From "Grid" To "Galaxy" - Alternative View

From "Grid" To "Galaxy" - Alternative View
From "Grid" To "Galaxy" - Alternative View

Video: From "Grid" To "Galaxy" - Alternative View

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To the greatest regret, the documents and archives of "Setka-AN / MO" have not been preserved in full, but in the form of scattered papers, drafts and copies, which remained in the hands of numerous program executors. Some of the messages and reports were considered so important that they survived in 3-4 different copies, while others have been lost and have not yet been found. Here are some of them.

On December 30, 1977, in one of the military units near Arkhangelsk, “in the evening between 19.00 and 19.30 Moscow time, 30 soldiers were standing in the ranks, when suddenly a fast moving object was seen in the clear night sky from south to north at an altitude of about 45 degrees parallel to the horizon.

The object was initially yellowish-reddish in color and had a diameter much smaller than the Moon, round. Soon the color changed to red and remained so until the end of visibility. From the object appeared as if a spotlight beam shining directly in the direction of movement. Then the direction of the spotlight's glow changed and was directed downward and somewhat forward. Then two concentric blue rings appeared around the object at a short distance from the object. The rings were slightly elliptical. The outer ring was about 5 times the diameter of the object itself. The searchlight beam, directed forward and downward, was brighter than the rings and went beyond them. So the object flew for about 1 minute. Then a flame was thrown out in the direction of the beam (along it), and suddenly the object abruptly changed its direction of flight by almost 90 degrees and very quickly went up and into the distance. At the observer,From the artist's officer M. Lugail, the impression was created that the object went almost directly into the distance from them and within a few seconds decreased in size and disappeared. The rings stayed in the same place and scattered or disappeared within about 1 minute. There was no sound.

Someone ran to turn on the radar, but all the electronic equipment did not work, radio communication was interrupted.

After the event, the captain sent a report about him to headquarters. This report was designed by M. Lugaila himself. The report contains color drawings of the object in different phases of its development”(“Grid-AN”, communication 66).

The editorial board of Pravda received a lot of letters after the publication on March 2, 1980 of V. Gubarev's anti-food article "The Legend of the Aliens". All of them were transferred to the "Grid" (Fig. 59). Among them were not only stories of UFO sightings in the sky, but even stories of contacts. Here is one of them ("Set-AN", message 711):

"I read the article" The Legend of the Aliens "and decided to write about the arrival of an alien ship I saw, as well as express my opinion on some issues of the article written by Comrade Gubarev. I listened to similar lectures in Kharkov in 1978 precisely during the repeated arrival and landing ship near Kharkov. Comrade Gubarev partially distorts the facts and misinforms the readers of the newspaper. I believe that he is on the priestly positions of the times of the Inquisition and with his anti-scientific views on UFOs pulls science back, and people who saw - not phenomena, namely the arrival Our human mind has comprehended a lot and can distinguish a natural phenomenon from an aircraft.

In 1978, on May 9, my son and I stood on the balcony and looked into the sky over the city, where fireworks were launched in honor of the victory over Nazi Germany. And suddenly the son of Tolya saw a flying satellite (we assumed so) from west to east. And when the whole city flew by, the "satellite" began to descend and make a U-turn, at the same time turned on powerful lighting, hovered over new houses at an altitude of 500-600 m and began to send running lights. The same lights as on the New Year tree. Arrangement in a triangle. This lasted 4-5 minutes. I managed to notice that there was a spiral in the lighting device, like in our ordinary light bulb. Then the running lights were turned off, and then the lighting was done; this was done "with one hand", as we have on the panel of some then or many devices. After that I made out an aircraft in the evening sky,which moved (like a heavy train with a small starting move) and quickly developed speed towards the center, and then I lost sight of him.

Promotional video:


June 30, July 1,5,15 and August 15, 1978 UFO hovered over Kharkov from 21:00 to 22:00 and shone on different days with different lights also at an altitude of 500-600 m. And on July 2, 1978, 30 km from Kharkov on At 11 o'clock in the afternoon, an aircraft landed on the highway connecting with the regional center of Zolochiv, from which people emerged much taller than earthlings (as some eyewitnesses said, 3 m high), dark-skinned, like Indians. Transport in this area stopped, the engines did not start. People who ran to the ship could not come close, 50 m from it they fell into the range of some rays and could not budge until the ship flew away.

