The Energy Of Light Is The Beginning Of The Universe - Alternative View

The Energy Of Light Is The Beginning Of The Universe - Alternative View
The Energy Of Light Is The Beginning Of The Universe - Alternative View

Video: The Energy Of Light Is The Beginning Of The Universe - Alternative View

Video: The Energy Of Light Is The Beginning Of The Universe - Alternative View
Video: Почему вы живы - Жизнь, Энергия и АТФ 2024, July

The question of the origin of the universe, human civilization and all living things in particular, tormented, and torments many, since the time of the appearance of the first ancient civilizations. The universe and its precise mechanism of work - no doubt, all this could not have been created by itself. But what, then, was before the appearance of our star and the rest of the stars and galaxies? Many believe that the answer must be sought in the Bible, and especially in the part that talks about the creation of the world. But this source is also quite multifaceted. The biblical story can be interpreted as you like, although it cannot be denied that it still has similarities with many scientific theories.

The well-known scientific version of the origin of the universe, and, accordingly, matter, space and time is a big bang. How he was provoked and what was around before him, so far, no one undertakes to assert. The entire universe was compressed to the size of a proton, but after the explosion, it rapidly increased and even today continues to expand.

But, who, and from what made the universe? According to the Bible, in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth, while the water was already present and only then did the light appear. It is light, as a physical phenomenon that precedes the birth of the universe, that is mentioned in all common religious teachings. At the same time, at the beginning, we are talking about a certain abstract light, and only then it is said about the creation of celestial bodies - the Sun and the Moon, and the stars are mentioned separately.

I must say that the energy of light is still poorly studied and only with the beginning of Einstein's scientific research in this area, the first developments began to appear. However, to this day, scientists cannot determine all the properties of light. Although the assumption that this particular energy is primary has been expressed more than once. Particles of a luminous flux - photons, do not age. Light has the highest speed among all other types of matter, due to which we can see the light flux reflected from distant planets. And this despite the fact that the planets themselves may no longer exist. It was with light that the universe began, and a gigantic explosion may and should be interpreted as the same abstract light.

Also, based on the theories of a number of researchers, we can say in the affirmative that a certain higher mind took part in the creation of the world or only the Earth's biosphere. Or maybe the person himself. Today, for example, it is the second version that is considered the most plausible, and calls highly developed alien civilizations as creators. This is also supported by discoveries at the excavations of the Egyptian and Peruvian pyramids. Researchers often come across incomprehensible drawings depicting creatures very similar to astronauts in protective suits. Scientists admit that the planet could have been populated by biorobots, created in the image and likeness of the creators, as the Bible says, in the same way they could have created various types of animals and plants.

If you believe the ancient sources, then the aliens who arrived on Earth simply passed on their knowledge to the backward earthly tribes, who rightfully considered the arrivals to be gods. It was they who became the settlers in Atlantis, Hyperborea, Lemuria and Mu … Subsequently, disappearing along with these continents, but still passing on their teachings to the Egyptians. In this case, the technical superiority of the Atlanteans, Egyptians and Mayan tribes, who had aircraft, becomes clear. And it is possible that they could even carry out space travel.

The participation of the higher mind in the creation of all living things can be explained by the fact that the creators or creator achieved significant success in genetics and, in fact, were able to assemble as a constructor, any types of living beings. Some researchers see here a connection with the description in the Bible of the third day of the creation of the world, when flora and fauna were created. It is possible that at first there was not all the diversity, but only some basic species with a predisposition to rapid evolution and gave rise to numerous subspecies of modern animals and plants.

Another version is assumed with aliens who delivered genetic material from their planet, where the flora and fauna are identical to the earth's biosphere. It is widely believed that such a resettlement could have been organized by the inhabitants of a planet in the same orbit with the Earth and strictly symmetrically rotating with it. This cosmic body is mentioned in the records of the ancient Sumerians and in its mass slightly exceeds the Earth, corresponding to the sum of the masses of the Earth and the Moon, which allows you to maintain balance in orbit. Scientists do not exclude that it is there that living life is possible, although guests who set the potential for the development of the earthly race could arrive not only from there.

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Mars is also seen as a potential donor. It remains a mystery to this day, despite its lifeless surface, weak magnetic field, and virtually no atmosphere. It is most convenient to study it, since it is nearby and therefore the researchers still managed to prove with a high probability that life once existed here.

But, if you can somehow determine the source of the appearance of life and there are many hypotheses here, then there are not so many assumptions about the creation of the universe as a whole. Since the Bible mentions that initially there was light, then it is this type of energy that researchers consider to be universal, and shaped everything else. As you know, energy is infinite and passes from one state to another. And photons are a universal vehicle, carrying both energy and information. The huge flare could be nothing more than a ray launched from outside our universe, and possibly from another universe. If you follow the law of conservation of energy, then it is quite possible that the ray was the result of the death of some other universe, but retained information about its structure. The creatures inhabiting it, who reached the highest level of development, knew about the inevitability of destruction, but as a way of rebirth, they decided to create a new universe. All the necessary data was put into the luminous flux, which was then sent beyond the boundaries of the existing universe. After all, if you look at the essence, then we still do not know, but what is there, outside the universe in which we live.

In an attempt to find new information about the creation of the world and what is happening on the outskirts of the expanding universe, meteorites falling to Earth can help scientists. Most often, this is the so-called meteoric iron, which has a higher specific gravity than a similar terrestrial metal, but may even contain organic inclusions and other chemical elements still unknown to terrestrial science. For example, one of these was obtained after spectral analysis of the meteorite and the discovery of an internal void in it. Obviously, it was a fragment of solidified lava that got into space as a result of the explosion of some cosmic body. Somehow, during the explosion, a white powder got inside, after which the fragment froze, retaining this substance inside itself. The very fact that the powder is not sintered inside the still hot piece of iron speaks of its superpowers.

Scientists conducted a series of experiments, exposing the found substance to various media. During heating, the powder did not lose its external qualities at all, but the mass control device showed its decrease, with a constantly increasing temperature. When the value of the thermometer reached 1,500 degrees, the mass became zero and the substance disappeared, turning into a bright flash of light. After cooling the container where the powder was heated, it reappeared there, accompanied by a bright flash.

The researchers suggested that inside the meteorite there was nothing more than the same abstract light mentioned in the Bible and subsequently shaped everything that is now in outer space. It is possible that these are just the remnants of that lost universe, from which a ray was sent in due time to recreate it in a new place.

The very nature of the powdery powder may indicate either the ability of the higher mind to transform the energy of light into a bulk substance, or this powder is the result of a reaction due to the cataclysm that occurred. In any case, its presence proves that any energy, with the availability of appropriate technologies, can be transformed into a form convenient for circulation. If such a substance can be stored, then it is quite possible that the creators had the knowledge necessary to build the whole universe, they just had to choose the intended place, and then send there a certain probe or capsule containing a sufficient amount of powder with activation at the desired point.

The riddles of the universe still pose and will pose a sufficient number of questions, because in fact, man has not yet studied his own planet well, let alone the solar system. The dimensions of our star are enormous and it is possible that the nine planets visible to us make up an insignificant percentage of the total number invisible to orbiting telescopes. It is quite possible that in search of truth and answers to questions about the author of the creation of the universe, one should not at all rush into distant space, and the truth itself is here on Earth.