Anomalies And Mysteries Of The Voronovo Region (Part 2) - Alternative View

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Anomalies And Mysteries Of The Voronovo Region (Part 2) - Alternative View
Anomalies And Mysteries Of The Voronovo Region (Part 2) - Alternative View

Video: Anomalies And Mysteries Of The Voronovo Region (Part 2) - Alternative View

Video: Anomalies And Mysteries Of The Voronovo Region (Part 2) - Alternative View
Video: [Spoilers] Assassin's Creed Valhalla - A Guide to the Animus Anomalies and the Hidden Truth 2024, July

Part 1

Alexander Alexandrovich Udot, town of Radun:

Well, they said that here this lowland seems to be lost in space … something like this: either a white silhouette, a pillar or in space are lost. The fog is here at first, when in the fog they are all lost in space. Because not one person told me this, but several. They are lost in the fog and in space … And how it really is, I have never seen, my son Volodka and I drove, deliberately stormed at one and two nights, and rode, rolled. [Why did they go so late?] Well, they were showing off. [So you wanted to see something for yourself?] Well, yes. As they say, the best is when you yourself feel or see. We … [Never anything, huh?] Well, it's kind of very rare, but it appears. Well, here I am, how many people … here somehow it is in periods, it turns out that after a certain time. [Well, what about the pattern,How many years? So roughly] I can't say, because I'm not a local myself, and when I started to study history, here I have different people … already there are not many of them … they said, told, for example, that he walks, walks … Volodya walked - he didn't give a damn once only by type got lost. [Volodka who is this?] Son. And he said, well, this place is considered bad. And as it goes on, that's how long I've traveled here, walked, visited … well, no. Honestly, I communicate with people. [And when is it approximately, years approximately, when was this all observed? 90s or earlier?] Well, no one got hung up, here people seemed to be especially stuck, well, it happened … They were afraid to talk … They said there, laughed among themselves and like the devil beguiled, stretched across the field, walked around and left, well, so that someone gets hung up …and when I started to study history, here I have different people … already many of them are not there … they said, told, for example, that he walks, walks … Volodka walked - he didn't give a damn, once only got lost by type. [Volodka who is this?] Son. And he said, well, this place is considered bad. And as it goes on, I've traveled here, walked, visited… well, no. Honestly, I communicate with people. [And when is this approximately, years approximately, when was this all observed? 90s or earlier?] Well, no one got stuck, here people seemed to be especially stuck, well, it happened … They were afraid to talk … They said there, laughed among themselves and like, well, the devil beguiled, stretched across the field, walked around and left, well, so that someone gets hung up …and when I started to study history, here I have different people … already many of them are not there … they talked, told, for example, that he walks, walks … Volodka walked - he didn't give a damn, once only got lost by type. [Volodka who is this?] Son. And he said, well, this place is considered bad. And as it goes on, I've traveled here, walked, visited… well, no. Honestly, I communicate with people. [And when is this approximately, years approximately, when was this all observed? 90s or earlier?] Well, no one got hung up, here people seemed to be especially stuck, well, it happened … They were afraid to talk … They said there, laughed among themselves and like the devil beguiled, stretched across the field, walked around and left, well, so that someone gets hung up …once only by type got lost. [Volodka who is this?] Son. And he said, well, this place is considered bad. And as it goes on, that's how long I've traveled here, walked, visited … well, no. Honestly, I communicate with people. [And when is this approximately, years approximately, when was this all observed? 90s or earlier?] Well, no one got stuck, here people seemed to be especially stuck, well, it happened … They were afraid to talk … They said there, laughed among themselves and like, well, the devil beguiled, stretched across the field, walked around and left, well, so that someone gets hung up …once only by type got lost. [Volodka who is this?] Son. And he said, well, this place is considered bad. And as it goes on, I've traveled here, walked, visited… well, no. Honestly, I communicate with people. [And when is this approximately, years approximately, when was this all observed? 90s or earlier?] Well, no one got hung up, here people seem to be especially stuck, well, it happened … They were afraid to talk … They said there, laughed among themselves and like, well, the devil beguiled, stretched across the field, walked around and left, well, so that someone gets hung up …here people seemed to be especially stuck, well, it happened … They were afraid to talk … They said there, laughed among themselves and like, well, the devil beguiled, stretched across the field, walked around and left, and so well that someone was fixated …here people seemed to be especially stuck, well, it happened … They were afraid to talk … They said there, laughed among themselves and like, well, the devil beguiled, stretched across the field, walked around and left, and so well that someone was fixated …