A man lives in Kharkov, whose aunt, who lives in Petrozavodsk, witnessed the landing of an aircraft near Petrozavodsk in 1977.

If the scientists of the USSR wish to meet with eyewitnesses of the landing of the ship with aliens, then it will be possible to find these people. One of them, a driver who got into the ship's landing zone, lives in the village. Rogan. His neighbor works for us.

Efimov Vasily Fedorovich, Kharkov.

Another letter was sent by witnesses directly to the USSR Academy of Sciences:

“On September 12, 1978, from 21.40 to 21.55 local time, west of the city of Kemerovo, I observed an extraordinary flying object that I have never seen before,” wrote Anna Petrovna Borovik, born in 1927. - I quickly called my daughter Alla to the street to watch this extraordinary sight.

It presented itself to us as follows. The object flew at an altitude of about 2 km, there was no noise. Two glowing balls appeared, close to each other, and resembled a glass tube at the ends with glowing bulbs. This was the effect, they were in one common halo and emitted light, like headlights. Around it all, at a respectful distance, there were light waves, which the closer to the directed rays, the more visible. The waves were located in the same way as if a stone was thrown into the water, then the waves diverge in circles in all directions from the place where the stone fell. The balls flew one in front, the other behind him at some short distance.

After 5 minutes, the back ball went out. The front ball flew for one minute 5 in the northeast direction. Then, 5 minutes later, a flash appeared behind him at a short distance, in which the second ball appeared again, but it was already smaller than the previous one, and its halo was also smaller. Perhaps this is because the object from us was already much further than the original one.

The second balloon flew for a minute and went out, and the rest of the time one balloon flew, the front one, to the horizon in the northwest direction until 21.55 minutes local time …"

Her letter got to the Academy of Sciences of the USSR on October 16, 1978 (per. Number 17296-1712 / B), the next day it was transferred to OOFA, and, finally, it was registered in "Setka-AN" as message No. 120.

Sometimes the spectacles that eyewitnesses had to observe were quite frightening. The Chief of Staff of the Civil Defense of the Estonian SSR, Major General Vello Vare and his wife Anna Vare saw on September 24, 1979 … a picture of a nuclear explosion in the sky!

“The beginning of the observation is on the 124th km of the highway from Tartu towards Tallinn,” he wrote in a memo. - There was a flash, not bright, but very clear, "cold" glow, followed by transformation into an extremely clear color image of a developing nuclear explosion. The vortex motion of the swirling cloud around the bright light core and its reflection from the explosion cloud were clearly visible. its light spectrum is absolutely similar to a typical nuclear explosion …”(Fig. 60, 61).

In October 1979, a massive UFO sighting took place in the Norilsk area. The Talnakh hydrological expedition prepared a certificate about one of them:

“The movement of an unusual body was observed on October 17, 1979 from 16.00 to 16.07 (Moscow time) from the city side in the northern direction at the altitude of a jet plane with a speed half as much. At an altitude of 70 degrees, a similar luminous ball suddenly appeared next to the object, and two objects one after the other changed their movement to the east. Through binoculars, against the background of the glow, a bright beam-sector was seen emanating from the center in the direction of movement. In the glowing halo of the second object, many glowing lights were visible. The apparent angular size is 2-3 degrees (2-3 times the angular visibility of the moon).

At 15 degrees above the horizon, the objects disappeared. In 2-3 minutes in the same direction on the horizon there was an inexplicable flash, a kind of small discharge. The movement of luminous objects is soundless … The observation site is 80 km north of the village. Talnakh, 3 km east of the river. Pyasina …

Witnesses of the unusual phenomenon: Romanov V. V., Soloviev G. A., Tereshchenko V. I., Antipin I. D., Eremenko A. N. In addition, the same object was seen over Talnakh until 16.00. The object first hovered, and then went northward from Talnakh."


