Incarnation Cell: A Place To Store Information About Past Lives - Alternative View

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Incarnation Cell: A Place To Store Information About Past Lives - Alternative View
Incarnation Cell: A Place To Store Information About Past Lives - Alternative View

Video: Incarnation Cell: A Place To Store Information About Past Lives - Alternative View

Video: Incarnation Cell: A Place To Store Information About Past Lives - Alternative View
Video: Find Out How Many Lives You Have Lived Based On Your Birthday 2024, October

From the point of view of global symbolism, everything that takes place in this world is more or less analogous to the manifestations of the outside world. An analogue of an incarnation cell can be a hut or a villa, no difference. However, neither one nor the other sufficiently reflects what the incarnation cell really is. Let's just say, if the core of a cell is a physical body, then the energies that spread around it are going beyond this body.

A modern dwelling has many communications, both at the entrance and at the exit. On the one hand, electricity, gas, running water. On the other hand, there is a sewerage system and a garbage chute. In addition, the house has communications that simultaneously serve as an entrance and exit. I mean the telephone and the Internet, which allows you to communicate with the whole world, receive and send information.

The same can be said about the incarnation cell, but its connection has no direct analogs in our life. Through such channels, one can communicate with all dimensions and spaces of the Universe. In short, the incarnation cell is our personal world, which has connections with any point of external and internal space. This world is aware of any event that occurs at any time in our physical life.

So. What is an incarnation cell?

An incarnation cell is a complex individual complex in the Noosphere, the main function of which is to preserve individual energy-informational blocks. It stores information about past lives and the Soul between incarnations, as the basis of a person's energy-informational structure, which evolves as part of the planetary Mind. The incarnation cell is represented by two dimensionally separated, but inextricably linked components - the Guardian and the Follower. The Follower ensures the accumulation and storage in an unchanged form of the information accumulated during each life, maintains a constant connection between the Soul and the Noosphere. The Guardian is located in an isolated (outside time and space) metric of the Noosphere and is the haven of the Soul between incarnations.

The Keeper contains the processed and systematized information accumulated in all the lives a person has lived, which ensures the incarnation cycles of the development of the Soul. This information is in the form of archives of previous incarnational accumulations, replenished at the moments of the death of an individual, serves as a protected repository of information and the Soul itself. The Guardian Cell also has a set of service, navigation and other information necessary for its existence and development.

An Incarnation cell can be in two states - active (Reincarnation state) or passive, when the energy-informational structure of the Bioscreen with Incarnation information (Soul) is in it, preparing for a new incarnation into a fertilized egg, the most suitable in terms of microelement composition. In an active state, information exchange is maintained between the incarnation cell and the body of the person associated with it through the incarnation ray. The ray descends from the incarnation cell to the level of the field brain and the 7th chakra of the individual. On the incarnational ray, there is a two-way exchange of information between people and the Teachers of the Noosphere. Actually, the cell or the cell-guardian is located behind the incarnation filter, and in front of it is its holographic copy, or the cell-follower.

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Cell - Follower

The follower can be figuratively represented in the form of a domed hexagonal prism rounded to the bottom. In the center, in the depth, is the core. Orbits, or disks, are located around the core, with comprehensive information about all the lives a person has lived. The interorbital space is filled with power energy circuits. In cases where the Soul participates in the inter-incarnation period in any noospheric processes, information about these events remains in them. Information-neutral interorbital space can be figuratively described as uniformly filled tori or cables closed by a ring, in which a certain energy fluctuates. On the one hand, such interlayers prevent the "sticking" of neighboring orbits, on the other hand, they can accumulate an additional amount of energy, attracting it, if necessary, from the Noosphere.

With the participation of the Soul in inter-incarnational noospheric processes, the inter-orbital rings are additionally filled with information about this activity. It can be assumed that the School of Shambhala mentioned by the eastern mystics is a memory of the experience of the inter-incarnational training of the Soul. Information about past lives can be obtained not only from orbits, but also through descriptors in the cell nucleus, through which a request is made for a specific orbit or for all at once.

At the periphery of the nucleus, frame plates originate, supporting the stability of the incarnation orbits and the possibility of information exchange between them. The minimum number of plates corresponds to the number of edges of the cell - hexagon. Along with this, there is a mechanism that creates auxiliary plates, the number of which depends on factors such as the number of lives lived and the density of information accumulations in each particular life and in aggregate in the cell.

For the main plates belonging to the hexahedron, the plane passes both along the periphery of the ball and along the periphery of the orbits of all lived lives and power rings, if they are filled. In this way, communication is made with all the basic structures of the hexagon. The main plates bear the load of informational, energy, structural, temporal stability and complete information exchange, while the additional plates, in addition to information interaction, keep the stability of the overall structure of rings and orbits.