Remains of stone graves


Thus, near the village there used to be a medieval stone burial ground15, which was almost completely destroyed, and the stones included in it were piled up in a heap right into this lowland. Lowlands and ravines could also be considered a neutral zone, where, nevertheless, extraordinary mystical events take place [7]. Perhaps, in our case, there was some contamination of several images, and the place acquired the features of “bad: a medieval cemetery was desecrated, and its remains were moved to a lowland, which received a new status associated with the other world. As noted by A. A. Panchenko, similar stone burials on the territory of Russia - the so-called zhalniki - can be considered "unclean" and "terrible", burial places of unbaptized children, places where "it seems", etc. [12]. The latent danger of visiting such places is possibly an echo of the church's struggle with pagan rites [8]. But maybe there is a completely rational background in the visions and taboo of visiting such places, for example, swamp gases accumulating here?

Various legends and legends can be associated with such burial grounds in Belarus, and on some of them it can really "seem". For example, as noted by the archaeologist A. V. Kvyatkovskaya, “near the village of Nikolaevo, which is one kilometer from the city of Kamenets (Brest region), there is a small hill. Earlier, oak trees grew around it, and nearby there were stone mounds. Local residents tell the following about this hill. As if every night a tall old man in white clothes with a long beard appeared on this hill and made fires. They also said that it was very dangerous to go there, especially on the Kupala holiday. You can die. " A. V. Kvyatkovskaya also reports that a frightening belief is associated with the Boyara ephedra, located between the villages of Novoselki and Miloshevichi, Slonim district. There are stone graves in that ephedra. Allegedly, these boyars leave the other world once a year:then a terrible storm rises, the wind breaks the trees. Whom the boyars find on their graves on this day - they tear them apart [8]. The list can be continued. It is curious that in the area of one of these burial grounds in the Baranovichi district of the Brest region, a UFO sighting by a group of military men was once recorded [2]. In another case, over the Malaya Cobbled and Bolshaya Cobblestone ravines in the village of Dobrosnevichi, Mogilev District, for three days, local residents observed a strange "thing" the size of a three-story house, which either dropped or rose to the ground. These ravines have also long been considered a "bad place" [4]. Let's hope that this fact will still be comprehended and linked with other similar stories, since, unfortunately, many cases like those described above are eliminated by ethnographers, and, with rare exceptions,do not hit the print pages. In the future, we plan to hold in the village of Y. additional research.

Promotional video:

UFO sightings

UFO sightings, including very interesting ones, are not uncommon in the Voronovsky district. Irina Viktorovna Mishkin (born in 1963) told us about her meeting with a huge luminous ball, which "studied" her, and then moved to the neighboring forest, where he landed. This settlement, now uninhabited, is located near the village of Rulevichi (former farm Kolvishki, village Abramishki). Only a few marshes separate it from the place where I. I. Kisel tried in vain to find his way to Radun. It all happened around the end of the 70s, when Irina Viktorovna was about 12 years old, in the summer, about 8 pm. From the behavior of the ball, as well as the sunny and clear weather that accompanied the unusual meeting, we can conclude that the object is hardly a classical "ball lightning".

Irina Viktorovna Mishkin (born in 1963), city of p. Radun:

We were visited [and], relatives from Karelia constantly came to us. This is my mother's brother and his family lived there. Here are the children, my peers. One girl is a little younger, and the second is my age, in principle. […] It was evening, so we were playing, children, near the birch tree, our father made a swing there, we rode there one by one, the rest just played … How many of us were there … Together with our guests there were 5 children, there were no adults on the street at that time. My father went to mow with my uncle. Well, I saw from afar that they seemed to finish mowing. Probably it was even 9 in the evening. [So it was August or when?] It was around the end of July - the beginning of August, so somewhere. And suddenly, I don't even know where it came from, this ball. Well, ball,what is he to say in size … Well, in diameter it can be like a ball to draw … in a window … it's such a size, here, small, well, can you imagine, right? [It's actually big. Is it small for you?] Well, in any case, no "alien" balloon or plane there, nothing like that was even close. […] [It's a big ball, let's just say] Well, not really big already, I wouldn't fit in there. No, I wouldn’t fit … [Well, somewhere with your height it turns out approximately?] Well, somewhere approximately with my height, so somewhere, yes. Well, I don’t know how he appeared, to be honest, I did not notice how he appeared. Well, maybe because they were playing, I just saw that it hung, as it were, and stood … A little higher at that moment of my growth. Now it hangs and hangs. And I was always here … I was interested, I went to meet him. Slow. He stood - I walked. Nobody followed me. I looked back. And I seethat children follow me, no one comes from children, everyone just looked at it, and I would … but I began to approach, he stood. Ah … [And what color of the ball was it?] Color … Yellow … yellow, closer to … something between yellow-orange, maybe. Well, such a [Was he humming somehow? Nothing? There was no sound?] Nothing. None at all. Didn't make sounds. He's just like some kind of lightning … Well, that is … It would hang and hang, and everything is called. Neither hummed nor hissed. I even … Well, probably, if something looked like some kind of alien creature, I would probably see some holes, or windows, or something in it. Nothing. Just like a lump of some sort. [So you looked around?] I looked around, none of the children went, I stood there, then I thought: "Well, don't go, I'll come myself." I began to approach and then looked to the left, and I saw my father and uncle. Their faces were gone from fear, and that stopped me. I didn’t go [They didn’t scream, they just froze, did they?] No, they ran and silently, there was a fright on their … face. And when I saw that they were scared, I stopped. And then this ball … I won't say that it was coming nearer, it seemed to hang, maybe it moved a little bit, or maybe not. So well, and then, when I stopped, he raised himself [Abruptly, right?] Well … Well, yes, probably. He got up and hung a little and walked so slowly, slowly walked there, towards the forest. We also had a farmstead there. At that time, he was still inhabited. And he went towards this forest. I went slowly. Then a little faster and then hovered over this forest, I saw, and evenly went down into it [Rovnenko?] Yes, exactly into it and went down.their - their face was frightened. And when I saw that they were scared, I stopped. And then this ball … I will not say that it was approaching, it seemed to hang, maybe a little bit and moved, or maybe not. So well, and then, when I stopped, he raised himself [Abruptly, right?] Well … Well, yes, probably. He got up and hung a little and walked so slowly, slowly walked there, towards the forest. We also had a farmstead there. At that time, he was still inhabited. And he went towards this forest. I went slowly. Then a little faster and then hovered over this forest, I saw, and even went down into it [Rovnenko?] Yes, exactly into it and went down.there was a fright on their … face. And when I saw that they were scared, I stopped. And then this ball … I will not say that it was approaching, it seemed to hang, maybe a little bit and moved, or maybe not. So well, and then, when I stopped, he got up [Abruptly, right?] Well … Well, yes, probably. He got up and hung a little and walked so slowly, slowly walked there, towards the forest. We also had a farmstead there. At that time, he was still inhabited. And he went towards this forest. I went slowly. Then a little faster and then hovered over this forest, I saw, and even went down into it [Rovnenko?] Yes, exactly into it and went down.he raised himself [Abruptly, huh?] Well … Well, yes, probably. He got up and hung a little and walked so slowly, slowly walked there, towards the forest. We also had a farmstead there. At that time, he was still inhabited. And he went towards this forest. I went slowly. Then a little faster and then hovered over this forest, I saw, and even went down into it [Rovnenko?] Yes, exactly into it and went down.he raised himself [Abruptly, huh?] Well … Well, yes, I guess. He got up and hung a little and walked so slowly, slowly walked there, towards the forest. We also had a farmstead there. At that time, he was still inhabited. And he went towards this forest. I went slowly. Then a little faster and then hovered over this forest, I saw, and evenly went down into it [Rovnenko?] Yes, exactly into it and went down.

Asking clarifying questions, we found out that the eyewitness approached the ball at a distance of about 10 m, but did not feel any warmth. The distance to the forest, into which the ball landed, is about 2 km. The girls decided to inspect the place where, according to their assumption, the balloon had landed, and, having deceived their parents, informing them that they were going to pick mushrooms, the next day, early in the morning, they went to the landing site. However, they could not find any unusual traces in this small forest. There is one more interesting detail in this whole story - in 2005 Irina Viktorovna began to ask her father about this story, then from her sisters and everyone else who witnessed this incident. But … no one could remember any of the details of what happened, this incident has completely disappeared from their memory.

