Liquid Stone Technology - Alternative View

Liquid Stone Technology - Alternative View
Liquid Stone Technology - Alternative View

Video: Liquid Stone Technology - Alternative View

Video: Liquid Stone Technology - Alternative View
Video: Nikola Tesla - Limitless Energy & the Pyramids of Egypt 2024, July

Probably, the most correct way to talk about Machu Picchu is to report that officially nothing is known about the city so plainly: - it is not known exactly when and who built the city.

- it is not known why the city was built on this inaccessible cliff sandwiched between two mountains

- it is not known what the city was called

- it is not known why this city was built

- it is not known who lived in this city

- it is not known why the city was abandoned.

Well, and then - they compose, who in what way. Archaeologists compose, historians compose, researchers compose, writers compose, paranormal seekers compose. And what the guides do not compose! You can also write your own version. About this, Peru is a complete democracy.


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Incidentally, Machu Picchu is not the real name of an Inca settlement. This name was given to the city by the locals, but we will most likely never know the real name, just as we will not know how many Incas lived in this fortress and why they even needed to build a city so far from the center of their state, and even on top of a mountain, at an altitude of 2057 meters …

The American Hiram Bingemu spent several years searching for Machu Picchu, until July 24, 1911, he was finally unlucky.

Neither the Spanish conquistadors who captured Peru in the 16th century, nor those who came here after them, nor the Incas themselves who lived in Machu Picchu, left any written evidence that the city exists. Most likely, the Spaniards could not even imagine that there was an Inca settlement on one of the mountains. The abandoned ancient city was discovered only at the beginning of the 20th century …


According to the scientist, traveler Andrei Sklyarov (“Peru and Bolivia long before the Incas”), in Machu Picchu “we are dealing with two fundamentally different phases of construction, spaced in time. Moreover, the construction technologies in the second phase are significantly lower than the construction technologies of the first phase. And if we take into account all the differences in these technologies, it becomes clear that it is necessary to speak not only about two periods of construction, but also about the fact that the builders at the first and second stages did not even belong to different cultures, but to different civilizations!"

From a conservative point of view, Machu Picchu was founded by the Inca Emperor Pachacutec around 1400 AD. In fact, Machu Picchu was founded by the sons of the famous Viracocha. From the point of view of alternative real science, Machu Picchu and many other artifacts in South America are closely related to the mission of an aristocrat from Atlantis, Viracocha, who sailed to the shores of South America with a small group of surviving Atlanteans.


Frightened by the flood, Viracocha and the team climbed to the highest line of the Andes. Near Lake Titicaca, they found an active volcano and began building houses - making megaliths from liquid stone. They made many pottery and clay molds for building stones - for megalithic and ordinary small stone blocks. There is still a huge kiln built of megaliths for burning clay products: small clay products and huge clay molds for megaliths.

This volcanic technology has been used to build many of the world's artifacts. They could make megaliths and small building blocks near the volcano and then deliver them to the site. They were also able to deliver liquid stone to the site and create stunning and incomprehensible to researchers - fantastic polygonal masonry.

Many antediluvian and post-Flood polygonal and megalithic masonries were made according to volcanic technologies of the Atlanteans: Sacsayhuaman, Puma Punku (Quechua Puma Punku), Tiwanaku, Angkor Bat, Baalbek, Nimrod Fortress, Fortress in Jerusalem, in Egypt, Ethiopia, Carthage, Troia Ephesus), etc.

Of course, no modern, sane person would ever think of using a liquid volcano stone - in the era of cement and other modern technologies.


A. Sklyarov certainly thinks in the right direction, but there is one piquant moment in the manufacture of megaliths. It consists in the fact that the stone blocks, from which the pyramids and similar structures were built, were cast in place into molds from clay with liquid stone obtained by chemical melting of sand with a special acid. The size of the building blocks directly depended on the volume of the vessels in which the sand (crushed stone) was melted. And since the process took quite a long time, it did not allow casting entire walls at once.