Miraculous Recovery: How The Resin-sap Cured Gangrene - Alternative View

Miraculous Recovery: How The Resin-sap Cured Gangrene - Alternative View
Miraculous Recovery: How The Resin-sap Cured Gangrene - Alternative View

Video: Miraculous Recovery: How The Resin-sap Cured Gangrene - Alternative View

Video: Miraculous Recovery: How The Resin-sap Cured Gangrene - Alternative View
Video: Resin extraction 2024, July

I want to tell you about the case of a miraculous recovery, which I witnessed. It happened in one of the rural hospitals in Yakutia.

In Chagda (Aldan region), medical staff annually cleaned the hospital grounds from chips. The forestry supplied firewood for the hospital's stoves. We stored them in woodpiles, where they were well blown by the wind and dried out. But after laying firewood, a large amount of wood chips remained on the territory. When the snow melted, it was raked into heaps and burned. And so - every spring.

Once, on a sunny and warm May day, having finished cleaning the area, we set fire to heaps of wood chips and made sure that the flames did not spread. Everyone was in a wonderful mood, and the weather was fine - though a breeze was blowing.

The idyll was broken by the cry of one of the patients walking on the veranda of the hospital. Turning to the scream, I saw the guy pointing to the roof of the barn. And there the tongues of flame were dancing! Apparently, the coals were blown there by the wind. Before I had time to get my bearings, I saw burning boards falling from the roof.

It turned out that the hospital manager, Nadezhda Pupkova, was not at a loss. She climbed into the attic of the barn and from the inside began to knock out the roof boards and throw them down. We put out the fire quickly and without noticeable damage. Everyone, of course, was grateful to the guy who noticed the beginning of the fire and warned us.

But it is interesting that a week before the incident, the caretaker Nadezhda literally saved this very patient from death.

He was a student at the Novosibirsk Institute of Water Transport. During practice on a boat on the Aldan River, he injured his right hand with a rope, which led to gangrene of the limb.

The picture upon admission to the hospital was terrible: a swollen black and blue arm, swelling of the right half of the chest, high temperature. In my opinion, the student was doomed - even an amputation of his hand would not have saved his life.

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I was preparing to make the patient the so-called pampas incisions along the entire arm, although there was no hope of a positive effect. Forgive the pun: there was no hope, but there was the caretaker Nadezhda!

It was at her insistence that a folk remedy was used instead of cuts. Gum is the so-called resin that is formed on the trunks of coniferous trees. And, fortunately, there was a lot of it in the courtyard of the hospital!

We collected about half a kilogram of that very resin, heated it up to make it soft. They made a cake and bandaged it to the patient's hand. Of course, in addition to this, the patient received antibiotics and other medications, but, to be honest, I did not hope for success.

But to my surprise, the next morning the patient was still alive and feeling better. At the same time, “nipples” of blue-green pus appeared on the sap cake.

We continued this unusual treatment. The same picture was noted in a day. At this point, in spite of the still grave condition of the patient, I myself believed in a miracle - he would get out!

Five days later, our student walked around the ward, nothing threatened his life, the wound healed. Well, how he later thanked us, I already wrote at the beginning of the story.

Anatoly Yakovlevich NIKITIN, Volgodonsk, Rostov region