The Most Amazing Types Of Mushrooms - Alternative View

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The Most Amazing Types Of Mushrooms - Alternative View
The Most Amazing Types Of Mushrooms - Alternative View

Video: The Most Amazing Types Of Mushrooms - Alternative View

Video: The Most Amazing Types Of Mushrooms - Alternative View
Video: Stephen Axford: How fungi changed my view of the world 2024, July

Scientists have data on more than five million species of fungi and the list is constantly growing. Of course, there are countless varieties that are very entertaining, frightening, or even funny. From brainworms and “bleeding mushrooms” by Gidnellum Pek, to classic fly agarics. Welcome on an excursion to the world of the wonderful world of mushrooms …

Miller blue

Bright indigo color on mushroom plates
Bright indigo color on mushroom plates

Bright indigo color on mushroom plates

Also called Indigo Lactarius and Blue Milk Mushroom. A relative of our russula. It is widely distributed in the tropical forests of Central America, the southern part of the United States, and in East Asia (during the rainy season).

Notable for its deep blue color, this mushroom has a pleasant aroma and sweet-spicy taste. It occupies an important place in the national cuisine of several countries.

Hericium crested

Promotional video:

"Lion's Mane" in all its glory
"Lion's Mane" in all its glory

"Lion's Mane" in all its glory

Also known as "Satyr's Beard" and "Lion's Mane" (got these names because of the structure, which looks like a lush hairline). It is well known to the people of North America, continental Europe, and China.

Hericium prefers decaying trunks of deciduous trees, but can easily get along with a living tree, with which it coexists in symbiosis. Although it looks a little strange, it can be eaten. As gourmets say, its taste is reminiscent of shellfish and other seafood.

Lobster mushroom

Chanterelle infected with a lobster mushroom
Chanterelle infected with a lobster mushroom

Chanterelle infected with a lobster mushroom

Hypomyces lactifluorum, despite its name, is not a fungus in the conventional sense. It is a parasitic fungus that stains its host's fruiting body (the bright red color of a freshly boiled lobster).

Most often, the lobster mushroom infects chanterelles and milk mushrooms growing in the United States - it not only changes their color, but also deforms them. Oddly enough, this species is edible and adds new notes of taste to the host mushroom.

Uncommon Brainworm

Strange mushroom that needs to be approached wisely
Strange mushroom that needs to be approached wisely

Strange mushroom that needs to be approached wisely

This species can be found in almost any North American or European coniferous forest. Scientists classify it as a poisonous mushroom, but in many cuisines it occupies a worthy place.

In order for the brain to become suitable for food, it must be boiled or marinated. The mushroom got its name from its brown cap, shaped like a human brain.

The most original name in the world - Bleeding Tooth

A mushroom that looks like it came out of the pages of Lovecraft's books
A mushroom that looks like it came out of the pages of Lovecraft's books

A mushroom that looks like it came out of the pages of Lovecraft's books

Gidnellum Peka got this name for its frightening appearance. It lives in North America and continental Europe (although it was recently discovered in Iran and Korea).

Gidnellum is inedible (but not considered a poisonous one). Through its pores, a jelly-like viscous liquid that looks like blood constantly oozes. The pigments contained in it are used in the textile industry for dyeing fabrics.

Giant Golovach

The big man from the world of mushrooms
The big man from the world of mushrooms

The big man from the world of mushrooms

This mushroom is one of the largest representatives of the kingdom in the world in terms of the size of the fruiting body. Its favorite habitat is the flooded meadows of North America and Europe in summer and autumn. The diameter of the bigheads can reach 15 cm and weigh up to 22 kg. In addition, this mushroom is edible, so it has become an ideal target for mushroom pickers.

Golden jelly

"Witch oil" on an aspen branch
"Witch oil" on an aspen branch

"Witch oil" on an aspen branch

Also known as Yellow Brain or Witch Oil. Its golden color serves as a good guide for travelers in the winter deciduous forest of temperate latitudes. Golden jelly loves moisture, so in dry weather it shrinks in size, becoming almost invisible. Each "leaf" reaches a diameter of 3 to 8 cm.

