Genocide Of Earthlings - Alternative View

Genocide Of Earthlings - Alternative View
Genocide Of Earthlings - Alternative View

Video: Genocide Of Earthlings - Alternative View

Video: Genocide Of Earthlings - Alternative View
Video: Khelgar - Earthling Genocide 2024, July

Previous part: Aliens - the progenitors of humanity

Neanderthals lived in Europe, Asia and Africa 200-35 thousand years ago. Their remains were first discovered in 1856 in the Neandertal Valley near Düsseldorf. The Neanderthals of Western Europe are characterized by a small stature (about 160 centimeters), a brain larger than that of a person (up to 1700 cubic centimeters), a skull with a developed supraorbital ridge and sloping forehead, a massive skeleton, and the lower jaw without chin protrusion. Many scientists regard the late Western European Neanderthals, who lived 50–35 thousand years ago, as a special dead-end branch in human evolution that did not receive further development.

In 1908, during archaeological excavations near the French village of La Chapelle-aux-Seine (department of Corrèze), brothers A. and J. Buissoni and L. Bardon discovered in a cave the skeleton of an old Neanderthal man who lived in the Upper Pleistocene during the Würm glaciation of about 50 thousand years ago. French paleontologist M. Boulle studied the remains and found that they belonged to the "classic" Neanderthal. In his opinion, Neanderthals could not have been the ancestors of modern humans. This conclusion was based not so much on the primitive features of the structure that bring the Neanderthals closer to their predecessors (Pithecanthropus and Sinanthropus), as on the signs of specialization, indicating the deviation of the Neanderthals from the main line of human evolution. So, the archaic design of the skull was combined with a very large brain mass (even more,than modern man) and its primitive structure.

The famous archaeologist M. M. Gerasimov reconstructed the appearance of several Neanderthals, including those from a cave in the vicinity of la Chapelle-aux-Seine, based on the remains. This is how he describes them:

The forehead is low, sloping … Close-set small eyes sink deeply under the "peak" of the brows. The neck is short and very strong. Sloping shoulders. A kind of bestial primitiveness is felt in the whole appearance. And yet this is a man, but possessing all the biological features of a specialized type … They were primitive, but real people with peculiar, now not quite clear to us, ideas about the world around them.

In 1868, several skeletons of Late Paleolithic people were discovered in the Cro-Magnon grotto in France. According to the name of the cave, they received the name "Cro-Magnons". Their numerous remains, along with tools of labor, were found in Italy, and then in many other places in the world.

In 1936, archaeologists SN Bibikov and EV Zhirov, while excavating the Mesolithic cultural layers of the Murzak-Koba grotto in the mountains of southern Crimea (in the Balaklava region), discovered a pair burial of Cro-Magnons - a man of 40-50 years old and a young woman. The skeletons were placed side by side, with the man's right hand under the bones of the female skeleton. The bodies of both buried were littered with stones. In the sediments of the Murzak-Koba cave, objects were found that were used by Cro-Magnons: flint incisors, scrapers, tools made of animal bones and horns, harpoon and dart tips, as well as bones of ungulates (marals, roe deer, wild boars), snail shells, fish skeletons.

Cro-Magnons differ significantly from Neanderthals, including their height (the height of a man is about 180 centimeters). The appearance of a man and a woman was reconstructed by M. M. Gerasimov:

Promotional video:

The skull … large, massive. The muscle relief is well expressed. A steep, medium-wide forehead is weighed down with a powerful browbrow, which does not at all give the face a primitive character, but emphasizes its strength. The large width of the face seems to be concealed by the strong protrusion of the nose. The narrow high nose is beautiful in its outline. Deep-sitting eyes had a characteristic overhang of the soft fold of the upper eyelid over the outer corner of the eye. The zygomatic bones are massive, rough in outline. The lower jaw is very large and massive. Head landing - straight, proud.

Cro-Magnons have created a rich and varied culture. They used over a hundred types of sophisticated stone and bone tools, made with great skill and with the obvious use of new techniques for more efficient processing of materials. Cro-Magnons made metal spears, as well as devices for fishing (harpoons, hooks), bird snares. Living mainly in caves, they nevertheless built various dwellings of stone, dugouts, tents from animal skins, even erecting entire settlements. On the walls of the caves, magnificent images of bison, horses, deer, mammoths have been preserved. In the cultural layers, female figurines were discovered, for their splendor of forms, archaeologists called "venus", various objects carved from bone, horns and tusks.

In 1879, an amateur archaeologist Marcelino Sanz de Sautuola discovered a grotto with drawings in the province of Santander (Spain). The Altamira Cave was explored by Soutuola and Juan Vilanova y Pierre, an archaeologist at the University of Madrid. Excavations have revealed artifacts from the Upper Solutre (18,500 BC) to the Lower Madeleine of the Late Paleolithic (14,000 BC). Colorful drawings depict bison, deer, goats, horses, wild boars, handprints, etc. They made with coal, ocher, lime, hematite and other natural paints. The drawings are located on the ceiling and walls of the main hall, as well as in the corridor and other branches of the cave. On one of them, the ancient artist depicted a wounded buffalo falling to the ground. The overweight body, still full of fierce strength, is depicted very realistically. The bison bent his head and thrust out his horns,but he is already falling on his side, and life leaves the once mighty body. It is hard to believe that this drawing was created by a savage from the Stone Age.

