New Conspiracy Theory - Consciousness Parasites - Alternative View

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New Conspiracy Theory - Consciousness Parasites - Alternative View
New Conspiracy Theory - Consciousness Parasites - Alternative View

Video: New Conspiracy Theory - Consciousness Parasites - Alternative View

Video: New Conspiracy Theory - Consciousness Parasites - Alternative View
Video: Conspiracy Theories and the Quest for Truth | Rachel Runnels | TEDxTexasStateUniversity 2024, June

“… The crafty ruler, capturing a person from the beginning, so overlaid and clothed the soul with the power of darkness, as / clothes / dress a person … He acts secretly in the inner person and mind, and fights with thoughts. And people do not know that they are doing this, being persecuted by some alien force, but they think that all this is natural …"

(Venerable Macarius of Egypt)

At a certain moment in life, a person thinks: why there is so much grief and suffering on Earth, why people hate and kill each other. One gets the impression that a person is born only for pain and suffering. Sages see the reasons for the poverty of human life in his sinfulness and selfishness. But where did sinfulness and egoism come from, who and how did they originate, what is the mechanism of their influence on a person? There have been many attempts to explain such mechanisms. There are several so-called. "Conspiracy theories", where in all problems people blame some hidden force, mostly "dark", hostile, malicious, gradually controlling the life of a person, society, civilization.

The proposed conspiracy theory isn't really that new. There are quite a few assumptions and vague guesses that our life is subject to the attitudes of an invisible "dark force" that imperceptibly captured all spheres of our being and turned all of humanity into its feeding trough.

In order to dismiss people with "common sense" in advance and leave readers with non-standard thinking, I will immediately lay out the essence of the theory.

Conspiracy theory

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From time immemorial, an invisible foreign entity has been introduced into human consciousness, which controls our feelings and emotions, our thoughts and actions. The purpose of such management is to parasitize on our energy resources. In fact, human life, and indeed the entire civilization, is subordinated to these entities. More can be said, the history of the development of all mankind was determined by the influence of the parasites of consciousness. The parasitic process consists in provoking life situations and problems, stresses and experiences, causing positive and negative feelings and emotions, which contribute to the release of special energy radiation, in fact, and used by parasites. We will try to deal with the description of these entities, the mechanism of the influence of parasites on the human consciousness and methods of dealing with them.

Carlos Castaneda on parasites of consciousness

I first learned about parasites of consciousness from the books of Carlos Castaneda (CC). It is surprising that the founder of nagualism, in his multivolume work, devotes all several pages to this unusual topic. I will allow myself to quote in detail the meeting with parasites of consciousness described by KK in the famous 10th chapter of his last book "The Active Side of Infinity", with the so-called. "Flyers" (they are "flyers", they are "vologors":

“I saw a certain strange black shadow that fell on the foliage of the trees. It was either one shadow moving back and forth, or a lot of fast shadows moving from left to right, then right to left, then vertically up. They reminded me of extraordinary fat black fish, as if a giant swordfish were flying in the air. The sight captured me. In the end it scared me. It got so dark that the foliage was no longer visible, but the fast black shadows I could still see.

- What is it, don Juan? I asked. - I see fast black shadows filling everything around.

“And this is the Universe in all its glory,” he replied, “the incommensurable, non-linear, inexpressible reality of syntax. The magicians of ancient Mexico were the first to see these swift shadows, so they followed them everywhere. They saw them as you see them, and they saw them as streams of energy in the Universe. And they discovered something unusual …

“What did they find, don Juan? I asked.

“They discovered we have a life companion,” he said, chiseling the words. - We have a predator that emerged from the depths of space and seized power over our lives. People are his captives. This predator is our lord and master. He made us submissive and helpless. If we rebel, he suppresses our rebellion. If we try to act independently, he orders us not to …

“Through your own efforts, you have achieved what the shamans of ancient Mexico called the question of questions,” he said. “I have led you in a roundabout way to the point that something is holding us captive. Of course we are prisoners! For the magicians of ancient Mexico, this was an energetic fact.

