Fall Of Fatta To Earth - Alternative View

Fall Of Fatta To Earth - Alternative View
Fall Of Fatta To Earth - Alternative View

Video: Fall Of Fatta To Earth - Alternative View

Video: Fall Of Fatta To Earth - Alternative View
Video: "Fat Earth Theory' - How Earth's Shape Changes Spacecraft Orbits 2024, June

Corr.: With Telegin A. Ya. I met by chance in the city of Moscow on the territory of Moscow State University and he told me about his discovery.

A. Ya. Telegin: As a schoolboy, I was influenced by the words of a school teacher, who brought with him to the natural science lesson in the form of an exhibit coal, which clearly showed a leaf of a tree with clear veins. The teacher said that coal is a product of transformation of higher and lower plants, containing up to 50% mineral impurities and moisture. Fossil coals are deposited in layers among sedimentary rocks. Explored world reserves are mainly concentrated in the territory of the former USSR in the amount of about 277 billion tons. All my life I was interested, the first: "How was the imprint of a leaf of a tree preserved in coal and why is coal concentrated in certain places in layers?" And the second: “Do scientists around the world truly write that as a result of global warming, ice began to melt in the Scandinavian mountains,their movement throughout Europe and as a result of this - the Flood?"

I spent my whole life studying these questions and came to the next discovery.

First, I became interested in ancient sources, because of what global changes have occurred on our planet Earth. The Tunguska meteorite, which fell on June 30, 1908, in the basin of the Podkamennaya Tunguska River in Eastern Siberia, did not play a particularly important role for planet Earth. No meteorite debris was even found. What is left after this mysterious event? Hectares of fallen taiga, which by now has almost restored its cover.

In the Russian Vedas "Songs of the bird Gamayun" (17 tangle) it is written that the mother of the planet Earth had three moons (Lel, Fatta and the modern Moon). After the fall of Fatta, the second of the three satellites, a huge fragment crashed into the Earth, as a result of which the inclination of the Earth's axis and continental outlines changed. A giant wave circled the Earth three times, which led to the death of Atlantis and other islands. Increased volcanic activity led to atmospheric pollution, which was one of the reasons for the Great Cooling and Glaciation 13,008 years ago. It took many centuries before the atmosphere began to clear, and the glaciers retreated to the poles. Since then, the Earth began to be covered with snow for three months.

Another ancient manuscript in the Book of Veles says: “A new cooling of the 5th-3rd millennia BC. e., when in the North of Eurasia forests were replaced by tundra. This last cold snap led to the migration of the Aryans to the south, including to the lands of the "Romans" (that is, the ancient inhabitants of Italy). And the Slavs in the night awakened because of the great thunder and tremors of the earth. And now they hear that the horses are laughing in the mountains. And, overwhelmed by fear, they ran into the crowds, and ran out of the villages, and left the sheep. And in the morning we saw destroyed houses, some reared, others collapsed, and others disappeared in a great hole in the earth so that there was no trace left. As if they weren't there. And the Slavs became impoverished and had nothing. How to feed yourself."

Secondly, I read the materials of the commission (led by the American scientist Cassidy from Columbia University). From the material of the said commission, it follows that in the north of Argentina is the area of Campo del Cielo - "Heavenly Field". In 1803, a meteorite weighing about a ton was accidentally discovered in its vicinity, and in 1813 a fragment weighing about 635 kilograms of cosmic iron was delivered to England to the British Museum, where it still rests on a pedestal in front of the entrance. The largest meteorites and strange iron fragments were found in 1980 near the town of Gancedo, and the largest of them weighed 33.4 tons. I would like to draw your attention to the conclusion reached by the expedition from the American university. A huge meteorite fell to Earth not from circumsolar orbit. Before the fall, this celestial body revolved in an elliptical near-earth orbit,gradually approaching the Earth. That is, for a long time this body was a natural satellite of the Earth.


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The specified satellite, gradually approached the Earth under the influence of gravity until it crossed the so-called "Roche border" and fell apart. These fragments spent some time orbiting in near-earth orbit, and then entered the atmosphere and in turn began to fall to the surface of the Earth. The same meteorites were found even at a distance of about a thousand kilometers from Campo del Cielo, in Chile. A tree stump discovered at the site of a cosmic catastrophe - the result of a giant fire - is about 5800 years old.

As ancient manuscripts in Russia, so the legends and myths of many peoples of the world tell: “Stars fell from heaven, crossing the firmament with a fiery train, the earth rumbled, trembled, cracked, shaken by jolts. The world was crumbling. The consequences of this catastrophe were the displacement of the earth's axis by 30 °, tectonic shifts and, possibly, the flooding of large areas of land "(" 100 great secrets ". NN Nepomnyashchy and A. Yu. Nizovsky).

Taking these arguments as a basis, I have a lot of evidence that there was no significant warming on planet Earth before the intervention of space objects and could not have been. On the contrary, due to global cataclysms on the planet Earth, there was a sharp and prolonged cooling, and only after tens or hundreds of years there was a warming again. I fully agree with the materials of the commission of the American scientist Cassidy on the fall of the satellite to Earth. This terrible event took place in the winter, because in the coal seams, leaf prints from trees were preserved. And they could survive only if they were covered with a shell of ice. In addition, fragments of the Earth's satellite fell strictly from North to South at an angle of 30-35 °. This confirms the following. Under a layer of horizontally located soil of organic origin, there are layers-strips of rock sand and loam at an angle of 30-35 °. Below these layers, at a depth of two to three meters, there is quicksand - river sand, which was covered with ice. It is also confirmed that the disaster took place during the winter.

