Prophetic Bird Gamayun - Alternative View

Prophetic Bird Gamayun - Alternative View
Prophetic Bird Gamayun - Alternative View

Video: Prophetic Bird Gamayun - Alternative View

Video: Prophetic Bird Gamayun - Alternative View
Video: Prophetic Word: No more ruins! 2024, June

Bird Gamayun - Bird-Virgo, possessing the gift of divination.

Prophetic bird Gamayun is the assistant and messenger of the Gods Veles and Dazhdbog.

She receives her prophetic predictions from the wise God Veles and spreads them to all near and distant lands.

Bird Gamayun tells people forgotten secrets of the past and shows them magical pictures of the future.

Nothing can hide from the all-seeing and all-knowing eye of the Gamayun bird.

She knows everything about the origin of monsters and birds, animals and people, Gods and Heroes.

As soon as hearing the voice of the bird Gamayun, a person gains good luck and happiness for life.

Here is one small, but very ancient legend about the bird Gamayun …

Promotional video:

… Once upon a time, long ago, on the shore of a deserted forest lake, one young hunter noticed a very wondrous and strange bird, which had a beautiful, girlish face and an open, girlish chest.

In her claws, the bird-maiden was clutching a small scroll on which were inscribed mysterious letters: "You will pass the whole world in a false manner, but you will return back!"

The young hunter pulled the string of his bow, intending to shoot at the maiden bird, but she only looked at him in disappointment and said:

-What do you want to do, miserable mortal? How dare you raise your weapon on me? On me, on the prophetic and immortal bird Gamayun?

At the same moment, the hunter staggered and fell to the ground.

A deep sleep closed his eyes.

In a dream, he dreamed that he saw his own sisters - Truth and Truth, who fought off a huge ferocious boar.

The young hunter, without hesitation, shot a terrible boar and saved two trembling sisters from death.

–What reward would you like to receive for our salvation? The sisters asked him.

The young hunter answered them:

-I want to see the whole world! I want to see it from edge to edge!

Then one of the sisters, True, smiled and said:

-But it's impossible, because the light is endless and immense.

And the second sister, False, exclaimed:

-It's possible! However, in order to fulfill your desire, you must selflessly and faithfully serve me, deceive, lie and bend your soul!

The young hunter, without hesitation, agreed to this …

… Since then, many years have passed …

The hunter managed to see the whole world, and he happily returned to his native land.

However, he did not manage to recognize the long-abandoned surroundings, and all the people living there did not recognize the aged hunter either.

It turned out that while the hunter was traveling, his native village sank into the ground, and in the place where it used to be, a huge deep lake appeared.

The aged hunter wandered for a long time along the shores of this lake, grieving over his losses and brushing away a rare tear that was coming.

And suddenly he noticed on the branch of one old, dead tree a familiar scroll on which the prophetic prediction of the bird Gamayun was inscribed:

"You will go through the whole world with a lie, but you will not come back!"

Then the old, gray-haired hunter realized his mistake, but nothing could be done.

He was completely alone in the whole wide world, and in the future only the cold and implacable Goddess of death Mara-Marena was waiting for him.