“Why did this predator seize power, as you say, don Juan? I asked. “There must be a logical explanation for this.

“There is an explanation for this,” don Juan replied, “and the simplest one. They have gained the upper hand because we are food for them, and they ruthlessly suppress us, maintaining their existence. Well, like we breed chickens in a chicken coop, they breed people in humankind. Thus, they always have food …

“I want to appeal to your analytical mind,” don Juan said. - Think for a moment and tell me how you can explain the contradiction between the education of an engineer and the stupidity of his beliefs and the contradictory nature of his behavior. Sorcerers believe that our belief system, our beliefs about good and evil, the mores of our society were given to us by predators. They gave birth to our hopes, expectations and dreams of success and failure. We owe them greed and cowardice. It was the predators that made us complacent, inert and self-centered …

To keep us meek and submissive, they resorted to a marvelous maneuver - marvelous, of course, from the point of view of a strategic warrior. From the point of view of the one against whom it is directed, this maneuver is terrible. They gave us their mind! Do you hear? The predators gave us their minds, which became our minds. The mind of a predator is sophisticated, contradictory, closed and filled with fear that at any moment it may be revealed.

“I know that even though you have never starved,” he continued, “you worry about your daily bread. This is nothing more than the fear of a predator who fears that his trick may be discovered at any moment and food may disappear. Through intelligence, which is ultimately their intelligence, they bring into human life what is convenient for predators. And in this way they provide some measure of their safety and allay their fears.

Sorcerers see human children as bizarre luminous balls of energy, completely covered with a shining shell, a kind of plastic covering that tightly encloses their energy cocoon. He said that it is this glittering shell of awareness that predators eat and that when a person reaches maturity, there is only a narrow border from the ground to the tips of the toes. This border allows people to continue to live, but nothing more.

This narrow border of awareness is the epicenter of self-reflection (in fact, egoism), from which a person is completely incurable. Playing on our self-reflection, which is the only kind of awareness available to us, predators provoke flashes of awareness, after which they devour them, mercilessly and greedily. They throw at us meaningless problems that stimulate these flashes of awareness, and thus keep us alive to be able to feed on the energetic flashes of our imaginary troubles.

- But why the magicians of ancient Mexico, and all today's magicians, although they see predators, do not fight them?

“Neither you nor I can do anything with them,” don Juan said in a fallen voice. - All we can do is discipline ourselves so that they do not touch us. But how will you invite your fellows to go through all the difficulties associated with this? Yes, they will laugh at you, and the most aggressive will give you the first number. And not because they won't believe you. In the depths of every person lies a hereditary, latent knowledge about the existence of predators.

The magicians of ancient Mexico saw a predator. They called him "the flyer" because he was in the air. This is not just a funny sight. It is a large shadow, an impenetrable black shadow darting through the air. Then she sinks flat to the ground. The magicians of ancient Mexico were in a puddle about where it came from on Earth. They believed that a person should be an integral being, possess deep insight, perform miracles of awareness that today sounds like just a beautiful legend. But all this, apparently, is gone, and we now have a sober-minded person.

What opposes us is not a simple predator. He is very dexterous and sophisticated. He methodically makes us worthless. The person who is destined to be a magical creature is no longer so. Now he's just a piece of meat. Ordinary, inert and stupid, he dreams of nothing more than a piece of meat.

This predator is completely invisible to us. As children, we do see him, but he seems so frightening to us that we prefer not to think about him. Children, of course, can focus their attention on it, but those around them convince them not to do this …"

In my opinion, the KK gave comprehensive information about the invisible enemy of humanity. But most people view KK as a crazy dreamer whose mind is poisoned by hallucinogens. I will give examples of statements by other people who discovered such a strange phenomenon as the parasites of consciousness.

