Scientists Have Told How The Earth And The Solar System Will Die - Alternative View

Scientists Have Told How The Earth And The Solar System Will Die - Alternative View
Scientists Have Told How The Earth And The Solar System Will Die - Alternative View

Video: Scientists Have Told How The Earth And The Solar System Will Die - Alternative View

Video: Scientists Have Told How The Earth And The Solar System Will Die - Alternative View
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The Universe is an extremely global object, in fact, the largest that can be imagined by a person, because it includes everything: time, cosmic matter and energy. Once the origin of this object took place, but it is extremely difficult to fully comprehend this issue, therefore it is better to understand how the Universe will perish. You can start with our "piece" - the solar system.

The dominant theory of the origin of the universe is the Big Bang. 9 billion years after it, according to the nebular hypothesis, the formation of the cloud began from the gas-dust cloud, which began to contract and rotate much faster a little later, forming a characteristic disk, which will become the basis of the solar system. Assumptions by various scientists indicate that the Milky Way and the Andromeda Galaxy will collide in 2.4 billion years.

Unfortunately, there will be no one to observe it from the Earth, because by this moment there will be no life left on the planet. The human race (and indeed all living things) will die out, approximately, in a billion years from today. The sun will give too much heat, because the oceans evaporate, and with them the possibility of life. In a few billion years, the sun will turn into a red giant, which will use up its reserves of hydrogen fuel and expand more than 250 times.

The star will still capture the Earth, moreover, before turning into a white dwarf. This, however, is not so important, because according to the assumptions of scientists, this will happen not earlier than in 7.6 billion years, when there is no longer anything living on our planet.

Nikolay Ofitserov
