The Incident At Korob-lake - Alternative View

The Incident At Korob-lake - Alternative View
The Incident At Korob-lake - Alternative View

Video: The Incident At Korob-lake - Alternative View

Video: The Incident At Korob-lake - Alternative View
Video: Unbelievable Animal Moments Caught On Camera #2 2024, September

The wave of UFO sightings of those years was crowned with an unprecedented event. In the spring of 1961, a landing object tore out a huge piece of the coast and threw some of the soil into a body of water, which the locals call Korb Lake. This is an unofficial name: in fact, Korb-Lake is an unnamed branch of Lake Onega. Once there was a remote taiga village of Entino, but people left it, and now there are only a few dilapidated ones near the water.

At 9 pm on April 27, 1961, the forester V. Borsky walked along the shore of the lake and spent the night 7 km from it. On the morning of April 28, he went back. Walking along the same bank where he had walked yesterday, Borsky suddenly saw a gigantic freshly dug hole, which did not exist yesterday. The pit was about 27 m long, about 15 m wide, and up to 3 m deep. One end of the pit almost touched the water, and its continuation was a huge hole punched in the ice of the lake.

Borsky fluently examined the scene of the incident and, in a hurry to report it, walked all day to the nearest logging center, and from there still the night to the place from where it was possible to send a telegram to the regional center.

A week later, on May 2, a group of military and civilian specialists arrived from Leningrad. At first, experts decided that an incomprehensible explosion occurred in the taiga, so the group's goal was to determine its causes and nature.

Among those who came to Lake Korb were a KGB major with a characteristic surname Stukov and a sapper, future military journalist Viktor Ivanovich Demidov. More than once, in Soviet times, he described these events, slightly changing the names of the characters (in his presentation, for example, Borsky turned into Brodsky):

“We saw an impressive recess buried in a huge wormwood … There are rare tousled ice floes in it. Further - smooth, swelling ice …

I went down to the pit. No springs. No groundwater. Nothing even a little attention-grabbing. On the way to the water, the hole narrows greatly. Near the water itself, there seems to be a trace of something heavy; The sod is scattered on the sides here, the bottom is a little smoothed. On the lake - ice is like ice: no cracks, no soil emissions on it. Hmm, emissions … Maybe start with this? In principle, an explosion could swing such a hole … But where are the emissions after all?.."

Diver Alexander Tikhonov descended to the bottom, but did not find any fragments from a shell or rocket.

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“The bottom near the pit,” he said, “is covered with discarded earth and blocks of frozen turf. It is understandable why there is little floating ice in the hole! He was simply pressed to the bottom. The transience of the catastrophe did not allow the ice floes to escape to the surface. The entire mass of the discarded land lies in a rather narrow and long section. To the right and to the left of it - the bottom is clean and dense”49.

At the bottom there was a 20-meter trail, ending in a roller of soil 1.5 m high. As if some pipe-shaped object was moving along the bottom, pushing the soil in front of it, and then stopped and flew up. Behind the edge of the hole was a normal, clean bottom.

Rising to the surface, the diver accidentally turned over one of the floating pieces of ice. Imagine the amazement of all those present when they saw that the inverted piece of ice in the lower part was up to half its thickness painted in a bright emerald green color. The sappers turned over a few more floating pieces of ice - the same, bright emerald green. Chipped off a piece of ice from an untouched field - nothing, ice like ice, normal color.

When the "green" ice (although it was already in a melted state) was delivered to the laboratory, the experts who carried out the analysis concluded: "The elements identified in the melted ice do not make it possible to explain its green color, which the expedition members indicate." But all the members of the expedition saw this color with their own eyes!

According to the divers, the amount of soil dumped to the bottom of the lake is less than the amount that should have been thrown out of the pit. And around the hole, on the bottom and on the ice, there is no soil. And around the pit too …

“We figured it out: with tremendous speed this thing crashed to the ground, tore about a thousand cubes of frozen earth from the shore, crawled about 20 m along the bottom, broke through a 5-meter water column and rushed vertically into the sky … Only this way,” wrote Demidov. “Otherwise,“she”would have cut the lake ice over a large area and left some traces on it… But the ice edge is absolutely clean! No, this is something not very clear” 50.

The sappers were convinced that they had taken mine detectors with them in vain. True, both in the pit, and next to it, and under the water, the arrows deviated more often than in the vicinity, but no matter how much they dug or fingered the soil with their hands, they did not find even the smallest particle of metal. Only later it turned out that the balls floating on the water consisted of some kind of metal alloy!