The authors of the now popular teachings DEIR and "reality transurfing", respectively, Vereshchagin and Vadim Zeland devote a lot of space to the description of the parasites of consciousness. Although both authors see in parasites not aliens from other worlds, but a product of society itself. A kind of egregors, entities generated by similar involutions (information and energy flows) of large groups of people (interest clubs, national and religious movements, etc.). In Zeland, the mechanism of action of the parasite, which he aptly called the "pendulum", on a person is unusually similar to the description of KK and other authors who have studied parasites of consciousness. Zeland is categorically against the fight against "pendulums", claiming that this is exactly what they are trying to achieve. The author of "Reality Transurfing" teaches how to use "pendulums" in one's own power, ie “Become their favorites” to succeed in life. Zeland aptly gives examples of such favorites in show business and other activities. But personally, I am jarred by such a proposal to be the main puppet and the bait of an alien hostile entity for other people.

"Parasites of Consciousness" by Colin Wilson

Science fiction writer Colin Wilson was afraid to speak openly about his discovery, and presented information about the "flyers" in a science fiction novel called "Parasites of Consciousness". Although it is known that Colin Wilson is also an occultist, he has written many books on esotericism, incl. book "Occultism". This novel is considered one of the finest examples of science fiction. In the novel, the author also mentions parasites as invisible entities entrenched in the human mind. People are shown as obedient puppets of these creatures. But Colin Wilson suggests that parasites have taken possession of the human consciousness relatively recently, only 200-300 years ago.

Aliens on parasites of consciousness

When, in fact, and how did the tragic introduction of parasites into the consciousness of people take place? I see the answer in the biblical story of the Fall of Man. It is the "Fall" that is nothing more than the moment of submission of man by the "flyers". There is a huge number of interpretations (mainly theological) of this well-known plot. But I will give a version of channeling adherents unpopular in the scientific community, people who managed to establish contact with representatives of unearthly civilizations, who revealed many secrets to contactees. This is what the so-called "Cassiopenians" say about the Expulsion from Paradise

The Cassiopaeans reported that, initially, man was created with more active DNA than the one he is currently living with. An event occurred that left its mark on all cultures around the world as the "Fall", or the loss of the paradise state, and this was primarily due to a snake, serpent or dragon. But, in fact, it is a scaly reptilian creature. By these creatures the Cassiopaeans meant the so-called. "Gray", representatives of civilization related to the STS (Service-to-Self, the so-called "bad guys"), or those whom we call "dark forces", as opposed to STO (Service-to-Other), i.e. so-called "Light forces". Having a more complex DNA structure and a finer energy organization, people existed, as it were, in a four-dimensional space (the so-called 4th level of density),but were seduced by the "gray" (or rather lizards) "joys of sex" and other carnal pleasures of three-dimensional beings, as a result of which the "Fall" took place. They offered people a way to breed animals, they said, try how great it is, and people were tempted. The deception was that the "grays" could go back to the 4th dimension. People, having fallen into matter, could not return to their original state, and irreversible changes occurred in their energy structure, as well as in the structure of DNA. The "grays" became invisible to people and were able to penetrate into the human structure, which made it possible to completely subjugate the consciousness of people and begin to parasitize on their energy radiations. Something similar happens with the work of well-known viruses. Thus, we can say that humanity fell ill with a special form of the disease for a long time,caused by a specific virus. They enslaved us; they implant us; they took our DNA and modified it so that we don't remember who we are and what we are really capable of. Barbara Marciniak's book, Bringers of the Dawn, covers a lot of this information.

Here's what they say about the "lizards" of the Cassiopaeans:

“In any case, the Lizards (or reptoids) created the Grays. They (Grays) are also 4th density beings. They don't have a soul; they are robots. The Grays were created so that the Lizards could send them into 3rd density as their projections, so to speak. They can project some of their own energy into the Grays so that when they are in 3rd density they are not just robotic controllers; they are, in fact, “within them,” so to speak, looking through their eyes. It may even be that several Grays make up the energy of one Lizard. The whole purpose of conquering people by Lizards is to use us as food. Basically, they draw energy. They need our energy. This is what they feed on in 4th density because they are basically 4th density energetic beings. There are positive and negative energies. 4th density STS beings feed on the negative energy of 3rd density beings, and sometimes even 1st and 2nd density. They like us because we have emotions. Emotions generate energy. This is why you often think that the Grays seem to be “so interested in our emotions! Our love, our hatred, our this and that. " They manipulate us and create situations that generate negative energy. The more negative energy they can create, the more food they receive. This is their purpose. " Does this statement remind you of anything? More crazy people who repeat KK. Here are the revelations of a few more "crazy". They like us because we have emotions. Emotions generate energy. This is why you often think that the Grays seem to be “so interested in our emotions! Our love, our hatred, our this and that. " They manipulate us and create situations that generate negative energy. The more negative energy they can create, the more food they receive. This is their purpose. " Does this statement remind you of anything? More crazy people who repeat KK. Here are the revelations of several more "crazy". They like us because we have emotions. Emotions generate energy. This is why you often think that the Grays seem to be “so interested in our emotions! Our love, our hate, our this and that. " They manipulate us and create situations that generate negative energy. The more negative energy they can create, the more food they receive. This is their purpose. " Does this statement remind you of anything? More crazy people who repeat KK. Here are the revelations of several more "crazy". The more negative energy they can create, the more food they receive. This is their purpose. " Does this statement remind you of anything? More crazy people who repeat KK. Here are the revelations of several more "crazy". The more negative energy they can create, the more food they receive. This is their purpose. " Does this statement remind you of anything? More crazy people who repeat KK. Here are the revelations of a few more "crazy".

References to ancient sources, which indicated the presence of "reptilian creatures" of representatives of another civilization, resembling crocodiles, are available in the notorious scientist Deniken in his books about alien civilizations.

The "tailed gods" are mentioned by Herotodus

"Over Lake Moeris, near the City of Crocodiles, the Egyptians made a labyrinth. I saw him myself, and there are no words to describe these miracles. Everything that the Greeks ever built seems to me less in work and cost than the Egyptian labyrinth … They did not want to show us the underground part, because the kings and sacred crocodiles of Egypt are buried there … In the center of this man-made lake there is an island with two pyramids of fifty phantoms in height. They say that their underground part is much larger than that on the surface. These pyramids are inhabited by Egyptian gods. Through underground passages they float into the lake, and at night people see their scaly tails shining in the moonlight. " Thus, we can assume that amphibious aliens, who flew to Earth from distant stars, lived in the artificial lake Moeris, near the City of Crocodiles.

Gnostics on the parasites of consciousness

A researcher of the Gnostic teachings based on the deciphering of the Nag Hammadi manuscripts, John Lesch finds many parallels with the teachings of Castaneda and, in particular, with the theme of "flyers". Lash argues that the teachings of the Gnostics also contain descriptions of alien predators, which they call the Archons (or Arkontay in Greek). The Nag Hammadi texts describe them as dark, ghostly, dark creatures. Lash compares the teachings of the Toltecs with the esoteric schools of ancient Europe, using the apocryphal texts of the early Christians, and finds the following similarities regarding the flyers. 1. KK: "The predators gave us their awareness, which became our awareness." G (Gnostics): The intelligence of human beings is part of the cosmic intelligence, which has a predatory nature. Thanks to the penetration of the Archons, people's minds were distorted and even completely supplanted by someone else's consciousness. The Gnostics warned that the Archons penetrated the human psyche, although they can affect us on the physical plane. 2. KK: Human awareness perceives the world around us through the prism of socially imposed patterns through education and language. G: "awareness of the swarm." For more on the importance of correct syntax among the Gnostics, see Lasch's article Ritual and revelation. Perhaps that is why Castaneda's OVD (stopping internal dialogue) is one of the ways to combat "flyers", which allows you to stop indulging and "whispering parasites" … Many yogic meditative exercises to calm chita, bystander techniques and other practices are nothing more than an attempt at ATS. Human consciousness perceives the world around us through the prism of socially imposed patterns through education and language. G: "awareness of the swarm." For more on the importance of correct syntax for the Gnostics, see Lasch's article Ritual and revelation. Perhaps that is why Castaneda's ATS (stopping internal dialogue) is one of the ways to combat "flyers", which allows you to stop indulging and "whispering parasites." … Many yogic meditative exercises to calm chita, bystander techniques and other practices are nothing more than an attempt at ATS. Human consciousness perceives the world around us through the prism of socially imposed patterns through education and language. G: "awareness of the swarm." For more on the importance of correct syntax for the Gnostics, see Lasch's article Ritual and revelation. Perhaps that is why Castaneda's ATS (stopping internal dialogue) is one of the ways to combat "flyers", which allows you to stop indulging and "whispering parasites." … Many yogic meditative exercises to calm chita, bystander techniques and other practices are nothing more than an attempt at ATS.therefore, the Castaneda OVD (stopping the internal dialogue) is one of the ways to combat "flyers", which allows you to stop indulging and "whispering parasites." Many yogic meditative exercises to calm chita, bystander techniques and other practices are nothing more than an attempt at ATS.therefore, the Castaneda OVD (stopping the internal dialogue) is one of the ways to combat "flyers", which allows you to stop indulging and "whispering parasites." Many yogic meditative exercises to calm chita, bystander techniques and other practices are nothing more than an attempt at ATS.