Devil's cigar

"Cigar" after firing spores
"Cigar" after firing spores

"Cigar" after firing spores

Another name is "Texas Star". Found only in Texas and Japan. This type of mushroom is extremely rare and has long been considered fiction for campfire stories. Before the spores are ejected, it looks like a cigar-shaped object, after that it looks like a rusty-brown star. When the spores leave the fruiting body, a fairly loud whistle can be heard.

Trameta multicolored

One of the most famous inedible mushrooms
One of the most famous inedible mushrooms

One of the most famous inedible mushrooms

You may have seen this mushroom, called "Turkey Tail" in the USA. His favorite food is rotting tree trunks and stumps. There are a lot of color options, but brown, pale orange and gray prevail. It cannot be classified as edible due to the fact that it does not have a fleshy body at all and in texture it resembles pencil shavings. Nevertheless, trameta can be useful in medicine, its pharmacological properties are now being actively studied.

Blue mushroom

A mushroom that suits fantasy more than the real world
A mushroom that suits fantasy more than the real world

A mushroom that suits fantasy more than the real world

It grows only in New Zealand and India in mixed deciduous-coniferous forests. The blue mushroom is known for its rich and vibrant blue coloration. The diameter of its cap does not exceed 4 cm).

These blue mushrooms may be poisonous, but their toxicity is poorly understood. It acquired its distinctive blue color thanks to the azulin pigment contained in the fruit body, which is also found in some marine invertebrates.

Canine mutinus (Mutinus caninus)


This mushroom can be found in Europe, Asia and North America. Due to the specific shape of the fruiting body, this mushroom is popularly known as "dog …". As long as the fruit body is in the egg shell, it is edible.

Mycena Chlorophos

Mycenae at night
Mycenae at night

Mycenae at night

This type of mushroom was discovered and described in detail back in 1860. His home is the rainforests of Asia, Australia and South America. Mycenae caps look a nondescript gray in daylight. At night, the mushroom transforms due to bioluminescence - it emits a pale green glow. The diameter of each mushroom is no more than 3 cm.

Clavaria pale brown

Clavaria looks more like coral than mushrooms
Clavaria looks more like coral than mushrooms

Clavaria looks more like coral than mushrooms

Clavaria is known for its tubular fruiting body, deep purple or violet in color. It can reach a height of 10 cm. Representatives of this beautiful species can be found in forest humus and in meadows in many countries of the world on all continents except Antarctica.

Morel edible

A delicious but unsightly mushroom is waiting for its mushroom picker
A delicious but unsightly mushroom is waiting for its mushroom picker

A delicious but unsightly mushroom is waiting for its mushroom picker

As the name suggests, this species can be eaten, although often mushroom pickers deliberately do not notice the morels, considering them to be "third grade" mushrooms. Their favorite habitat is fires in deciduous forests of Europe and North America. Morels grow in April-May.


Trio "shriveled peaches"
Trio "shriveled peaches"

Trio "shriveled peaches"

Another name is "Shriveled Peach". It was opened in 1785. An extremely rare inedible mushroom has an unusual appearance and in appearance fully corresponds to the popular name. Prefers dead elm trunks in Europe and North America, but can also be found in the subtropics.


A dangerous but beautiful representative of the mushroom kingdom
A dangerous but beautiful representative of the mushroom kingdom

A dangerous but beautiful representative of the mushroom kingdom

Widespread throughout the Northern Hemisphere. This miniature mushroom prefers hardwood deciduous forests, growing on stumps and large pieces of wood in large colonies. The Nexus is known for its amazing ability to quickly regenerate.

Common nutcracker

Poisonous mushroom on a rotting tree branch
Poisonous mushroom on a rotting tree branch

Poisonous mushroom on a rotting tree branch

This type of fungus causes white rot and fungal infections in humans, so you should stay away from it, especially since it is widespread everywhere, except for polar snows. The scientific name of the fungus is Schizophyllum commune.

Amethyst varnish

Mushroom for purple lovers
Mushroom for purple lovers

Mushroom for purple lovers

The lacquer is known for its beautiful and rich purple color. This mushroom is edible and foodies love to use it to decorate dishes. It grows in the central regions of Europe from August to November.

Raincoats (Lycoperdon)


This genus includes several types of mushrooms: real raincoat, hedgehog, thorny, etc. A distinctive feature of all these mushrooms is a rounded fruiting body, which can reach impressive sizes.

