What's Wrong With The Alexander Column? - Alternative View

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What's Wrong With The Alexander Column? - Alternative View
What's Wrong With The Alexander Column? - Alternative View

Video: What's Wrong With The Alexander Column? - Alternative View

Video: What's Wrong With The Alexander Column? - Alternative View
Video: Вся правда об отравлении Навального 2024, July

St. Petersburg is a pearl among the bones.

St. Petersburg is the pearl of Russia! The northernmost, most beautiful, fastest, most granite and one hundred million more epithets, each of which is absolutely correct. Walking around the city can be enjoyed all year round. It is advisable, of course, to dress warmly in winter, or even better, to delight yourself with the views from the car window. In addition to aesthetic pleasure, with proper imagination and knowledge of history, you can try to imagine how this city was built. Sometimes fantasy is not enough. Even if you keep before your eyes the official version in pictures.


As a person who was born and raised in St. Petersburg, I can confirm that everything is clear, only to those who do not bother with questions. He takes on faith what he was told, like in church and does not strain. By the way, he does the right thing. Full of worries, and then think about the past.

Most of the questions slip through, but no one really bothers himself, as, for example, in 20 years it is possible to build a city the size of the then Moscow and transfer to it the capital with all functional responsibilities.

They said in the textbook that this is because Peter brought in 10 million people for the sake of quick construction, which means that he has effectively brought the city back, the city is worth it. And the fact that, at least 20 at least 30 write, they still had nowhere to take in the conditions of that population of Russia. And how did they get there in such a crowd without roads? And without maritime communication. And technologically, you can bring at least a thousand "Tajiks" to the object, but before the foundation, you will not put up the walls. But, this is so, questions for the future, for the past. And today, let's look at the column, what's wrong with it, if you look closely.

Official historians call people who doubt the capabilities of our ancestors - "non-glamor". Okay, I'll be tough today, but a little wrong. I will not argue that it is impossible to put it (it's worth it!), But I will doubt the accuracy of the official history of its origin and use.

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3 minutes from the tutorial

The history of occurrence is described in textbooks. Haven't been at school for a long time, has it been described? It was erected by Montferrand in 1834 in honor of the victory over Napoleon in 1812.

