Ghosts Of The Mars Glade - Alternative View

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Ghosts Of The Mars Glade - Alternative View
Ghosts Of The Mars Glade - Alternative View

Video: Ghosts Of The Mars Glade - Alternative View

Video: Ghosts Of The Mars Glade - Alternative View
Video: Ghosts of Mars (2001) 04/10 2024, October

Between the Kamenno-Brodsky Monastery and the Kireevo farm in the Olkhovsky District of the Volgograd Region, there is a completely unique place, popularly called the Devil's Game

UFO garage?

A crater with steep clay slopes, seven or eight meters high, full of bright red sand. The name of the area "Rusty Sands" on the map in Wikipedia does not correspond to reality. As there are no typical rusty and brownish soils with a high iron content. Rather, it seems that all the lifeless sand of the crater is watered with a solution of potassium permanganate. Shades of sand shimmer from scarlet and pink to crimson and burgundy. Sometimes you can find pieces of fused stones and caked sand. Only dwarf deformed birches grow in a crater about 500 meters in size. There are many growths and knots on the trunks and branches. It is interesting that in the vicinity of the Martian glade trees, bushes and other vegetation are absolutely normal for the Volgograd region, straight and even.

Of course, this mysterious place has long attracted researchers of anomalous phenomena. Ufologists have a version that the Martian Glade is a piece of space from another planet, brought by aliens nostalgic for their homeland. The mystics add to this place underground caves located under the red sand. Is this just a UFO garage?

Another, more plausible version: this is a crater from a meteorite fall. This is indicated by the volcanic structure of the sand, and the multi-colored soil, similar to the soil from the Martian surface, as well as the increased activity of magnetic fields in the crater region.

By the way, on the all-Russian site "Lovers of Meteoritics" our Martian Glade is mentioned as a place worthy of closer study. However, there is evidence that in 1990 soil samples from the crater were already sent to the Steinberg Astronomical Institute, from where they sent a conclusion: the melting of sand and stones occurred in terrestrial conditions. What is it? Are we really dealing with a flying saucer landing site?

Whatever happened there, be it the fall of a red meteorite or the visit of brothers in mind, it is clear that it happened a long time ago. Residents of the surrounding Cossack villages have since ancient times called this place the Devil's Game. And they believe that ghosts appear there at night. At the end of the 19th - beginning of the 20th centuries, the Cossack youth arranged games there, holidays, equestrian competitions, and fairs. And today, wedding convoys often come to the Martian Glade for a photo session. Where else can you find such decorations? Getting married on Mars is awesome!

Promotional video:

Treasure from the time of the Bulavin uprising

The Mars glade may also be of value to archaeologists. As the candidate of historical sciences, teacher of history of the Volgograd State Academy of Physical Culture Yulia Poleva said, local residents told her that they saw how? then a cave or a grotto, opened after the rain in the clay slope of the crater, full of ancient Cossack weapons. When the men from the Kireevo farm came for the treasure the next day, the sodden clay, apparently, filled up the cache. Judging by the descriptions of the weapons, these are guns and squeaks of the early 18th century, during the Cossack uprising of Kondraty Bulavin.

It is known that after Bulavin was killed as a result of a conspiracy, the uprising of the free Don Cossacks against Peter I was led by Ignatius Nikitin, who occupied Tsaritsyn. Later, just in the locations of the Martian Glade, he trained the Cossacks in shooting and conquering the fortress walls. The seven-meter slopes of the crater are perfect for such training. It is likely that the Cossacks decided to save some of the weapons by digging a small cache in the clay. Later, Ignatius Nikitin, with two thousand of his supporters, went to the side of the Kuban, which belonged to the Crimean khans at that time, and then to the Ottoman Empire. So the Cossacks escaped execution.

And old guns may still be stored in the anomalous zone of the Devil's Game.

