Curiosities Of Death - Alternative View

Curiosities Of Death - Alternative View
Curiosities Of Death - Alternative View

Video: Curiosities Of Death - Alternative View

Video: Curiosities Of Death - Alternative View
Video: Near-Death Experiences (NDE) : Investigating an enigma (full documentary) 2024, July

A strong gust of wind blew the car of 45-year-old Neapolitan Victorio Luis into the river in 1983. He was able to break a window and swim to the shore, where he was killed by a tree falling on him.

Two West German motorists collided head-on. There was a heavy fog and they both drove slowly with their heads stuck out the window. Death came from a collision of heads.

Michael Anderson Goodwin spent several years in jail awaiting execution in the electric chair for murder. In March 1989, while sitting on a metal toilet in his cell, he was electrocuted while trying to set up his small television.

The man used a lighter to check the barrel of the pistol and was shot in the face: he looked through the barrel by the light of a lighter when the gunpowder ignited.

The poacher Marine Malebra, who shot a deer that was standing on a rock above the shooter, was killed by a carcass that fell on him.

The American was hiding from police pursuit on a motorcycle. After two miles of the race, the man turned into an alley that ended in a brick wall. Without a helmet, he drove into the wall, smearing himself and the motorcycle on it.

George Schwartz, a US factory owner, narrowly escaped death when, in 1983, a hurricane wind destroyed the factory without hitting one of the walls. After treating minor injuries, Schwartz returned to look for some materials. The remaining wall fell on the poor fellow, killing him on the spot.

Jacob Oylig tried to commit suicide in 1996. When he set himself on fire, he got scared and jumped into the pool to put out the fire. But he forgot that he could not swim, and drowned …

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Depressed that he could not find a job, 42-year-old Romolo Ribolla from Italy sat in the kitchen with a gun and threatened to kill himself. His wife spent an hour trying to persuade him not to do this. Finally, she succeeded … Bursting into tears, Romolo threw the gun to the floor. It shot and killed his wife.

A certain Jake Fen decided to scare his wife, who tormented him with her grumbling, and staged a self-hanging. Arriving home, the wife found the hanging husband, screamed and fainted. A neighbor came running to the noise, saw two corpses and decided to profit from other people's values. Leaving the room with her hands full of prey, she received a kick from the hanging Mr. Feng. This so amazed the lady that she died of a heart attack.

25-year-old driver Rampert from San Francisco has tried many times to commit suicide, and each time it failed! He raised the Magnum to his temple - the pistol misfired. Rampert then stuck his head into the stove, but it was on that day that the gas was cut off for non-payment. Eaten seven dozen sleeping pills caused only vomiting. The train broke down, not reaching a dozen meters to the guy lying on the rails. With his hands and feet tied, he leaps into the lake, but fishermen pull him out. The last failure sobered Rampert, and he decided to quit with attempts to die.

Mike Stewart, 31, filmed the film in 1983 in Dallas. He died when the truck he was on was driving under a low bridge that the inconsiderate director had smeared his head on.

Walter Hallas, a 26-year-old store clerk in England, was so afraid of dentists that in 1979 he asked a colleague to treat him toothache with a blow to the jaw. Hallas fell from the blow, hit his head and died from a fractured skull base.

In 1983, Mrs. Carson from New York lay in a coffin, as it was assumed that she died of heart disease. Suddenly, after parting of the family with the body, she suddenly sat up. Her daughter died of fright.

A man hit by a car in New York in 1976 stood up unharmed but lay back in front of the car when a witness told him that he could make money on insurance. The car spontaneously drove forward down the hill and crushed the man to death.

But that's nothing …

In 1977, in the same city, a certain Bob Finnegan was running over a busy highway and, being hit by a taxi, flew over the roof of a car. The taxi left, and Bob was left lying on the road. The next car drove over it and disappeared again. A crowd of onlookers came running. A truck that failed to brake and passed through the crowd left three wounded and an even more damaged Bob. As the fourth car passed, the crowd prudently parted, and Bob was the only casualty. Within three minutes, the Finnegan received a broken skull, a fractured pelvis, a broken leg and other injuries.

The workers of the Russian enterprise "Yarenergo", having arrived at the place of repair of the power line, began to jump out and throw tools out of the truck. One of the fitters threw out the crowbar, which did not fall, but stuck into the ground, followed by another worker jumped off the board …

A man and a woman - employees of one of the Russian enterprises - while on a business trip, made love on the balcony of a hotel room. Suddenly, the balcony railing broke, and the woman who was leaning on the railing fell and crashed to death.

47-year-old Ken Charles Barger accidentally shot himself in Newton when he was awakened by a phone ring. Instead of a telephone receiver, he grabbed a Smith & Wesson from the bedside table and pulled the trigger, bringing it to his ear …

The terrible diet and lack of ventilation in the room led to the death of the American, suffocated by his own gases. An autopsy revealed a large amount of methane gas in his body. He ate beans and cabbage. The unfortunate man suffocated in his sleep, since all the windows and doors were locked. Three rescuers took a breath of air in his room, became ill, and one was hospitalized.

Six people drowned while trying to save a chicken that fell into a pond. The 18-year-old farmer was the first to descend into the water and was carried away by the current. His sister and two brothers, none of whom knew how to swim properly, went to the rescue and also drowned. Two senior farmers came to the rescue, but were again dragged by the current and drowned. The bodies of all six were later recovered 240 miles south of the farm. The chicken was caught too. He survived.