15 Most Severe Pains That A Person Can Experience - Alternative View

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15 Most Severe Pains That A Person Can Experience - Alternative View
15 Most Severe Pains That A Person Can Experience - Alternative View

Video: 15 Most Severe Pains That A Person Can Experience - Alternative View

Video: 15 Most Severe Pains That A Person Can Experience - Alternative View
Video: Most Painful Things a Human Can Experience #4 2024, July

Pain is a very unpleasant sensation, signaling that there is a problem with the body, that a person must get rid of its source. Each year, $ 50 billion is spent on the development of new pain relievers. Acute pain disappears quickly after the cause is identified and eliminated. Chronic pain can last for years, negatively affecting quality of life. We offer a rating of the most intolerable pains that a person can experience.

15. Ruptured Achilles tendon

Since the Achilles tendon is the strongest and longest in the body, when it is torn or injured, a person experiences very sharp and severe pain. It is located from the middle of the calf down to the very heels, the length of the tendon is 15 cm. It allows you to walk, jump, run. In case of injury or tendon rupture, which is not uncommon in athletes, a person experiences pain similar to a bullet wound. In case of rupture, an operation is required; in case of damage, long-term rehabilitation is required.


14. Attack of a wild animal

Unfortunately, many people who are attacked in the wild by such large animals as lions, tigers and bears do not survive and cannot tell what the pain they have experienced is like. These large and strong animals strike, bite and scratch when attacking. During attacks, limbs are torn off the victim, large pieces of flesh are ripped out - the beast simply tears apart the victim's body.

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13. Birth of a child

Only a woman can describe the pain at birth. Today, a few brave male volunteers agreed to do the experiment. Electrodes were attached to their bodies to simulate contractions and labor. It is not known whether the pain was as severe as it is during a real birth, but the men did suffer. They described it in such a way that their muscles were twisted from the inside, their stomach ached, the pelvic bones moved apart so that it seemed that the internal organs wanted to crawl out.

12. Kidney stones

Kidney or bladder stones are formed from deposits of calcium, uric acid, and cysteine. Scientists call the phenomenon of stone formation "nephrolithiasis". People with kidney stones experience sharp, spontaneous pain that radiates to the side, lower back, and right shoulder. In addition to unbearable pain, the temperature may rise, blood is found in the urine and feces, and vomiting appears. The stones come out either on their own or during the operation they are removed by the surgeon. Basically, stones are 3 mm in diameter, which is enough for the stone to block the flow of urine from the kidneys. The largest stone that was removed from the patient was 15 cm in diameter.


11. Cluster headache

many have occasional headaches, but paroxysmal pains appear as a result of neurological disorders. The pain is localized in one place in the head, mainly in the eye area. Since there are several such attacks for 6-12 weeks, they are called cluster. Those people who have experienced cluster headaches claim that their sensations are similar to the fact that a red-hot poker was inserted into the eye. Cluster headaches are unbearably severe, and people even have suicidal thoughts to stop them.


10. Second degree burn

Naturally, many will say that a third-degree burn is more painful, since it causes damage to several layers of the skin, but since the nerve endings are burned out, in fact the pain is not so strong. But a second-degree burn causes very severe pain. They can shock, they are so strong.


9. Tetanus

Seizures, known medicinally as titanus or tetanus, cause unbearable pain. Titanus is a bacterial infection caused by Clostridium tetani. When it enters the body, it secretes poison that causes painful muscle cramps, especially in the maxillofacial muscles. You can get infected by stepping on a rusty nail and getting hurt, and if the person does not have a tetanus shot.


8. Wart bite

Wart is a type of fish found in the coastal regions of the Pacific and Indian Oceans that has glands with neurotoxin. The wart, or stone fish, can mimic the bottom stones, which means that while walking along the shore, a person can step on it. The fish instantly stings a person with its thorn with a neurotoxin, a person experiences a sharp and unbearably severe pain. If the dose of neurotoxin was very large, then within two hours the victim dies. Edema forms at the site of the bite, and the toxin spreads very quickly throughout the body. The person is delirious, nauseous, paralysis sets in, and convulsions begin. If a fish bite hits the chest or abdomen, then a person is almost impossible to save.


7. Tooth abscess

An abscess can be localized anywhere in the human body, but if it occurs in the area of the tooth, then the pain is unbearable. Caries causes bacteria to enter the tooth and cause inflammation and swelling. The infection spreads further, engulfing the bone around the tooth, causing complications. In addition to severe pain, the patient experiences an increase in temperature, edema of adjacent tissues, etc. Fortunately, antibiotics can help, but the help of a surgeon to open the abscess is essential.


6. Peritonitis

Peritoneal tissue lines not only the inner part of the peritoneum, but also the pelvic organs. With its inflammation, terrible pains begin. Peritonitis occurs as a result of inflammation of the appendix, with perforation of the gastrointestinal tract, with trauma to the peritoneum, after surgery, as a complication. A person has very strong and acute pain, the temperature rises, and vomiting begins. If a person is not helped, then death will come.


5. Testicular twisting

Torsion of the testicles in men and the twisting of the ovaries in women causes severe, severe pain. When the seminal canal in men becomes twisted, blood rushes to the testicles, causing severe pain. An urgent surgical intervention is required. Ovarian torsion is most common in women over the age of 30. When twisted, the artery is clamped and severe pain appears. Only urgent surgery can help.


4. Fracture of the penis

Penile fracture causes one of the most severe and inhuman pains. It can occur during intercourse. With careless actions, the cavernous bodies, the tunica albuginea and, in some cases, the urethra rupture, and the man hears a characteristic crunch and experiences terrible pain. Over time, the penis will swell and turn blue. In such cases, surgical intervention is necessary.


3. Derkum's disease

Dercum disease is characterized by the appearance of painful swellings throughout the body. In 85% of this disease occurs in women, as women are more prone to obesity. Recently, however, this disease has begun to occur in men and not in obese women. The tumors cause very severe pain, similar to the pain of a burn. Habitual dressing or showering causes unbearable seizures. The cause of the disease has not yet been identified, and the treatment is symptomatic.


2. Inflammation of the trigeminal nerve

With inflammation of the trigeminal nerve, the pain is similar to that of lightning passing through the body. Most often, inflammation occurs in men: 1 case in 20,000 people. The pain can last from a few seconds to several hours. Therapy for trigeminal neuritis is to relieve symptoms and prevent complications.


1. Bullet ant bite

A volunteer, Gemish Blake, voluntarily sticks his hand into a mitten full of ants with a bullet - in a few seconds, the hand is bitten up to 100 times. This is one of the famous initiation rites of the Brazilian tribes, and Blake decided to experience how painful it was. On the pain index according to the Schmidt scale, developed by Dr. Justin O. Schmidt, the pain index from a bullet ant bite is 4.0+ (maximum). This pain is similar to that experienced by a charcoal burn or by a long rusty nail penetrating the heel.