There was also a private letter from Norilsk in the Setka-AN archive, but the envelope with the name of its author was lost somewhere:

“… UFOs are not detected by military instruments, they have seen a lot visually, and have established observations. It is forbidden to take any action against them … UFOs were repeatedly observed by pilots of IL-18, TU-154, AN-26 during flights to Alykel, Dikson, Khatanga. He coordinates his movement with the planes. The radio compass works only in the direction of the UFO. Accompanied by the AN-26 aircraft of the same crew, coming from Khatanga. This commander's wife works with my mother. On October 27, he himself came straight from the flight to their pharmacy, told and painted. I saw a rocket ship, the length of the hull is 200-300 m, you can't see further - you can't make out. Three balls are attached to it, on the balls there are three windows each, they illuminate the visible part of the rocket, below is the rocket bell, which emits light. We observed him in flight at a distance of 1 km. I flew towards them. They began to change course from left to right, UFOs too,and then passed on top of the plane and flew around it again. It flies from Khatanga to Norilsk in 3 minutes, the average speed is about 10 km / s. The UFO hovered over Apykel more than once, the planes changed their course, returned to land.

All residents - workers of Messoyarka - saw the UFO. Hundreds of meters of magnetic tape of conversations of pilots, airport dispatchers, military officers, and KGB officers on duty have been recorded. Astrophysicists and other comrades are now working here (Fig. 62).

Everyone who has seen a UFO, including myself, is convinced that this is not a natural phenomenon, but the work of reason … The flight is absolutely noiseless, it can move along any broken line … Today, 1979-29-10, the ball hovered over the Red Stones, illuminated the earth, went south; On 1979-28-10, at 4 o'clock in the morning, the balloon hovered over our Northern trunk, illuminated the ground, and went north. We saw our workers, they had a shift …"


The correspondent of "Zapolyarnaya Pravda" Sergei Shvetsov described the events in his hometown as follows:

“Mysterious celestial phenomena over Norilsk did take place. On the buses, there is only talk about this “contraption.” There are so many eyewitnesses that two concentration camps will not be enough, but their testimony is very contradictory. However, this can be explained by the fact that this “contraption” appeared above us at least 5 times. It is possible that at the same time it changed its shape.

Among the eyewitnesses to the appearance of UFOs, there are three people whom I more or less trust: V. S. Ronin, editor of the multi-circulation Kravchenko and my wife, who works at the cosmophysical testing ground. Actually, from her I received the first information about this "thing" even before rumors spread around the city. In addition, several letters with drawings came to the editorial office. All of them (drawings and stories of the aforementioned comrades) generally coincide. Ronin observed "Plate" on October 26 at about 2 am, following the train to Dudinka. It was 26 km from the airport. UFOs were observed for 15-20 minutes, moving along the train. In both cases, the color of the UFO was yellowish, and in size it resembled the disk of the moon, with spots like the sun.

However, the basic information came, as I have already noted, from my wife. It was from her that we learned that the frequency of UFO appearance over the city was calculated. It turned out to be 5 days (later, however, it turned out that "it" sometimes appears after 4 days) … -The average altitude of a UFO flight is 400 m, a speed of about 30 m per second, we saw it over Lake Lama, a copper factory, Nadezhda, by the gas pipeline route, in Dudinka … This "thing" is not observed by any devices, except for optical ones. There are UFO images taken at the cosmophysical test site, but the image is blurry …

Some eyewitnesses from Dudinka claim that the UFO was a disc with portholes. More interesting is another message: UFOs were seen on the day of the accident last year over the gas pipeline (when Norilsk was almost frozen). Some even claim that a UFO swooped down on a gas pipeline, followed by an explosion. In addition, UFOs were observed over the city in 1959 and 1967, appearing as paired balloons. The twins in the tundra are so accustomed to the appearance of UFOs that they talk about them without any surprise - as partridges or deer."

The closest to see the mysterious balls was Anatoly Gotsu, the foreman of fishing-hunters. Their brigade was located on the Taimyr Peninsula, in the Khatanga region, in the town of Starrybnoye.

“We, that is, the members of the brigade and I, have already repeatedly observed alien vehicles,” Anatoly Vasilyevich said. - This is exactly the case and nothing else. I was convinced of this more than once.

This is a luminous ball. Just a ball if it hangs motionless in place. If it starts to move quietly, a faded asterisk flashes in the middle. If it moves quickly, the star burns brightly. Once it flew up sharply, "like a candle." Gas rolls off it in strips along the drop of the ball; it was then blown away by the wind and scattered.

When it gains a certain altitude, it becomes just an asterisk and continues its flight. Does not make noise, may be invisible. I made this conclusion, because sometimes it appears suddenly from the darkness - a ball and a star flare up inside.

We saw the balls from different distances - from the flight altitude of the aircraft to 500 m.

Once the ball was hanging 10 m from the ice. When I began to approach him on a snowmobile "Buran", a star flashed inside him, and he began to move away from me up and to the side. When he stood directly above me, I stopped, went out into the light of the headlights, raised my hands to show that I am not armed, and I made the following speech: "Hey, aliens! The son of the Earth is talking to you. Do not be cowards and thieves. Get down, I want to talk to you."

Of course, I understand that this is funny. They at least took me for a savage - after all, I was all in shaggy clothes. But as soon as I said this, a second ball of the same kind flashed out of the darkness, and they flew away towards the moon and disappeared in its light.

Others have seen. Two "headlights", two lights, move above the ground, leave no traces, no noise is heard, but the dogs smell, turn their heads, alert, even if they do not see. So, there is still noise from them, only the person does not hear …

Recently, a "fire" flew into a passenger plane on the Khatanga-Norilsk flight. All passengers saw it. True, they were not injured, but the plane shook so that the passengers turned white with fear …"

Head of the Higher Command Academy of Air Defense Forces named after Marshal Zhukov, the former commander of the Air Defense Forces of the Far East, Colonel-General Gennady Reshetnikov also took part in these events:

“In the late 70s and early 80s, I flew to the Arctic, to the Norilsk region, where eyewitnesses saw some kind of cigar-shaped apparatus with portholes. The press of the Arctic wrote about this. At that point, the object was seen several times. Traces were found, but then no serious research was carried out. When I became aware of this, I flew there in a helicopter to inspect the place, then we went there again, but we could not notice anything special. But there were many eyewitnesses who said that they observed the landing of a cigar-shaped object with luminous windows here two or three times.

One of the many incidents in which UFOs influenced equipment was recorded by Setka-AN / MO employees in the Gorky Region during their investigation of the events at the Dzerzhinsk test site:

“On November 17, 1979, a group of servicemen who drove up to the duty station by car: officers Lebedev G. V., Lobachev V. V. and private N. Kolesnikov, at 19-20 o'clock observed the descent and hovering of an unknown object in the area of the Donskoy state farm. Seeing the descending object, they stopped and got out of the car in order to better examine the phenomenon. At first they were frightened and wanted to drive the car to the guardhouse, but the engine would not start. The weather was calm, calm, there was a heavy fog. oval and shone with two bright rays of light lemon color (like a spotlight). A clear contour of the object was visible, inside the contour there was an instability of the surface, also light lemon color, it fluctuated (G. V. Lebedev). The color of the object was metallic, luminous like a rocket at the start (V. V. Lobachev). Then one beam was extinguished, and the object with one ignited beam floated silently. Then it froze again. Movement and hovering of the object were carried out several times, between hovering the object moved 80 meters. Above the luminous object, a second, dark, object flying higher was visible.

The first object hovered and illuminated the guardhouse, with both beams burning. The observers, getting off the car, tried to illuminate it with a searchlight, but the searchlight for a short time flashed, as in a short circuit, and went out. Attempts to restore it by replacing the lamp were unsuccessful (it was corrected only half an hour after the flight of the object). Then both beams turned off, and the object floated, gradually dissolving, although it should have been visible by its speed of movement.

According to V. V. Lobachev, the object flew at an altitude of less than 100 m, its diameter was 40 meters. It should be noted that Lobachev is a hunter, has a high level of observation and a good eye. According to GV Lebedev, the observation angle was about 30 degrees, the angular size of the object was 3 cm at arm's length. He moved completely silently. The observation lasted over 15 minutes.

The next day, November 18, 1979, both objects flew in the opposite direction. Their flight this time was observed by about 10 people. A beam of light from the object illuminated the Kepsky elevator, located 18 km from the Donskoy state farm.

