The Phenomenon Of The Human - A Moth Has Not Yet Been Revealed By The Luminaries Of Science - Alternative View

The Phenomenon Of The Human - A Moth Has Not Yet Been Revealed By The Luminaries Of Science - Alternative View
The Phenomenon Of The Human - A Moth Has Not Yet Been Revealed By The Luminaries Of Science - Alternative View

Video: The Phenomenon Of The Human - A Moth Has Not Yet Been Revealed By The Luminaries Of Science - Alternative View

Video: The Phenomenon Of The Human - A Moth Has Not Yet Been Revealed By The Luminaries Of Science - Alternative View
Video: The Invisible Women of Science: Discoveries the Nobel Prize Ignored 2024, July

Now the media often report the appearance of the Moth-Man in Chicago, and before such individuals were seen in other parts of the world, which is confirmed by eyewitness accounts. But the phenomenon of mysterious creatures has not yet been revealed by the luminaries of science, putting forward different versions regarding their nature.


You should not categorically treat such stories, considering them fiction, because there are facts described by the famous traveler and writer Vladimir Arsenyev. He himself saw such a monster while exploring the Sikhote-Alin mountains. This happened in 1908 near the Gobilly River. Then it was cold weather, and the fog blocked the path of the researcher, who noticed a huge trail on the ground, but suddenly his dog began to growl threateningly, feeling an invisible danger. In the forest, branches crackled, but the strange animal did not want to run away from the man, but decided to stop to carefully examine its opponent. The dense thickets made it impossible to see it better, so the writer simply threw a stone at this place, and then a dark figure with large wings rose into the air and flew to the river, uttering terrible screams.


The witness of the event went to the camp, where he told the Udege about such an event. It turned out that they knew perfectly well that a winged man lived in the forests, because they often noticed his tracks while hunting. They abruptly interrupted on the path, as if this cryptid came down here from above, but no one wanted to track down the mysterious creature. A local resident spent the night in the taiga and also heard terrible sounds, reminiscent of the howl of a flock, turning into a female squeal, which came from the side of the pass. His faithful four-footed guards, not afraid of predatory animals, began to tremble all over and get accustomed to the owner, but then everything calmed down. The hunter could not find traces of the monster in the morning, as if dissolved in space. In 1944, a group of military men returned from a seaside village in the evening and saw a luminous ball-shaped object descending from a height. He began emitting nightmarish screams that made people abandon food and flee. Then they talked about flying people, but were urgently sent to the clinic.


A new story with a mysterious phenomenon took place in the 70s, when a hunter heard the scream of a woman in the depths of the forest, calling his name. The man was very frightened and wanted to run away, but fell on the way, after which a terrible monster with human limbs covered with wool attacked him. He had huge wings and emitted a terrible smell, and also wanted to take the desired prey with him, but missed. The man returned home gray-haired, and his dog came back a few days later. Then it was the turn of the Russian scientist Alexei Kurentsov, who was studying the Far Eastern taiga and fell asleep near the fire after the hike. Sensing the gaze of an invisible creature, a person could no longer continue his rest, and then a mysterious figure with limbs like those of bats began to approach from the darkness. In the 90s, several people also encountered a one and a half meter individual with red eyes and such a body structure, but no one dared to shoot him.


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A woman in the village of Anisimovka was shocked when she noticed a creature with a human face and legs, sitting on the outskirts, which did not harm her. The next appearance of the cryptid was noticed during a fire near Komsomolsk-on-Amur, where the military saw the 6-meter wings of this miracle flying out of a burning forest. Researcher Paul Stonehill published in the press the story of his father, who served in the Far East. Then a group of soldiers found a wounded Chinese man who told them about the attack of the gold miners and the meeting with the wolves, but people did not believe such tales and decided that he was a spy. They decided to treat the guest with moonshine, after which the man told the truth about the winged monster, screaming in a female voice, which pursued him in the taiga. The commander gave the order to leave the wounded enemy unarmed and continue the march,but everyone heard real creepy sounds in the place where the monster's victim was.


Americans have repeatedly encountered the appearance of Moth Man after a UFO, and the first mention of him was in 1877, when a creepy individual flew in the sky. The Mexican was guarding the object and noticed a winged creature approaching him with long strides, making a sound like the grinding of metal with its wings. The man decided not to leave the premises until morning, and then found 30-centimeter footprints on the ground. His colleagues noticed a group of monsters flying towards San Migilito, and during the flight, the earth trembled from the flapping of huge limbs. In the 70s, workers from Freiburg noticed a giant bird blocking the entrance to the mine, and when they decided to get closer to it, the creature uttered such screams that they ran in panic. The next day, there was a terrible explosion, and the monster disappeared, and people were saved from death before changing their comrades,of which only two people managed to survive after the collapse.


Many more similar cases can be described, but scientists still cannot understand where these individuals could appear on our planet. They could live here in ancient times or be aliens from other planets. Some experts consider the winged people to be victims of genetic experiments, and the priests are sure that they are demons, reporting the approaching end of the world. So far, all versions remain unanswered, because the truth may be different than experts assume, but for now the appearance of monstrous individuals continues to frighten humanity.

Reshetnikova Irina