With their help, the descriptors of the functional capabilities of changes in individual cell components after the end of the life cycle, or correction of any functions due to changes in external factors, are implemented in the core. For example, life has come to an end, a lot of information has been accumulated in it by a person, and additional fixing formations are required for stability and maintenance of the symmetry of the structure. At the end of their life, the plates also participate in the deployment of the filter structure. At the top of the cell there are filters: a set of 7 algorithms that are activated at the time of the death of an individual. For filters, there is a single standard for the passage of the Soul through certain stages of informational and energetic purification.

The inner space of the cell, due to various noospheric processes, is saturated with energies, including temporal (temporal - T). Figuratively, one can imagine how energies, flowing around the cell along the periphery, walls, core, create a protective masking layer under the cell, enveloping it like a fog. If necessary, with the participation of the Teachers of the 1st level, the protective layer can thicken and literally "seal" the cell from the bottom and along the periphery. This can block entire sectors of successor cells. The core contains the functions of controlling the filtering structures for the subsequent transition of the Soul to the custodian cell. Information and energy that has not passed the filters pass from a qualitative state to a quantitative one - to neutral energy. The sifted out destructive components, in cases of impossibility of conversion into free energy, can be taken out of the Noosphere.

Information about the lives lived is stored in orbits in an unarchived form. One orbit corresponds to one lived earthly life. The orbits are parallel to each other, at different heights from the core - the orbit with information about the first life lived is located closest to it. The informational density of the orbit depends not so much on the duration of life, so much on the completeness of the information and its influence on the development of the Soul. The outer part of the cell, with the exception of the edges, consists of zero-state algorithms for various dimensional structures (not the dimensions themselves, but algorithms for the possibility of their development). Thus, the possibility of access to the cell through spatial-dimensional channels is excluded, on the one hand, on the other hand, the structure actually does not consume energy, does not require additional recharge. And with the manifestation of the attention of any outside observer, complete "opacity" is provided.

During the next incarnation of the Soul, some of these algorithms can be used to build, recreate the structures of an individual. The time torus and the main structures of the personal time factor are necessarily recreated. If the interests of the Teacher's system or cosmic Forces are present, then, in addition to the algorithms for further implementation, the curators can bring information fragments and completed software complexes directly, both to the field brain and to the structures of the memory arsenal.

However, all of them are initially embedded in an archived form on the structures of the field brain, usually temporary. With an emphasis on the structures of the brain, programs are deployed according to given algorithms from the field brain to certain periods of life. In all cases, algorithms are either laid down in a compressed form before the onset of a new incarnation and deployed from the field brain already in the process of life, or are directly transmitted from the guardian cell both to the field brain and to the brain structures of a living individual. However, the first method does not exclude the second. In the free inner space of the cell there is a certain amount of energy, which, in the event the Soul leaves the cell, serves to preserve the latter. And for a possible period of cataclysms it is a buffer, a shock absorber for a cylinder with a Soul resting in it.


The core is the central spherical structure of the noospheric incarnation cell, which is its energetic identification mark and determines the individuality of a particular person in a particular life. The kernel is a packed copy of the cell. If necessary, for example, in the event of a partial destruction of the cell's infrastructure, it can be completely restored by the Teachers of the 1st order. When a Soul is placed in a custodian cell, it also passes through additional filters of the cell nucleus, which “remove” unnecessary information from the energy, thereby turning it into neutral.

The core determines the individuality of a person in all incarnations. Obviously, with each next incarnation, the average information of previous incarnations (karma) is "laid" in a person. In terms of energy, the nucleus is an identification mark, defining the individuality of a particular person. Some core levels in the form of small variations from the main focal line set unique nuances of the development of a human personality in a particular life. Each life lived puts certain touches on the focusing core structure of the nucleus. Thus, the core of the incarnation cell resembles the table of contents of the book that we fill, chapter by chapter, with our lives.

The core also stores the individual characteristics of the structures of the time factor of a particular Soul. With several lives lived - the sum of information about the features of the time factor. Information in the kernel is stored and distributed layer-by-layer and by sector, and virtually all information descriptors, as well as all archives, can be sequentially and cross-read. Associative, not coordinate access to information is used. When the Soul approaches the core (by the 40th day after death), the Follower's core rises slightly, and a filter consisting of seven layers is activated in the vacated space.

They descend from the core, sequentially passing through the entire volume of the cell, and at the final stages of filtration, the system closes the entire cell, actually sealing it. The information accumulated during life and stored in orbit has a pronounced subjective color and assessment of events. The information that came with the Soul after filtering is devoid of many negative assessments and destructive fragments. At the same time, in the last recorded orbit, event information in key aspects is, on the one hand, little changeable, on the other, the information of the Soul after being purified on filters in a certain sense becomes dominant over that which was recorded in orbit during life. It will be superimposed on the orbit with the replacement of the destructive component - full or partial.

