UFO: Operation Concealment - Alternative View

UFO: Operation Concealment - Alternative View
UFO: Operation Concealment - Alternative View

Video: UFO: Operation Concealment - Alternative View

Video: UFO: Operation Concealment - Alternative View
Video: New videos raise questions about military UFO encounters 2024, July

There are no intriguing reports about abductions of earthlings and biological experiments on them - no, and they will flicker on the pages of the press. Many of the reports are backed up by eyewitness accounts and authority figures. But the official bodies either ignore the requests altogether, or answer them extremely vaguely - they are either hiding something, or they themselves cannot understand anything … This is how the population balances on the verge of “believe it or not”. And yet the problem exists …

It happened in 1957 in Brazil, in San Francisco de Salis, State of Minas Gerais. During the evening and night of October 5, Antonio Vilas-Boas and his brother observed a strange moving silvery spot of light near their house - "like from a powerful searchlight." Nine days later, on October 14, at about ten in the evening, they observed a similar phenomenon already in the field, where they plowed on a tractor. The next night, Antonio was alone in the field. That's when it all happened. At about one in the morning, an object landed next to the tractor. “I could see its shape well,” Antonio said later, “it was a large elongated egg with three spurs on the nose. At the top, something was spinning very quickly, emitting a powerful reddish light. Antonio tried to drive away, but the tractor engine suddenly stalled. The farmer jumped out of the cab, but did not have time to take two steps,how he was captured by strangers.

“They dragged me to the car, which was ten meters above the ground on metal legs … It was very difficult for these creatures to drag me there … Finally, they managed to shove me into a small square room … One of the five creatures made it clear that I should follow him. I obeyed as I had no choice. Together we entered another semi-oval room, which was larger than the previous one … I believe it was the central part of the car … [Above the door] there was an incomprehensible inscription of red glowing signs. They had nothing to do with any writing that I had seen before …"

And further: “All five began to undress me … I stood naked and was scared to death, because I did not know what they were going to do with me. One of them came up to me, holding something like a wet washcloth in his hand, and began to rub the liquid on my body. The liquid was clear, viscous, but odorless …"

Unknown persons, communicating with each other through yapping and growling sounds, carefully examined Antonio and with the help of a “tube-nose” took blood samples from different parts of his body (dark specks-scars remained in these places, which were later examined by a professor at the National Medical School in Rio- de Janeiro, Dr. Olavo T. Fontes and colleagues). Then they went out, and soon a gray, choking smoke began to enter the room, so unpleasant that Antonio vomited.

After a while it became easier to breathe, and a short woman entered the room. “She was naked … I was speechless and the woman seemed to be amused by the expression on my face. She was very beautiful, but a completely different beauty compared to those women whom I have met … The unusually high cheekbones gave her face a peculiar shape. It was much wider than that of the Indian women of South America … The woman was much smaller than me …"

The stranger came close to the young man and made it clear why she had come … Further Antonio described to Dr. Fontes clearly reluctantly, noting, however, that during the impetuous intimate scene the woman "expressed the pleasure she received with grunting sounds, which were completely confusing." Later recalling some strange details of this meeting, Antonio said that he was unusually excited, and the reason for this, perhaps, was the liquid with which he was rubbed, or the gray gas launched into the room. After intimacy, the woman pointed to her belly, then to the sky, smiled and left …

The strangers returned Antonio's clothes, brought him to a metal staircase and made it clear that he could walk. “Once on the ground, I looked up again. My companion was still there; first he pointed to himself, then to me and, finally, to the sky, to its southern part. Then he signaled for me to step aside and disappeared into the car.

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The vehicle began to climb slowly, "the landing legs were removed, and the bottom of the vehicle became completely smooth." At an altitude of 30-50 meters, the object lingered for a couple of seconds, its dome spun at an incredible speed, the glow intensified, and the UFO, tilting slightly, rushed southward, disappearing from sight within a few seconds. It was half past five in the morning. The farmer spent more than four hours inside the strange car …

The next day Antonio became ill: pain in his eyes began, many small ulcers appeared on his body … I had to go to the doctor and tell my incredible story. Some of the symptoms closely resembled the effects of radiation exposure. Objective measurements confirmed that the body, and even stronger clothing, in which he was aboard the UFO, had a high degree of radiation contamination. However, in this area there was not a single object associated with radiation - neither civilian nor military …

It is no coincidence that we have described the details of this incident in such detail. In the half-century history of ufology, this is one of the first officially recorded reports of "alien" sexual contact. To date, more than a dozen of them have accumulated. Moreover, in most cases, women became victims of harassment.