At the scene


Together with an eyewitness, we went to the site to clarify the azimuths of observations and the exact coordinates of the appearance and disappearance of the ball. It was found that the birch on which the swing was hung was burned by a lightning strike. Since these places are now practically not inhabited, it was not possible to interview other possible witnesses to the flights of "fireballs". But I. I. Kisel told us about a similar observation of some orange balls. It happened about 4 years ago in g. Radun:

Ivan Vasilievich Kisel, born in 1951, town of Radun:

[The wife screamed] Vanya, ўsho-ўsho-ўsho-ўsho! What? And there, in fact, I looked out the window - huge balls! Directly above the hut. And I jump out into the street, and there are normal balls. I also called my neighbors … Leshka Savitsky. A drunk man stands, says: "These are weddings!" [What year was this?] And this is not so long ago … 4 years ago. [What color?] Uh-uh. Orange. And the shape is exactly the same as the Komsomol badges once were. Pioneer. [What are these?] From this: a house … (shows with his hands). Like a rhombus. About the size of a soccer ball. There were three of them. One by one. They walked straight one by one … from the side. Then he stops abruptly and … It seems that he is studying you. I have … I am a photographer by profession. Camera. And I wanted to go take a picture, but … like [there was a feeling] there is no need to take pictures.

According to the description, however, these balls are very similar to "Chinese lanterns" in color and shape, the more an eyewitness admitted that a wedding was taking place nearby that day. The only contradiction is, in the words of I. I. Kisel, a sudden stop of several objects, and then their sharp acceleration:

Ivan Vasilievich Kisel, born in 1951, town of Radun:

[Stopped alone] … The second stops, also looks and again sharply there … and the third. [Deleted with great speed?] Yes, yes. If they walked here slowly, then they already started to move away at a decent speed. And literally two months pass, and absolutely the same case. And so are they - and all three. [So they were flying fine, and then what?] They stopped. The first one stopped, they were approaching at that time … And my wife … watched it all. I also turned to her and gru: "Well, now do you believe?" Into this UFO. Why don't I know that when I was looking out of the house, huge balls appeared or there was this refraction in the glass, although in physics it should not have been that way. Distort. Moreover, if I myself … if a photographer … then I drag a little in optics.

Voronovsky meteorite

Finally, we left one of the most intriguing cases, which once already attracted us to Voronovsky district. We wrote in detail about the vicissitudes of his searches on our website [5, 10]. Let us briefly recall the background of these searches.

Information about this stone fell into the hands of Belarusian geologists around the end of the 90s of the XX century. A local resident approached the Institute of Geochemistry and Geophysics (now - RUE “Research and Production Center for Geology”), who said that somewhere between the villages of Benyakoni, Voronovo District and Yashuny (“which seems to be in Lithuania” 16), “near with the road lies a kamlyga, up to 2 meters in diameter, "which people consider a meteorite. Information about this was first announced by VF Vinokurov on the pages of the newspaper "Sovetskaya Belorussia" [1]. In the future, we also joined in the search for the mysterious stone. In 2008, the Institute of Geochemistry and Geophysics issued an official letter to the Ufokoma search engines, in which he asked the Voronov administration to assist in the discovery of the celestial stone in every possible way. Survey of residents of the agricultural town Benyakoni and surrounding villages (Brazheltsy,Vizgirdy, Bolteniki, Kemeli, etc.) showed that the only large stone that was pointed out to us and which corresponded to the description was near the village of Bolteniki. However, when we visited it, it turned out that this is a natural monument, already known to scientists, which has nothing to do with space debris.

Soon, other details of the history began to become clear, initially unknown to us or to geologists. It turned out that the circumstances of the discovery of the "Voronovo meteorite" are as follows: back in the 19th century. plowmen in the area of the Podweryszki estate stumbled upon an incomprehensible stone, as if consisting of an iron alloy. Perhaps this find prompted the historian and publicist Theodor Narbut (1784-1864) to write a letter shortly before his death to the Governor-General of Grodno in connection with the unusual natural phenomena observed in this area by residents of the Vilkantsy outskirts (Lida povet). Perhaps it was this find that prompted the historian and publicist Theodore Narbut (1784-1864) to write shortly before his death a letter to the Governor of Grodno in connection with unusual natural phenomena,which were observed in this area by residents of the Vilkantsy outskirts (Lida povet). This is how the magazine Ziemia Lidzka reported about it in 1937: “In 1863, in the vicinity of the Vilkants of the Eiši Parish, in winter, several hundred people saw an army in the sky fighting with ancient weapons; This was reported by Theodor Narbut to the then Grodno governor Doppelmayer, asking him to send someone from the experts to investigate - whether it was a mirage or a meteor with hitherto unknown properties. But instead of an astronomer, this case was entrusted to the police chief, who forbade eyewitnesses to tell about it, threatening them with prison, and that was the end of it17”[16].fighting with ancient weapons; This was reported by Theodor Narbut to the then Grodno governor Doppelmayer, asking him to send someone from the specialists to investigate - whether it was a mirage or a meteor with hitherto unknown properties. But instead of an astronomer, this case was entrusted to the police chief, who forbade eyewitnesses to tell about it, threatening them with prison, and that was the end of it17”[16].fighting with ancient weapons; This was reported by Theodor Narbut to the then Grodno governor Doppelmayer, asking him to send someone from the experts to investigate - whether it was a mirage or a meteor with hitherto unknown properties. But instead of an astronomer, this case was entrusted to the police chief, who forbade eyewitnesses to tell about it, threatening them with prison, and that was the end of it17”[16].