Currently, there are thousands of petroglyphs dating back to this period: rock paintings, bone carvings, reliefs and figurines. These are images of animals in the famous Kapova cave in the Urals, human figurines from excavations on the Don (Kostenki), in Siberia (Malta). Many monuments of Paleolithic art have been found in other countries as well. Not all of them are distinguished by such vivid realism as the drawings from Altamira, but, undoubtedly, the Cro-Magnons were the first artists in the history of mankind.

Cro-Magnons, created by the Anunnaki as a result of genetic experiments, were more perfect than the indigenous inhabitants of the Earth - the monkey people. In the struggle for existence, man had one undoubted advantage - a developed brain, although the Neanderthals were physically stronger and more resilient creatures. Gradually, our ancestors destroyed or drove out the primitive people of the Stone Age from all habitable regions of the planet. During archaeological excavations of the sites of ancient people, it was found that the Neanderthals disappeared from the face of the Earth in a very short period of time.

In the legends of the Zulu, there are references to ancient events, when "slaves of flesh and blood, artificially created by the First People" worked in the gold mines of Monotape (Southern Zimbabwe). And these slaves "went to war against the monkey-man" when "a huge war star appeared in the sky."

Thus, as a result of the intervention of aliens in natural evolution, the genocide of aboriginal earthlings - Neanderthals was carried out on the planet. Soon only our ancestors remained on Earth, but their relationship with the Gods was not easy.

According to the biblical texts, the progenitors of humans, Adam and Eve, were expelled from Eden (the alien base) when they learned the beauty of sexual relations between different sexes. This event is described in detail in the Book of Genesis. Adam and Eve lived in the Garden of Eden. They could eat fruits from any tree, with the exception of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, since God declared: "On the day you eat of it, you will die." The serpent promised Eve that, having tasted the forbidden fruit, she and Adam would gain knowledge, so that their eyes would open and they would be like gods who know good and evil. Yielding to temptation, Eve first tasted the fruit herself, and then offered it to her husband. From that moment, they realized their nakedness, made themselves belts from fig leaves and hid from God. In order to prevent them from eating the fruits of the Tree of Life, God drove them out of Eden,and from then on they were forced to cultivate the land in order to obtain their own food.

So humanity found itself free, and in the absence of birth control, it began to multiply rapidly. This period is described in the Sumerian texts as follows:

… the country [Sumer] has grown, people have multiplied. There were so many of them that the noise from them reached the sky and began to interfere with the rest of the gods.

"The Tale of Atrahasis" tells about an attempt to regulate the population of the Earth by the Anunnaki:

Enlil made a speech, He told the gods, his sons:

“People are very shameless and noisy, This noise bothers me

Because of him, I cannot sleep.

… I'll put malaria on them, And sickness will silence them

How the storm will hit them

Disease, headache, malaria, any kind of infection!"

As a result of the use of biological weapons, the number of people in the country has decreased. Around this time, the Neanderthals disappeared from the face of the planet. But people created by aliens possessed excellent immunity, which helped them "adapt" to various diseases and survive.

Then the aliens decided to use terror and geoclimatic weapons against too actively breeding slaves:

There are no fewer people, they are still multiplying.

The noise from them disturbs me.

Because of their atrocities, I cannot sleep.

May their fig trees be cut down

Let them not have vegetables for food, And above all, let Adad not send rain …

According to the Sumerian cuneiform tablets, these threats were followed by seven severe periods of severe drought:

From above - the heat was

Below - the waters did not rise to the springs.

The womb of the earth did not give birth; the plants did not grow …

The blackening lands turned white;

The wide plain was suffocated with salt.

… In the first year, they ate the grass of the earth;

For the second year they suffered from vengeance.

The third year has come; the figures have changed from hunger, Their faces were covered with a crust …

When the fourth year came, Their faces looked green;

Bent over, they walked the streets.

In the fifth year, mothers began to hide food from their daughters …

When the sixth year came, They prepared food from daughters and children.

One house was devoured by another.

When the sixth year came, men and women

They were like the ghosts of the dead.

And only in the seventh year the kind-hearted Enki distributed food to the starving people, for which he was condemned at the council of the gods. Having learned about the approach of the Flood, the aliens left people alone, deciding that they, one way or another, would not survive anyway. As a result of this cataclysm, a significant part of the Earth's population perished, only a few survived and continued the human race.

There are several hypotheses explaining the extinction of Neanderthals: the death of primitive people as a result of climate change and the onset of glaciers in their territory, an epidemic of an unknown disease, lack of nutrition, etc. the path of evolution of the aborigines: the Anunnaki created a more perfect species of Homo sapiens - Cro-Magnons, that is, competitors to the Neanderthals. Thus, the genocide of the true inhabitants of the Earth was carried out.

"Extraterrestrial footprint in the history of mankind", Vitaly Simonov

Continued: Gods and Demigods