Who Killed 15 Miners In Pennsylvania In 1944? - Alternative View

Who Killed 15 Miners In Pennsylvania In 1944? - Alternative View
Who Killed 15 Miners In Pennsylvania In 1944? - Alternative View

Video: Who Killed 15 Miners In Pennsylvania In 1944? - Alternative View

Video: Who Killed 15 Miners In Pennsylvania In 1944? - Alternative View

This creepy story was recently featured on the Mysterious Universe, an English-language paranormal site. The author of the article honestly admitted that except for one single mention in a small newspaper, he could not find any confirmation of this case anywhere else.

So what is it then - a fake or a belated April Fools' joke? Or maybe a real case, which hastened to hide from the public?

The story was described in News Extra in the July 14, 1974 issue. The note reported that in 1944 a certain Glenn E. Barger, who is a mine inspector, claimed that 15 miners were eaten alive by unknown predators.

It allegedly happened near the small town of Dixonville, Pennsylvania and that it was officially announced to the families of the miners that all these 15 people had died during the collapse.

Barger himself was summoned by the mine managers after the collapse to help find the missing miners. When the passage was partially cleared, the inspector, along with his partner Ted Walters, entered the area where the miners were working and were the first to find the bodies of the dead.

According to Barger, the very first corpse they stumbled upon did not look like a victim of falling stones or masses of earth, but as if it was being torn apart by a powerful beast.

In addition, the corpse was missing a part of the body, as if the beast had devoured it. The bodies of other victims looked similar.

It would seem that what could be worse than seeing such a sight in a dark mine and not knowing who could have done this to a person. Only to get stuck there for a while under the ground next to these corpses, which fell to the lot of Barger and his partner, as they had problems getting back.

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While the inspectors waited for help, Barger dozed off from exhaustion. He woke up from the fact that someone was very close to him and that someone was not his partner, but an unknown humanoid creature.

“I fell asleep for a while. For a short time, perhaps just a few minutes. I woke up from the fact that someone was breathing hotly right in my face. This creature was not of this world. Then (when the creature left) my partner and I sat and thought about what would happen to us here. I swear at any moment I expected this horrible creature to take us both with it."

Later, the inspector made the assumption that the collapse was deliberately caused by these creatures in order to lure the miners into a trap. Rescuers came for the inspectors only a few hours later, and later this place was closed so that no one would disturb these creatures anymore.