For some reason this message was not mentioned in the summary table of "Grids-AN / MO", although it also talks about a strange effect on the technique:

“On August 13, 1980 (Moscow time) at 0.20 in the area of the city of Volsk-18 of the Saratov region in the northeast direction, an anomalous atmospheric phenomenon in the form of a ball was observed. The ball was the color of white-hot metal. From it in all directions emanated numerous thin and long rays, which did not reach the surface of the earth. The object made chaotic movements in different planes (up, down, right, left), while changing its size: it increased, then decreased. No sounds and smells accompanying the phenomenon were noted. A similar state of the object was observed for a long time (1-1.5 hours). However, there was no continuous observation during this time period. The location and shape of the object were recorded periodically with an integral of 15-20 minutes. Over time, the object slowly lifted upward. At 2-2.20 am, two points of light appeared in the sky. In our opinion, these were airplanes. Soon they began to move towards the observed object, with one of them flying below the object, and the second in an ascending line directly to the object. As the second plane approached, the object moved away from it. When the aircraft approached again, a similar picture took place. There were no further attempts to approach the object from the side of this aircraft, after which both aircraft changed course by 180 degrees and departed. Subsequently, condensation trails from aircraft remained in the sky for some time.moreover, one of them flew below the object, and the second in an ascending line directly to the object. As the second plane approached, the object moved away from it. When the aircraft approached again, a similar picture took place. There were no further attempts to approach the object from the side of this aircraft, after which both aircraft changed course by 180 degrees and departed. Subsequently, condensation trails from aircraft remained in the sky for some time.moreover, one of them flew below the object, and the second in an ascending line directly to the object. As the second plane approached, the object moved away from it. When the aircraft approached again, a similar picture took place. There were no further attempts to approach the object from the side of this aircraft, after which both aircraft changed course by 180 degrees and departed. Subsequently, condensation trails from aircraft remained in the sky for some time. Subsequently, condensation trails from aircraft remained in the sky for some time. Subsequently, condensation trails from aircraft remained in the sky for some time.

Observation of the object continued until 3.30, right up to its disappearance. It is noteworthy that the disappearance of the object occurred much later than the disappearance of the stars. After that, no traces, sounds, smells were observed in the atmosphere.

The angular dimensions (diameter) of the object in comparison with an object at arm's length from the observer's eyes is approximately 0.4-0.8 cm. The object's dimensions were comparable to those of stars, but it was significantly (several times) larger. The elevation angle at the initial moment of observation was 20-25 degrees, later it increased to 40-45 degrees above the horizon.

Impact on technical equipment: at 0.20-0.40 strong interference was observed during the operation of the VEF-201 transistor radio receiver. The interference was so strong that it was not possible to listen to the broadcasts, and it was turned off. At 3.00-3.15, no interference was noted when the receiver was turned on again. Prior to that, no malfunctions were recorded in the radio receiver. No impact on humans or the environment was noted. Meteorological conditions: visibility 10 km, clear, calm, air temperature +12.2 degrees, air humidity 90 percent.

The observation was carried out by a group of three people: Khomenko Alexander Grigorievich, senior officer; Pechenenko Nikolai Grigorievich, senior officer; Vera Ivanovna Pechenenko, HR inspector …"

Hundreds of similar messages came to Setka-AN / MO. It would seem that the most brilliant prospects are opening up for scientists and the military, but behind the scenes a bad fuss has already begun.

“In 1980, the 'Grid' program ended, - said A. Listratov. - And from 1981 the 'Galaxy' program was to begin. Our institute was included in the number of co-executors. But when the paper came for approval, the director of the institute refused to sign it. Thus, our institute leaves this program, the Institute of Space Research also leaves, the Institute of Terrestrial Magnetism remains, where the director is the famous Migulin and his assistant Platov. According to the installation from above, the link carrying out the program turned out to be retrogrades and conservatives …"

Valentin Fomenko said that when IKI left the program, Petrovskaya had to go to work at NII-22. However, even there she worked for no more than a year: she did not like how the work of studying UFOs from the military was organized. Soon she left ufology altogether, saying that she was tired of fighting and, most importantly, came to the conclusion that the force behind the phenomenon would not allow anyone to understand their essence. We never managed to find her: neither Valentin Nikolaevich nor her close friends knew what happened to Inna Gennadyevna.