“I went to the Martian glade while collecting information for my dissertation on the topic“Underground religious buildings in the Volgograd region”together with members of the SOVA local history society,” says Yulia Poleva. - In addition to searching for a cache of weapons of the 18th century, I had another reason to visit the crater. The abbot of the Kamenno-Brodsky Monastery, Eustathius was at that time, gave me story 14? a summer girl who came with her mother to the monastery on a pilgrimage. The girl told the abbot that while walking on the edge of the Martian glade, she suddenly began to sink into the ground, but managed to grab onto a dwarf birch. Looking down into the formed cavity, she saw a room with carpets and bronze decoration in the form of a lion, a table on which what were lying? then the paper. While she was getting out, the girl kicked the falling slope and the room supposedly fell asleep. Honestly, having arrived at the Devil's playfulness, the local historians and I did not find a place on the Martian glade with a recent collapse. Therefore, the words of the teenager cause me great doubts. But this is what happened to me personally. I drove to the crater with severe chronic bronchitis, coughing incessantly. The bronchitis, despite the medication, has not gone away for the fourth month. The doctor has already refused to prescribe antibiotics for me: "You are already crammed with them to the eyeballs." And in the end, while the local historians continued their search, I felt so bad that I just buried myself in the bright red sand and lay there for a couple of hours. On the way back home, my cough changed. And I began to recover quickly. A couple of days later she was completely healthy. I'm sure this unusual "Martian" sand helped me!local historians and I never found a place with a recent collapse on the Martian glade. Therefore, the words of the teenager cause me great doubts. But this is what happened to me personally. I drove to the crater with severe chronic bronchitis, coughing incessantly. The bronchitis, despite the medication, has not gone away for the fourth month. The doctor has already refused to prescribe antibiotics for me: "You are already packed to capacity with them." And in the end, while the local historians continued their search, I felt so bad that I just buried myself in the bright red sand and lay there for a couple of hours. On the way back home, my cough changed. And I began to recover quickly. A couple of days later she was completely healthy. I'm sure this unusual "Martian" sand helped me!local historians and I never found a place with the recent collapse on the Martian glade. Therefore, the words of the teenager cause me great doubts. But this is what happened to me personally. I drove to the crater with severe chronic bronchitis, coughing incessantly. The bronchitis, despite the medication, has not gone away for the fourth month. The doctor has already refused to prescribe antibiotics for me: "You are already packed to capacity with them." And in the end, while the local historians continued their search, I felt so bad that I just buried myself in the bright red sand and lay there for a couple of hours. On the way back home, my cough changed. And I began to recover quickly. A couple of days later she was completely healthy. I'm sure this unusual "Martian" sand helped me!I drove to the crater with severe chronic bronchitis, coughing incessantly. The bronchitis, despite the medication, has not gone away for the fourth month. The doctor has already refused to prescribe antibiotics for me: "You are already packed to capacity with them." And in the end, while the local historians continued their search, I felt so bad that I just buried myself in the bright red sand and lay there for a couple of hours. On the way back home, my cough changed. And I began to recover quickly. A couple of days later she was completely healthy. I'm sure this unusual "Martian" sand helped me!I drove to the crater with severe chronic bronchitis, coughing incessantly. The bronchitis, despite the medication, has not gone away for the fourth month. The doctor has already refused to prescribe antibiotics for me: "You are already packed to capacity with them." And in the end, while the local historians continued to search, I felt so bad that I simply buried myself in the bright red sand and lay there for a couple of hours. On the way back home, my cough changed. And I began to recover quickly. A couple of days later she was completely healthy. I'm sure this unusual "Martian" sand helped me!that I just buried myself in the bright red sand and lay there for a couple of hours. On the way back home, my cough changed. And I began to recover quickly. A couple of days later she was completely healthy. I'm sure this unusual "Martian" sand helped me!that I just buried myself in the bright red sand and lay there for a couple of hours. On the way back home, my cough changed. And I began to recover quickly. A couple of days later she was completely healthy. I'm sure this unusual "Martian" sand helped me!