Fragment of the magazine "Ziemia Lidzka" (1937) with a mention of the letter of Theodor Narbut to the governor of Grodno


As the Polish historian R. Aftanazi wrote, in the second half of the 19th century, in the area of Podvarisheki, there was still a "leaky" boulder that looked like a meteorite, transported from the field [15]. In the book "Podvarishki: Yesterday and Today", published in Polish, it is even mentioned that in the 1920s. some scientists came, took samples and allegedly determined that the stone was of extraterrestrial origin [9]. In Soviet times, Lithuanian scientists also searched for the stone, but practically nothing is known about the results of these searches, and in some places the information is contradictory.

Fragment of the book by R. Aftanazi


Alas, the first unsuccessful expedition only played into our hands: soon a local resident A. Sidorovich turned to "Ufokom", who read the material about our unsuccessful attempts to find the "space guest" and said that in the area of the village of Podvarishki there is still a stone that locals call it "meteorite". As proof, he sent photographs [6]. We handed over all the information we collected to V. E. Bordon, who until 2007 headed the Commission on Meteorites, and V. F. Vinokurov, who was its secretary18. The conclusions of the specialists were unambiguous - the stone in the photographs was a gravel-pebble-boulder conglomerate. This rock is formed under the pressure of the glacier with the participation of saline solutions. There are many such boulders in the center of the Grodno region, and they are of no interest to scientists from the point of view of meteorics.

"Voronovsky meteorite"


Participants of the trip together with a local resident near a stone, considered a "meteorite"


It would seem that it would be possible to put an end here, if in May 2016 local historians did not contact us, offering to share their information on this issue. This time, thanks to new archival materials, information from A. Sidorovich, assistance provided by the head of the Radunsky National Museum of History and Local Lore, I. I. Fesenko and local residents, the location of the stone was localized. The miracle did not happen - the boulder turned out to be not magnetic, it is really a gravel-pebble-boulder conglomerate, although legends are connected with it that it allegedly "fell from the sky." Similar stories arise about many unusual stones, which we have already told about in a separate article [5].


1. If some consider him a "white magician", others call him a "warlock" and cite an episode: "they said he liked to hang dogs in the garden, hang on a branch … They say, you go, damn it, a dog hangs on a branch, a cat … Like a tree, Damn, New Year's … ".

2. Some call her "drunk."

3. Often in this ethnographic region, the word "brownie" or "little housekeeper" denotes some kind of harmful creature or walking dead [11].

4. Imsha - worship.

5. Marynka is a deceased resident of the village.

6. "Chago soul potchebue?" - "What does the soul require?"

7. Vincha Dana Mikhailovna.

8. They tied a dog in this place to scare off a possible troublemaker.

9. Purchase - that is, pay money to the church for the service (imshu).

10. These could be stones or other weighty objects. A similar phenomenon occurred during the poltergeist in the village. Askiz [14].

11. An eyewitness refers to an unknown entity, calling it "he".

12. Kudyarka is a small depression filled with water.

13. This is a fairly widespread story in Belarus (and not only) about churches, castles, villages that have sunk underground / sunken.

14. According to the local historian II Fesenko, the burials date back to the 16th century. Not far from here, in the village of Skireyki, II Fesenko, a legend was recorded from Leonid Vatslavovich Ivashko (born 1989, lives in the village of Pelias) about two women in black clothes. Informants from the villages of Pelias, Dubintsy and other surrounding villages tell that before the First World War, residents of the village of Skireyki saw two women in black clothes who passed through the village, one from one end, and the other from the other, and in the center they kissed … After this vision, literally soon, the whole village became extinct from the plague. It is not known how fully this event has come down to us, but perhaps this motive is similar to the type Q21 described by the Finnish researcher L. Simonsuuri: “Epidemic, smallpox, cholera - diseases go …” [13].