Opinions vary. Someone claims that women write off their sins on the side of the aliens. Others talk about the psychological nature of the phenomenon: sexual fantasies, Freudian dreams, distorted memories of adult sexual abuse of children. Of course, it is impossible to reject these versions, but quite often material traces remain after contacts, which already speaks of real events."

And not memories at all (the memory for these episodes is usually blocked), but it is these traces that make the victims turn to researchers and doctors. Burns of unknown origin, strange scars or lesions resembling postoperative stitches … Pregnancy. arisen without intimacy. "Express pregnancies" with extremely fast, in a matter of hours, the development of the fetus in the womb … Miscarriages of abnormal embryos or the birth of strange humanoid creatures … Sometimes complaints are caused by an unreasonable deterioration in health: severe headaches (usually on the right side), nosebleeds, changes in taste, impaired coordination of movements …

These facts are so numerous and similar to each other that there is no reason to doubt that there are some biological experiments behind them. Another question is who conducts them and for what purpose?

To reconstruct the events, researchers resort to so-called regressive hypnosis, with the help of which it is possible not only to determine the reliability of messages, but also to identify patterns common to various parts of the world.

It turned out that at the time of the abduction and experiments, most of the "chosen ones" were incomprehensibly paralyzed or deprived, their consciousness and memory were controlled from the outside. In many cases, some "laboratories" appear, where medical or gynecological manipulations are performed on the abducted. "… I turned around and managed to see an oval object flying low over the field, which scattered bright light rays around," writes Veronica X. from the Tver region. "I remember myself in some strangely lit room lying without clothes on a table, which seemed to me like There were dark, indistinct figures around and doing something to me. Then I lost consciousness again and woke up at the edge of the forest in front of the summer cottage … "A similar case was investigated in 1968 in the state of New York by Dr. Hans Holzer. He was able to clarify some of the details: for example, in order to take samples of eggs from a woman, small hairless creatures used a long needle. However, they did not hide their intentions and announced that she was chosen to bring them a child …

Often the experiments of "outsiders" are accompanied by the implantation of miniature devices into the victim's body. “They put a long tube up my nose and squeezed something out of it. I don't know what it was, but then during the course of the ode I was tormented by headaches, - the thirty-year-old cashier Astrid Ramush complained to the doctors, whom, according to her, on the night of May 18, 1993, some creatures were taken right from bed on your spaceship. "When I talked about the alien abduction, everyone took me for a madman, but now they have to believe me, because there is direct evidence of this." The well-known surgeon Antonio Borja received proof of this. In June 1994, in the Portuguese city of Braga, he performed a unique operation - he discovered and removed from the patient's head a miniature device, which, according to the scientists who studied him, most likelyis a radio transmitter that monitored all movements of a woman. “I understand why other doctors were unable to determine the cause of the migraines,” says the doctor. - The fact is that the mechanism we have extracted is made of an unusual material that is not visible on an X-ray photograph. Only a thorough scan showed the presence of some foreign object in the right temporal lobe of the brain. No one living on Earth could have done such an implantation, because modern surgery has not yet reached this level. "Only a thorough scan showed the presence of some foreign object in the right temporal lobe of the brain. No one living on Earth could have done such an implantation, because modern surgery has not yet reached this level. "Only a thorough scan showed the presence of some foreign object in the right temporal lobe of the brain. No one living on Earth could have done such an implantation, because modern surgery has not yet reached this level."

In those subjected to abduction (abduction), such devices are most often found in the hollow under the eyeball, in the brain, ears, nose … But implants are also found in the hands, hips, soles of the feet … Some mechanisms resemble a spider, whose numerous thinnest "legs" are connected in an incomprehensible way to human nerve fibers. Others look like long needles with 2.5 millimeter spiky balls or eyelets at the end. Richard Price from New York State during the abduction in 1955, aliens injected into the body "something" that came out through the skin only 34 years later. This "something" turned out to be a cylinder one millimeter thick and four millimeters long. It was analyzed at the Physics Department of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology under the direction of Dr. David E. Pritchard and showed that the shell of the implant consisted of 90 percent carbon.three percent oxygen and seven percent tantalum.

