A Fresh Collection Of Stories About Unusual Creatures From Reddit Users. Part 1 - Alternative View

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A Fresh Collection Of Stories About Unusual Creatures From Reddit Users. Part 1 - Alternative View
A Fresh Collection Of Stories About Unusual Creatures From Reddit Users. Part 1 - Alternative View

Video: A Fresh Collection Of Stories About Unusual Creatures From Reddit Users. Part 1 - Alternative View

Video: A Fresh Collection Of Stories About Unusual Creatures From Reddit Users. Part 1 - Alternative View
Video: "I Jump Between Different Paranormal Realities" | Creepypasta | Scary Story 2024, September


“A few weeks ago, I witnessed something strange. Early in the morning at 7 o'clock, my fiance and I drove up to the coffee shop for coffee and donuts. We parked at the side of the building in the parking lot and immediately noticed the people in the car next to us.

The woman behind the wheel looked as usual, it was a white girl of about twenty, but her friend, sitting next to her, was somehow unusual. It was also a white man and he had sunglasses on his face, but on his head were … horns. They were short horns, like those of a kid. At the base, they were thicker and pointed at the ends, their color was grayish.

My friend and I immediately looked at each other, asking the silent question "Did you see that too?" But when, after a moment, we looked at that man again, he was no longer there, and in his place next to the woman driver sat a large dog, similar to a cross between a collie.


For all these few seconds, the woman driver did not break away from her occupation, she looked in the front mirror and painted her lips.

We never got out of the car, and then went straight to work. All day we were in a vague state, all thinking about what exactly we saw."

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Animal shadow

“It started when I was 3 years old and lasted for several years. I saw strange "shadow" animals in my house. For the first time this happened when one night I got up and walked towards the bathroom, as I wanted to use the toilet.

And suddenly, right in front of me was an animal that looked like a skunk, he stood and sniffed the floor with his nose like an ordinary animal. But it was not a normal beast, it was just a gray shadow from it.

I got scared and ran into the bathroom, closing the door behind me, and sat inside for ten minutes. Then I carefully opened the door to see if the skunk was still there. He was absent. Then I quickly ran to my bedroom.

The second time it happened, when I went to the first grade of school, and then we were just moving from that house to a new one. I remember how my father and brother were sitting on packed boxes, and on the wall next to the stairs, I suddenly saw a shadow, similar to the shadow of a Triceratops dinosaur.

I told my dad “Look at this!” And he saw it too. The strange shadow on the wall slowly turned its head from side to side for a minute, and then disappeared.


The next case was in a new house immediately after the move. It was an old house that was about a hundred years old. I slept on a mattress in the living room with the whole family and there was a large stove in the corner. A shadow of a small rabbit suddenly appeared on the wall of the stove and I immediately wanted to come up and stroke him.

The shadow moved like a rabbit wiggling its nose, and when I reached out to her, my fingers just passed through this dark spot. Then I looked towards the corridor and there I saw mouse shadows. One large mouse and three small ones moved into the next room. I looked back at the rabbit and he was still there, but I got tired of looking at him and I fell asleep.

The last time it was when I woke up again in the middle of the night and it was the strangest case, since this time I was able to touch the shadow. I decided to go to the living room and lie next to my grandmother, and when I entered the living room, I saw a creature like a weasel or a mongoose next to the sofa.

It looked like Timon from The Lion King, standing on the floor and measuring 6 inches high. For some reason, I got very angry with him, grabbed this shadow with my hands and threw it into a dark corner behind the TV. This creature was desperately twitching its paws, but I threw it and then went to bed with my grandmother."


“I have never told anyone about this before, it happened when I was younger and I thought then that I was crazy. Eight years ago, at about 3 am, I was letting the dogs out into the backyard, and then I saw something sitting on a small electric pole two houses away from me. It sat on the top and looked very much like a gargoyle.


I was shocked and immediately drove the dogs home and locked the door. And I had already completely forgot about this incident, if something else unusual had not happened 2 years ago. In the middle of the night, I was suddenly awakened by the sound of a strong blow coming from the window. And my window is almost 4 meters above the ground.

I decided to put the camera in this place and soon woke up again to the sound of a strong blow at the window. But when I watched the video from the camera, I saw nothing at all."

Strange creature

“My goddaughter saw this creature in Pennsylvania. She was passing by in a car and saw him sitting behind a barn. When it noticed that a man was looking at it, it doubled in size and ran to her car.

Drawing of the goddaughter
Drawing of the goddaughter

Drawing of the goddaughter.

The goddaughter and her friend screamed and slowed down, afraid to run over him. But this creature ran a little next to the car, and then disappeared somewhere almost out of the blue.

It was completely black, with bare skin and the size of a large dog, and its legs were very thin. My goddaughter's stomach ached from fear at the sight of him. She didn't notice any mouth or ears on his face. At first she was convinced that it was just an unusual dog."

Monster Swamp Mining

Mining Swamp is located in central Ontario (Canada), near Lake Simcoe.

“There are legends about this monster in our area. It is said that many years ago an Indian woman was raped and became pregnant as a result. When she gave birth to a child, he was terribly disfigured and then she decided to throw him into the swamp. She rowed for a long time in a boat through the swamp and finally found a tree with a large hollow and left the child there.

However, the child miraculously survived and turned into a terrible howling monster, which on occasion can attack a person and even eat him. Legends about this monster have been circulating here for over 200 years.


During the war of 1812, a fort was placed on one side of the swamp, and the only way to reach it was along the river. And the people traveling along the river began to disappear in dozens, and many were either not found at all or were found dead and mutilated. Sometimes soldiers from the fort also disappeared.

In the 1950s, a resident of the city of Angus, Charles Duckworth, went to the swamps and saw a mysterious creature there, wading through the thicket. He had a camera with him and he managed to photograph it. In 1979, this image was declared authentic, although only a very poor quality version can be found on the Internet.


In the winter of 1990, a resident of Ottawa, Catherine Hope, went hiking in the snow-covered swamps and in the evening saw a large creature walking among the snowdrifts towards the forest thickets. In the morning she saw large footprints in this place.

In 1996, a poacher climbed a tree to steal the eggs of a rare bird when something hit him hard on the head with a large club. Later, this man was found in a swamp in shallow water and his body was covered with wounds. Besides the head, something hit him hard in the ribs."

Continued: Part 2