Stainless Column In India - Alternative View

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Stainless Column In India - Alternative View
Stainless Column In India - Alternative View

Video: Stainless Column In India - Alternative View

Video: Stainless Column In India - Alternative View

Scientists have been puzzling over the years how such a column could have been created, why it hasn’t corroded for so many centuries and what explains its medicinal properties.

The iron column, which has caused such a long-term interest of scientists, is located on the outskirts of Delhi, on the square in front of the Qutub Minar minaret. The inscription on the column, translated from Sanskrit, reads: "King Chandra, beautiful as the full moon, attained supreme power in this world and erected a column in honor of the god Vishnu in the 5th century." The column weighs approximately 6.8 tons, the diameter varies from 41.6 cm at the bottom to 30 cm at the top. The amazement is caused by the fact that the monolith is 99.72% iron, with only 0.28% of phosphorus and copper impurities, while the column has not rusted for one and a half thousand years. But India is a country of monsoon rains that fall from June to September. But the bluish-black surface remained clean, although up to the height of a person's height the color of the column is different - the column is hugged and rubbed against it by visiting pilgrims and tourists. Legends saythat these actions will bring happiness and healing to those in need. Iron of such purity is not so easy to obtain even in our time, and how the Indians at that distant time managed to cast a column of such size is also incomprehensible.

A story about such a column is in the work of the Central Asian scientist Biruni from 1048 AD. The author tells a story from an older chronicle. During the Arab conquest of Kandahar, an iron pillar 70 cubits high was discovered, buried 30 cubits in the ground. Local residents reported that one Tuba from Yemen, together with the Persians, conquered their country. The Yemenis cast this pillar from their swords and said that they would remain on this land, after which they took possession of Sind. The scientist himself did not believe that the soldiers could do this with their weapons on the eve of the battle, therefore he questions the existence of the pillar.

Column theories

Scientists are still puzzling over how they managed to build such a unique structure. The most incredible hypotheses were put forward. Some researchers even claimed that the column was the work of aliens.

A famous Indian scholar who serves as chairman of India's National History Committee, claims that the inscription on the column indicates the date when the column was installed in Delhi, and not the date of its actual manufacture. That is, the column could have been made many centuries earlier. In the X BC. India was famous for its metallurgists and the secret of making excellent steel. Swords made by Indian craftsmen were highly valued in the Mediterranean countries. However, this hypothesis does not answer the question of how metallurgists could cast a column of stainless iron weighing almost seven tons.

One of the hypotheses is associated with the almost instantaneous destruction of the city of Mohenjo-Daro, which belongs to the Harappan civilization, which flourished for about ten centuries, from the middle of the third millennium to the beginning of our era. Three and a half thousand years ago, the city died, and a natural disaster, epidemic or enemy attack could not be the reason for this. The remains of people do not bear traces of violent death. There are no traces of the advancing water either. And the population of an entire city cannot instantly die from an epidemic. But the researchers found strange traces of destruction. Buildings in the epicenter are completely destroyed, towards the periphery the consequences of destruction decrease. Such traces are very similar to the consequences of a nuclear explosion. If we assume that even before the beginning of our era, the city was inhabited by people capable of creating an atomic bomb,that for them the manufacture of some kind of iron column, albeit stainless and very large.

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Another hypothesis for the appearance of the column is associated with an iron meteorite that fell to Earth. Scientists say that a significant iron anomaly of meteoric origin is located at the bottom of the sea several tens of kilometers from Bombay. It is believed that fifteen thousand years ago, a huge meteorite fell on this territory, which was previously a land area. People in those days considered meteorites sacred and decided to make columns out of it in honor of their gods. There were three of them made. Only two of them fell long ago and were covered with earth from above, but the third, which so many scientists think about, was re-installed several times after the fall.

The process of creating the column is described as follows: at a constant temperature of + 25 ° C, humidity and pressure, in a hollow structure at the source of the Krishna River, south of the city of Pune (the voids have survived to this day), in special inclined forms that descended from the embankment (truncated pyramid) there was a growth of the structure of the crystal lattice of iron. This method is now used to grow some crystals, stones and other materials of small sizes. Special energy-field devices at the ends of the columns contributed to the formation of the growth of the crystal column.

Energy fields

The ability of the column, which has become a legend, to heal the sick is associated with these same energy fields. Some modern devices heal by energizing specific parts of the body. The column has an effect on the whole organism as a whole when a person is in the field of its powerful energy radiation. The iron column in India is compared to an antenna for communication with space. Depending on what position a person takes, it will provide a cosmic connection or have a healing effect. Unfortunately, the impact lost its strength, as the column fell several times and could not be returned to its exact position. And the people who did it lost the necessary knowledge with each passing generation. So the stories about the miraculous power of the column, which attract the attention of tourists from all over the world,have some real basis.

The properties of the column are associated with a powerful energy field that comes from below. The foundation of the column consists of two pyramids, as if standing one on top of the other, the first with its top up, the second with its top down. Above these pyramids there is an energy-field cloud, similar to a candle flame, about 8 meters high and over 2 meters in diameter. Such a cloud can be observed, for example, at the top of a quartz crystal; it accumulates energy from the surrounding space, which then bursts out from its top, directed upward, in the form of an energy-field cloud.

The unique properties of the metal from which the column is made are also associated with its location within a powerful energy field. Scientists from London took samples of the metal to examine in their laboratory, already on the way the iron was covered with rust. The column has stood practically unscathed for more than one and a half thousand years.

There are cases when the central crosses on Orthodox churches did not succumb to rust. Five-domed temples with their tops form a kind of pyramid, it is the location of the central cross in the resulting energy field that protects it. Also, simple metal corners stuck by surveyors as a mark do not rust if they are located in places with a strong energy field - on the tops of mountains, mounds or above energy-active zones on the plains.

Inside the Delhi Iron Column, about three meters from its base, is another source of the energy field. It is a 4 cm square, pressed from thin sheets of radioactive metals such as astatine and polonium. The inscriptions on the sheets appear to be sacred texts and messages to descendants. These sheets got inside the column through a specially made hole, which was then drowned out.

It is possible that the data obtained will arouse even greater interest of scientists in the column. The latest devices will be able to shed some more light on the mysteries of the famous column. Maybe then it will be possible to unravel all her secrets.