Experiments On The Fixation Of Mental Images In The USSR - Alternative View

Experiments On The Fixation Of Mental Images In The USSR - Alternative View
Experiments On The Fixation Of Mental Images In The USSR - Alternative View

Video: Experiments On The Fixation Of Mental Images In The USSR - Alternative View

Video: Experiments On The Fixation Of Mental Images In The USSR - Alternative View
Video: Life in East Germany | Animated History 2024, July

In early 1990, an unusual experiment was conducted in Perm, the essence of which at that time was not fully understood by all the participants. It was just interesting and unusual.

There were six subjects in total. One at a time, they entered the dark room. When the light was on, they were shown various geometric shapes against a contrasting background, they looked at them for several tens of seconds. Then the light was turned off, and in the onset of darkness the experimenter asked to focus attention, or rather that bright image, which was kept in front of the eyes for some time, on a dark bag from under photographic paper, which was placed about 30 centimeters from the eyes. The image was projected onto the package as if on a screen, then slowly faded away.

This sacrament evoked a strange prideful feeling of familiarization with some kind of closed scientific experiments among those who were not completely initiated into the essence of the experiment, and among the initiates an impatient awe in anticipation of results.

And only after a few years it became clear what was actually happening in the dark room …

For the first time, a little-known Parisian artist Pierre Boucher encountered a strange phenomenon. Back in 1880, he moonlighted by doing the newfangled photography at that time. Early in the morning, waking up after another noisy party with a swollen head, he recalled with disgust his nightmares - a couple of disgusting devils chasing him with a pitchfork all night long. He quickly tidied himself up and went to the laboratory, he urgently needed to print several pictures that he had to give to his clients that day.

Locked in a dark room under the light of a red lantern, he tried to remember on which of the sealed plates he needed the pictures, but the noise in his head did not allow him to concentrate, and the images of the disgusting creatures were still very bright. Then Pierre decided to develop all the cassettes in a row. To the great horror of the photographer, on the very first picture, instead of photographs of clients, he saw the disgusting physiognomy of his night "guests"!

Pierre showed the photographs to his friends. One of them decided to conduct an experiment, he suggested that Boucher get drunk again, after which they took pictures. The experiment was a success, and its consequence was a scientific article sent to the French Academy of Sciences. Of course, they did not publish the article, and we would never have known about this unusual case if Bouchenet's materials had fallen into the hands of the famous French popularizer of science and the first collector of anomalous phenomena, Camille Flammarion.

Nikola Tesla also became interested in the problem of visual images. Back in 1893, he wrote: "It no longer seems incredible to assume that in response to an image arising in the brain as a result of the work of thought in the retina, a response reflex excitation arises, where it turns into a picture." Tesla made the bold assumption that these "pictures" can be projected onto a screen and become visible to other people. For a long time, there were debates and controversies around this thesis in the circles of scientists, but for 70 years no one dared to conduct experiments that could confirm or refute this judgment.

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Since the beginning of the 70s, Perm psychiatrist Gennady Pavlovich Krokhalev has been actively involved in the problem of registration of visual images in Russia.

Below is an excerpt from an hour-long interview, which was taken with Gennady Pavlovich in the summer of 1994. The tape transcript is given without any cuts or corrections.

N. Subbotin: Gennady Pavlovich, how did you come to study this phenomenon?

G. Krokhalev: In 1972, after completing my residency, I began researching auditory hallucinations. Patients hear voices … Then my brother, Nikolai Pavlovich Krokhalev, brought me the magazine "Technics for Youth". There was published a very interesting article by Valery Skurlatov, a Moscow physicist, "See the opposite". Magazine 70th year, number two. There, a hypothesis was put forward that it is possible to photograph visual hallucinations. He refers to the work of Ted Sirius, the American psychiatrist Fukurai. But he does not refer to the fact that the first American psychiatrist Eisenbad spoke about the possibility of photographing visual hallucinations. I found his work in 1967, that in the future it is necessary to deal with visual hallucinations.

