the very first cycles is calculated no more than 6 thousand years BC. In other words, the following follows from this: if ancient civilizations known to science are not older than the turn of 8 thousand years, then all finds and artifacts hypothetically cannot exceed the turn of this dating. But what about the fact that, for example, a bison skull was found in Yakutia,dating back 40 thousand years? Moreover, this skull had a perfectly round hole, which is simply impossible to leave, say, with an ancient tool, such as a spear and a stone knife. A dinosaur skull found in Rhodesia in 1928 had similar holes. Metal bullet marks? - you say. Why not?! Metal tools, ranging in age from several tens to several million years, have long been found all over the world. In 1844, a steel nail was found in a quarry in Britain. This nail, to the very head, has grown into firmly compressed sandstone. According to the conditions for the formation of such a sandy rock, its age is quite several million years. A little later, in 1885, in Austria, in a lump of brown coal, another "nail" was found. The age of the coal rock ranged from 24.5 to 64 million years!How do you like that? On layers of millions of years, not only metal tools are found, but metal dishes, as well as the most ancient skeletons. For example, in the 40s of the 19th century in Denmark and France, the remains of human skeletons, about 2 million years old, were found inside volcanic rocks. The most interesting thing is that the found skeletons are almost absolutely identical to the skeleton of a modern man. Also in the USA, in the 19th century, in the state of California, in one of the coal mines, a huge number of human skeletons were discovered, and take off the tools. The age of those rocks where everything was found is from 10 to 55 million years. In another mine, but already in Oklahoma, in 1928, several concrete blocks were found, with a perfectly polished surface, polished to such an extent that one could look into it like in a mirror. Somewhat later, a whole wall was found there, made of such blocks, 36 million years old. In the state of Ohio, in 1968, in one of the similar coal mines, a shale slab, 37-40 million years old, was found, on which several lines of hieroglyphic writing were engraved in a language unknown to science. Already in the 20th century, when technologies for a fairly accurate assessment of the age of archeological and paleontological finds appeared, it turned out that a golden chain, embedded in a piece of coal, found at the end of the 19th century, is 260–320 million years old! It turns out that humans could well coexist with dinosaurs? This is confirmed by several findings. The first was found in Turkmenistan, where Russian scientists discovered a fossilized imprint of a human foot, and next to a human footprint and a three-toed footprint of some kind of lizard. The age of the find is 150 million years. The most interesting thing is that the length of a human foot was obscenely large. This is confirmed by the second find in the state of Nevada, where a whole chain of human footprints was found in one of the sandstones. The age of the sandstone is 213–258 Ma. The length of the foot in such a track is about 51 centimeters! Such "tracks" and the accompanying giant tools have been found in other states (Ohio, Wisconsin), as well as Sri Lanka and Africa.

The ideal cube, measuring 12x12x12 cm, was found in Germany. Its age was from 260 to 320 million years. But, perhaps, the most surprising find is considered to be metal balls found near the city of Klerksdorp, in the northwestern province of South Africa. These balls are several centimeters in size. They are made of a special alloy and have oblong notches on their base. Here's what is surprising: according to archeology, the balls were found in layers, approximately 3 billion years old! Here we are dealing not with millions, but with billions of years, and the question of their natural origin is completely unfounded. The balls are crafted by sentient beings with the technology of smelting and processing metals. Finds like these are endless. What do you think,why did we not know about these findings before? Why didn't the newspapers write about such sensational discoveries? Why aren't they talking on TV now? But because someone really does not want people to know about it. After all, it turns out that at least 50-100 million years ago, people lived on planet Earth. They knew how to process metals, stone, wood, and had writing. To admit this is to completely revise the history of mankind, which official science and politics will never allow. To admit this is to completely revise the history of mankind, which official science and politics will never allow. To admit this is to completely revise the history of mankind, which official science and politics will never allow.

