Nikola Tesla. The Scientific Path Must Not Only Be Understood, But Also Continued. - Alternative View

Nikola Tesla. The Scientific Path Must Not Only Be Understood, But Also Continued. - Alternative View
Nikola Tesla. The Scientific Path Must Not Only Be Understood, But Also Continued. - Alternative View

Video: Nikola Tesla. The Scientific Path Must Not Only Be Understood, But Also Continued. - Alternative View

Video: Nikola Tesla. The Scientific Path Must Not Only Be Understood, But Also Continued. - Alternative View
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First of all, it is necessary to analyze the evidence of a scientist that relate to his creative activity, namely those that relate to fresh and unexamined technical and physical processes. Most likely, the results of such actions will be the opening of completely new ways of knowing.

It would be nice to realize the individuality of Tesla's theories, unfinished materials that are closely related to invention. For a scientist, these were not just mechanized processes, but a kind of spiritual act that opens the veil of secrets before the knowledge of global, unknown cosmic processes. Tesla was able to make a visual image that could be no worse than a real object or material.

By changing the angle of the nerve impulse from the retina to the brain, Tesla eliminated external differences or replaced them. Now his laboratory was mental. His most important trump card was the unusual ability to translate and transfer any visual images and similarities into mathematical elements and vice versa, he easily gave a visual form to mathematical concepts, filling it with a geometric interpretation, and transferring it into the physical material Universe.

Only by working mentally, he could correct the shortcomings of his work, change something, or complete some kind of apparatus. Only later, Tesla made it from ordinary wire or other materials, and it always worked properly. According to the scientist himself, he did not have a single blunder, that is, all inventions worked perfectly, as planned.

Compared to the prophecies of other famous scientists, Nikola Tesla's methods are truly unique. A. Einstein in the moments of his insights felt pressure, and even movement in the abdomen, he defined this as a premonition. At such moments, Michael Faraday experienced a feeling similar to the strongest psychological stress, and D. Mendeleev, before the birth of any idea, saw it in a dream.

That is how he dreamed of a chemical table, and in a dream, it was painted with completely impossible colors so bright that it seemed to burn. This often happens precisely when seeing prophetic dreams. Tesla, every day and every minute, arrived in a state of emergence of a new idea, he trained for years to constantly keep a complete energy and spiritual balance in himself. Perhaps due to a very strange illness that he experienced as a child, he received this desired opportunity. From a young age, Tesla persistently exercised in complete control of his nerve pathways and activation of spiritual and physical strength at any moment.

According to the scientist himself, he believed exclusively in one God, whom he called Logos. The Pythagorean idol, which, according to legend, created the existing, the abstract, the material, and the spiritual.

Nikola Tesla did not have hefty philosophical knowledge and adhered to the thoughts of Socrates, Pythagoras and Plato. Obviously, it was no coincidence that he was born on the Balkan Peninsula, because in the south of this place the ancient civilization was created. Tesla unconditionally supported the theory of common geomagnetic fields that carry information or formulas common to the evolution of the structures of ancient philosophers.

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Like Pythagoras, Tesla took mathematics especially and completely individually. He also believed that numbers and things have a common relationship and even separate elements are quite consistent due to the laws of the birth and existence of matter, based on mathematics and information. All this was a manifestation of the will of the Logos.

Many researchers noticed the peculiarity of the scientist's works, he practically did not have infinite small values at all. Calling the differential equations and algorithms of James Maxwell nothing else than poetry, Tesla collected and studied his works. When Nikola Tesla was twenty years old, and he studied in Graz, he came across the scientific works of D. Maxwell, but for some reason he did not use them. The explanation for this can only happen that Tesla discovered a simpler and easier way to physically interpret algorithms and equations, using which he could easily predict the process and result of experiments.

Probably, the scientist possessed powerful strength and undeniable insight, by means of which he allowed himself not to listen to the standard modern conclusions and science, which were then still very far from ideal. This is probably why he did not defend his diploma, thereby showing everyone that he is a spiritually independent person.

His methods of action could have directed Tesla down a different path, but this did not happen. Most likely, because he managed to master control over his visions and subconscious phenomena, thereby starting to create. When he felt the movement of impulses that were going through his body from somewhere outside, he realized that it was in his power to take possession of complete control and analysis. He was able to perform phenomenal actions, regularly training according to his own methods.

Tesla was able to separate from the impulses of the world around him and from his internal psychological thought forms. His genius consisted in the fact that everything that he accepted was projected in his consciousness under the force of an external field and represented the images of cosmic movements and the laws of nature. In this he was strikingly different from most people.

Analyzing the peculiarity of the change in the rotation of the magnetic field and the change in the movement of the rotor of the engine under the influence of external forces on it, Tesla said that he had discovered the truth of the work of the entire Cosmos.

This was the beginning of his theory about people as a "weapon" of the cosmos, as well as the reason for the birth of the axiom, about drawing the very energy from the environment. Tesla was convinced that the entire universe functioned exclusively according to the laws of resonance and vibration. If we take into account his belief that all energy is born from the external environment under the influence of induction, then one can imagine the cosmological model of a scientist as an ordinary chain of constantly rotating magnetic fields. But this is so. The Earth describes circles around the Sun, atoms rotate in the same way as molecules … All this is a series of rotating magnetic fields, which Tesla described with the help of just one of his laws. It was with his help that the scientist set in motion his induction motor.

Like Mozart, who first observed his own scores in the air, and only then transferred them to a sheet of paper without correcting, Tesla also imagined all the details of the apparatus in his mind and only then made them. As a result, all inventions turned out to be so perfect that it was not possible to improve them somewhere else. The scientist possessed a truly rare gift of generalization. He could reduce any complex phenomenon of a low order to a simple phenomenon of a high level.

The only thing that requires clarification is the categories of time and space delimited by scientists. In his experiments or his own developments, Tesla never once faced the problem of conjugation of force and space, as it happened to the theory of relativity. This theory is a very complex equation that explains the properties of curved space under the influence of gravitational forces of a certain power. Based on the theory of relativity, the force of gravity, which is constantly increasing, affects time, violating the principle of causality and producing past events anew.

Creating a coordinate system, Descartes used a single geometric concept, so that the abscissas and ordinates were two endless straight lines, which he saw as time and space so that it seemed that they were practically the same. And this, as you know, is not possible. These are completely different categories that are still not fully understood. In addition, there is also an angle separating the ordinate and the abscissa, which does not fit into these concepts at all. Therefore, giving time and space some geometric shapes is not the best idea.

With the help of physical experiments and research carried out by a scientist, Tesla discovered another physical law, which he used quite often. Therefore, this is about true knowledge of the matter. Today it is no longer possible to make out what these ordinary mathematical actions were for Tesla: multiplication or division, equations or algorithms. If he explained some of his techniques, then this explanation was on the verge of transcendental mathematics. And in the case when everything material is reduced to the relationship between electromagnetic fields, the theory that determines the truth of his approaches is called mathematics.

And with the variant when electromagnetic oscillations can enter into some kind of relationship with the mental plane, it turns out that the mental plane itself has the same nature and acts according to the laws of the same resonances. You might think that all the numbers in his works are special buttons, some kind of programs. All of Tesla's experiments and experiments are indirect confirmation of Plato's theories. He said that mathematics is the relationship between a person's thought and the materialization of this thought. And if you delve deeper into the understanding of this theory, it turns out that all mathematical actions and logic itself is just a way by which ideas materialize. Most of the ancient legends say that matter is light, and according to Tesla's theory, this light comes from space.