What Does The Dungeon Hide? - Alternative View

What Does The Dungeon Hide? - Alternative View
What Does The Dungeon Hide? - Alternative View

Video: What Does The Dungeon Hide? - Alternative View

Video: What Does The Dungeon Hide? - Alternative View
Video: Asmongold SHOCKED By TBC Classic New HIDDEN Boosts 2024, July

Riddles and secrets are not only kept on the surface, they have been hidden from human eyes for many centuries. At the same time, many events take place right under their noses, but people do not see and do not know. That's why they are secrets … But historians have established the fact that the human mind selectively studies history. As if he chooses what he likes, and cuts off what he doesn't. And no wonder, because the fact that in the most difficult times the human psyche abstracts and creates its own thought-forms has been repeatedly recorded.

Our planet keeps many secrets and mysteries on its surface, but also many unusual things are buried in its depths. Of course, even in childhood, many have heard fairy tales, fables, eyewitness stories about how a certain spirit wanders underground, looking for a way out of an underground tunnel. But where does this tunnel originate, where does it end? And where did the ghost come from in this place, and for what reason cannot find a way out?

Let's start over. As you know, most of the designers of palace complexes were educated and very original people. Fulfilling the whims and wishes of the customer, the architects went to all sorts of tricks in order to please them. So, often, under castles, palaces, temples, and just residential quarters of cities, passages were laid. These were passages, catacombs, labyrinths, etc., there are many names, one meaning. These passages have always been laid for a reason.

There have always been large basements under churches and temples, and from them there was an underground exit. Such a building was made with a special intention, so that during the attack of enemy troops on the city or the settlement in which the church was located, people who had taken refuge from the shelling could leave the city unnoticed. It was the way of life that forced most peoples to create these moves. Otherwise, how can one hide from an attack. But not only during military operations these passages were used, very often they were in demand at times of internal coups, court wars.

Why did secrets go through the walls of the church into the underground? Because in the old days, the second treasury, the one that was collected secretly, was located in the church. At the same time, the clergy were not always aware of state events and, without suspecting anything, conducted services as usual. But in moments of urgent need, the dungeons opened their passages, but not for everyone.

In royal families, it was customary to build entire palace complexes. That is, not only one royal palace was being built, but also several more palace auxiliary structures. Members of the royal families very often ordered designs of entire underground cities from architects, in the central point of which was the royal palace. Many kings, wanting to remain unnoticed, made underground passages to nearby churches. This is because the representatives of the royal families were public people and the visual attendance of the church was quite frequent, could testify that the representative of the royal family atone for sins, which means that he was not doing godly deeds.

All these subtleties of the royal service explain the presence of dungeons. In addition to ordinary underground passages, many rulers built their offices and secret libraries in them. If we were talking about a noble person who adhered to a different religion, or belonged to some order, then in the basements and underground of the house of such a person religious meetings of like-minded people took place. There are cases when, having come to a ball, most of the guests did not leave the premises at dawn. At the same time, they were not found in the house itself. Having held their secret meeting, they left the territory of the castle or the palace by underground passages.

Underground passages were built of completely different lengths, shapes and heights. The walls in them were even tiled. How strictly everything was kept secret, because in order to lay an underground passage, it took no less time than to build a palace.

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But underground catacombs were built not only under palaces and castles. Under many banks there were also secret communications, which in fact led people out of the bank premises even to the other side of the rivers. The need for such moves was due to frequent robberies and an unstable political situation in society. Therefore, bank vaults were emptied, so that the money did not go to the attackers. In such bank corridors, whole cars and carts passed by.

It should be noted that whole underground cities have been built under some large settlements. Secret passages and passages lead from one point of the city to another. Unfortunately, the drawings of such structures were either not drawn at all, but were known only to those who built them, or are stored in private collections, or have long been lost.

Diggers are underground tourists, adventurers every year find more and more secrets and mysteries in the dungeons. Nowadays even underground tourism is fashionable. Each of the buildings keeps its own riddle and secret. And these riddles grow with many stories and even legends. Diggers often find facts that confirm this. But the scientific world is skeptical of this kind of historical artifacts, because clear evidence, in their opinion, does not exist. I would like to note that such underground travels are very dangerous for the lives of those who make them, because it is not known in what century and by what technologies these passages were created, how they were strengthened. Very often, natural gas accumulates in them and the slightest fire can cause an explosion.

Groundwater also destroys these structures, while collapse and flooding can occur at any time. And risking your life out of idle curiosity, sinking into the dungeon is absolutely not worth it. Of course, humanity will not be able to study all these hidden labyrinths at the moment, but it is very important to draw from them the historical value.

For example, there is a legend that under some royal palaces real tunnels were laid, along which ground vehicles moved. They connected not even just buildings, but some settlements. But specific protection was installed in them, and if someone outside entered the tunnel, then he fell into a trap. At this moment, the underground labyrinth began to fill with water, which was either pumped out of a local reservoir, or specially defended for this purpose. But this very fact frightened the uninvited guests very much, and they did not risk continuing their journey, but quickly got out to the surface.

Many archaeologists, conducting underground work, found not only ancient burials, tombs and other structures, but the same passages under the main structures.

It must be said that the tradition of keeping the ruler's life away from the inhabitants arose with the development of civilization. Even under the pyramids, there were specially constructed passages, their exact purpose is currently unknown, as well as the purpose of many dungeons. But sooner or later these secrets will become available to contemporaries. Perhaps this will give an impetus to the development of any of the sciences, and perhaps it will slightly open the doors of history that have been closed until now. In any case, historians have enough material for research here.