All such artifacts that contradict the generally accepted scientific view on the history of the origin and development of life on Earth are not mentioned anywhere, therefore they do not receive the proper scientific and public attention that could provide them with the necessary safety, and therefore these findings are simply lost or disappeared in an unknown direction. With such connivance of academic science, all artifacts are simply given to a "fellow" interested in archeology, such as "esotericism" or "pseudo science", sent to the darkest corner of the dusty shelves of museum warehouses and storages, or completely thrown away. And all this is quite justified, tk. for such archaeological data, there cannot be a niche in the fundamental understanding of the history of our planet, since they, in turn, would testify to the factthat all scientifically recognized ape-like creatures have nothing to do with the origin of man. Therefore, the only decision on the part of official science related to the revision of this issue is to completely ignore such topics and related findings. But everything comes to an end, and secrets tend to seep out.

It is difficult to say to which culture most of those amazing finds that we learned about earlier could belong. And what were those distant civilizations and where were they located? What did their inhabitants do, and what secrets of the universe they possessed. It is enough that they were. And we will try to answer most of the questions. For example, about the question whether the people of those distant times owned any technologies that have been rediscovered nowadays, it can be answered unequivocally that they did. There is plenty of evidence for this. It is worth remembering, at least, the many unique exhibits of the museum in the city of Ica in Peru. On some of the local stones, people are clearly engraved who, through magnifying glasses, examine some objects, and on others, people watching the starry sky through telescopes, comets and stars are also depicted there. Why aren't you scientists - the first and not astronomers - the second? On other stones, people are depicted riding on prehistoric animals, lizards, and scenes of hunting these dinosaurs are also visible. It is obvious that the people of that prehistoric era were well versed in the technology of smelting and forging metals, because the hunting weapons shown in the pictures have obvious metal blades. The geography of all these finds is very wide, from North America to South America, from Africa to Russia and China. In this vein, it makes sense to find out which civilizations appeared first? And finally, why and where did they disappear?This is because the hunting weapons shown in the illustrations have obvious metal blades. The geography of all these finds is very wide, from North America to South America, from Africa to Russia and China. In this vein, it makes sense to find out which civilizations appeared first? And finally, why and where did they disappear?This is because the hunting weapons shown in the illustrations have obvious metal blades. The geography of all these finds is very wide, from North America to South America, from Africa to Russia and China. In this vein, it makes sense to find out which civilizations appeared first? And finally, why and where did they disappear?

Even in the school course of ancient history, we remember that the very first highly developed civilization was ancient Egypt, a state that, according to academic science, appeared 3500-4000 years BC. Later, this baton was taken over by another hypothesis, as soon as in the region of Mesopotamia (in the southeast of the Mesopotamia of the Tigris and Euphrates), archaeologists discovered traces of an older civilization of the Sumerians, the origin of which dates from 4 thousand years BC, to the unthinkable figure of 450 thousand years BC.! According to the artifacts found, the city of Sumer had all the signs of a highly developed civilization. For example, in their mathematical calculations, the Sumerians used a ternary number system. They were familiar with the numbers "Pi" and "Phi" (it is also called the Fibonacci number). In Sumerian legends, you can find a description of the structure and development of the solar system. In those distant times, many peoples were attracted by the fertile oases of Mesopotamia, including the Sumerians. There is still no reliable data on the nature of the Sumerians in science, and it is also unknown where they disappeared. The Sumerians were good farmers, using a special system of water channels to irrigate their lands. The Sumerians had their own cuneiform script, it is also believed that they invented the wheel and had a broad understanding of astronomy and mathematics. The Sumerians built amazing