The Mystery Of The Brain Sand - Alternative View

The Mystery Of The Brain Sand - Alternative View
The Mystery Of The Brain Sand - Alternative View

Video: The Mystery Of The Brain Sand - Alternative View

Video: The Mystery Of The Brain Sand - Alternative View
Video: Mysteries of the Brain: Searching for Answers 2024, July

Many have probably heard that the brain has a small organ - the pineal gland, or pineal gland. It is believed that this is the "Third Eye".

Epiphysis has many names: Third Eye, Ajna Chakra, Eye of Eternity, All-Seeing Eye, Eye of Shiva, Eye of Wisdom, Seat of the Soul (Descartes), Dream Eye (Schopenhauer), and Pineal Gland. It got its name from its shape, reminiscent of a pine cone.

Eastern occultists claim that the pineal gland, with its special arrangement of nerve cells and small grains of cerebral sand, is closely related to volitional transmission and reception of mental vibration.

The pineal gland is a mass of nerve tissue found in the brain almost in the center of the skull and just above the upper end of the spine. It has a small cone shape and is reddish-gray in color. It is located in front of the cerebellum and is attached to the third ventricle of the brain. It contains a large amount of particulate matter, similar to grains of sand, known as brain sand.

Studies have shown that this substance is absent in children up to about 7 years old, in people with mental retardation and in those who suffer from one or another mental disorder. Occultists know that this sand is the key to the spiritual consciousness of a person. It serves as a link between mind and body.


Scientists have also repeatedly suggested that brain sand crystals are capable of receiving radiation of a non-electromagnetic nature. So, back in the early 70s of the twentieth century, the famous Soviet physicochemist, professor of Moscow University Nikolai Ivanovich Kobozev, analyzing the phenomenon of consciousness, came to the conclusion that the molecular matter of the brain itself is not capable of providing thinking, for this an external source of ultra-light flows is required particles - psychons.

According to this hypothesis, a person does not think of his own free will, but because he has an epiphysis with cerebral sand that catches cosmic radiation. And psychons are the main carriers and carriers of mental and emotional impulses.

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A hypothesis is put forward according to which the brain sand in the pineal gland is the control center and the carrier of the information hologram in the human body and other highly organized animals. This is already very close to the concept of a quantum computer.

In the process of life, living crystals gradually overgrow with organophosphorus-calcium membranes, that is, inside the pineal gland, in an environment oversaturated with calcium and phosphorus salts, they are gradually transformed into aggregates of brain sand. Unusual informational properties of brain sand observed during the experiments indicate, according to the authors, that all information about a person remains recorded in them.

Currently, histochemists have found out what is the structure of the brain sand. The grains range in size from 5 microns to 2 mm, in shape they often resemble a mulberry berry, that is, they have scalloped edges. They consist of an organic base - a colloid, which is considered the secret of pinealocytes and is saturated with calcium and magnesium salts, mainly phosphates. By the method of X-ray crystallographic analysis, it was shown that calcium salts in the diffractograms of the pineal gland are similar to crystals of hydroxyapatite. Brain grains in polarized light exhibit birefringence to form the Maltese cross. (!)

Due to the presence of calcium phosphate, grains of sand primarily fluoresce in ultraviolet rays, as do colloid droplets with a bluish-white glow. The myelin sheaths of the nerve trunks give a similar blue fluorescence.

The most interesting thing is that it turns out that the sand contains calcium hydroxyapatite. It was he who was discussed as one of the most suitable candidates for the role of the physical basis of a quantum computer! A striking coincidence, and probably not accidental.

Combining data on the elemental base of a quantum computer with biology data on the pineal gland and the structure of the brain sand, a very interesting assumption can be made: the pineal gland of the brain is an integral part of the quantum computer in our head, and the brain sand is the physical basis of a quantum processor.

After the birth of a child, his quantum computer is still clean, it is not loaded with any programs that allow you to navigate in our dense world.

And the computer itself, as a device that can be used, is not yet ready for work - the final "assembly" has not yet been completed. It's like in the physics of quantum information: what's the point in the fact that any interacting systems are connected by nonlocal correlations - they don't become quantum computers for us. To get a quantum computer, you need to organize qubits that could be selectively manipulated, perform logical operations and get the result.

The same is true for a child - at first he is closer to the Subtle World, in his pineal gland there are still no qubits on which he could perform logical operations. Brain sand and hydroxyapatite crystals as physical carriers of qubits are formed gradually as the child grows up, when he begins to master mental constructions and logical operations.

A person has the opportunity to take advantage of the “magic” nonlocal properties of entangled states of the qubits of his quantum computer. It turns out that all esoteric practices inherently mean that a person is trying to switch his brain from the classical mode of functioning to the quantum mode. Engaging in mystical practice, he tries to use the nonlocal resource of entangled states and manage them, doing almost the same thing that physicists are striving for now, working on the technical implementation of a quantum computer!

From the theoretical foundations of quantum mechanics, it follows that the appearance of additional quantum correlations requires the presence of classical interactions. That is, in order for our soul to be able to realize itself and develop further, it must have a material basis, a guide in the objective world. Such a conductor may well be the crystals of hydroxyapatite in brain sand, which act as the physical basis of a quantum computer in our brain.

By the way, with ultrasound examination, the pineal gland becomes visible in the human embryo on the 49th day after its conception, at about the same time when the sex of the child becomes distinguishable. First of all, nature begins to form the processor of our future quantum computer, on which the rest of the "hardware" is "wound".

Formation begins with subtle quantum levels, and if reincarnation takes place, then it is at this time that the quantum astrosome is captured for the next incarnation. According to Buddhist ideas, the life force of the deceased needs exactly 49 days to enter the next incarnation.

It turns out that the opinion of the occultists is to some extent true that the brain sand is a deposit of psychic energy, and the point of view, according to which the pineal gland is the connecting link between the body and consciousness (the seat of the soul), also seems quite reasonable.

This conclusion is confirmed by a quote from M. P. Hall: “A small child lives mainly in the invisible worlds. His physical organism is still difficult to manage, but in those worlds with which he is connected through the open gates of the pineal gland, the child is aware of himself and actively acts. Gradually, certain manifestations of his higher consciousness are absorbed by the physical organism and crystallize in the form of the finest sand found in this gland. But until the consciousness enters the body, there is no sand in this gland."

And what happens to a person whose pineal gland is removed?

After the pineal gland is removed, people experience what is called "bi-placement". Here is one such description:

… I have seen many neurosurgical patients whose pineal gland was removed due to a tumor. They classically demonstrate virtual bi-placement, in which they exist simultaneously in ghostly reality and in the present. They exist in a vivid dream state while they are conscious, and they can alternate between these two states of their consciousness.

When testing these patients, it turns out that their orientation in this reality is different from the norm and may seem strange to the casual observer.

Interestingly, these patients exhibit fully fixed gaze with subtle eye movements.

And it is even more curious that when they move in this reality, then in another reality they move the same distance. One gentleman whom I helped to get to the bathroom stopped halfway and for some time could not go further due to the fact that in his other reality he was at the races, and the place where we were in the hospital corridor was simultaneously perceived by him as the border of the track. We did not move until the path was clear of horses that could knock it down …