Since implants are not always found on X-ray images, magnetic resonance medical devices are now used to detect them. And it turned out that people with miniature devices embedded in them are not so few. According to the estimates of one of the researchers of this problem, the legendary American pilot John Lear, no less than ten percent of the population is “marked” with such micro devices in the United States.

Another curious regularity: many were kidnapped repeatedly and often fell under the hood in early childhood. For example, Virginia Norton, a US lawyer, had her first encounter with aliens at the age of six. Once she went to the barn and returned only two hours later, with an incomprehensible wound on her leg. Then Virginia could not explain anything. Memories returned only many years later during a session of regressive hypnosis. It turned out that she met a man with a large head in shining clothes, and he carried her inside a strange apparatus that landed between the trees. There she was examined on a special table, and some kind of mechanical device did something to her leg. Under hypnosis, Virginia recalled another episode that happened to her later - at the age of sixteen. She found herself in the same apparatus againand the same person was talking to her. When the girl asked how he managed to find her again, the stranger replied that according to brain radiation, which are as individual as fingerprints … Such stories are not uncommon. So, under hypnosis, it turned out that in 1950 Betty Andreasson, then still a teenager, humanoids injected under the eyeball "ball with wires." It was extracted by them, but after twenty years.

"Every year more and more adults and children undergo such operations," says the famous researcher from Portugal, Dr. Victor Pinto. "We believe that aliens from outer space want to know as much as possible about people living on Earth." Why do they need it?

There are a number of "alien" versions. So, some extinct extraterrestrial civilization uses our genetic material to maintain its own existence. The emergence of new individuals occurs as a result of cloning or direct sexual contact with earthlings. It is possible that the birth of monster children with very hard skin of a bronze-green color and without a brain (anencephals) is connected with this. Close to this hypothesis is the version about attempts to create a new race by some extraterrestrial civilizations on Earth. There is one more hypothesis - a civilization hostile to humanity is preparing a "bridgehead for landing", and research is being carried out in order to study the future enemy …

The most reasonable version is that an alien civilization (our ancestors?) Conducts a kind of monitoring of humanity, tracking and directing its physical and mental evolution. Samples of genetic material are periodically taken not only from humans, but also from animals. But the matter is not limited only to samples. Apparently, there is also a targeted impact on the genetic evolution of the inhabitants of the Earth. One of the arguments in favor of this hypothesis is, in particular, the discovery made in the department of medical genetics of the hospital in Oxford (England). “Ian Harlow and Georg Clark and colleagues found a strange object among the chromosomes, similar to a matrix with regular square cells containing inclusions in the form of a binary code. Subject was found during routine chromosomal studies of amniotic fluid during gynecological tests in one of the women. The nature of the implant, as well as its functional purpose, are unknown. This message and a photograph of the microimplant were published in the October 1986 issue of Nature and can be found on the Internet.

Ancient evidence also speaks in favor of the "alien" hypotheses. For example, back in the 17th century, Scottish priest Robert Kirk described supernatural phenomena in his book, very similar to today's UFOs and aliens. And Kirk's story of mysterious creatures attacking animals is very reminiscent of modern reports of the strange death of pets.

Bloodless dead animals were found in various parts of the world. And all of them have mysterious open wounds with exceptionally smooth edges and disappeared without a trace, as if a tissue snatched out by some hollow instrument. "Surgical operations on animals were done rapidly - in a minute or two, using the high temperatures of a laser scalpel," says renowned pathologist John Altshuller.

In some cases, just before the death of the livestock, local residents saw mysterious black helicopters without identification marks. And immediately a new version emerged: abductions and biological experiments are carried out not by some space aliens, but by earthly special services imitating the activities of aliens. This version is also supported by the fact that some victims of abductions under hypnosis spoke of their captors as completely earthly people in military uniform. Leaking information and documents about secret biomedical, genetic and psychological experiments that have been conducted on unsuspecting populations by military and secret research organizations for several decades added fuel to the fire.

