Cadborosaurus Cadborough Bay - Alternative View

Cadborosaurus Cadborough Bay - Alternative View
Cadborosaurus Cadborough Bay - Alternative View

Video: Cadborosaurus Cadborough Bay - Alternative View

Video: Cadborosaurus Cadborough Bay - Alternative View
Video: HUGE Unexplained Deep Sea Monster Caught on Camera 2024, July

A creature similar to the Loch Ness Lake Monster was seen off the coast of America. It is believed that a hypothetical marine reptile popularly called the "Caddy" lives off the coast of British Columbia in Cadborough Bay.

It is believed to be a cadborosaurus (lat. Cadborosaurus willsi). The generic name "сadborosaurus" comes from ancient Greek. σαῦρος "lizard" and from "Cadboro" - the name of the bay in British Columbia, where, according to the "eyewitnesses", and these creatures live.


The Cadborosaurus looks like a long, snake-like creature with fins, neck mane and head like a camel. The body length of a monster can range from 5 to 30 meters. The animal supposedly moves through the bends of its own body and can reach speeds of up to 40 km / h.

The first reports of cadborosaurs began to arrive about 200 years ago, at the turn of the 18th and 19th centuries, and since then there have been about 300 alleged sightings of it, with some reportedly taking place not only on the coast of British Columbia, but also around Vancouver Island. and in the San Francisco Bay Area in California. The most famous and widely reported sightings of those times were alleged sightings in 1932-1937; Also known is a video filmed by Kelly Nash in 2009 and not received recognition by scientists, although it attracted their attention and was subsequently broadcast on the Discovery channel.