Scientists Have Discovered A "competitor" To Alzheimer's Disease - Alternative View

Scientists Have Discovered A "competitor" To Alzheimer's Disease - Alternative View
Scientists Have Discovered A "competitor" To Alzheimer's Disease - Alternative View

Video: Scientists Have Discovered A "competitor" To Alzheimer's Disease - Alternative View

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Often mistakenly, speech disorders in older people are considered by doctors to be symptoms of Alzheimer's disease. In fact, things may not be so simple. This symptom is most likely indicative of primary progressive aphasia. In this case, the patient cannot pronounce the words, but understands them perfectly and can write or type on the keyboard.

With the manifestation of this ailment, first of all, dysfunction of the speech zones of the brain occurs. People who have been diagnosed with this little-studied syndrome may not be able to pronounce, but, at the same time, they perfectly understand what they mean.

The corresponding report was announced by American scientists who spoke at a regular meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. If we learn to diagnose this syndrome correctly and stop confusing it with early Alzheimer's, then people can get qualified help and be cured.


At the moment, the diagnosis is complicated by the fact that the symptoms are very similar to senile dementia, because many doctors simply refer to it.

Kirill Ofitserov