Kundabuffer Gurdjieff

Those who are well acquainted with the work of Castaneda will find many similar ideas with the teachings of George Gurdjieff.

The mysterious Caucasian did not bypass the parasites of consciousness. One of the main ideas of his teaching is the concept of "kundabuffer". "KUNDA" in Sanskrit means "mysterious". But what exactly is a "buffer"? The human brain can be conditionally divided into three components: "intuitive mind", "instinctive mind" and "logical mind". In some people, depending on the type of personality, there is a predominance of the development of one of the types of mind. The harmonious functioning of minds is the key to well-being and prosperity, both for a particular person and for individual social groups.

The interrelation of reason, intuitive and instinctive "mind" dramatically complicates the presence of the fourth "mind", which is called "provocateur", "tempter", or simply - "buffer mind". In recent decades, physiologists have found that the bearer of this "mind" is a small formation in the brain between the midbrain and the frontal lobe, being a kind of "buffer" between them. Only humans have this "buffer". It is curious that this stratum is especially developed among criminals and all sorts of villains: sadists, rapists, pedophiles. In my opinion, in Sweden, they are already performing operations to remove the buffer brain, of course, with the consent of the patient, in order to destroy criminal inclinations. Was it this "alien device" that his teacher Don Juan removed from CC, after which Castaneda learned to walk again?

This part of the brain was somehow "implanted" into a person several thousand years ago and contains some special behavioral control programs aimed at limited human development to a semi-animal level, but preventing further development in the direction of intelligence.

Any cases of "unreasonable" behavior of a seemingly quite reasonable person: persistence in vice, craving to satisfy unnatural needs, unreasonable cruelty, etc. - come from the "buffer mind". The question by whom and for what purpose was the “buffer mind” implanted remains unanswered.


Some debunkers of the parasites of consciousness compare the Castaneda "flyers" with the so-called " flying fish "(skyfish), which was first discovered and captured on video by director Jose Escamilla (Jose Escamilla). In 1994, somewhere in New Mexico, he filmed something strange. He looked through all the frames and made sure that this was not a film defect or an optical illusion - it was something alive, moving at great speed.

Soon, there was so much different evidence that Escamilla created a whole website dedicated to these mysterious creatures. This unknown “something” lives next to us according to its own laws, moves along its own trajectories and actually inhabits the whole world. Tracking the mysterious flyers can only be done with a video camera.

Many people involved in the study of unknown life forms, who often call themselves cryptozoologists, cannot say for sure whether Skyfish can be called animals, or if they are intangible objects. These strange creatures are similar to deep-sea inhabitants: they have long worm-like bodies and wide protrusions on the sides, with the help of which they move as if on wings. Something like this under water "fly", for example, stingrays, making wave-like movements.

Many researchers are inclined to believe that this is a fake and even a deliberate deception. Their opponents believe that "skyfish" are insects, animals previously unknown to science, or even a manifestation of the activities of aliens on Earth.

In 1996, it suddenly became clear that they can actually be called "fish": they inhabit water areas. This was discovered when watching videotapes filmed by television in the water of an underground Mexican cave, known as the Cave of Swallows. By the way, an interesting fact. In Spanish, the cave is called Sotano Las Golondrinas, which can be translated as "the dungeon of the flying fish".

So, let's compare skyfish with Castaned's flyers:

1. They have long worm-like bodies and wide projections on the sides, with the help of which they move as if on the wings. Something like this under water "fly", for example, stingrays, making wave-like movements.

WU KK: They reminded me of extraordinary fat black fish, as if a giant swordfish were flying in the air.

2. Skyfishers are attracted by glare of light, Flyers are attracted by flashes of the cocoon's glow. There is something to think about!

3. The known size of skyfish is from thirty centimeters to three meters.

WU CC: I saw a huge shadow, perhaps fifteen feet across, thrashing about in the air and falling to the ground with a thud.

If you calculate the size of the flyer from feet to meters, you will realize that Carlos met with a large individual skyfisher - about three meters. Perhaps, it is these individuals who live more in the mountains and in the distance, since they are too saturated with glow or they are easier to notice.

There are more than enough testimonies and photographs (they can be found on numerous sites on this topic). It remains only to be finally convinced that skyfish are, indeed, the very flyers, parasites of consciousness.

Film "The Matrix"

The "Matrix" is everywhere, it surrounds us. Even now she is with us. You see her when you look out the window or turn on the TV. You feel it when you work, you go to church, when you pay taxes. A whole little world pulled over our eyes to hide the truth that you are only a slave, Neo. Like everyone else, you are from birth in chains, from birth in a prison that you cannot sense or touch. In a dungeon for reason … You look the way you used to see yourself. This is a mental projection of the virtual self. What is reality and how to define it? The whole set of sensations - visual, tactile, olfactory - are signals of receptors, an electrical impulse perceived by the brain … The world exists only in the form of a neurointeractive model, or the Matrix. You all live in a dream world … Welcome to the desert - reality … The Matrix is a dream world to subdue us. To make us just batteries … As long as the Matrix exists, we will not be free … You must remember that most are not ready to accept reality, and many are so poisoned and so hopelessly dependent on the system that they will fight for it."

Does nothing remind you of Morpheus's monologue from The Matrix? It feels like it's taken from Don Juan's well-known explanation to his student KK about flyers from Chapter 10 of KK's latest book, The Active Side of Infinity. Those who watched the film "The Matrix" based on the script by the Wachowski brothers will definitely find analogies with the teachings of KK. It is difficult to accuse the authors of The Matrix of plagiarism. The fact that the book and the film came out almost simultaneously ruins any attempt to dismiss the obvious parallels between them, since the Wachowskis could not read it while working on the script, and the previous books did not contain anything that could directly inspire the film script. What we have, or it seems to us that we have, is two closely related versions of the same truth - a truth so unpleasant to understand,that the average person only sees a sci-fi story driven by Hollywood.

At CC, Don Juan introduces to his disciple the “theme of themes” of sorcerers: the existence of a dark predatory force that enslaved humanity, making it a source of its nourishment.

When Don Juan announces this to Carlos as an “energetic fact,” Carlos reacts like Neo after a similar revelation from Morpheus. “No, no,” I heard myself say, “This is absurd … What you are saying is monstrous. It just can't be true."

What Don Juan explains is essentially identical to Wachovski's concept of the Matrix: a homogeneous, all-inclusive, but completely false program-reality, collected externally and imposed on humanity as a means of control in the process of taking away its vital energy. Both in Wachowski's psycho-myth and in the occult revelations of KK, the same unbearable idea is presented that human culture, reality and even nature itself are nothing more than an insidious simulation, created with the purpose of deceiving and forcing us to concessions to that reason. with whom we would fight for life and death, instead of serving him.