An authorized regional police department found out that on the night of April 27-28, none of the residents of the nearby village saw or heard anything. But many assured that two days after this event, from about 2 to 4 am, a powerful intermittent roar was heard from the side of the lake, similar to the roar of aircraft engines being tested. "It will shout, it will shout," said one of the residents, "it will stop … Then again …"

The military, having studied all the collected materials, drew up a "Report on the results of the inspection of the site of the fall of an unknown object." This unique document was cited by F. Yu. Siegel in his manuscript, removing all the names and the exact place of the incident: “The place of the fall is the northern coast … 40 meters from the buildings of the former village. The steepness of the coast in that place is 60 degrees. The drop point is supposed to be 10-12 m from the water's edge … Lake … with an area of 0.75 sq. km, flowing, at the time of inspection covered with monolithic ice 40 cm thick. The depth at the place of fall to the broken edge of the ice is from 0.1 to 5 m. The bottom in this place is gently sloping, muddy, the thickness of the muddy layer along with the soil that has fallen into the lake subject, more than 1.2 m.

As a result of the fall of the object, the destruction of the coastline was formed, having a geometrically irregular shape with roughly torn edges … The bottom of the pit is shallow, gently sloping, with a slope of 10 degrees. At the outlet to the water's edge and behind it, two fill strips are distinguishable with a distance of 5.5 m in the bottom of the lake into a flat deepened strip 20 cm wide. No other traces of a regular shape were found in the bottom of the pit.

There is no discharge of soil or funnels outside the edge line of the pit. A large amount of soil is at the bottom of the hole … Behind the ice edge, there are no discarded pieces of soil or cracks.

No temperature effects were found at the site of the dropped object. The stones and slate tiles that were in the deepest channel are layered and, when moved, they disintegrate into separate plates. The stones outside the pit and on its steep slopes have no such stratification. No stones with melted edges were found …

Part of the pieces of ice in the formed polynya acquired an intense green coloration (such as chromium oxide). The coloration is uniform, linear. A rainbow spot with a radius of up to 2 cm was noticed in one piece of ice from the dividing strip into the depths of the unpainted part. No visible cracks were noticed in this place. When the ice melted, the green substance precipitated in the form of elongated flakes.

Qualitative and chemical analyzes of this sample, carried out by the Department of Analytical Chemistry of the Leningrad Technological Institute named after Lensoveta, showed that small amounts of silicon, magnesium, iron, aluminum, sodium, calcium, barium and boron were found in the water filtered from the solution. Silicon, magnesium, titanium, and sodium were found as the main elements in the mineral sediment after the acid extract was calcined.

The impurities are calcium, aluminum and iron. The sediment has a metallic luster. A lot of organic matter of unknown composition was found in water and sediment. The uniform coloration of ice by the results of chemical analysis could not be explained …

Along the water's edge and in the water, floating black grains with a regular geometric shape were found surrounded by foam, when viewed under a microscope, we can distinguish a characteristic metallic luster, inside are hollow, fragile, well rubbed. When calcined, they change color, without change in shape, are extremely acid-resistant. When examining the infrared spectrum, organic substances were not found in them. According to the conclusion of specialists, grains are apparently recognized as formations of artificial origin …

All samples are checked for the presence of radioactive or toxic substances. These substances were not found in the samples”51.

Three years later, Viktor Demidov briefly spoke about the incident in the newspaper of the Leningrad Military District "On Guard of the Motherland", without mentioning either the exact place or the names of eyewitnesses52. It was only when he got away with it that Victor included a detailed description of the incident in his book We Leave Last.

Many years later, he recalled: “Of course, something did not get into the publication (place, surnames, etc.): the big bosses sent us to the lake, took care of the“organs”… It was they who helped quickly and without problems get to solid laboratories and serious specialists in meteorites, ball and linear lightning, landslides, karst, all kinds of closed "things" … And not one said: this is this and that. Chemists, on the other hand (they were led by VB Aleskovsky, Corresponding Member of the USSR Academy of Sciences), generally wrote: “The elements determined in the melted ice cannot give a green color, which the expedition members indicate …, they are, from rare metals, acid-resistant, heat-resistant and … apparently, they are not a natural formation "… And how,let me ask you? Professor Aleskovsky was careful not to write this into the act, but he told me confidentially: he had never seen such a combination of elements and could not imagine a technology capable of creating it …

"The army" has nothing to do with this story. When the famous General of Aviation P. I. Kozhedub, as they say, "popularly" repulsed the "slander" on his pilots (it was in my presence; it was suspected that these were pilots "something thrown off "), in our headquarters this case was abandoned; The report I had prepared did not go anywhere either.

It has nothing to do with "official scientific circles." Even the cosmonaut G. S. Titov failed to arouse their interest in the "incident at Korb-lake." As the vice-president of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, MA Lavrentyev, once told me: “We have no one to deal with suspicious“pits”- in science, everyone is focused on his own narrow area.” This is how many famous UFO sensations ended”53.