Correction takes place for the maximum possible exclusion of the impact of both a negative energy background and dominant aggressive programs that can activate this background. Teachers observe what is happening in the mesh layer, and in most cases (about 96%) they monitor the work of the incarnation filters. There is also an individual safety system: in the core of each cell there are descriptors, which in special emergency situations send an alarm signal to the first layer of Teachers. When the Soul passes the filters, it is important to correctly align information fragments, and if an alarm signal is given, the Teachers will help complete the process.

Cell - Guardian

Each Follower cell corresponds to a parallel structure - the Guardian cell - a two-core structure in the form of a hexagonal prism, at the bases of which the information and temporal cores are located. When the Soul approaches the guardian cell, the latter fully manifests itself in the dimensional-temporal characteristics of the first layer of Teachers and the follower cell. After the laying of the Soul, the keeper "melts", that is, he returns to the most protected metrics.

The custodian cell is essentially an indestructible container for storing the Soul, unaffected by any external influences and influences, and located outside the space-time continuum we are used to. In other words, outside of three-dimensionality. Figuratively speaking, the shape of the Soul resting in the Guardian can be imagined as an hourglass with rounded bases or a three-dimensional sign of infinity. The energy reserve of autonomous existence envelops it like a cylinder, slightly expanding down the cell (a pseudosphere with a base convex outward). Stabilizing formations are located between the cell walls and the energy storage system, which can ensure the safety of all internal structures under virtually any changing conditions or any impacts.

The soul located in the keeper is a long-term information matrix - the resulting component of the experience of lived lives in the form of accumulated skills, opportunities for realizing information about these skills, as well as the possibility, if necessary, of realizing information of a broader nature at the inner request of the Soul itself. In the composition of the Soul in a state of "rest", there are no temporary keys, which are obligatory during the life of individuals, and any other information that determines the belonging of a given Soul to any continuum.

The outer part of the keeper (the walls of the hexagon) is a universal reflector, both from various kinds of destructive influences and from manifestations of someone's attention and interest. This is the entire outer covering except for the lower core of the guardian. The lower core (ball) of the keeper serves, on the one hand, to maintain the balance of the normal functioning of the keeper in the environment of his existence. On the other hand, it contains the resultant components of all three temporary keys available during a person's life. A duplicate key is stored at the top of the cell. In fact, with the consent of the noospheric structures or the supervising cosmic Force, this resulting component can be used as a starting router for temporal movements (exploratory travel of the operator's twin).

The described form of the guardian is real and presented as if the object were in our three-dimensional space. This is how we would see the keeper if, as outside observers, we moved to the space where he is. The four-dimensional form can only be described figuratively and very simplistically: the object would be braided, crossed through and through and permeated with a number of additional objects resembling ribbons, tubes, intersecting "snails" rotating along its axis and around the keeper, including him, intertwining and rotating relative each other along complex trajectories close to spiral. Moreover, the general direction of their movement would be present in all planes simultaneously.

The lower, temporal, core consists of the completed algorithms of the following fragments of the time factor:

- algorithms of the 1st time factor of the generalized plan and algorithms of personal temporal structures;

- fundamental algorithms that carry the ability to construct structures of the 2nd (planetary) time factor;

- beginnings related to the foundations of the 3rd time factor (galactic), more precisely, only mathematically described their features;

- the possibility of synthesis, first of all, and the recreation of personal structures inherent in a separate field mind, Soul, and the further development of the entire temporal system of a person.

The outer part of the guardian cell is saturated with temporal (T) energy of a character that is neutral with respect to various temporal factors. And it is in the form compressed to the state of collapse inside the cell faces. The edges are similar to segments of the temporal axes, which close along the outer part of the guardian cell, intersect and close in the upper part and in the lower part along the ring encircling the temporal core. The outer part of the faces is as dense as possible and has an angular section. The walls are impenetrable, excluding the ingress of other types of energies, fragments of various spaces, dimensions, etc.

All incarnation cells form a honeycomb-like honeycomb structure. The number of incarnation cells is 2 times more than people living on Earth (that is, more than 12 mlr). The main function of the cellular layer is to preserve individual energy-information blocks. The cellular structure is more concentrated over the Atlantic and Greenland, closer to the north. Energetically, a layer of cells is associated with anomalous zones located on the ocean floor. At certain periods of time, huge emissions of energy are released from there, captured by the Guardians. Cells need these energies not so much to maintain the vital activity of their own nuclear structures in an "suspended" state, but to connect nuclei with parallel worlds and spaces, as well as to redistribute energies and restore cells in the event of their destruction.