cities. The most important Sumerian city of that time was Uruk. Approximately 3 thousand years BC, it was one of the largest cities in the world, with a population of about 100 thousand people, as well as the center of worship of the god Unu and the goddess Inanna. The Sumerian state was formed as a result of the merger of several settlements, under the names of Kulaba, Eana and Uruk, and occupied an area of about 125 hectares,where it was the center of Mesopotamia. The entire territory of Uruk was surrounded by a nine-kilometer brick wall, erected during the reign of King Gilgamesh. The epic about King Gilgamesh is considered the first literary work in history. The wall was erected as a defensive fortification as a result of numerous wars with other states that took place over time. The legend "Gilgamesh and Aga" tells us about this, which tells about the wars between the city of Uruk and the city of Kish. The victory of King Gilgamesh brought the city of Uruk dominion over the entire Southern Mesopotamia and survived throughout the reign of the first dynasty. In the middle of the third millennium, it was replaced by the Ur dynasty. Then Uruk conquers Sargon the Ancient, destroying almost all the walls of the huge city and including it in the newly formed state of Akkad. Uruk retained its importance as a major trade and craft center throughout the subsequent time. Numerous ruins of the Ziggurat, the "palace of the Parthian kings" (built by King Karaindash), as well as an ancient temple have survived to this day. For a long time, Uruk remained the center of all epic traditions telling about the Sumerian gods and the stories of King Gilgamesh. Only the smallest part of the ruins of that former state has been explored today. Nowadays Mesopotamia is considered the "cradle" of all civilizations. The Sumerians were a very mysterious people who left behind many secrets and grounds for thought for scientists and researchers. For a long time, Uruk remained the center of all epic traditions telling about the Sumerian gods and the stories of King Gilgamesh. Only the smallest part of the ruins of that former state has been explored today. Nowadays Mesopotamia is considered the "cradle" of all civilizations. The Sumerians were a very mysterious people who left behind many secrets and grounds for thought for scientists and researchers. For a long time, Uruk remained the center of all epic traditions telling about the Sumerian gods and the stories of King Gilgamesh. Only the smallest part of the ruins of that former state has been explored today. Nowadays Mesopotamia is considered the "cradle" of all civilizations. The Sumerians were a very mysterious people who left behind many secrets and grounds for thought for scientists and researchers.

For example, one of the mysteries is that the entire human history of the Sumerians was divided into two main stages: before the flood and after the flood. Before the flood, the Sumerian lands were ruled by ten kings, with a total reign of 432 thousand years. The Babylonian priest Berossus, who lived in the third century BC and systematized the entire Sumerian mythology, tells us about this. The second riddle is kept in the State Museum of Berlin, where one of the Akkadian cylindrical seals depicts a large circle with six rays, and around it eleven more circles. Obviously, this is the structure of the solar system and this is 3 thousand years ago! But the mystery here is not this, but that Pluto is depicted here not as a planet, but as a satellite of Saturn, also between Jupiter and Mars a small circle is shown, approximately four times larger than Earth. The Sumerians defined this circle as the twelfth planet of the solar system and called it Nibiru, and in the mythology of ancient Babylon this planet was also called Marduk, which means "Taurus". The orbit of the planet Nibiru is very elongated, but every 3600 years Nibiru crosses the solar system, and the name "Nibiru" is translated as "crossing". The Sumerians have a lot connected with this planet, from legends describing the origin of life on earth, to subsequent global cataclysms. Scientists themselves have long admired such deep and faithful knowledge of the ancient Sumerians about the structure of our solar system, making only one small correction to the fact that the Sumerians, nevertheless, made two small mistakes: they called Pluto a satellite and claimed that it rotates between Jupiter and Mars some kind of planet out there, unknown to science. And such a "oversight" was considered as such only until recently, until, relatively recently, astronomers recognized that Pluto is not a planet, and between Jupiter and Mars, in fact, there was once an orbit of a large planet, next to which many unknown asteroids remained origin.

