An Eyewitness Told About An Unusual Vision On The Kanzhol Plateau - Alternative View

An Eyewitness Told About An Unusual Vision On The Kanzhol Plateau - Alternative View
An Eyewitness Told About An Unusual Vision On The Kanzhol Plateau - Alternative View

Video: An Eyewitness Told About An Unusual Vision On The Kanzhol Plateau - Alternative View

Video: An Eyewitness Told About An Unusual Vision On The Kanzhol Plateau - Alternative View
Video: Why eyewitnesses fail | Thomas Albright | TEDxSanDiego 2024, July

Sometimes there are messages that you believe to eyewitnesses, but you don’t know how to describe what they saw and what you didn’t see,”says Viktor Kotlyarov, a well-known researcher and ethnographer from Nalchik.

One young man encountered something strange and incomprehensible in the mountains. On the Kanzhol plateau (North Caucasus), he said, there is a place where the air seems to flicker. When asked to clarify what this means, an indistinct wordy explanation followed, consisting of interjections, epithets and exclamations. Summing them up and discarding all unnecessary, we got the following picture.

Descending from the Kanzhol plateau to the Tyzyl gorge (this is about thirty kilometers from the village of Kendelen), the young man witnessed a strange phenomenon. Something sparkled and shimmered under one of the overhanging rock ledges. At first, he thought it was a reflection from some shiny thing. But, looking closely, I realized that the air itself was shimmering with yellowish lights.

According to a special table, we subsequently determined the color scheme. It contained the following shades: pearl (white with a yellowish tint), fawn (pale yellow with a pink tint), straw (light yellow), daffodil (warm yellow), canary (bright yellow), corn (yellow-hot ), Sand …

It was the air, and not some place under a rock or on a rock, that overflowed, existing independently of what was happening around, at a height of about a meter above the ground and a little higher. The air seemed to be pulsating, it was in motion all the time, then folding (like an accordion) into one narrow (no more than half a meter) strip, then stretching three times more wide. And at that moment, when he moved apart, the entire color scheme acquired a complete picture.

Moreover, it seemed that something was happening in it, it was displayed: something complete and real was emerging from the rainbow flashes. Attractive and attractive image. Only this was not entirely clear.

Of course, a keen desire arose: to approach, touch, touch this shimmering miracle, to feed from it with magical energy. That is what our narrator tried to do, but with each step of approaching the strange phenomenon, it began to fade away right before our eyes, and then it went out completely.

When our young man found himself exactly in the place where just recently a living light picture was shimmering, he saw nothing.

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Absolutely nothing: just a rough, cracked rock, which, well, could not even be a supposed screen onto which the beam of an invisible projector was projected. Moreover, the narrator was convinced that the air itself was glowing.

Trying to understand what it was, we began to look for an answer on the all-knowing Internet, but we did not find anything similar. The phenomenon known as the solar pillar, which is "a vertical streak of light extending from the sun during sunset or sunrise"; It is caused by ice crystals floating in the frosty air, reflecting sunlight. It is clear that it has nothing to do with our summer observation.

Could it be a mirage? They - imaginary images of distant objects - appear as a result of such a phenomenon as refraction (from Latin refractus - "refracted"). Let us give the floor to specialists: “The air heats up from the surface of the Earth, and its temperature drops with height. However, if above the layer of cool air there is a warmer (brought, for example, by southerly winds) and very thin air layer, and the transition between them is rather sharp, then the refraction increases significantly. The rays of light coming from objects on Earth describe a kind of arc and return down, sometimes tens, even hundreds of kilometers from their source. Then there is a "rise in the horizon."


A classic example is seen in the early June morning of 1815 by the inhabitants of the Belgian city of Verviers in the sky, a picture of the disposition of troops (even the uniform of the artillerymen was discernible!), Preparing for the Battle of Waterloo. But between Verviers and Waterloo more than a hundred kilometers.

Lower mirages are also known, which “arise in those cases when the layers of air near the surface of the Earth are so heated that the rays of light emanating from objects are strongly bent. Having described an arc at the surface, they go from bottom to top. Then you can see trees and houses as if reflected in water. In fact, these are inverted images of distant landscapes."

It turns out that our informant was not observing a mirage at all. Moreover, a few days later he managed to visit these places again and once again see a strange sparkling curtain hanging next to the rock - it was still in motion, now gathering in one bright yellow strip, then moving apart into a large bright picture … But the second time, the young man could not see what was depicted on her. How to approach: as if in a mockery, the "picture", noticing its movement, flashed brightly and began to fade until it dissolved into thin air.

After that, our informant has repeatedly visited those places, and at about the same time of day and under similar weather conditions (about two o'clock in the afternoon with a cloudless sky, a brightly shining sun), but never again witnessed a strange optical phenomenon.