Personally, I associate the Matrix program with don Juan's tonal. In the film, the "Matrix" program creates an illusion of the surrounding world in all people. In KK, the tonal is actually the same program that processes all external signals into images that are understandable to a person. A person is aware of the world around him and understands other people only thanks to the so-called. "Inventory list" - an internal explanatory dictionary, where he finds the appropriate word for any phenomenon and object, through which understanding takes place.

The only difference is that the film "The Matrix" is just a fantasy, the "flyers" - enslavers - machines - robots. Castaneda claims that our whole life is just a dream, shown to us by flyers, and the true reality is that all of humanity is just convenient batteries for these creatures. In the film, this very moment is very strongly shown when Neo wakes up from a dream and finds himself in a crypt. Powerfully and rigidly shown is the picture of millions of crypts, where people sleep, connected by numerous wires to pump out energy, and from birth to death, watching dreams as real life. Wasn't this what the Hindus were talking about, mentioning in the Vedic scriptures about the eternal “maya”, which brings the illusory nature of the world to the minds of people, and the souls suffering from the “ego” created by it, and about our life as a dream of Brahma.

According to Don Juan, flyers do not feed on bodily energy (as in the film), but rather on a "halo of consciousness" that makes us human. They devour this glow completely, leaving us only a fraction to keep us alive. This remnant of consciousness is their installation, or the flyer's brain, which revolves around egomania and self-employment, especially safety, comfort, food, and other material needs (parallel to the flyer's brain).

Both Don Juan and Morpheus argue that humans collectively (albeit unintentionally) have sworn allegiance to the predator and thus become part of his dark self-destructive agenda. The kingdom of the Matrix, the "flyer" intellect, is so all-embracing and indisputable that it is impossible for most of us to even think about our situation, not to oppose it. Since we do not control our own thoughts, as soon as “inner knowledge” about the presence of the predator / Matrix arises in us, it is immediately washed away by the stream of opposite thoughts set by the mind of the Matrix. Therefore, the only means for the manifestation of such knowledge on a conscious level (besides books like Castaneda) are fantasy and horror. So, people are given a chance to at least look at the true nature of their position. On the other hand, the possibility of overthrowing the tyranny of this predator-Matrix is open to everyone.

The matrix as such is something like a womb from which we, as conscious individuals, can emerge in order to inherit our true destiny - outside of illusion and outside of lies. Truth, creepy as it is, exists to set us free.

"Rose of the World" D. Andreev

I cannot fail to mention the parasites of consciousness indicated in the famous work of Daniel Andreev "The Rose of the World". He called his work itself as a work on the metahistory of mankind. Andreev argued that our whole life, the life of our society, and indeed of all mankind, are only rough, visible manifestations of deeper processes that take place outside our awareness. The entire Rose of the World is an attempt to look into these invisible processes that determine our destinies. Andreev unfolds before the reader a three-dimensional picture of the struggle between the forces of light and darkness, the arena of which is man. In addition to describing numerous hellish worlds, D. Andreev described the creatures of the dark invisible world. Many creatures are inherently nothing more than parasites of consciousness. The writer described various types of energy radiation,and described the classification of parasites - what kind of human radiation by what creature, respectively, is used. For instance:

eyphos - energy radiation of human and animal lust;

shavva - subtle radiation of the human psyche associated with "patriotic" feelings;

gavvah is a universal feeder for all parasites, radiation of human pain and suffering.

D. Andreev pointed out that the radiation of gavvakh that occurs during hemorrhage and dying is a universal food for parasites of consciousness. Not a single war, not a single even insignificant bloodshed occurs without the participation of parasites that provoke people to conflicts. While still sitting in the Stalinist dungeons, D. Andreev predicted the notorious "sexual revolution" and predicted the future extinction of mankind not as a result of a series of cataclysms, but as a consequence of the degradation of mankind from sexual promiscuity. Personally, I see a huge machine in the porn industry - as a well-oiled mechanism for knocking out euphos, nationalistic psychosis - a means of driving out Shavvas from people, feeding for Witsraors (demons of a great-power state). Tear serials and programs kick out subtle emanations of self-pity; scenes of violence, "action" - the energy of anger and rage;horror films, thrillers - the energy of fear, so adored by the "inorganics". Everything is put on a huge conveyor for squeezing energy out of a person, our whole life is a huge factory for the production of this energy, and we, people, are production material.