For the first time, the hypothesis about the possibility of the existence of the 10th planet in our solar system in official science appeared relatively recently in 1978, when two American astronomers Tom Flandern and Robert Harrington, using a mathematical model, found out that Pluto and Charon were once pushed out of positions of the satellites of the planet Neptune. Astronomers also suggested that this celestial body was 3-4 orders of magnitude larger than the diameter of the Earth, and subsequently this planet fell into an orbit around the Sun. In this case, the orbit of Nibiru should have a rather large eccentricity, and also strongly inclined to the plane of rotation around the Sun. The very period of its rotation around the Sun, within the Earth years, must be very long. The official recognition of the existence of the planet "X" was announced only in 1983, afterwhen the infrared astronomical satellite "IRAS" in the depths of outer space discovered a mysterious large object, previously unknown. The Washington Post of those years published an interview with Jerry Neugebauer, the lead researcher of the IRAS from the California Jet and Rocket Engines Laboratory, where it is written: “Presumably, this celestial body is as large as Jupiter, and possibly is so close to the Earth that it can be an object of our solar system. The only thing I can tell you unambiguously is that we do not know exactly what it is. " This sensation was written in many magazines and newspapers, but already at the end of the 80s everything changed dramatically. For example, in the same scientific journals, a large anti-campaign began,directed against the theory of the existence of a mysterious planet, NASA also began to invest heavily in the creation of expensive telescopes based in space, and with all this abandon its own words and statements made earlier. As a result, the project to study the mysterious planet disappeared from the public eye, which is not surprising, since the campaign against the theory of the mysterious planet "X" was led by eminent scientists such as M. Littman, C. Croswell, E. Standish Jr., and D. Hugh. The famous American researcher Zacharia Sitchin, having very carefully studied Sumerian legends and myths and writing a lot of works on this topic, published later in New York, claims that the Sumerian culture was founded by the inhabitants of the planet Nibiru (later called Marduk) Nifilim, they are also "Anunnaki" which means "come from heaven."In Sumerian legends, the Anunnaki are seen as the race of gods that created all of humanity. Further, I will briefly tell you what is described in the book of Zechariah Sitchin. It is everyone's business to fully believe what will be written or not, but I have my own opinion on all this, based solely on facts, and in the process of the book I will try to provide you with all these facts, and I consider the book of Zachary Sitchin rather as a work of art, a very interesting work of art. So what does Zachariah Sitchin write. Plunging into the darkness of millennia and looking closely at the structure of the solar system of that distant time, the main differences from the structure of the solar system of today are immediately striking. First of all, the differences lie in the fact that many planets revolve around the vast expanses of the Milky Way,but there is no trace of our native Earth, but between Jupiter and Mars a certain planet is moving in its orbit, which at the present time does not exist in the solar system. This planet is called Tiamat. Tiamat, unlike other planets, moves clockwise around the Sun, while other planets move in the opposite direction of the clock. After a certain time, Tiamat meets another celestial body on its way, which we know as the planet Nibiru. Nibiru is moving towards Tiamat and, approximately, once every 3600 years, they pass each other at the closest possible distance. At times, it seems that they are about to collide, and their collapse is inevitable, but for the time being, everything goes by, and the planets will safely pass each other. Nibiru again departs in its elongated orbit into space, and Tiamat, as before,continues to bend around the Sun, along the route familiar to her. But how long can things go so well? No, not long. Ultimately, Nibiru does collide with Tiamat. The latter splits into several parts, shifts from its previous orbit and continues to move, but in a new capacity. On this everything worked out. 3600 years have passed, and the planets again found themselves at a very dangerous distance from each other. Something terrible happened this time; one of the satellites of Nibiru crashes into a piece of Tiamat, and that one splits into two unequal parts and goes into a new orbit. Now the Tiamat fragment is moving around the sun, but in the opposite direction. The most amazing thing here is that Sumerian legends claim that it was this catastrophe that caused the appearance of our planet Earth, as well as several of its satellites - the moons. The planet Nibiru suffered quite a lot from this disaster. Legend says that in those distant times, Nibiru was inhabited by some Gods - Nifilim. As we already know, with nifilim, i.e. the Anunnaki, the Sumerians have quite a lot connected, and, according to legend, it is the Anunnaki who are the progenitors of all mankind. Surely, the reader's question arises: why did these Gods even need to create humanity? Sumerian legends explain this reason as follows. After the collision of Tiamat and Nibiru, the latter was severely damaged by a certain protective shield, which, for the most part, consisted of a noble metal - gold. There was not enough gold on Nibiru, but on the "embryo-earth" it was in abundance, and it was decided to send there a scientific