Aliens Or Mutants? - Alternative View

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Aliens Or Mutants? - Alternative View
Aliens Or Mutants? - Alternative View

Video: Aliens Or Mutants? - Alternative View

Video: Aliens Or Mutants? - Alternative View
Video: Alien: Resurrection (4/5) Movie CLIP - Mutation (1997) HD 2024, September

The outstanding abilities of the best sons of mankind have always attracted the attention of not only the general public, but also thoughtful researchers. Nostradamus, Leonardo da Vinci, Lomonosov - by chance or not, they came to our world, leaving a deep imprint on the history and minds of many generations?

The heirs of the aliens?

British ufologist John Pope claims that all geniuses are the descendants of space aliens. Approximately 30-40 thousand years ago, our planet was visited by representatives of extraterrestrial intelligence. It was they who founded the ancient civilizations. reached a high level of development. Aliens entered into marriages with earthlings, they had children. Now about 50% of the world's population are people whose ancestors were aliens.

According to Pope, this category includes all famous figures of science and arts, psychics and clairvoyants. But only 1% of humanity has the brightest talents. Perhaps these people are descended from later alliances with aliens, or they have more alien genes than others.

For example, a student named Alexander believes that he came to Earth from another planet and therefore has the power to work miracles …

From early childhood Sasha was distinguished by heightened intelligence. He easily assimilated any knowledge, in the second grade he studied the computer without any help. He was especially fascinated by astronomy - he read serious scientific books, textbooks for high school students.

The first miracle in Sasha's life happened when he was nine years old. In the yard, someone, fooling around, threw a stone at the boy. He would have hit him right in the face, probably seriously injuring the boy, if… not frozen in the air! Sagging a few centimeters from Sasha for a second, the stone fell to the ground. The child got off with a fright …

Promotional video:

"Third eye" and the starry sky

Shortly thereafter, the boy became interested in the UFO phenomenon. He collected newspaper clippings, photographs on a relevant topic, but by no means out of idle curiosity: Sasha was haunted by a distinct feeling that his real home was not here on Earth, but somewhere out there, in the depths of endless space.

Once at school, while playing, Sasha suddenly realized that he could control other people. He imagined that his energy was concentrated in the center of the palm, and mentally "directed" it to another person, forcing him to turn his head or raise his hand.

Having been with his parents for a session with a psychic, the boy felt a strange tingling sensation between his eyebrows. The parapsychologist said that Sasha has a highly developed "third eye". At home, a 10-year-old boy decided to repeat the session on his own. Replayed the instructions of the psychic from memory, relaxed - and suddenly felt a powerful energy stream pouring in from above into the point located between the eyebrows. It pulsed noticeably, at a speed of 70 beats per minute, while the speed of Sasha's own pulse was 140 beats …

But the most interesting thing started in the morning. Approaching the mirror, Sasha saw that the pupils of his eyes completely hid the iris! (the manhole turned black from green, his gaze became intent and motionless. A little later everything returned to normal. Since then the boy has learned to do this "trick" of his own accord. When his pupils dilate, he is able to subdue other people to his will. Having achieved a similar effect on exams. Sasha usually passes them brilliantly, no matter how strict and picky the teacher was. If for some reason he does not succumb to hypnosis, the young man concentrates his gaze on the bridge of the person's nose and sends a stream of energy there with the power of his imagination. nut "cracks. However, even if Sasha just looks into the eyes of the interlocutor, he quickly looks away …

And yet - the young man for some reason does not like bright light. During the day, the curtains in his room are always drawn. At night Sasha often goes for walks and watches the starry sky for hours …

Parapsychic mutants

According to other researchers, miracle abilities are nothing more than the result of mutation. It can be caused by the environmental situation, illness, nervous stress.

… Student Sergei P. in early childhood suffered a serious illness, after which his eyes changed color, from azure-blue they became: one - green, the other - black. Amazing things are happening to the young man now. All his desires are fulfilled down to the smallest detail, he is aware of upcoming events, he easily reads the thoughts of other people. It is enough for Sergei to see a photograph of a stranger - and he already knows everything about him. Another distinguishing feature of the strange young man is his too bright appearance, which distinguishes him from the crowd …

There are well-known cases when people, physically and mentally handicapped, showed outstanding talent in any particular area. So, the prototype of the hero of the famous film "Rain Man" - autistic Kim Peak - became famous as a brilliant mathematician, autistic Derek Paravicini - the great jazz pianist, mentally handicapped Stephen Wiltshire reproduces on paper an exact copy of the building he saw only once. One of the famous "people-counters", Inody, suffered from a serious eye disease. Another, Prolongio, was born a genetic freak without limbs, while the third, Zera Colbrune, had six fingers and toes.

Left-handed universe

Another "space" mystery is left-handers. There are many different rumors about them. The most common myth is that these "white crows" exhibit higher intelligence than their right-handed brethren. Which is partially supported by scientific research.

Ohio psychologists Stephen Christman and Ruth Propper conducted an interesting experiment on memory control. They selected 62 people and asked them to memorize 55 words that flashed on the screen. Left-handers coped with the task two (!) Times better than the others. According to scientists, this is due to the closer interaction between the cerebral hemispheres in such people. However, left-handed memory is selective. So, it is easier for them to remember where they put something than to memorize a recipe or a historical date. Another study has shown. that the intelligence level of left-handers is lower than that of right-handers. Well, no wonder: memory and intelligence are not identical concepts. And yet … According to historical sources, left-handed people often have outstanding talents. In the human body, the right hemisphere dominates the left half of the body, the left over the right. The left one is responsible for speech and rational thinking, the right one - for the emotional sphere, as well as for orientation in space and time.

Lefties - from "Through the Looking Glass"?

One of the researchers of anomalous phenomena - Peter Chereda - put forward an interesting hypothesis. All left-handers, he believes, are descendants of people from a parallel "mirror" universe! According to the conclusion of physicists, our Universe is asymmetric. Most of the processes in it "go" in one direction - "clockwise". Even at a subtle level where torsion fields act. But theoretically there could be a parallel reality, where everything moves "exactly the opposite." Peter Chereda believes that once we were visited by aliens from the anti-world, similar to people, but possessing unusual psychic abilities, which they managed to pass on to descendants who were already born in our world. One of these descendants was probably Leonardo da Vinci. For many centuries, experts have tried to unravel the strange cipher under his drawings. It turned out that a great artist, scientist,the inventor and thinker simply … wrote from right to left! "Mirror writing" is sometimes characteristic of left-handers.

According to P. Chereda, da Vinci inherited the ability to clairvoyance from his father, an inhabitant of the “looking glass” world. allowing you to look into the future. Hence the wonderful inventions of Leonardo, well ahead of the era.

The number of left-handed people among the world's population is not exactly known. According to some sources, there are only six percent, according to others - 12-15. And the number of left-handed people is constantly growing due to mutations of "mirror" genes. In fact, in our world now there are two "races" of people with completely different ways of thinking and worldview - right-handers and left-handers, between whom there is a hidden evolutionary struggle. This is evidenced by the fact that more and more children with abnormal abilities began to be born.

Finally - the test for latent "left-handedness" recommended by parapsychologists. Cross the fingers of both hands together. If the thumb of your left hand is on top, you are left-handed from birth and you have the makings for the development of paranormal abilities. Still: after all, maybe your ancestors are aliens from "Through the Looking Glass" …

Irina Shlionskaya. Magazine "Secrets of the XX century" № 4 2011