He assumed that you can take pictures with glasses. He believed that visual hallucinations are formed in the visual analyzer. They follow the reverse paths, reach the retina, how we perceive information. There is a hallucinatory picture. Inverted image in the brain. But you have to give, they say, a flash from the side in order to throw the image on the screen. Give a flash, this image from the fundus is projected onto the screen, and only then from the side of the camera to photograph.

Nikolai Pavlovich, my brother, says: "He's right!" We began to try according to his method … Sequential images … Nothing works … From the screen …

I had my own point of view. I knew that when you look at a negative image, then move your gaze, you see a positive image on a light background. Why do we need a backlight? And we decided to do so …

On January 13, 1974, we conducted our first experiment in my brother's apartment. They found the photocopy cassettes, and placed 9 × 12 x130 films there. Charged. The room was darkened. Prepared a test image - a negative image - a portrait of a woman.

I look at the image under electric light for 20-30 seconds. Then we turn off the light and … we continue to see this image in the dark! I open the cassette and project the image onto the film for about 5-10 seconds. Then I close it. Then they carried out several more experiments.

We started to show. And on this film, which I brought to me, I got a fuzzy image of a portrait of a woman. This inspired me a lot! I immediately concluded that radiation was coming from the eyes. I needed confirmation. And if so, then you can photograph and visual hallucinations. Many scientists believed that eidetic images and hallucinations were close in mechanism. And what are close - no one was studying …

NS: I have heard many times about the "Krokhalev mask". What is this device?

G. K.: I walked to this mask for a long time. Honestly, about six months. The idea came up - you can take pictures of visual hallucinations! But how?

At first I thought it was necessary to darken the room. But as you darken, there are psychopaths. I thought over different designs. No! Nothing fits. Does not work.

And so, in the summer of 1974, we were resting with our family in Adler. Our relatives lived in Adler. We are resting, but little by little thought is working. I saw a man at sea wearing a mask. That's what I need, I think! I bought a mask immediately after the rest. This is what she is still, from Adler (shows a mask with a wardrobe trunk lying on the table).

He took the mask, removed the glass, and here (shows how he attached the cassettes) attached the photocor's cassettes. I loaded the films and brought them to the patient. Somewhere in September … (gaps) … two experiments were carried out. Got weak images. But I did not believe it, I thought it was an artifact and threw away the films. Apparently, the first weak images have already been obtained. I consider them so for a negative result. Then I connected here (shows the connection of a maxi with an accordion from an old camera) an accordion and a Lantan movie camera. The experiments were carried out. Everything is described there in the archive …

Next is the next experiment. Instead of a movie camera, I attached a camera. Cameras were "Sharp", "Zorky-4", "Zenith", "Kiev", "Amateur" … "Amateur" even filmed. "Amateur-2" …

NS: Gennady Pavlovich, share the tricks and secrets of photographing visual hallucinations!

G. K.: The secrets are when you take pictures with a movie camera and a camera, the focus must be set to “infinity”. Why? It turns out that back in 1962, Korzhinsky suggested that with telepathy, the rays from the eyes go parallel!

When I started with trial and error, accidentally pointed to "infinity", the images went better. The aperture should be fully open, both on the movie camera and on the camera; Americans, on the contrary, close the aperture, but they shoot with a flash.

Now about the shutter speed … If this is a movie camera, then the shutter speed can be set at 1/30 or 1/16. And on the camera, the shutter speed must be set by hand for 2-3 seconds. I experimented with slower shutter speeds, but the images are very faint.

The third option for photographing. No movie camera, no camera. We photograph with photographic films in black atoledo.com bags. Flat negative films, on which we are photographed on passports in a photo studio. They gave me the dimensions 13x18, I put them in the dark in a black bag measuring 13x18 centimeters. Even a double packet did sometimes. In the first experiments, they were all double. I did to protect myself. The edge was cut off later to know how I brought it. And already in the light on the other side, I apply a punch card. Those. in general, all my experiments were registered. With photographs, a movie camera or a camera, and we describe who conducted and how …

Here is what other scientists wrote about Krokhalev's experiments.

