Louisiana Creepy Phantom Whistler - Alternative View

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Louisiana Creepy Phantom Whistler - Alternative View
Louisiana Creepy Phantom Whistler - Alternative View

Video: Louisiana Creepy Phantom Whistler - Alternative View

Video: Louisiana Creepy Phantom Whistler - Alternative View
Video: Urban Legends: The Phantom Whistler of Louisiana, invisible entity who enjoyed taunting by whistle 2024, September

In February 1950, eighteen-year-old Jacqueline Cadow, who lived in the American city of Paradise, Louisiana, began to hear a strange whistle at night, coming from the yard outside her bedroom. The girl then lived with her mother and at first preferred not to tell her relative about this mysterious sound. However, a month later, when the Kadows were away from home, someone broke down the door and entered the house.

The intruder scattered things in Jacqueline's room and tore about her underwear, but left no traces behind him by which he could be identified. The family went to the police, and law enforcement officers carefully examined the entire house and the surrounding area. However, no leads were found. The criminal who entered the house did not leave any fingerprints or shoe marks on the ground.

The whistle continued in the dark. The girl and her mother put bars on all the windows and bought a heavy metal door, but they did not stop fearing a new invasion of mysterious intruders. Soon, Jacqueline became engaged to the National Guard Herbert Belsom, and after that the whistle at night wafted through the melody of the funeral march. One day, the bride received a creepy phone call. The anonymous caller, who spoke in a hoarse, somehow inhuman voice, promised to stab the girl if she got married.

Fiance Jacqueline and his colleagues conducted their own investigation, but achieved nothing. The story was picked up by journalists, and then many townspeople began to visit Kadow's house at night in order to catch her mysterious pursuer by surprise. Sometimes five people walked outside, including the armed Herbert, and at the same time the whistle still continued to come from the street - ominous and frightening.

Pursuit by the Phantom Whistler

Soon the girl moved to the groom, but the whistle followed her. Now he began to be heard from outside their bedroom on the second floor. The future spouse got a dog, but to no avail: the dog did not notice and did not feel the presence of strangers or even some kind of danger during the whistling moments. Jacqueline had a nervous breakdown when she was at work and heard a hateful whistle from an empty room in the post office. Both the local sheriff and his men and the state police were involved in the investigation. The persecutor, whom the journalists called the Phantom Whistler, was never even seen in the eyes.


Promotional video:

Jacqueline and Herbert were married on the first of October of the same year. Immediately after the celebration, the whistling outside the newlyweds' bedroom stopped forever. However, these incidents, shrouded in an aura of mysticism, have spoiled Jacqueline's life and psyche so much that she still refuses to talk about it with anyone. By the way, now the American is already eighty-four years old.

Why was the elusive Phantom Whistler chasing Jacqueline and not wanting her to get married? Why did he stop bothering her when the marriage still took place, while not fulfilling his promise to kill the girl in the event of her marriage? How did he manage to remain unnoticed all the time? Maybe it was not a man at all, then who entered the house of Jacqueline Kadow, stirring things up and leaving no traces? Unfortunately, we will hardly ever know the answers to these questions …