expedition, consisting of scientists of various stripes and engineers. On earth, by the timelife had already emerged, which somewhat simplified the situation, tk. manpower was needed to extract the material, and it was available on Earth. But it turned out that the foolish monkeys, for such a task, were not very suitable, so the Anunnaki had to be content with only their own strength. At first, the whole process of mining and delivery of metal went quite smoothly, but then discontent began between the workers, and the top management decided to create an artificial workforce on planet Earth. The ancestors of man - archanthropus - were perfectly suited as genetic material. The Anunnaki themselves served as the prototype of the future creation, especially since, according to Sumerian legends, they were very similar to modern people. After several unsuccessful experiments, alien geneticists still managed to create a creature,which met all the necessary requirements. According to Sumerian legends, this miracle happened 300 thousand years ago. Thus, the problem with the labor force was resolved, and the entire process of mining the precious metal reached the level of self-government. The bulk of the Anunnaki leave Earth, leaving a small group as overseers. Millennia pass and the Anunnaki notice that beautiful individuals are born in the human tribe. Further, Zechariah Sitchin draws parallels between the Sumerian legends and the text of the Bible. “Then the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were beautiful, and took them as their wives, whatever one chose” (Book. Genesis. Ch. 6.). According to Sumerian legends, as a result of such connections, a modern man has turned out, naturally not without the participation of the evolutionary process. After a certain amount of time,for the next shipment of metal to Earth, an inspection is coming. But what is happening on Earth shocks the commission, about which they immediately report to the supreme leadership. Not only did the artificially created workers cease to perform the work assigned to them, they also multiplied and settled on the continents. People learned a lot, but their teachers were not the best. And given the fact that only the guilty and criminals were sent to the earth as overseers, people took over the most base qualities from them. As a result, chaos, debauchery, greed, crime and theft reigned on Earth. Here is the result of the brainchild, left unattended. After a long consultation, the leadership of Nibiru decides to take the most extreme measures. According to Sumerian legends, the key decision was voiced by God Enlil,it consisted in an artificially created global catastrophe that could destroy all life on earth. As the reader has probably already guessed, we are talking about a worldwide flood. Two priests from Ziusudr and Enki were instructed to select the most worthy from the human race, to save their lives and the subsequent revival of the human race. According to Sumerian legends, the flood lasted seven days and seven nights. It is believed that it was this legend that entered the Bible, but in a slightly modified form. Here is, perhaps, in brief, and the whole interpretation of the works of Zachary Sitchin, set out in his book "The Twelfth Planet". According to reliable sources, Sitchin is a very popular author, especially in the West. If everything he wrote turned out to be true, then you and I are unlikely to know about it at all, tk. they try to hide the truth, especially in the West,and not to bring secret knowledge to the public. It is obvious that such a theory of paleocontact, or in other words "alien intervention", is much more beneficial to the West than true knowledge. The crux of the matter here lies in the fact that the Sumerians were the carriers of ancient secret knowledge about the past of our planet, which we have repeatedly seen, recall at least the knowledge of the Sumerians about the structure of the solar system. In all this mythological story that the Sumerians told us, in addition to the structure of the solar system, much is now recognized by scientists, except, of course, the version about the "alien" origin of mankind. It is believed that most of the Biblical Old Testament is taken precisely from the Sumerian legends. The crux of the matter here lies in the fact that the Sumerians were the carriers of ancient secret knowledge about the past of our planet, which we have repeatedly seen, recall at least the knowledge of the Sumerians about the structure of the solar system. In all this mythological story that the Sumerians told us, in addition to the structure of the solar system, much is now recognized by scientists, except, of course, the version about the "alien" origin of mankind. It is believed that most of the Biblical Old Testament is taken precisely from the Sumerian legends. The crux of the matter here lies in the fact that the Sumerians were the carriers of ancient secret knowledge about the past of our planet, which we have repeatedly seen, recall at least the knowledge of the Sumerians about the structure of the solar system. In all this mythological story that the Sumerians told us, in addition to the structure of the solar system, much is now recognized by scientists, except, of course, the version about the "alien" origin of mankind. It is believed that most of the Biblical Old Testament is taken precisely from the Sumerian legends.except, of course, the version about the "alien" origin of mankind. It is believed that most of the Biblical Old Testament is taken precisely from Sumerian legends.except, of course, the version about the "alien" origin of mankind. It is believed that most of the Biblical Old Testament is taken precisely from Sumerian legends.