In one way or another, almost all the problem enthusiasts were “thrown out” of the program. Migulin and Platov and military specialists from NII-22, NII-4, NII-50 remained at its helm. When those who remained outside did not get confused and undertook their "roundabout maneuvers", the recommendations worked out in due time by I. G. Petrovskaya went into action: to keep ufologists-enthusiasts under control, so that they work on what they indicate, and to prevent leakage of classified information …

“We have no right from any point of view to neglect the task of establishing contact with public organizations,” she wrote. - Contact with them can and should be carried out, but on the periphery of the commission, and not as co-executors of research work, without the penetration of their representatives into the content of the work being carried out … in a way that truly benefits research. At the same time, his presence in a public organization can set a framework for the spontaneous activity of enthusiasts, and participation in the leadership and conduct of its work will help regulate and control the dissemination of information, that is, an obstacle to leakage."

The "Galaxy" program, like a pump, pumped tons of information into itself, while releasing almost nothing outside. Not only amateur ufologists, but also the military did not receive intelligible explanations of what they saw from them. Even when an unusual phenomenon could be easily explained by another launch or experiment in the atmosphere, there was no way to count on an answer: in those days, any nonsense was considered a secret or a military secret.

On May 15, 1981, thousands of residents of the northwestern and central regions of the USSR saw no less grandiose spectacle than at night on September 20, 1977 (Fig. 63, 64). Here is what the director of the hydrometeorological observatory Yuri Gromov told the chairman of the State Committee for Hydromet Yuri A. Izrael:

“At about 1-2 o'clock in the morning on May 15, residents of Petrozavodsk observed the appearance of a luminous object in the form of a star flying from the northeast, from which a glow emanated in the form of condensation trails of an aircraft, but denser and brighter. Then the star stopped and hung motionless for 5-7 minutes at an angle of 70-80 degrees from the horizon; glowing blue-violet rays emanated from it in different directions. Then the star flew away in a northerly direction without traces, and the former luminous trails in the form of small clouds remained for a long time in the northeast of the horizon."


Soon all ufologists realized that the new "phenomenon" was not just comparable, but very similar to the "Petrozavodsk" one. So, the reason for it was the same: again launch from Plesetsk! Nobody was going to tell the citizens about this: the cosmodrome continued to remain top secret. Only Yuliy Platov allowed himself to hint at the real state of affairs to the journalist, whose colleague saw something strange in the sky on the night of May 14-15:

“At night, even the flight of an aircraft can be seen from a distance of several tens of kilometers. What can we say about the launch of a spacecraft into orbit. After all, here, roughly speaking, a projectile weighing hundreds of tons starts from the Earth.

And if the launch is at night? The fiery plume is visible for hundreds of kilometers. And if at the cosmodrome it looks exactly like a fiery trail, then far from it, depending on atmospheric conditions, it can take on a variety of forms, ranging from a glowing cloud to a flying saucer. Moreover, from one point of observation, it can look like a stationary UFO, on the other - as a moving one, from the third - rapidly approaching the earth. In general, the options are endless. One of them was seen by your colleague. If he combined the TASS report on the launch of a spacecraft into space, which was produced at that time, for him everything would fall into place …"

Indeed, the next day, Pravda published another TASS report to replace Milov's broadcasted report: "On May 15, 1981, the Soviet Union launched another meteorological earth satellite, Meteor-2."

No matter how much the ufologists wanted not to part with the "UFO", the azimuths of the observations converged to Plesetsk, and in the photographs capturing the early stages of the launch, jets erupting from the nozzles and the discharge of the "guaranteed supply" of fuel were clearly visible.

More than 200 letters from eyewitnesses fell into the hands of ufologists. They were carefully studied by me and demonstrated that witnesses need to be trusted, but verified: among the descriptions there was not one alike. Nevertheless, none of them this time gave any reason to suspect the presence of foreign objects in the sky that flew in to admire the launch of Meteor-2.

Mikhail Gershtein
