The End Of The World In Islam - Alternative View

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The End Of The World In Islam - Alternative View
The End Of The World In Islam - Alternative View

Video: The End Of The World In Islam - Alternative View

Video: The End Of The World In Islam - Alternative View
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Allah hid the exact time of the end of the world from people, so those people who predict the exact dates of its coming are lying. Hiding the exact time has its own wisdom, it lies in the unexpectedness of the end of the world and the constant readiness of people.

The signs of the onset of this event are divided into ordinary and great. The Prophet warned Muslims about them in order to strengthen Iman in the hearts of believers. There are things in these signs that frighten people, every Muslim should be protected from sins and reflect on the coming of the Day of Judgment.

Ordinary signs, or small ones, do not attract much attention from people, but they happen all the time. Small signs happen for a while, but big signs happen overnight and cause significant events.

Common (small) signs of the end of the world

1. The birth of the last Prophet Muhammad. Each of the previous Prophets to him said that until the last Prophet appears, there will be no end of the world.

2. War or clash between two great Muslim powers.

3. "A slave will give birth to a mistress." Scientists understood this as if the master would marry a slave. But this may also mean that the children will not listen to their parents, but will command them, as they do now. Another interpretation is that the poor will be able to get rich quickly (those who could not buy shoes for themselves before will build tall houses).

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4. People will begin to commit great sins, for example, massive drinking, which will incur the wrath of Allah. Moreover, the Prophet answered in the affirmative to the question of whether Allah's wrath will overtake if there are good people among them.

5. The spread of ignorance and the disappearance of scientists. There are more and more people who consider themselves scientists and give advice to others on how to make Sharia decisions. People will follow these false scientists, loyalty and reliability among people will disappear.

6. The number of women compared with the number of men will greatly increase, in some countries the ratio will reach 7: 3, 7: 1 and even 50: 1.

7. The appearance of about 30 false prophets.

8. The number of earthquakes will increase.

9. Time will accelerate, i.e. day or night will pass very quickly. And then people will think that one thing can be done in one day. Another interpretation of this is the emergence of high-speed transport, which will allow you to move quickly.

10. The number of murders will increase.

11. The rich will be many, so there will be no one to give Zakat. Many people, especially believers, will not have the desire to live, due to the fact that there is a lot of sin around.

12. The prophecy will end. First there will be a caliphate, then a kingdom, then an empire. There will be ideologues calling for them, they seem to be at the gates of hell and will call to hell. Faithful people will appear, calling for them along the path of Islam.

All these small signs can appear either in turn or at the same time. Among small signs, large ones can appear, and at the same time be accompanied by significant incidents.

Big signs of the end of the world

1. The emergence of the just leader of the Muslims Magdi.

2. The sun will rise in the west and set back in the west after lunch. This sign also means that from this moment Allah no longer accepts the repentance of unbelievers and apostate Muslims. On this day, many will want to convert to Islam, and many will deny this sign of the end of the world, explaining it as a simple physical phenomenon. In history, this day will be celebrated and will be significant.

3. The emergence of a talking animal, it will address people with the words "you are a Muslim", "you are an unbeliever." It will appear in the west on the same day the sun sign occurs.

4. Big smoke, it will cover all the people of the earth. This smoke will torment people, and people will ask Allah to remove it, to which Allah will say "I will remove it, but even more torment awaits you."

five. The appearance of Dajjal, who will call himself a god. But this man is a deceiver, and all the prophets have described him. Prophet Muhammad described it as follows: Dajjal will see with one eye, and the other will see poorly and will be covered with two eyelids. He will say that he is a god, but a god cannot be half-blind. He will have coarse, tangled, twisted hair, and kafir will be written between his eyes. And every Muslim can, after reading, determine that he is an unbeliever. Meanwhile, the Dajjal will approach different people and, promising a rich harvest, urge them to believe in him, his promises will come true and they will follow him, while others will not follow, but their cattle will follow him on the orders of Dajjal. Jewelry and gold will come out of the earth at his command. He will cut a person in half in such a way that there is a distance between the halves, and then, by his order, the person will come to life,and will come up laughing. He will have two rivers, one white and the other on fire. To this, the Prophet says that you need to go to the river that is on fire, and closing your eyes, drink - the water will be cold. And in the white river there is actually a fire caused by magic.

Dajjal will move like the wind and like a storm, and people will not be able to make out who he is. He will appear between Syria and Iraq, and having gathered an army, he will move to Mecca and Medina, the earth will shake as he approaches. A believer will come out to him from Medina and say that he is the Dajjal, which the Prophet spoke about, and he will cut him in half and revive him again, and the believer will call him again, but the second time he will not be able to kill a Muslim. After that, all the power of the false prophet will end, and he runs towards Jerusalem, where the Prophet Isa will kill him.

Every Muslim should know how the coming of the false prophet and his qualities will take place. The Dajjal will stay on earth for 40 days, of which the first day will be like a year, the second as a month, the third as a week, and the 4th and all subsequent days as ordinary days. Namaz should be performed on these days at regular intervals as on ordinary days.

6. The resurrection of Isa, he will descend in Damascus, and his hands will rest on the wings of an angel, he will be wearing the clothes of an Arab. First, he will kill the prophet Dajjal, then he will break the cross and kill the pig. He will live on earth for 40 years, and he will be buried as a Muslim. Islam at this time will flourish, and there will not be a single other believer, with Isa they will all accept Islam.

7. The emergence of the Yadzhuzh and Ma'juzh people, healthy-bodied people who sow debauchery and everything bad. Allah will destroy this powerful people with an insignificant thing, he will create worms that, once in the body of these people, will kill them.

8. There are three large earthquakes, the first in the west, the second in the east, and the third in the Arabian Peninsula.

9. Raising the Quran, this means that Allah will take away the sacred records when there are no believers left on earth.

10. There are no more believers on earth.

11. A small pleasant wind blows, with it Allah takes the souls of the last believers, the Kaaba disappears.

12. There is a big fire in the area of Adana in Yemen, people on earth will run away from it and gather in one place, because he will surround those living on earth.

After that, the end of the world comes, as unexpected as all its signs, and very terrible, but the believers will not see it, because Allah will take them to Himself by that time. On the Day of Judgment, Allah will destroy the universe - the earth, together with everything on it, will begin to shake, the temperature will become very high and everything, even water, will begin to burn, the stars will mix, and the sun will approach the earth. All living things on earth will die, except for the One Allah. After that there will be a great judgment, and each person will receive according to his deeds and everyone will go to the judgment of Allah, and nothing will be hidden from him. Every good deed, even the smallest, on this day will have great power, and at the same time, no one can hide their sins. Believers will go to Heaven, and non-believers will go to Hell.