Sacral Center And Its Activation - Alternative View

Sacral Center And Its Activation - Alternative View
Sacral Center And Its Activation - Alternative View

Video: Sacral Center And Its Activation - Alternative View

Video: Sacral Center And Its Activation - Alternative View
Video: The SACRAL CENTER in Human Design // Understand the Defined and Undefined Sacral Center 2024, July

The soul came to this body, filled with Love for the whole world. God in its pure form looks at you from the eyes of a newborn. And in the same way you looked into the world around you when you came to this Earth. Your body was filled with spirit, and it smelled of something unearthly and infinitely pure.

This smell softened and opened the hearts of not only dad and mom, but also everyone who looked at you at that moment. Your pure integrity manifested a tremendous power of transformation without any effort, just by your presence in this world.

But after a few years, not a trace of this smell remained. Pain, resentment, misunderstanding, confusion came. The pain has closed the source of your strength, your scent, your purity.

Your source of strength is in your belly - this is your sacred center. With every blow, with every shout at you, you squeezed him harder. In fear, all your energy rose up to the heart center. Gathered around your source of life to protect your very core from energy shocks. And there was no longer any energy left to maintain unity with the spirit.

The security system around your heart center is an inner controller, your ego-mind, whose vitality is based on fears for your life.

That is why many of you now may experience aches and pains in the center of your chest - your Heart begins to open. Everything is now helping you to release your energies from the control system. The state of space that is now being established on the planet is incompatible with vibrations of security and fear, incompatible with being in pain. Now we need to allow ourselves to let go of the dense energies of fear, to allow the Heart to surrender to the world around us.

This will bring you back into oneness with the real life of the universe. You will see that you are in complete safety and abundance of life, that God loves you in everything around you and infinitely loves you.

You can again lower your breath into your stomach, you can again lower your consciousness into the sacred center, and this will allow the spirit to re-enter your body and manifest through you, and with it your strength and your true self-awareness will begin to unfold. Heaven and Earth will be reunited in you.

Promotional video:

You will feel like a newborn in its purity and impeccability, newborn in a new world that has already opened its doors for you. You can enter this world when you fully trust the spirit, surrender all your fears and dreams to it, surrender your mind and your ego to it.

Now is the time not to be afraid of anything, just to go towards everything that comes. Accept this. Go into your pain and fears and free yourself through Love.