15. Locals call it Tatar graves. Such burial grounds date back to approximately XI-XVII centuries. [8].

16. The spelling of the letter is preserved.

17. Translated from Polish by V. Gaiduchik. Original text: “W 1863 r. około okolicy Wilkańców w Ejszyskiej parafii w porze zimowej kilkaset ludzi widziało napowietrzne wojsko w starożytnej zbroi bijące się; pisał o tym ś. p. Teodor Narbutt do ówczesnego gubernatora grodzieńskiego Doppelmaira prosząc o przysłanie kogo ze specjalnych ludzi dla zbadania czy nie były to fatamorgana lub też meteor niewiadomej dotącid wł Ale, w miejscu astronoma, polecono do śledzenia tego sprawnikowi, który zabronił świadkom naocznym o tym mówić zastraszywszy ich więzieniem, i na tym całą rzecz zakończono”[16].

18. Since 2008, the Commission on Meteorites in Belarus has been abolished.


1. Aleksandrovich, A. Hunting for the fragments of the Universe / A. Aleksandrovich // Soviet Belarus. No. 135 (21132). - May 19. - 2001.-- P. 6.

2. Butov, I. Baranovichi region in the light of the Dromos program / I. Butov // Ufokom [Electronic resource] - Access mode: …. - Date of access: 30.03.2013.

3. Butov, I. Vampirism in Belarus: legends and modernity / I. Butov // Ufokom [Electronic resource] - Access mode: …. - Date of access: 20.04.2011.

4. Butov, I. Do not stones fall from the sky? / I. Butov // Ufokom [Electronic resource] - Access mode:… - Date of access: 21.05.2013.

5. Butov, I. Stones that fell from the sky: searching and identifying them in Belarus / I. Butov // Ufokom [Electronic resource] - Access mode: 4356-kamni…. - Date of access: 11.09.2010.

6. Butov, IS Methodology for determining the reliability of the poltergeist process by the nature of damage to window glasses / IS Butov // Modern studies of the poltergeist environment / Collection of scientific papers. - Minsk: Law and Economics, 2012. - pp. 195–211.

7. Duchyts, L. U. Sacred geography of Belarus / L. U. Duchyts, І. J. Klimkovich. - Minsk: Literature and Mastatstva, 2011. - P. 268–270.

8. Kvyatkovskaya, A. V. Yatvyazhsky burial grounds of Belarus (late XI-XVII centuries) / A. V. Kvyatkovskaya. - Vilnius, 1998.-- P. 29, 37.

9. Kudryashova, T. Where is the Voronovo meteorite buried? / T. Kudryashova // People's newspaper. - 18th of March. - 2009.-- S. 10.

10. Martynov, D. They were looking for a meteorite - they found a Mitskevich stone / D. Martynov // [Electronic resource] Access mode:… Access date: 20.11.2008.

11. Folk demonology of Polesie: the publication of texts in the records of the 80-90s. XX century. / Comp. L. N. Vinogradova, E. E. Levkievskaya. - T. 2. Demonologization of dead people. - M.: Manuscript monuments of Ancient Rus, 2012.-- 800 p.

12. Pancheko, A. A. Ivan and Yakov - unusual saints from a swampy area. "Peasant hagiology" and religious practices in Russia of the New Time / A. A. Panchenko. - M.: New literary review, 2012. - P. 150, 162–163.

13. Simonsuuri L. Index of types and motives of Finnish mythological stories. Petrozavodsk, 1991, p. 186.

14. Yaklichkin, Yu. I. Askizsky poltergeist: a guide for specialists studying the physics of anomalous phenomena / Yu. I. Yaklichkin. - M.: Profizdat, 1996.-- 185 p.

15. Aftanazy, R. Dzieje rezydencji na dawnych kresach Rzeczypospolitej / R. Aftanazy. T. 4: Województwo wileńskie. - Wroctaw - Warszawa - Krakow: Zakład Narodowy im. Ossolińskich Wydawnictwo, 1993. - S. 288-290.

16. Szymielewicz, M. Szkice do monografii Żołudka / M. Szymielewicz // Ziemia Lidzka. 1937. No. 3. Rok II. S. 28.

Ilya Butov, Vadim Aleksinsky

Part 1