“… There was no shortage of subjects, they were the entire alcoholic“contingent”of the hospital where he worked. 2801 people were examined, and 115 of them had photographically recorded images similar to those that they themselves perceived and described. Including the aforementioned devils.

In order not to be subjective, some of the images were taken by other doctors - psychiatrists and even nurses. True, only G. P. Krokhalev himself got hit on the right and left for such experiments, who was honored in the tail and mane for such a unique experiment as amateurs from the media of that time, as fellow psychiatrists - no one is allowed to cut the branch on which you sit. It was easier for psychiatrists of that time to give an idealistic interpretation of hallucinations as intangible images created by a brain poisoned by alcohol than to admit the reality or, worse, the materiality of hallucinations.

Ultimately, it was never recognized until the collapse of the USSR. The then Committee for Discoveries and Inventions answered the author unequivocally: "Your application No. 32-OT-9663" Formation of visual hallucinations by the brain in space "cannot be taken into consideration due to the lack of convincing evidence of the reliability of your statement." That's it, no more, no less! However, the committee had nothing to do with it - it was the opponents who did their best, who themselves did not even try to conduct this simple experiment.

And Krokhalev, meanwhile, purely by chance conducted another simple experiment - he placed several patients suffering from hallucinations (both visual and auditory) in a shielded chamber, and all hallucinations immediately disappeared. The question is: what does the brain have to do with it?"

Valentin PSALOMSCHIKOV, Ph. D. sciences

“In 1973, Gennady Krokhalev put forward a hypothesis that“during visual hallucinations, there is a reverse transmission of visual information from the center of the visual analyzer located in the brain to the periphery with simultaneous electromagnetic radiation from the retina into the space of visual hallucinatory images in the form of holographic images, which can be objectively registered by photographing."

G. Krokhalev suggests that "voices" and visual hallucinations in mentally ill patients have an exogenous, that is, external, origin. In any case, according to him, all painful phenomena stop if the patient stays in a shielded room ("with the absence of radio waves, various radiation and magnetic fields"), and when leaving it they resume. Gennady Pavlovich believes that the screening effect proves the existence of an invisible subtle (astral) world with negative energy, which has a corresponding effect on the patient.

G. Krokhalev refers to the data of other experimenters who confirmed the reproducibility and effectiveness of the method. Thus, the dispute about the physical nature of the images obtained remains to be conducted not by psychiatrists, but by physicists.

From my point of view, the very fact of the emerging image can confirm the hypothesis about the materiality of thought, which is perhaps even more important for the formation of a new philosophical paradigm in science than a particular question about the mechanisms of the effect obtained.

Valery Trofimov, psychotherapist

“Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences M. Hertsenstein (All-Russian Research Institute of Optical and Physical Measurements) believes that the results of the described experiments of psychiatrists do not contradict the laws of physics at all. He fully admits that the sensitive cells of the retina - rods and cones - have the property of reversibility. It is possible that they work like semiconductor photodiodes, which can not only perceive light, but also become its emitters - LEDs, if a current is passed through them. In other words, the receptors of the retina can be both receivers and generators of some kind of radiation.

Doctor of Biological Sciences Professor Yu. G. Simakov agrees with this version: “It is not visible light that comes from the eyes, but most likely electromagnetic waves with a frequency of oscillations that are not accessible to our eye … It can be assumed that something like X-ray biolaser, acting in very short flashes. The role of the crystal in this case can be played by the outer segment of the rod … My studies have shown that if a laser beam is introduced into the place where the fibers of the lens, the so-called suture, are connected, then it moves along the fiber as if along a light guide … Perhaps this is the way information is transmitted from the retina into the surrounding space … The eye works like a biolaser, like a "magic lantern", capable of writing thoughts on the screen …"

Vitaly Pravdivtsev, journalist, scriptwriter of numerous documentaries about anomalous phenomena

“In the spring of 1991, G. Krokhalev received a call from Moscow and asked to send all the materials on photographing visual hallucinations for 17 years (from 1974 to 1991). The researcher was assured that only in this case the laboratory will be allocated several million rubles. As expected, nobody else in Perm saw either money or materials.

