Cancer Cured Urine - Alternative View

Cancer Cured Urine - Alternative View
Cancer Cured Urine - Alternative View

Video: Cancer Cured Urine - Alternative View

Video: Cancer Cured Urine - Alternative View
Video: New treatments for bladder cancer patients 2024, July

In 2006, Carrie Steele was diagnosed with cerebral aneurysm. The woman developed a fear of remission of melanoma, from which she decided on alternative methods of treating the fatal ailment.

After two years of terrible headaches and fear of dying of cancer, Carrie once had a dream in which she drank her own urine like a healing elixir. Waking up, the woman decided that it was all for a reason, and the dream was prophetic. She began to study all the information available to her about urine therapy. Carrie read about the amazing results of an exclusively alternative treatment and finally made up her mind.

“I figured out all the pros and cons, and the pros turned out to be incomparably greater. Yes, in the end, you just had to overcome disgust and disgust, that's all,”says the woman. And she overcame them, Carrie began to overturn a glass of her own urine a day in order to check on her own experience whether it is as useful and wonderful as they write about her.

Since 2008, Carrie Steele has not taken any strengthening drugs other than the waste product of her own body, and claims that the pain has disappeared and the cancer has not returned. “You know, my miracle cure sometimes tastes salty, sometimes it tastes plum and even champagne. Mmm, let me think, there is also lemon,”- shares his observations and organoleptic properties of Carrie's urine.

The woman has become a real adherent of urine therapy, she encourages her family, friends and relatives to follow her example and acquire a habit, if not too good-smelling, but useful, but her look. Carrie even wants to launch her YouTube channel, where she could post a kind of educational video lectures on the benefits of urine therapy, the rules for using urine and other cognitive information.

Mrs. Steele even appeared on an American television show where she spoke openly about her sincere love and appreciation for urine therapy. True, after her attending physician warned the woman that the urine may contain toxic substances, which, thus, are excreted from the body, Carrie gave up her daily habit, but not for long.

Several months later, the pains returned again, and the woman had to again turn to her miraculous "medicine" for help, which she not only drinks, but even brushes her teeth with urine for greater effect.