After the ripening of the spores, a hole appears on the fruiting body through which the spores spread. Many species of this genus, until they have lost their whiteness, are edible and even tasty.

"Lady with a Veil" (Phallus indusiatus)


Phallus indusiatus belongs to the Veselkov family. An unusual feature of this mushroom is the presence of a lace "veil" entangling the fruiting body of this "lady".

The cap of the mushroom is covered with a green-brown slime that attracts insects. They take an active part in spreading disputes. Phallus indusiatus is found in South Asia, Africa, Australia, and the Americas. The mushroom is edible and in China is widely used in the preparation of various dishes.

Panus ear-shaped

Foreign relative of our volushki
Foreign relative of our volushki

Foreign relative of our volushki

Mushrooms of this species can be distinguished by their matte and rough caps and a pleasant purple color. In terms of taste and appearance, it is closest to the waves. Distributed throughout the Northern Hemisphere.

Grate red

A grate grown on humus
A grate grown on humus

A grate grown on humus

This amazing mushroom is found throughout North America and Continental Europe. Most often, the lattice has an oval, round or hexagonal (hexagonal) formation.

Since ancient times, this mushroom has attracted people with its unusualness and was considered a messenger of the gods (or the machinations of the devil in the Middle Ages). Most often it grows apart, but there are also groups of lattices.

Mushroom umbrella motley

Big, tasty, but can be easily confused with toadstool
Big, tasty, but can be easily confused with toadstool

Big, tasty, but can be easily confused with toadstool

This type of mushroom is one of the largest on the planet - the diameter of its cap can reach 50 cm, as well as the length of the leg. The umbrella mushroom is loved in cooking for its delicate, slightly spicy aroma and mild taste.

However, it is highly likely that instead of this wonderful mushroom, you will find and collect a basket of poisonous pale toadstools, so it is worth checking it once more, but it is better to go into the forest with knowledgeable people.

Orange porous

Porous mushroom in Madagascar
Porous mushroom in Madagascar

Porous mushroom in Madagascar

The scientific name is Favolaschia Calocera. It was found on the island of Madagascar, but is now distributed in many countries in Africa, Asia and even in Hawaii and the Australian continent. Mycologists (scientists who study the kingdom of fungi) fear that the porous fungus will displace native species in these regions.

Ball earth star

Edelweiss-like mushroom ready to release spores into the air
Edelweiss-like mushroom ready to release spores into the air

Edelweiss-like mushroom ready to release spores into the air

This beautiful and miniature mushroom consists of a spore box and 5-10 petals. Although it can be found very often in mid-latitudes, it is unknown to domestic mushroom pickers (no wonder - it's inedible). The "color" of the star is long - from mid-spring to late autumn. Prefers hemp of deciduous trees.

Disheveled golden colubia

Colubia cups in fertilized soil
Colubia cups in fertilized soil

Colubia cups in fertilized soil

Like most mushrooms, colubia loves rotten stumps and tree skeletons. Grows in tropical latitudes across the planet. Stands out from the jungle with its fun and colorful appearance. Opened in 1847.

Aleuria orange

Shaggy representative of the kingdom of mushrooms
Shaggy representative of the kingdom of mushrooms

Shaggy representative of the kingdom of mushrooms

This vibrant mushroom can be easily recognized by its orange peel-like body. Aleuria grows in large groups, staining up to 100 sq m of area in a positive orange color.

Mysterious mushrooms, not plants or animals, are still poorly understood. Many species are to be discovered. And it is possible that among them there will be much more unusual and even frightening species.

Fly agaric

The most famous mushroom
The most famous mushroom

The most famous mushroom

Perhaps the most famous mushroom on the planet. It has a mystical aura due to its hallucinogenic properties - a decoction from its fruit bodies was used by the shamans of North America, and ancient Greek oracles, and the legendary Viking berserkers.

By the way, it was their fault that Alice's journey to Wonderland happened. According to the classification, it is considered poisonous, it is not recommended to eat it raw, however, it loses its harmful properties after heat treatment. However, don't try it !.

Mushrooms by Steve Exford

Photographer Steve Exford specializes in mushroom photography. Most of his photographs were taken in Australia. According to Steve, some of the "models" of the mushroom kingdom are not even named and have never been described by scientists.