Absalom Underwater Returned occultism

This book by the author is valuable in that it describes in detail the situations created by the parasites of consciousness to knock out energy. The author himself notes that there is a great many parasites, but conditionally he identified seven of the most characteristic ones, classifying them according to the methods and types of energy vampirism. All this seven is at a subtle level (he called it the “subtle seven”) and is not visible to man. For example, a "black man of aggression" acts as a provocateur of aggression, anger and fear of the outside world. The "Dragon of Personal Self-affirmation" nurtures and nurtures the "egoism" of a person, according to Buddhist philosophy - the main source of his suffering. Castaneda would call the dragon the creator of "self-importance", "self-image",the cause of endless "indulgence" (spinning in the thoughts of energetically devastating events in the past and possible future). It is these "inventions of the" dragon "that pump out the bulk of human energy in everyday life. The list of parasites goes on.

Like the creator of DEIR Vereshchagin, Podvodny indicates that the outflow of human energy is made through the so-called. "Chakras", accumulations of human energy channels. Each parasite trades on a certain favorite chakra. KK argued that the outflow of energy to parasites comes from the head, chest and abdomen, where, however, the main human chakras are located. As well as the "Cassiopaeans", Podvodny argues that parasites are only means, tools, robots, to involt (information and energy flow) to their creators, the hypostases of Gagtungr (roughly speaking, the local Lucifer according to Andreev)

Antonio Meneghetti. "Remember all"

The founder of ontopsychology, the popular Italian scientist Antonio Meneghetti, was one of those who in the nineties loudly declared about a certain matrix “sitting in each of us”. He described human perception as "the work of a deviation monitor" affecting our values, morals, behavior, and even death. Isn't it Castaneda's “bubble of perception” and “tonal”?

Meneghetti argues that for the past several tens of thousands of years we have been under the yoke of an alien mind, that earlier, before the appearance of these foreign parasites on Earth, a person was free from harmful matrices and monitors, he created priorities and made decisions himself. It was the newcomer representatives of other cultures and civilizations who "imposed" on earthlings a code of basic values, developed universal human morality and moral criteria. To get rid of the influence of parasites, according to the Italian scientist, you need to "remember everything."


Many religious and philosophical teachings adhere to the theory of posthumous transmigration of souls. Faith in the wandering of the soul from one life to another is extremely important for a person, for his life attitudes, creates in him the illusion of immortality. The Toltecs, whose teachings are represented by Castaneda in their books, say that there are no reincarnations, that a person lives only once and after his death disappears into oblivion forever. But what about the numerous testimonies of "past life memories" by children or people who have undergone "regressive hypnosis"? The theory of parasites of consciousness allows us to look differently at the issue of transmigration of souls. Here is what Vadim Sadovoy writes about the Force in his book Deadly Dreams: “Migration as such does not exist. However, the consciousness of a lipse (as the mentor of the author of the book Sid calls the parasites of consciousness - approx. W. M.) has existed many times longer than human consciousness can exist. When a person dies, Lips places its consciousness on an energy ball (subtle body - approx U. M.) of another, usually a newborn person. The consciousness of this person gains access to the experience of consciousness, on which Lips was previously parasitized, taking it for the experience of his past lives."

Still, Sid notes that Human Consciousness is extremely rare, but it can still be placed by the primary force into a new energy ball, but already without the personal "I" and patterns (perception and behavior). The less a person's consciousness is polluted by lipstick patterns, the more a person has a chance of such a transfer to a new energy body.

The victim's agreement with the parasites of consciousness

Here is what Enmerkar writes in his Predator Agreement article

… no person will deliberately give a part of their resources to the parasite, therefore the task of the latter is to seize power quietly and imperceptibly, and inspire the personality,