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Obviously, this was one of the most ancient human civilizations, which was granted by the Gods. A civilization that, for some unknown reason, disappeared from the face of the earth, leaving behind many secrets and mysteries. So why and where did this civilization disappear? Zachary Sitchin connects the disappearance of the Sumerians with the war between the Gods behind the Cosmodrome on the Sinai Peninsula. Indeed, in the Sinai Peninsula there are huge areas of rock melting, which is a consequence of the release of high-temperature gases, such as from modern rockets. Official science has to doubt the reliability of these judgments. It is difficult to argue about what is not reflected in ancient textbooks and books, or in the memory of any peoples. Could ancient people really fly in spaceships and wage wars like in science fiction films? "Bullshit!"- say skeptics. "Yes, that's exactly how it was!" - say supporters of the theory of paleocontact, or just people with a rich imagination. Here I will agree that at school we were not taught that our ancestors traveled on aircraft. We do not go through the methods of building and constructing ancient "airplanes" in Avia schools and universities. And science, as you know, in its judgments relies exclusively on any sources, primarily written. But where can I get books that are several thousand years old? It turns out that such books exist. Many people began to turn to ancient sources, images, artifacts of various peoples of the world, in which it is not even indirectly, but directly indicated that such aircraft really existed. One of such descriptions is considered to be the Vimanika Shastra manuscript,found in one of the temples of India in 1875. It is believed that this manuscript was written by Bharadwaji the Wise in the 4th century BC, who took even more ancient texts as a basis. That's when the scientists started having a headache. They got used to the fact that the plane was invented only in the middle of the 19th century, but here they are. By the way, if we compare the dates of the invention of the first aircraft (1843) and the findings (1875), then the difference between them is only 30 years. Amazing! It seems that the Indian monks did not specifically get this manuscript, but kept it until the right time, until humanity is ready for it. Of course, scientists refused to take this find on faith, explaining that this simply could not be. In those years, airplanes were more like twisted sticks covered with fabric with a low-power steam engine,and here are full-fledged aircraft made of metal alloy, with powerful engines, driven by an energy source unknown to science. These devices were called vimanas, the word “vimana” itself comes from the Sanskrit concept meaning “celestial chariot”. The devices themselves possessed many unique properties, in the Vimanika Shastra they are called the “32nd Secrets”. One such "secret" allowed the vimaan to become invisible, and the other to change shape. The Vimanika Shastra says that the vimanas moved in the air in many different ways. Viman could rotate, change shape and size, become invisible, or vice versa, dazzlingly bright, causing a burning sensation in the eyes. They developed tremendous speeds and hovered in place, could dive into the water and dive back out of the water. There were unique devices inside the viman,some of them resembled a camera and a searchlight. With their help, those who controlled the apparatus could observe the outside world from the inside. In the middle of the apparatus stood a certain "box" with tremendous energy. From the "box" the energy went into two large pipes, with the help of which the flight itself was carried out. The book says that the vimanas used two types of energy: solar and some other, still unknown to science. It was possible to switch between these two types of energy, depending on the type of flight. The devices themselves were created from some special metals and alloys that can withstand very high temperatures and operate under colossal loads. There are 3 types of them in total, they are: "somaka", "soundalika", "maurthvika". It is worth noting that there were also special devices for certain purposes. There are 4 types of such devices described in the Vimanika Shastra. The first type is called Rukma Vimana. The second type is "Sundar Vimana". The third type is “Tripura Vimana” and the fourth is “Shakuna Vimana”. The first and second types were cone-shaped, although the Sundara Vimana is more streamlined, they are described as multi-tiered aircraft, with an engine at the very base. On one of the tiers there was a passenger cabin. The third type of devices is somewhat larger than the first and second types, moreover, this device is multitasking, for example, it is capable of both flying through the air and swimming under water. But the most technologically advanced and complex is the fourth type of apparatus "Shakuna Vimana", and in terms of technical equipment and capabilities, it is a kind of prototype of a reusable ship.although the Sundara Vimana is more streamlined, it is described as a multi-tiered aircraft with an engine at its very base. On one of the tiers there was a passenger cabin. The third type of apparatus is somewhat larger than the first and second types, besides, this apparatus is multitasking, for example, it is capable of both flying through the air and swimming under water. But the most technologically advanced and complex is the fourth type of Shakuna Vimana apparatus, and in terms of technical equipment and capabilities, it is a kind of prototype of a reusable ship.although the Sundara Vimana is more streamlined, it is described as a multi-tiered aircraft with an engine at its very base. On one of the tiers there was a passenger cabin. The third type of devices is somewhat larger than the first and second types, moreover, this device is multitasking, for example, it is capable of both flying through the air and swimming under water. But the most technologically advanced and complex is the fourth type of apparatus "Shakuna Vimana", and in terms of technical equipment and capabilities, it is a kind of prototype of a reusable and swim underwater. But the most technologically advanced and complex is the fourth type of Shakuna Vimana apparatus, and in terms of technical equipment and capabilities, it is a kind of prototype of a reusable and swim underwater. But the most technologically advanced and complex is the fourth type of Shakuna Vimana apparatus, and in terms of technical equipment and capabilities, it is a kind of prototype of a reusable ship.