On August 8, 1970, Ufologist Yu. M. Raitarovsky visited Korb-Lake:

“I went to the lake on my vacation. The northern coast turned out, as before, treeless, with sparse bushes, and the pit was overgrown with lush, abundant vegetation, even three trees grew (alder with a trunk diameter of 5-6 cm). To prevent the hole from disappearing, the trees were cut down … Soil samples were taken along the centerline of the hole to the water at a distance of about 1 m from the water's edge. Shurfik was developed in layers of 5-7 cm thick to a depth of 20-25 cm. In the first layer, 2-3 "balls" were caught, and then their number began to increase sharply, so that in total there were about 200-250 pieces of them. when examined, they had a dark color with a violet sheen, amenable to crumbling, hollow inside. When examining a fracture under a microscope, a crystal structure was observed … "54

In 1978, Yuri Mefodievich made a report at a seminar of the USSR Academy of Sciences, after which an expedition headed there headed by the candidate of physical and mathematical sciences E. S. Gorshkov. The elderly Viktor Demidov took part in it.

“What amazed me: the pit was overgrown with trees again - alder, birch, although they did not grow anywhere nearby,” continues Yuri Methodievich. - In the pit, we counted about 400 (!) Trunks with a diameter of 3-5 cm. At a distance of 100 m along the coast there was an old foundation pit from some pre-war construction. It remained not even overgrown with grass, but here - a forest from edge to edge of the pit, but not a single tree above the edge of the pit, on the coastal slope …

All this was photographed, the trees were cut down again. The mine detectors did not find anything, and the magnetometer gave powerful readings in one place, but there was no time to make a circuit. A number of small particles were collected by the magnetic staff."

In the same year, the expedition was repeated, but it lasted only one day. The third expedition in April 1979 already worked from the ice with a magnetometer and an electrical prospecting device, breaking 300 holes in the ice, but did not find any anomalies. Many soil samples were taken, but no results were found. The radioactivity was not higher than the background. In 1982, dowsing from the surface of the water identified an anomaly extending to the opposite bank at an angle of 30 degrees to the centerline of the pit. Since the bottom of the lake is covered with a multi-meter layer of silt, it was not possible to determine the nature of the anomaly using available means.

“The assumption is the most incredible, but the facts can only be explained to them, - said Yu. M. Raitorovsky. - Some body entered the earth's atmosphere, hit the shore, went under the water, then flew away. Let's say a UFO had a breakdown, was welding under water. Then the balls are traces of welding, and the green color of the ice below is from ultraviolet radiation. All this is obtained during our welding works. After making the necessary repairs within 1-2 days, the UFO, tightly seized by the bottom silt, makes several attempts to break away at low power of its engines (the villagers heard noise from the lake at night), then gives a powerful thrust impulse, breaks out of captivity and disappears, leaving for memory a pit, a furrow and a colored piece of ice. When the commission arrived, of course, they could not find anyone … 55

On October 6, 1993, a resident of St. Petersburg N. Kalashnikov visited there. He drew attention to the fact that over the past 30 years, the foundation pit has changed somewhat: the ground has swum, the edges have smoothed out and are completely overgrown with grass.

“Having hastily dug with a sapper shovel at the bottom of the pit and found nothing interesting, we began to photograph this place from different angles,” he writes. - While my friend was looking for the best exposure for shooting, I once again went downstairs and looked around the place where the “object” fell. I noticed that despite the beginning of October, the grass in the pit was still very green and juicy, unlike the one that grew in the forest …

I was about to go upstairs when I suddenly noticed a white object in the ground we had dug up. He came closer and, bending down, saw that it was an ordinary stone. I kicked it. He did not move. Stronger - no result. It was a matter of seconds to run upstairs for a shovel and come back.

Rolling down, I began to quickly dig in the stone. It turned out to be an almost square slab, extending vertically downward about 30 centimeters. Having pulled it out of there into the light of day, clearing it from the earth and washing it in water, I looked at it and gasped. It was a rather massive slab of about 20 x 30 cm and 3-4 centimeters thick. On the one hand, it was almost all smooth, but on the other … On the other hand, it resembled a washboard, only the bulges of the ribs were much wider and higher.

The first thing that came to mind was a piece, most likely broken off from an even larger slab. And he underwent, apparently, gigantic heat treatment and pressure. Most likely, all the soft-bodied rocks that were on its surface on one side melted and flowed out, and hard rock, probably like basalt (I’m not a geologist) remained …”56

Nikolai Kalashnikov was fond of growing ginseng at home and, using the land from the pit, he received amazing results. Ginseng grew by leaps and bounds, far ahead of everything that was planted in ordinary soil. Nikolay managed to grow record specimens on “extraterrestrial doping”!

Mikhail Gershtein