Phaethon, Nibiru And The History Of The Golden Plates Of Shambhala - Alternative View

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Phaethon, Nibiru And The History Of The Golden Plates Of Shambhala - Alternative View
Phaethon, Nibiru And The History Of The Golden Plates Of Shambhala - Alternative View

Video: Phaethon, Nibiru And The History Of The Golden Plates Of Shambhala - Alternative View

Video: Phaethon, Nibiru And The History Of The Golden Plates Of Shambhala - Alternative View
Video: Ancient Aliens: Sumerian Tablets' Mystic Ancient Messages (Season 9) | History 2024, July

What is the history of our planet? Does the planet Nibiru exist? Is there a danger to the Earth from her? Did the planet Phaethon exist? Was there life on Mars?

Science has long been trying to explain many of the mysteries of history. But the more humanity studies its past by various methods, the more new mysteries and secrets appear.

Thousands of scientific and not very hypotheses refute one another. Some of them Nibiru is often called myth, fiction. But Troy was once considered mythical as well, until it was excavated. Others stir up fear of Nibiru as the cause of the possible end of the world. Still others talk about the Anunnaki alien race from this Nibiru, and that they allegedly planted life on Earth.

So does this planet exist? And who are the Anunaki, is there a twin planet of the Earth and what happened to Phaethon?

About these secrets, as well as about the history of our planet, which not a single scientist has unearthed (there are only guesses and myths), it was told through a lucid dream. Perhaps this story will slightly open the veil of secrecy and help to understand the true cause of wars, catastrophes, changes in races on our planet, and even modern history …

… Through the fog in a dream I see an ancient city. A huge stepped temple - a ziggurat rises amongst built of stone and adobe houses, narrow streets, palm trees and a noisy motley crowd, which is diluted with loaded donkeys and camels.

This is the ancient city of Ur, said an inner voice. The same Ur of the Chaldees, where Abraham was from. In the distance Euphrates twisted like a wide ribbon, carrying his slow, muddy waters.

And here I am at the very temple - the ziggurat. And I see a huge bas-relief. A giant disc with wings carved into the stone. So the ancients portrayed Nibiru, said an inner voice.

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… But then the vision disappeared and was replaced by a new one. Now it is no longer a Chaldean temple, but a temple of Egypt. The thick columns with lotus tops are streaked with hieroglyphs. And in the distance are the silhouettes of the pyramids of Giza. And among these columns I notice a fresco. Pharaoh raised his hands up. The Sun is depicted between them, and at the edges of the Sun are two planets. One is smaller and the other is larger. And again the inner voice says: "There is a planet behind the Sun, which is not visible from the Earth, but those who came from Nibiru settled there …"

… Everything disappeared again, and again fog, and again a new vision. Now I see endless mountain ranges and a desolate valley. A snowy mountain flickers in the distance. Kailash - flashed through my mind. Yes, this is Tibet, the inner voice said again. A gust of wind carries me somewhere. The mountain is approaching. Strange smooth semicircular rocks, as if carved by a giant's hand, rise around. And now there was some kind of narrow black gap ahead. It seems that not even a bird will fly into it. But in some strange way I managed to get in. And the gap turned out to be a passage into the thickness of the rock. And inside there is a strange cave, illuminated by an even stranger flickering light. And there, on the wall, a flickering picture … It reminded me of a picture of the solar system, and all the planets were signed with incomprehensible signs. But something was wrong. The huge Sun was painted with reddish shimmery paint. And next to it is another yellow star. They were united by some kind of arcs, already around both of them were the planets. It flew by in consciousness - it cannot be the Solar System, because here is a double star. But then I heard an inner voice. And he said: “No, this is the solar system, or rather it was like that in very ancient times. There were two suns - Father and Son. And the planets were different, and there were four planets inhabited by intelligent life, but now it, alas, only on one, and even then it is distorted "And the planets were different, and there were four planets inhabited by intelligent life, but now it, alas, only on one, and even then it is distorted "And the planets were different, and there were four planets inhabited by intelligent life, but now it, alas, only on one, and even then it is distorted"

And again, some force pulled me out of the cave through that crack and carried me over the mountains and Kailash, somewhere far away. There, among the mountains, I suddenly saw a rock in the shape of a seated person. Something brought me closer to her. Indeed, it is some kind of giant statue, and there is fog and clouds all around. She is very high on the top of the mountain. How they managed to put it here … but under the statue the rock goes far down and for a moment it seemed to me that this rock is a giant unknown door.