The originals of the Vimanika Shastra text mysteriously disappeared, and this happened around the beginning of the 20th century, and the very existence of such a text was passed off as a cunning hoax. There is an assumption that Hitler was willingly interested in these texts, even during the existence of the Reich. And there is a lot of evidence of this. One of them claims that, on Hitler's instructions, a large scientific expedition was sent to India, consisting of eminent scientists, psychics and mediums. Hitler always hunted for such secret knowledge and his hopes were justified. As a result, rumors have appeared that tell us that experiments on the creation of aircraft by Hitler were carried out for sure and even led to success, but no documentary evidence of this could be found. There is an opinionthat all documents and drawings were destroyed by Hitler himself, although the facts suggest that they were simply stolen. In any case, the subsequent fate of both Hitler's documents and the original Indian manuscript is unknown to us. There are plenty of copies and translations, but they are very far from the original and do not reflect the true content of the mysterious Indian manuscript. Otherwise, we would have been traveling on flying saucers from home to work for a long time. But, despite this, ancient images of strange aircraft can be found in the cultures of other peoples. One of these images exists, for example, in the Abydos temple, which is located in Egypt. The picture shows that not only flying saucers are depicted there, but also devices that strongly resemble modern airplanes and helicopters,and the image is at least several thousand years old. Also, at the end of the 19th century, in one of the Egyptian tombs, a wooden model was found, 200 years old BC, very reminiscent of an airplane or glider. A very strange object was found in one of the temple complexes in Mexico. It was a slab with a person depicted on it sitting at the control panel of a strange aircraft. The image itself does not seem to be a consequence of the rich imagination of ancient people, but rather, rather, a high-tech invention. The image belongs to the ancient culture of the Maya Indians and dates back to three to eight centuries BC. An entire squadron of small aircraft has been found in South and Central America, in the form of many golden statuettes, very reminiscent of modern aircraft. There are wings here tooand rear tail, and fenders. To say that this is a bird is ridiculous, because it doesn't look like a bird at all. But the most amazing find, after the Vimanika Shastra, is considered to be an ancient Tibetan manuscript. It was discovered quite recently when a group of Chinese scholars noticed a strange document written in Sanskrit. On their suspicion, the manuscript contained a description of some technological devices. For further study, the documents were transferred to one of the Indian universities. The translation was carried out by Professor Ruth Reyna, who said that the Chinese suspicions were fully justified. The professor, translating the documents, found that they contained descriptions and guidelines for the construction of interstellar ships. The most surprising thing here is that the principle of operation of these devices was based on centrifugal force, according to the physical principle of antigravity,as a result, the apparatus could overcome gravity and develop colossal speeds. Moreover, the manuscript states that ancient people freely used these devices, moving in space and overcoming great distances. Similar manuscripts have also been found in Pakistan and Easter Island. And this is just what we managed to find, and most of the amazing documents are still stored in the caches of history. But all this is only a matter of time.and most of the amazing documents are still hidden in the caches of history. But all this is only a matter of time.and most of the amazing documents are still hidden in the caches of history. But all this is only a matter of time.