The Gremlin Effect - Alternative View

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The Gremlin Effect - Alternative View
The Gremlin Effect - Alternative View

Video: The Gremlin Effect - Alternative View

Video: The Gremlin Effect - Alternative View
Video: Twilight Zone - Gremlin on the Wing Effect [After Effects Tutorial] 2024, September

Have a brand new battery in your car? Suddenly stuck brake pedal? Entering the apartment, you find that the washing machine has flooded half of the room? Was your favorite beer warm and "spoiled?" Well, you're out of luck: you fell victim to a gremlin.

Gremlin is a mythical creature from English folklore, whose height rarely exceeds 50 cm. Feet covered with wool allow them to move absolutely silently, but at a tremendous speed - according to researchers of the gremlin effect, about 1.5 m / s. This circumstance often forces people to take them for some kind of astral creatures or ghosts. Although in fact they are quite real.

They have a certain "specialization": trying not to create noise, gremlins gnaw and spoil everything they can reach … Any of them can easily disable the most complex mechanism. After all, they just hate serviceable equipment!

The gremlin effect itself was established in 1940 in the English town of Castlebromwich, where the Supermarine branch of the Vickers-Armstrongs concern was located. Pilot Prune, who served in the Royal Air Force of Great Britain, drew attention to the fact that during the tests of the Spitfire-Mk-ll fighter aircraft, numerous technical defects were revealed that could not be attributed to ordinary ordinary breakdowns and wear.

For some unknown reason, initially serviceable equipment refused to work at the most crucial moment … The pilot published an essay about this in the Royal Air Force Journal. In his opinion, the gremlin effect was one of the most serious problems that the Air Force had to face at the front.

A more detailed study of the phenomenon showed that the smallest details fail. At the same time, in order to fix the breakdown, most often it was necessary to disassemble the mechanisms to the last screw. But in the end it invariably turned out that the problem was completely trifling: to fix it, it was enough just to tighten the nut or clean the contact …

Helpers or enemies?

If the legends are to be believed, gremlins weren't always so harmful. The pages of ancient chronicles mention the times when small and funny creatures helped people quickly make tools and deftly fix the most serious breakdowns. And their favorite pastime was the destruction of anthills and bird nests. They were especially pleased with the dismantling of beaver dams.

Promotional video:

Stills from the film "Gremlins"


However, then the gremlins noticed that people did not appreciate their help. Moreover, over time, they stopped thanking invisible helpers for their work, vainly attributing all the merits to themselves. This angered the little creatures so much that they began to use their skills and knowledge of nature and technology for destruction.

When exactly the gremlins decided to move to the cities, it is not clear exactly. However, there are suspicions that the outbreak of the First World War contributed to their migration from forests and fields to factories and plants. The appearance of a huge number of mechanisms and household appliances has become a real happiness for small creatures and a serious problem for people.

Gremlins prefer "dead" things. They adore a variety of home appliances, cars and factory equipment. The personal computer is the dream of any gremlin. According to the "experts", there is no computer in which these creatures do not live. It is assumed that for every hundred gigabytes there are at least a couple of such dirty tricks …

Nevertheless, gremlins are quite friendly towards humans. They are hooligans rather out of boredom and mischief than out of a desire to harm a person. Despite this, many begin to scold gremlins too much, blaming them for all their misfortunes. Moreover, some, suspecting such a mischievous person in their problems, begin to literally poison the unfortunate creature, thereby causing him a rather serious offense. And the offended gremlin will definitely try to take revenge. Because of a careless word or action addressed to this creature, your life can turn into a real nightmare in one second.

How to make friends with a gremlin

However, do not overestimate the level of danger that gremlins pose to us. Even with such a harmful creature it is quite possible to find a common language.

First, try to determine what item your new "tenant" has chosen for their entertainment. More often than not, gremlins spoil things that people can't fix on their own. For example, if you are good with cars, he will take care of your TV. If you are a washing machine repairman, he will provide you with problems with the refrigerator, etc.

Sometimes the gremlin can be selective. Let's say he is addicted to things of a certain design or brand. Therefore, if you buy a TV from another company, the dirty trick may not be interested in it, and he will calmly leave your home.

If the gremlin is not very selective about your property, then he will spoil everything, but little by little. In this case, experts advise two ways to combat this malicious creature.

The first is to buy or find a "toy" for your "guest" at home or in the country. They are downright "dragged" from old things. So, for example, if you have a long-standing hand-held sewing machine in your house, the gremlin will never leave it unattended. Put it in a closet, closet or mezzanine - in general, in any secluded and warm place. Do not be surprised later when you hear mysterious rustles from there … This gremlin disassembles and assembles his "new toy".

By the way, if you use any old mechanism, then, as soon as the creature finds it, it will constantly break down … Gremlin will not allow anyone to "play" with his favorite objects.

The second way to get rid of the prankster is quite difficult. It is necessary to stop ignoring his presence. Experts recommend giving the gremlin a name and constantly referring to him (just not to offend or scold). These creatures do not tolerate undue attention to their own person. Therefore, the dirty trick will try to quickly leave your house and find a new home for himself.

Gremlins rarely settle in apartments, preferring factories, various tunnels, basements and dungeons. If, nevertheless, you have got an invisible "tenant", be sure to try to resolve the conflict peacefully.

There are many examples when far from harmless leprosy benefited people. So, one gremlin, constantly rattling the lid of a teapot, helped the physicist James White figure out the properties of steam. And the American gremlins with their dirty tricks helped Benjamin Franklin in experiments with electricity.

Perhaps small creatures can be useful to you in some way. If at one time humanity had appreciated the contribution of the gremlins to science, the history of our relationship with them could have developed in a different way.