The massive fragments of the Earth's satellite, falling with tremendous force, dragged along with them part of the ice of the Arctic Ocean, as well as the upper layer of the earth along with vegetation, forming plains or wide depressions, gorges and congestions in their path. This is especially evident in the northern regions of Russia, where there are many lakes.

As a result of this fall, for example, on the territory of Russia, the ancient Moscow Sea, with the vastness of shallow reservoirs, was destroyed in five months, and covered with soil, and where there was an accumulation of ice, the depression of the Klyazma reservoir was formed. The earth changed its axis tilt, and a strong cooling began. As a result, in the North, the territory where the taiga was impenetrable became tundra with scarce vegetation. The climate has changed in this area. After a powerful impact of fragments, a part of the Scandinavian mountains collapsed into the Arctic Ocean, forming large hollows along the edges of which, vertical jams of ice and stones, reaching up to hundreds of meters, are piled up.

On the flat territory of Eurasia and closer to the center of the fall of the bulk of the fragments, all living things, including humans, died instantly. Only a part of the tribes who lived in the south of the mainland on the mountain tops survived.

Coal basins were formed from clean layers of trees brought into deep water bodies and swampy places, and walled up with rocky rocks, which were later covered with different soil during the spring flood.

The catastrophe had a great impact on changing the landscape of the Earth's continents. Linear and arcuate deep faults occurred. As a result, tectonic movements are now taking place along them. Penetration of various streams to the Earth's surface, intense vertical gas exchange, liquefaction and subsidence of soils with the formation of landslides are observed. These processes are especially intense at the junction points of such faults, which are anomalous.

Scientists still cannot understand and explain the following riddle. Where did the places with boggy soils come from, where they should not be found, as well as the emergence of fertile gray forest soils (opolium) among barren soddy-podzolic soils (opolium) outwardly resembling chernozems. And what about a thin layer of cover loam? Their origin is also so incomprehensible that they came to be called problematic loams.

The answer is simple. When observing how the terrain is located in the vicinity of the Moscow region, I came to the following conclusion. Before the onset of the described cataclysm, soil of organic origin was formed on planet Earth. Under a layer of horizontally located soil of organic origin, there are layers-strips of rock sand and loam at an angle of 30-35 °. Below these layers, at a depth of two to three meters, lies quicksand - river sand, which was covered with ice, because a giant wave from falling fragments flooded the plains at the beginning of winter during severe frosts.

At the moment of the strongest movement, clean mountain sand with a very low clay content lay over the quicksand and lay horizontally over the entire area of the current. With the subsiding of water flows and an increase in the height of the layer of rock sand with small stones, it began to be thrown into traffic lanes. Severe frost began to "grab" and hold them back. The streaks of water flow also decreased, layers of frozen mountain sand rose. Large lumps of clay were thrown on them, which were also "grabbed" by frost on the strips of mountain sand. Loam with varying sand content filled the space between the rock sand strips. In some places, strips of rock sand are located above the strips of loam, and the top layer is everywhere covered with a layer of loam. Pure clay lay in places where there was no current, that is, in places of calm.

Before the onset of the cataclysm, there were few mountains on planet Earth, especially in European territory. There was much less land, and more - shallow water and swampy places. The Volga River existed before the flood and was at a higher level. After the disaster, the size of the seas and oceans decreased. Large expanses of reservoirs became dry land (mountain sand and loam). Under the layer of land formed, the slow flow of pure artesian water continues in quicksand, deep ravines have formed, new river beds have appeared.

Also, a layer of clay with an admixture of sand 2-3 meters high was formed at the time of the disaster along the banks of large rivers, covering small and large reservoirs. And the banks themselves were covered with a layer of silt. We often see when the banks are crumbling, then in some places springs gush. These are springs from former reservoirs.

A terrible event that happened several thousand years ago, when a rockfall hit the planet Earth, forced people to pray and bow not to the Sun, but to a stone.

Therefore, such mysterious historical monuments include structures made of huge stone slabs scattered around the world. Their age is counted in thousands of years. These religious structures, for example, a menhir, a long stone (4-5 meters or more) vertically dug into the ground, a cromlech (a circle made of stones), a dolmen (a burial structure in the form of a large stone box covered with a flat slab). Until now, these historical monuments (megaliths), including Stonehenge, contain many secrets. The mystery is that during the construction of these structures the rule of the golden section was observed. Until now, scientists argue by what method the ancestors moved tons of stone. Many people from different countries come to them to receive a cure or gain vital energy.

Corr.: Will not our satellite Moon commit the murder of all life on Earth, as the mystics talk about?

A. Ya. Telegin: According to scientists, the Moon is 384 thousand kilometers away from the Earth and has a diameter of 3476 kilometers, which is four times less than the diameter of the planet Earth. In accordance with the laws of physics, not only does the Earth attract the Moon, but the Moon also attracts the Earth. As you can see, both planets are inextricably and eternally linked. The Moon is responsible to the Universe for keeping the Earth in the solar system and attracts everything that falls into its gravitational field. And every time the Earth, rotating around its axis, is forced to lose its rotation speed. The deceleration of the Earth's rotation caused by the Moon is 0.00164 seconds daily, and this deceleration has been going on for several billion years. Hopefully, the threat will pass us for another few million years. And that the Moon traditionally occupies one of the central places in esotericism,then that's another question.

"Unannounced visit" No. 5-6 (91-92)