Lake Natron - Alternative View

Lake Natron - Alternative View
Lake Natron - Alternative View

Video: Lake Natron - Alternative View

Video: Lake Natron - Alternative View
Video: What If You Jumped Into Lake Natron? 2024, July

What is it: salt lake

Location: North Tanzania

For whom: anyone interested

The landscapes of northern Tanzania on the border with Kenya cannot be called colorful. For the most part, this is a burnt savannah, the panoramas of which in some places are disturbed only by small trees and islets of bushes. For all its monotony of the landscape, the place is considered truly unique. And all thanks to the fact that 60 km. the salt lake Natron stretches here, the color of the water in which turns red and pink.


The lake is part of the Great Rift Valley volcanic zone. Next to it is the active carbonatite volcano Ol Doinyo Lengai, whose lava is dominated by sodium carbonate. The lake is fed by the Iwaso Nyiro River and from underground hot mineral springs. Together with the rains washing away the substances it emitted from the slopes of the volcano, they form an explosive “cocktail” of compounds of sulfur, phosphorus, chlorine and sodium carbonate from the lake waters. The water temperature in the lake can reach 50 ° C, and the pH value of the alkalinity of the environment is 10.5.


The longer the dry season lasts, the higher the salt concentration becomes. With strong evaporation, a crust of alkaline salt forms on the surface of the lake and bacteria living in such extreme conditions are activated. Their activity changes the color of the water from orange in shallow waters to blood red in deeper places. The maximum depth of the lake does not exceed three meters.

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It would seem that neither flora nor fauna can live in such a harsh environment. However, such an aggressive environment turned out to be comfortable for several species of algae, fish and small flamingos. This is their only breeding ground, since there are practically no predators in the area. The toxic environment of the lake has become a kind of invisible barrier for predators, so they bypass the lake. During the evaporation season, islands are formed on the lake - on them flamingos build their nests and breed.


The number of flamingos on the lake reaches several million. Among other things, they feed on blue-green algae containing beta-carotene, which gives the feathers a bright pink color.


As beautiful as Natron is, it is so severe - if an animal enters the lake, it immediately dies, and its remains harden in natural positions, turning into "mummies". This feature of the lake was illustrated by photographer Nick Brandt, who captured fossilized birds and bats trapped in a death trap.


The route to this region is not the most popular among tourists. But those who decide to combine the ascent of Kilimanjaro with a trip to the "unexplored" Tanzania get a stunning impression from visiting this place.