Devil In A Bank - Alternative View

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Devil In A Bank - Alternative View
Devil In A Bank - Alternative View

Video: Devil In A Bank - Alternative View

Video: Devil In A Bank - Alternative View
Video: Slipknot - The Devil In I [OFFICIAL VIDEO] 2024, September

“The body is like a human, the head is a mouse, and the paws are doggy, plump, hairy and with claws. But the greatest surprise was still the hairless body, not the paws. It resembled a human in all its anatomical nuances, with the exception of the genitals, which were not visible at all

“I am aware that my story may seem to you a delusional invention,”

says Vladimir Cherikov from Perm. - In order not to look like an idiot in your eyes, I have collected testimonies from people who witnessed an incredible incident. And an incident happened relatively recently in one tiny village in the Perm region …

There lived an ancient old woman healer in that village, who healed the inhabitants of the surrounding villages with herbs and conspiracies. One day an elderly healer was called to a peasant who fell ill. He was so weak that he could not even get out of bed when the old woman entered the hut.

She moved her hands over the man, spreading her fingers, "diagnosed" him, and

then dryly asked if there was a bottle of cologne in the house. The patient's wife

immediately put a bottle of Chypre on the table. The witch doctor bent over the bottle and, putting her palms to her mouth with a mouthpiece, whispered something for a long, very long time … Then she said:

- From now on, it is a charmed cologne. Let the patient carefully, in tiny sips, drink everything in the vial at night. By morning he will recover, - and without uttering a single word, the old woman left the house of the sick peasant.

The patient drank.

After a few minutes, he started vomiting. His wife barely had time to substitute the basin. The gagging continued for most of the night. That is why the basin stood until dawn on the floor near the head of the bed, on which a man toiled without sleep, now and then shaken by stomach cramps.

Morning has come. And along with it there was a sharp improvement in the patient's well-being. A faint blush appeared on her cheeks. His wife, delighted with all this, chatted about this and that with her husband, then bent down with an absent-minded smile on her lips over a basin that stood on the floor. She stretched out her hands to him in order to pick up the basin, take it out of the hut and throw out the vomit from it into the cesspool.

And she screamed wildly in horror.

She saw a tiny creature the length of a cigarette stirring in a basin in a foul-smelling liquid.

Here is his description:

“The body is like a human, the head is a mouse, and the paws are doglike, plump, hairy and with claws. But the greatest surprise was still the hairless body, not the paws. It resembled a human in all its anatomical nuances, with the exception of the genitals, which were not visible at all.

The man, alarmed by a heart-rending female scream, hung out of the bed and stared with a surprised look at the creature, floundering weakly in the basin. Unlike his wife, he was not frightened, but, on the contrary, was very happy:

- Well, well! Ah yes, the healer, ah, yes, grandma, ah, good fellow! After all, the devil drove out of me, -

and, turning to his wife, ordered: - Bring a liter glass jar.

- What for?

- Let's transplant the devil into the bank.

- You are crazy. We must immediately get rid of this trash.

- Bring the can, you fool, - the man rapped out in response, raising his voice. - This is my devil. I do what I want with him.

The devil was transplanted into a jar - he dived into it along with the vomit liquid, partially poured into it from the basin. The devil was transplanted by his owner personally. Having transplanted, he covered the jar with gauze and tied it over the gauze with twine along the neck.

The news of the unheard-of incident soon spread throughout the village. V. Cherikov's informants report:

- We all ran to look at the miracle Yudo. We thought the devil would soon die. But he still lived

and lived, floundering in vomit. This went on for several days. Then someone offered

to take the jar with the devil to the regional center, to the clinic - "for research." Well, they soon drove

it was there and given to the doctors … We do

not know what happened to that jar and the devil living in it.