But then a fog enveloped me, and it seemed that in the fog the rock disappeared, and a bright light appeared in its place. Something pushed me straight into it, and an inner voice said, this is a portal to Shambhala - the country of higher spaces (there space is not three-dimensional). He continued: Shambhala is not a dungeon, it is a parallel Upper World, although at first glance it may seem that the door leads into the depths of the earth.

… There was an iridescent light all around, and crystals glittered, or so it seemed to me … but here I again see the figure of a seated person. It is made of gold and there are golden plates with mysterious signs next to it. As soon as I wanted to take a closer look, the fog covered everything, and then it dissipated, and the sitting person turned out to be alive. He was immensely tall. He was wearing some kind of soft robe of flowing orange fabric, and on his head was some kind of gold jewelry that tied his dark hair into a bun. But the strangest thing is that he had huge eyes with half-eyed eyelids, like the Buddha, and between them there was some kind of lump, and his nose had one spirally twisted nostril. The earlobes were very elongated.

An inner voice said that his name is Harati, and he keeps the chronicle of our world.

He looked up at me, his lips moving slightly, but I heard a soft voice inside me. He said: “Do not be surprised, all languages are only shells of knowledge, they are needed only if it is impossible to convey a thought otherwise. Therefore, you will understand everything in your language, no matter what I speak”.

“This is the chronicle of this planet, whose name is now Earth. But not only the history of the Earth is here. This is the chronicle of this star system”- he said, pointing to the gold plates. “All history - both past and present and possible future with myriads of options is stored in information fields, but here I write down what happened and is happening here. And I keep it for those who will live on the liberated Earth, and who will be able to use this knowledge without harming themselves and others. More than half of this knowledge, so far, alas, cannot be revealed to people, because the civilizations of darkness own them, and this is dangerous not only for people, but for the entire galaxy.

But people should know something, for ignorance was sown among them by the sowers of deception, which will be discussed today”


Harati - the keeper of the golden plates of Shambhala

Harati put some of the plates aside and brought some closer to me.

Here is the first plate. And then, instead of signs I did not understand, I suddenly saw something like a movie. As in the frames of a film strip, I saw the same drawing of the ancient solar system that I had seen before in a cave near Kailash. Only he was alive. The planets revolved. And Harati began the story.

“When our race arrived from what you call Orion, there were two suns. We came here to put up beacons and the border of the world with the antiworld of darkness, which began an aggression on outer spaces of our Universe. We did not come in a spaceship, but on a special planet that was teleported and built into the system of the Suns (I will call the ancient solar system that way). This planet was later named Phaeton. The Sun System was the crossroads of civilizations. And a tasty morsel for the aggressors from Antiworld, which was very close. At the same time, on the plate, I clearly saw something huge, shapeless and black, next to the living system of the Suns, as Harati said.

“It's dark matter,” Harati said. “This is what your astronomers have seen in the Universe. This is the gateway to the Antiworld, which exists until our universe outgrows the spiral child form.

We, and other light races, who equipped the Sun System, built various structures on Earth, Venus and Mars. At the same time, the Kailash complex was built. There was a connection with the light worlds of various spaces and dimensions, as well as the defensive complex and the rudder of the planet.

But Antiworld was advancing all the same. And then one day, (here Harati put the next plate) in the cloud of darkness a hole opened. " And again, like in a movie on a record, I see that a giant funnel has formed in a dark cloud. And from there, large and small stones began to fall out - asteroids. Harati continued: “These are black stones, called in your myths the stones of Tartarus. In ancient times, you called Tartar Antiworld. They were very radioactive and consisted of superheavy elements, so heavy that your chemistry and physics do not even know, because in Antiworld there is a different physics and chemistry. What was left of those substances in our world turned into Uranus, Plutonium and other heavy elements. We held back the blows for a long time and destroyed these stones in space, but there were more and more of them, and Phaeton became the main target, since there was our weapon that destroyed them. At the end of the horses we had to leave Phaeton, during the period of the terrible bombardment with stones."