There was no reason to disbelieve the narrator, and now a year after his observations, on the same July day, we set off. To be honest, they are very skeptical, moreover, they understand perfectly well: it is impossible for everything to coincide, so that we, too, become witnesses of an inexplicable effect.

And nevertheless, there were some hopes. After all, the Kanzhol massif itself is a fascinating place: relaxation for both the sight and the soul. In summer it is surprisingly comfortable here: peace and quiet create a special mood. You clearly understand: we are guests on this earth: we have come today, and tomorrow we will leave. For these mountains and hollows, earth and grass, clouds and winds were yesterday and the day before yesterday, ten, one hundred, a thousand years ago. Another question: will they be like that tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, in decades or centuries: a person, thinking that he is omnipotent, is capable of any actions in relation to his planet.

And again, someone invisible and omnipotent placed obstacles in our path. The engine of the car, obedient and trouble-free yesterday, stopped pulling. They sinned on low-quality gas fuel, which they had just refueled with, but they also left relatively close on gasoline. After driving fifteen kilometers, they finally died out, and although both of my companions were drivers with many years of experience, they could not figure out what the matter was.

Fortunately for us, a young man was driving by on a tractor, to which a lawn mower was attached, stopped and offered help. By joint efforts, we brought the car to life - it turned out to be a matter of candles, which were already here, on Kanzhol, we replaced with new ones, not noticing that they had a factory defect. We talked with the guy, learned that his name was Alim Malkanduev, here he and his comrades graze cattle, have thoroughly studied the places around, he knows one unusual thing. In the middle of a high cliff, there is stonework, apparently covering the cave. There is no approach to it, according to the stories of the old people, it used to be, but after something was hidden in the cave (was someone buried?) It was brought down so that no one could get there.

We have heard similar swaggers more than once, while for some reason, those who tell them did not have a thought about the absurdity of such acts: if you hide something, why leave traces (in the form of the same masonry). But we did not dissuade Alim that most likely there was nothing and there was nothing in the cave, although we agreed closer to autumn, when the grass subsides, to make a horse expedition to a gorge relatively far from the well-known paths.

… The car took us to the right place. It was a magnificent July day: not a cloud in the sky, a complete absence of wind, emerald grass, decorated with bright colors of all shades of the rainbow, flowers, the sun, which filled everything around with its warmth and light.

Ahead - a steep and long descent: there are no paths, all the time you have to look at your feet so as not to slide down the grass. Nevertheless, we go fast enough, inspired by the desire to see something. The silence is amazing - the noise of the turbulent river flowing at the bottom of the Tyzyl gorge does not come here, only sometimes the hum of rare bumblebees breaks the silence.

Time seemed to have stopped: nowhere - neither on the ground (by the buildings of people), nor in the sky (by airplane trail) - there are no witnesses of today. And in Pasternak's "What, darlings, are we having a thousand years in the yard?" one hears not an ironic question about an act or words inconsistent with the requirements of the time, as is customary to comment on this popular expression, but a real feeling: are you here or have imperceptibly moved through the years and centuries.

Tyzyl gorge


Here and now. This is the rock on which the sparkling curtain once fluttered and trembled in the solar wind. And that month is the end of July, and the time is right - the middle of the day (and the day, we recall, this is the time of day from 11-12 hours to 15-16), and the weather is one to one - a cloudless sky, the burning sun, and on the rock there are no color stains.

We make circular movements, which is not at all easy on a steep slope, we change the angle, but we do not notice any fluctuations in the air. Nevertheless, it becomes clear that the sun is not involved in the phenomenon observed last year: it stands directly above the rock and its rays could not in any way form the effect or phenomenon that our informant witnessed.

What was it then? A sinful deed flashes the thought: maybe we have a temporary anomaly - a chronal portal, the external signs of which are called clots of green or white, resembling fog. But our curtain was of a different color. However, who has proved that it is the colors named above that are characteristic of portals, once in which you can be transported to the past or the future.

And further. It is generally accepted that chronal portals are located exclusively in anomalous places and zones, the so-called Places of Power, which can be identified by the "rippling of seemingly hot air, distorting the image, or local, stationary distortion of visible light, as in an air lens." Now this is closer to us - the described "curtain" (if it was, of course) was in motion all the time and disappeared when approaching it.

You can also determine the Place of Power by the chaotic behavior of the compass needle and using biolocation.

But neither the first nor the second (sticks for dowsing), let alone special devices (and we have them - sent by a lover of mysterious phenomena from America, convinced that we will definitely find a portal) to identify geopathogenic zones this time we are with ourselves not captured.

So, it will be necessary to return here next year, preferably in July - what if the month also matters?..