An employee of the Austrian Institute for Space Research, Dr. Helmut Lammer, based on the data available to him, came to the conclusion that at least three groups of specialists are interested in attributing their research to aliens: those who are involved in manipulating the minds and behavior of humans; specializing in morally questionable biological and genetic research; and finally, the military, developing new types of weapons.

Well, the hypothesis about the purely terrestrial nature of biogenetic experiments is not without foundation. However, its weak link is that reports of such phenomena can be found not only in today's press, but also in old chronicles.

At the same time, there is a version that, combining the first two (alien and terrestrial), eliminates many contradictions. According to some researchers, including such authoritative ones as William F. Hamilton, William Cooper, John Lear, a deal has been made between a certain high-ranking US government group and aliens: the aliens transfer high technologies to the Americans, and they turn a blind eye to kidnapping, mutilation livestock, biological and genetic research. How grounded is this version? Links are made to people who worked in mysterious laboratories or had access to relevant documents. If we combine this information, the picture looks something like this.

Basic genetic research and comparative analysis of the biological structure of earthlings and aliens are carried out at a joint underground base with aliens located near the city of Dulce (Dulce, New Mexico). It is believed that genetic engineering experiments are being carried out there in order to breed new races. The base has underground connections with Los Alamos (New Mexico) and with Area 51 (base "Dreamland" - "Dreamland", Nevada) and is a seven-story underground complex, where several thousand aliens and earthlings work.

The three upper levels of the complex are occupied by the security service, communications, premises for earthlings, administration, bureau and laboratories, the fourth is reserved for experiments on mind control (on humans). The fifth level is allocated to aliens.

“At the sixth level, large-scale experiments are carried out to change the genetic makeup of people so that they can work in hazardous conditions” (WF Hamilton). Experiments are also carried out here to implant a special kind of implants, the so-called transponders - microtransmitters into the brains of people, allowing to control human behavior at any distance. This method is called radiohypnotic intercerebral control. Another area of research is the selective erasure of memory by electronic methods. This procedure is applied, in particular, to those few employees of the base who are released "free". (Apparently, the results are still far from perfect - thanks to regressive hypnosis, these employees were still able to remember something.) On the same floor, methods of cloning are being worked out and three-month-old embryos taken from women after artificial insemination are "brought in". The experiments are carried out as part of the top secret programs of the US Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA). In total, about 6,000 scientists and 4,000 maintenance personnel are employed at the base in mind control projects, genetic engineering and cloning. On the sixth level there is also a "menagerie" for experimental exhibits. W. Hamilton cites the stories of workers who saw here the results of crossing people and various animal species. They are kept in cages. Many cried and asked for help in human language …The experiments are carried out as part of the top secret programs of the US Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA). In total, about 6,000 scientists and 4,000 maintenance personnel are employed at the base in mind control projects, genetic engineering and cloning. On the sixth level there is also a "menagerie" for experimental exhibits. W. Hamilton cites the stories of workers who saw here the results of crossing people and various animal species. They are kept in cages. Many cried and asked for help in human language …The experiments are carried out as part of the top secret programs of the US Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA). In total, about 6,000 scientists and 4,000 maintenance personnel are employed at the base in mind control projects, genetic engineering and cloning. On the sixth level there is also a "menagerie" for experimental exhibits. W. Hamilton cites the stories of workers who saw here the results of crossing people and various animal species. They are kept in cages. Many cried and asked for help in human language …who have seen here the results of crossing humans and various species of animals. They are kept in cages. Many cried and asked for help in human language …who have seen here the results of crossing humans and various animal species. They are kept in cages. Many cried and asked for help in human language …

The lowest, seventh level - the cold room - is reserved for storing thousands of embryos (human and hybrid) - the results of failed experiments …

The version of the joint activity of earthlings and aliens explains many phenomena: abductions, and strange medical manipulations of abductees, and "alien" sexual contacts, and mysterious mutilations of animals … In particular, from the same sources it follows that aliens need a large amount of animal blood not only for genetic experiments, but also for your own nutrition …

For the first time, information (at first very scanty) about a joint research base with aliens in Dyuls appeared about ten years ago. It is possible that its leak was deliberately organized for the same purposes that we talked about earlier. How much you can trust this information, the future will show …