The Day The Sun Goes Out - Alternative View

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The Day The Sun Goes Out - Alternative View
The Day The Sun Goes Out - Alternative View

Video: The Day The Sun Goes Out - Alternative View

Video: The Day The Sun Goes Out - Alternative View
Video: The Wanted - Glad You Came 2024, September

A star named the Sun …

Leading scientists Ramses Ramirez and Lisa Kaltenegger, without unnecessary notes of regret in their voice, talk about what mechanisms will lead to the fact that our Sun, the source of life, light and heat, will go out forever. And before we break out - and our world will burn … Researchers are trying to convince us that the earthly Apocalypse is not the end of everything. Progressive humanity has every chance to continue its existence! Who said "pathetic" ?! And there are various options for this …

For most of its life, an average-mass star, like the Sun, is in a hydrogen cycle. When it burns up the entire supply of hydrogen fuel, and the hydrogen in its core turns into helium, thermonuclear combustion of hydrogen shells continues at the periphery.

At this time, the luminosity of the object increases, its outer layers expand, and the temperature on the surface decreases. The star increases in size by about 100 times, and it becomes a red giant. It stays in this phase for much less time than in the hydrogen phase - several million years.

Since the reactions of burning helium are very sensitive to temperature, the star can begin to pulsate strongly and, as a result of acceleration, shed its outer shells, turning into a planetary nebula.

As the sun loses mass, the strength of its gravity will decrease. As a result, the objects of the solar system can leave their orbits and go on an "open voyage". However, most of the planets, including the Earth, are likely to … simply burn up. It will happen in about five billion years.

Life on Earth will become impossible as the atmosphere will burn out and the oceans will evaporate. And, most likely, long before that, people will have to think about "emigration" to other parts of the Universe.

But where exactly? Mars or Venus is not an option - there will also be a complete haply, like on Earth.

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Computer models built by Ramirez and Kaltenegger showed that Europa and Enceladus would be good options for the Great Migration: the ice will melt and turn into liquid oceans, making the conditions on the surface of these satellites quite suitable for the existence of some forms of biological life.

Europa (the moon of Jupiter) and Enceladus (the moon of Saturn) have a hot and solid core, and there is likely an entire ocean beneath the surface of Enceladus. The hot sun can turn them into real water worlds. If any life forms are hidden in the ocean depths, then they can come to the surface, creating a biosphere similar to the earth.

Pluto will have a quite favorable climate by that "time of change". However, do not forget that the earthlings will need to think about this if they live up to this time - and do not destroy, for example, each other in fratricidal wars and artificial cataclysms …

Let's also watch a video in which scientists analyze the age of our universe: