Rustic Magic. What Is She Like? - Alternative View

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Rustic Magic. What Is She Like? - Alternative View
Rustic Magic. What Is She Like? - Alternative View

Video: Rustic Magic. What Is She Like? - Alternative View

Video: Rustic Magic. What Is She Like? - Alternative View
Video: Beautiful and Easy Farmhouse Table Build - 12 2024, September

The ancient Slavs treated witches and sorcerers with respect. They were respected and sometimes feared. People who possessed knowledge of village magic could cure a sick child, make the harvest rich and the cattle grow healthy. The witch's house was the only place where a sick person could be brought and cured. The fact is that in those days, witches and witches possessed not only magic, but also well versed in medicine.

It is worth knowing that village magic is not related to summoning spirits. Most often, witches and witches operate with conspiracies, which can be quite large in volume and read several times.

Should you be afraid of village magic?

Real village magic has nothing to do with black magic. Curse, damage, evil eye and other negative phenomena are excluded for real Slavic village magic. On the contrary, witches and sorcerers were engaged in removing damage and curses. Moreover, this type of magic implies that those in need should be helped, and often for free. Accordingly, if such "grandmothers" take money for their services, then at a minimum. Moreover, the "grandmother" can impose her services on a person who is not going to seek magical help, but needs it. Moreover, it will be enough to thank the witch for her work.

Unfortunately, time changes everything, and people become more selfish, forgetting that the main purpose of village magic is to help free of charge.

How to learn village magic?

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Ancient magical knowledge is passed down from generation to generation. Accordingly, an ordinary person, and even more so a city dweller, will not be able to learn village magic. Of course, you can learn spells and rituals, but this is just the basics, there is more. In addition, village magic begins to be taught from childhood or adolescence, and this takes years or even decades. Another important point is that the purpose of village magic is to help those in need, and not to benefit from it.

How they started talking to me from the bullets. Eyewitness Ivan

1995, Chechnya, the most terrible and bloody battles. I, a nineteen-year-old boy, was wounded, I spent more than a month in the hospital. And then he returned to his unit with an unhealed wound. Every day I was getting worse and worse, the temperature rose, the hand that had not been healed was terribly sore, I almost did not feel it. I turned to the orderly, showed the wound. And he cried out: "Yes, everything is rotting, immediately to the hospital!"

What can you do, you have to go to the field hospital. I told the commander about this and asked my friend Zhenya to accompany me. It took about half an hour to get to the hospital.

We passed through some village, I don't even remember the name, but an old woman is standing near the gate of one of the houses. She stopped us and asked:

- Are you going to the hospital?

- Yes, - I answer.

- Come to me, I'll give you some tea.

We began to doubt. It seems to be not supposed to drink tea, but our legs themselves carried us after the old woman. Grandmother sat us down at the table and poured tea into mugs. She served one more pie. And he says:

- Son, I knew that you would pass by my house, I baked it for you.

We looked at each other in silence. They thought that my grandmother was not all at home, old age, after all. And she correctly understood our silence:

- Do not believe me, I can tell you the number of your unit!

And she really did! And then he says to me:

“Take off your clothes, I’ll heal your wound, otherwise your arm will be amputated.

The old woman washed the wound and smeared it with some kind of black ointment. Less than five minutes later, I felt much better.

- Well, has it become easier? - asks the old woman - Now get up, I’ll speak to you, boys, so that no bullet will take you.

Grandmother took a candle and began to walk around us, whispering something at the same time. She said that we were no longer hurt in the war. She also told about our future, how many children we will have, what our wives will be called. And he says to me:

- Call your daughter Sophia.

We left the house, agreed that we would not tell anyone about the grandmother. All the same, no one will believe, and you can get into trouble. And the hand stopped hurting completely. The unit reported to the commander that in the hospital the wound was washed, with some kind of ointment, and the hand would soon become as good as new. I was only afraid of one thing - that the commander of the orderly would not call, but it would be carried away.

Zhenya and I spent two more years in the war. There were many fierce battles, but they never wounded us. And several times I heard how the bullets on my body ring and fly off to the side. Sometimes it seemed that I was iron. We came from the war, got married. Everything that the old woman predicted came true: the names of the wives and the number of children. Of course, as promised, I named my daughter Sophia.