And so Harati puts down a new plate. And there - explosions and fire. “A huge stone the size of Phaeton itself crashed into our planet (Phaeton), continued his story Harati,“She was destroyed and the stones from her were scattered. Now they roam in the asteroid belt of the solar system. And then the second stone of an even larger scale fell on the Sun-Father. That's when the End of the World came, as you would say. But in fact, the Light has no end, since there is no end at all.

The Sun-Father exploded into a supernova, as your scientists now call this phenomenon. It threw off a shell of fire and turned into a brown iron dwarf, which was torn off by a shock wave from the Sun-Son. Now the dead Father Sun revolves around the Son-Sun (the only Sun of our system) in a very elongated orbit. In India he is known as the Raja Sun, in the ancient East he was called Marduk.

The fiery shell of the Father-Sun burned Venus, Mercury, burned the Earth, swapping it with Mars, and ripped off most of the atmosphere of Mars.

Thousands of helpers from other worlds rescued people and animals. And those who were rescued were taken to Earth as the least injured in the catastrophe.

At that time, rescuers came to Earth from Sirius and Orion, other systems. Their distant, distant, but still the descendants of the saved were remembered in myths. And then they called them Gods.

But at the same time, the armies of the dark civilizations of the Antiworld also invaded this world. There were so many of them, including the dark reptoids-snakes and dragons, which in many of your peoples destroyed the memory of the wise snakes and dragon-warriors who chased after the black dragons, trying to stop them."

And now another plate lies in front of me. And I see a strange object, similar to a dark disk, with two rainbow-colored horns or wings, flying out of the same hole in the dark cloud of Antiworld. And Harati continues: “When we were saving this world, Nibiru appeared. So called later earthlings, this is the brainchild of Antiworld.

Nibiru is an object of a two-dimensional world. It consists of two "unfinished" black holes, stuck into one another by the twigs. These funnels rotate in opposite directions and create swirls that suck in matter and energy. They can be mistaken for wings at a stretch. With the help of the absorbed energy, Nibiru takes on volume and exists (visible) in the three-dimensional world. In fact, it is a parasite, a vampire of cosmic proportions.

But it did not reach the Sun and the Earth. And it was captured by the forces of gravity of the Sun Raja, that dead brown dwarf, and became his companion. (Many of the earthlings call Nibiru the X-planet, someone calls the Raja the Sun so).

Nibiru was not inhabited, like the brown dwarf Raja of the Sun. But near Nibiru, a satellite planet, Nifilim, was attached, on which the Great Dealers arrived in our world. Then they called themselves Nifilim too. There is a huge ship near their planet."

And Harati takes out a new plate. This ship is a huge pyramid (dark civilizations also use cosmic constants and shapes, as Harati said), and in the center of it is a huge human eye.

“You will see this symbol in many places,” Harati said, “but it comes from here. The Nifilim were presented as observers, and supposedly portrayed the eye in this way. In fact, it is not only an apparatus of observers, but also an apparatus for suppressing the spirits of various worlds.

While various civilizations were restoring life on Earth, the Nifilim took a liking to one of the pieces of the broken Phaeton and began to settle in it, they managed to bring it to the Sun, and covered it with a layer of gas that they breathed, but since it evaporated, they began to use gold, spraying it into the newly created atmosphere. First they mined it on Mars, and then they began to fly to Earth. But they had a problem with the instability of the new planet's orbit. And then they turned to the coalition of civilizations that saved the Earth for help, and tricked them into managing the Earth on Kailash.

By turning the edges of the control crystal, they balanced their planet, but at the same time, time was distorted. And in one day, if we spend it, say, on Mars, 5 million years have passed on Earth during this time. The Nifilim "sewed up" the history of the Sun system and declared themselves the creators of life on Earth and adopted another name: "Anunaki or Anuaki", which translated from their language meant "gardeners".

At this time, the connection between us and other light civilizations with Orion, Sirius, Andromeda and other worlds deteriorated. Those who remained on Earth were left cut off from the world, and the Anunnaki were at the helm of the planet and threatened to destroy it, which means to open the way for the stones of the Antiworld into the depths of the Galaxy and the Universe, as well as break into the portals that connected the distant worlds.

Then the Great Deception opened, but it was too late. The Anunnaki decided to make their own little world on Earth and began to conduct all kinds of experiments.

They tried to create a low race of savages here in order to use their energies for themselves and force them to be their slaves. They then needed the slave power of gold mining to keep the atmosphere on their planet. They combined the genes of monkeys with the genes of low creatures - demons, which in those days inhabited many places on Earth, after the arrival of black serpents. The result was the Pithecanthropus known to earthly science. But these creatures quickly died, then they began to combine the genes of monkeys and Pithecanthropus with the genes of representatives of the higher races, who were trapped in the earth's space-time trap.

By this time, another dying civilization appeared near the Earth. They sailed in a huge planetary ark. They were Atlanteans."

And then Harati opened another plate. And the ancient ark of the Atlanteans turned out to be the Moon. “When the Atlanteans landed on Earth, the Anunnaki did a lot to partially subjugate them, but that's another story,” Harati said. The Anunnaki used the Moon as a counterweight to their planet and then they put it in the same orbit with the Earth. It still stands there, only behind the Sun. Some on Earth have heard of her, and call her Gloria or Anti-Earth. In terms of mass, it is equal to the Earth and the Moon combined. They knew about her in ancient Egypt and depicted her near the Sun.

Since then, the Anunnaki began to make their world here, with the help of the crystal on Kailash, they opened portals to the dark worlds and weakened our positions. Although we nevertheless contacted our worlds, these pirates, and I cannot name them in another way, began to set ultimatums and restrain us.

The whole story has been going on since then under their leadership. They created that earthling, what he has become now, by lowering the consciousness and energy of highly developed races, changing the genetic code and mixing them with animals, first in test tubes, and then in a natural way, when consciousness fell sharply in those who were created in test tubes …

They called themselves Gods, and introduced themselves to the people as Teachers instead of real Teachers and put on their masks. And then they forced people to worship their God - Nibiru. You saw the images of the winged disc on the ancient stones of Mesopotamia and Egypt. Although later they began to say that this is a sign of the Sun, but initially it was an image of Nibiru. The Sun has no swirls like wings …

The Anunnaki began to talk about one God - pointing to the same winged disc. Their experiments resulted in the Chaldean race. They taught her black magic and developed debauchery and phallic cults in her.

Because they really need such energies. And also instilled a thirst for profit in humanity. They also desperately need this energy and gold itself.

They experimented with souls, forbidding them to incarnate, for these purposes Hades was created, where shadows languished.

But even among them, as among all dark essences, there was no unity. On Anti-Earth they decided to conduct another experiment somehow. This was when, according to your calendars, over which the Anunnaki and their followers, who believed them, labored, there was the so-called biblical creation of the world.

What actually happened about 5 - 7 thousand years ago …"

And then Harati took out another plate.

“The Anunnaki at this time decided to create an underground laboratory and an aboveground one in the region of the Middle East. They lowered a special substance underground and created a bubble there, into which they sent their own representatives. But of low rank. They had a social structure: master-slave. (The echoes of this knowledge formed the theory of the inner Earth.)

The creation of the world and the biblical flood caused by these experiments took place during these years. With the biblical flood, the Anunnaki washed away the failed Chaldean experiment and began a new one with the chosen people, who were taken away from Ur of the Chaldees.

Throughout history and to this day, they irradiate the Earth with low energies, which your science cannot catch, the whole history to this day, they continue with the help of these energies to play off peoples and cause wars in order to draw on the energies thrown out by this. The struggle for this world is still being waged, and the earthlings, almost reworked by the experiments of the Anunaki, remain hostages and many of them continue to believe in the distorted truths that the same Anunnaki presented to them through their “prophets”, “seers”, “predictors " etc. Jesus told you about false teachers. Get to know them by deeds, not words …"

So Harati said and rolled the plates …