In his last publication, Gennady Pavlovich wrote: “I am reporting the following data: in 1977, Zdenek-Reidan, President of the International Association for Psychotronics, published in Japan my article of a sensational nature,“Photographing Visual Hallucinations”(Materials of the 3rd International Congress on Psychotronics, 1977, vol.. 2, pp. 487–497, Tokyo) in Russian! And my research in Japan was classified …

Recently it became known in the press that "psychotronic weapons" have already been created abroad and, possibly, in our country …"

Alesander Potapov.

The responses of domestic and foreign researchers who got acquainted with the works of G. P. Krokhalev were very different - from delight to complete rejection. This is understandable. After all, he broke the usual for each of us the relationship between the material and the ideal, which entered our blood and flesh even from school. Remember, "… To call a thought material is to take an erroneous step towards mixing materialism with idealism" (Lenin V. I. PSS, vol. 18, p. 257).

GP Krokhalev experimentally proved that human eyes are capable of emitting not only fear, love or hate, but also energy: thought is material, it can be recorded on film.

Psychologists showed a particular dislike for Gennady Pavlovich's discovery. They argue that it is impossible to film an image of a performance because it is mental, not physical or chemical. But Krokhalev fixed these images!

By 1990, Gennady Pavlovich had 33 publications on his research in different countries of the world (USSR, Japan, Germany, Czechoslovakia, Poland, USA, etc.). About 80 articles have been published about his work and 6 documentaries have been filmed.

The authority of the domestic researcher, who was mocked for many years, who was persecuted and deceived, has grown significantly. On September 4, 1990, a psychotronic laboratory was opened in Perm at the city center for social-psychological adaptation and therapy "Doverie". It was created on the recommendation of the Space Research Center under the leadership of the STC "Graviton". In the laboratory, it was planned to conduct scientific research to study the physical nature of electromagnetic radiation from the eyes of normal people, psychics and mentally ill people. A "secret task" was also planned to construct a photorecorder of visual images of the brain (PHOTOSOM-CT). However, these studies did not receive financial support.

Why could the military-industrial complex be interested in the research of the Perm psychiatrist? The answer can be found in a short interview with Rudolf Stern, professor of ophthalmology at the University of Munich, who commented on the statement of the staff of the US Secret Service biomedical laboratory, who developed a method of reading from the retina of a corpse what a person saw before death: “Of course, this is not means that by raising your eyelids, you can see someone's portrait. The retina contains amacrine cells, the function of which has not yet been clear. Unlike other cells in the retina that act as receivers, these are emitters!

We have registered constant electromagnetic waves emanating from amacrine cells. Moreover, this is not a formless electromagnetic field that radiates from other tissues of the body, but directed streams of impulses. They clearly correspond to the stream of thoughts of a person. The retina is unique in that this brain tissue is pushed to the periphery, so it is perfectly aware of all our thoughts. Not without reason, examination through the pupil allows you to actually look into the brain without opening the skull."

Of course, domestic experts knew about the research of American scientists and sought to create their own methodology, and the research of Gennady Krokhalev was just a gift for them. But a few years later, a terrible event unexpected by anyone happened …

Gennady Pavlovich committed suicide in April 1998 by hanging himself in his apartment. It was a shock and a surprise for everyone. He was at the peak of his creative activity. Just a week before this tragic event, he brought his new, sixth book, signed, was cheerful, said that he was going to reapply for a discovery that should bring him the Nobel Prize …

Krokhalev touched upon a fine line, crossing which a person falls into another area of being. Having proved the materiality of thought, he violated not only the classical postulates of science, but also became a dissident. When Krokhalev's works were published in Germany, USA, England, Italy, Bulgaria, he could not get permission to send scientific congresses to other countries …

The materiality of thought is not just photographs and images on film, it is a force with which you can accomplish a lot. Material thought is a weapon and power …

For a long time we tried to find traces of Gennady Pavlovich's archive, but to no avail. He disappeared after his death.

And was it accidental? Many of Krokhalev's friends believe that no …

Author: a3esm