How To Win At The Casino. Luck Factor. - Alternative View

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How To Win At The Casino. Luck Factor. - Alternative View
How To Win At The Casino. Luck Factor. - Alternative View

Video: How To Win At The Casino. Luck Factor. - Alternative View

Video: How To Win At The Casino. Luck Factor. - Alternative View
Video: Four Secrets To Winning on Slot Machines 2024, July

The inventor of the Maxim machine gun Hiram Maxim once visited Monte Carlo and was quite amazed when, in front of his eyes, the "black" on the roulette wheel fell twenty times in a row! The player sitting next to the guest made a big bet on red, being absolutely sure of luck. However, "black" came out six more times in a row, which completely ruined the gambler. How could this happen? Let's try to figure it out

The whims of digital lotteries

Petersburg mathematician Mark Zilberman once drew attention to some oddities of digital lotteries, which were very popular in his years.

And the oddities consisted in the inexplicable spread of the number of winning tickets from circulation to circulation, although according to the theory of probability they should be close to each other. For example, the circulation of the former mass lottery "Five out of thirty-six", which took place three days before the tragic earthquake in Armenia in 1988, fell out of the ordinary.

In this draw, the winnings fell on the smallest number of lottery tickets in the past ten years! How can this be if everything happens by blind chance?

Mark Silberman also drew attention to less impressive coincidences.

For example, according to the observations of a mathematician, participants in digital lotteries more often than others marked the numbers 3, 5, 9, 11 on their tickets and avoided specifying the numbers 1, 32, 34, 44. There were also national preferences: in France, the number 13 was most often marked, and us, in the then Soviet Union, the number 21. It is obvious that these oddities, perhaps indirectly, but influenced the outcome of the circulation.

Word to science

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The Italian physicist and chemist J. Pick-cardy decided to check whether blind chance participates in seemingly completely random processes? To do this, he began to conduct regular observations of the solubility of a certain substance in distilled water under standard conditions. The researcher soon noticed that the dissolution of a standard substance under standard conditions proceeds unevenly. But that was not what struck the scientist!

Repeating this test in different geographic areas, he found that the dissolution rate variations in all these places were absolutely synchronous! One got the impression that these processes are influenced by some completely definite global factor with a specific program! Such a factor, for example, can be solar activity, covering our entire biosphere. There were enthusiasts who analyzed more than a thousand draws of Soviet lotteries, 700 French and 1,660 draws of the then German Democratic Republic, held in 1980-1988, and compared them with solar activity. And we found out that gamblers are more likely to win in spring, summer and when solar activity is low! Moreover, the relationship between long-term periods of luck and variability of solar activity is also seen. But a person mostly consists of water, and dissolution processes in his body can have far-reaching consequences. By the way, back in 1985 the astronomer G. Vasilyeva and the outstanding biophysicist academician V. P. Kaznacheev noticed similar fluctuations in the probability of conceiving talented children! And at a conference in Pushchino near Moscow at the end of 1990, very similar graphs were demonstrated by three researchers working with independent statistical material. And at a conference in Pushchino near Moscow at the end of 1990, very similar graphs were demonstrated by three researchers working with independent statistical material. And at a conference in Pushchino near Moscow at the end of 1990, very similar graphs were demonstrated by three researchers working with independent statistical material.

New global factor

In the middle of the last century, the famous Pulkovo astronomer Nikolai Aleksandrovich Kozyrev, whose centenary we will celebrate this year, put forward a hypothesis that time has some physical properties. And since time permeates everything that exists, then we can consider it as another global factor! According to Kozyrev, the fundamental difference between the past and the future creates tension that generates energy in the course of time. Consequently, time is an active participant in world processes. Further, everything in the world is subject to the law of cause and effect. The cause turns into an effect with a certain speed, since it overcomes a certain period of time. And speed is a physical property, and it, like any other physical property, is active! This means that time interacts with matter and can change its state.

Kozyrev did not consider amazing coincidences to be a blind accident, but considered them "the result of a natural correlation of the past, present and future." In any combination of things and events, as the scientist believed, "their future is already laid!" It is only important to guess this grip and then you can safely challenge fate! The great William Shakespeare wrote about this surprisingly perspicaciously: "There are tides in human affairs, and those who use them skillfully succeed in their own plans, but the point is that they must be noticed in time!"


The simplest rule of behavior at the roulette wheel (or at the “one-armed bandit”) is reduced, according to the above-mentioned Mark Silberman, to elementary restraint at the beginning of the game. If two or three failures happened in a row, you need to wait a while and return to the casino only after a few days. Then, perhaps, the notorious global factor will jump.

And vice versa, if the card went, as they say, you need to use this "tide" to the fullest! That is, the game should be continued.

Another variant of the "lottery" is the time of conception of children. According to Zilberman, the most suitable month for this good cause is July, and the most "fruitful" year will be the next after the solar maximum.

Many people rely on their intuition in difficult situations. Perhaps it was she who was given by nature to a person to succeed in his affairs. Therefore, it makes sense to listen to it.

There is a certain strategy for gambling that guarantees the player that in the end he will at least stay with his own people. But for this, the player, after losing the next bet, must double the next one and continue this doubling until the win comes. The disadvantage of this strategy is the need for the player to have a lot of money. In order to "shorten" the millionaires, the casino directors limit the number of doublings to a dozen. Renowned tycoon J. P. Morgan III went berserk at this restriction and left the casino, vowing never to return!

Unexplained events in the gambling hall

At one time, Hollywood movie mogul Jack Warner won a quarter of a million dollars from the ex-king of Egypt Farouk in two weeks! And next time the lucky one won as much as 30 million francs! Jack Worner's excitement never faded with age. At 66, he won 40 thousand dollars at one party! On the way home, the player got into a car accident, spent a week in the hospital, after which he again took up his own thing: in a card duel with the prince from Saudi Arabia, he won one hundred thousand “greens”!

A resident of New Orleans who survived the devastating hurricane Katrina won $ 1.6 million in a casino. Katrina destroyed the home of 57-year-old retiree Jacqueline Sherman in New Orleans, and she had to live with her sister in the city of Opelousas.

According to Jacqueline, she loves to gamble at casinos, but she did not expect to win such a large sum. First of all, the woman plans to buy herself a new house.

Kaiser Wilhelm II, having studied a certain system supposedly guaranteeing a win, hurried to Monte Carlo. Having spent a hundred thousand francs in one evening, he left the casino in a rage and never returned there!