March 3, 2018 7.4K views 5.4K reads 17.5 minutes 7.4K views. Unique visitors to the page. 5.4K reads, 74%. Users who have read to the end. 17.5 minutes Average time to read a publication. What's wrong with the Alexander Column? St. Petersburg - a pearl among the bones. St. Petersburg - pearl of Russia! The northernmost, most beautiful, fastest, most granite and one hundred million more epithets, each of which is absolutely correct. Walking around the city can be enjoyed all year round. It is advisable, of course, to dress warmly in winter, or even better, to delight yourself with the views from the car window. In addition to aesthetic pleasure, with proper imagination and knowledge of history, you can try to imagine how this city was built. Sometimes fantasy is not enough. Even if you keep before your eyes the official version in pictures. As a person who was born and raised in St. Petersburg, I can confirm that everything is clear, only to those who do not bother with questions. He takes on faith what he was told, like in church and does not strain. By the way, he does the right thing. Full of worries, and then think about the past. Most of the questions slip through, but no one really bothers himself, as, for example, in 20 years it is possible to build a city the size of the then Moscow and transfer to it the capital with all functional responsibilities. They said in the textbook that this is because Peter brought in 10 million people for the sake of quick construction, which means that he has effectively brought the city back, the city is standing. And the fact that, at least 20 or 30 write, they still had nowhere to take in the conditions of that population of Russia. And how did they get there in such a crowd without roads? And without maritime communication. And technologically, you can bring at least a thousand "Tajiks" to the object, but before the foundation, you will not put up the walls. But, this is so, questions for the future, for the past. And today, let's look at the column, what's wrong with it, if you look closely. Official historians call people who doubt the capabilities of our ancestors - "Non-glimpses". Okay, I'll be tough today, but a little wrong. I will not argue that it is impossible to put it (it's worth it!), But I will doubt the accuracy of the official history of its origin and use. 3 minutes from the textbook The history of occurrence is described in the textbooks. Haven't been at school for a long time, has it been described? It was erected by Montferrand in 1834 in honor of the victory over Napoleon in 1812. Montferrand was an excellent draftsman and his sketches for creating a rustic sheet will be very useful to us Montferrand was an excellent draftsman and his sketches for creating a skewer will be very useful to us Montferrand was an excellent draftsman and his sketches for creating a sheerpiece will be very useful to us
March 3, 2018 7.4K views 5.4K reads 17.5 minutes 7.4K views. Unique visitors to the page. 5.4K reads, 74%. Users who have read to the end. 17.5 minutes Average time to read a publication. What's wrong with the Alexander Column? St. Petersburg - a pearl among the bones. St. Petersburg - pearl of Russia! The northernmost, most beautiful, fastest, most granite and one hundred million more epithets, each of which is absolutely correct. Walking around the city can be enjoyed all year round. It is advisable, of course, to dress warmly in winter, or even better, to delight yourself with the views from the car window. In addition to aesthetic pleasure, with proper imagination and knowledge of history, you can try to imagine how this city was built. Sometimes fantasy is not enough. Even if you keep before your eyes the official version in pictures. As a person who was born and raised in St. Petersburg, I can confirm that everything is clear, only to those who do not bother with questions. He takes on faith what he was told, like in church and does not strain. By the way, he does the right thing. Full of worries, and then think about the past. Most of the questions slip through, but no one really bothers himself, as, for example, in 20 years it is possible to build a city the size of the then Moscow and transfer to it the capital with all functional responsibilities. They said in the textbook that this is because Peter brought in 10 million people for the sake of quick construction, which means that he has effectively brought the city back, the city is standing. And the fact that, at least 20 or 30 write, they still had nowhere to take in the conditions of that population of Russia. And how did they get there in such a crowd without roads? And without maritime communication. And technologically, you can bring at least a thousand "Tajiks" to the object, but before the foundation, you will not put up the walls. But, this is so, questions for the future, for the past. And today, let's look at the column, what's wrong with it, if you look closely. Official historians call people who doubt the capabilities of our ancestors - "Non-glimpses". Okay, I'll be tough today, but a little wrong. I will not argue that it is impossible to put it (it's worth it!), But I will doubt the accuracy of the official history of its origin and use. 3 minutes from the textbook The history of occurrence is described in the textbooks. Haven't been at school for a long time, has it been described? It was erected by Montferrand in 1834 in honor of the victory over Napoleon in 1812. Montferrand was an excellent draftsman and his sketches for creating a rustic sheet will be very useful to us Montferrand was an excellent draftsman and his sketches for creating a skewer will be very useful to us Montferrand was an excellent draftsman and his sketches for creating a sheerpiece will be very useful to us

March 3, 2018 7.4K views 5.4K reads 17.5 minutes 7.4K views. Unique visitors to the page. 5.4K reads, 74%. Users who have read to the end. 17.5 minutes Average time to read a publication. What's wrong with the Alexander Column? St. Petersburg - a pearl among the bones. St. Petersburg - pearl of Russia! The northernmost, most beautiful, fastest, most granite and one hundred million more epithets, each of which is absolutely correct. Walking around the city can be enjoyed all year round. It is advisable, of course, to dress warmly in winter, or even better, to delight yourself with the views from the car window. In addition to aesthetic pleasure, with proper imagination and knowledge of history, you can try to imagine how this city was built. Sometimes fantasy is not enough. Even if you keep before your eyes the official version in pictures. As a person who was born and raised in St. Petersburg, I can confirm that everything is clear, only to those who do not bother with questions. He takes on faith what he was told, like in church and does not strain. By the way, he does the right thing. Full of worries, and then think about the past. Most of the questions slip through, but no one really bothers himself, as, for example, in 20 years it is possible to build a city the size of the then Moscow and transfer to it the capital with all functional responsibilities. They said in the textbook that this is because Peter brought in 10 million people for the sake of quick construction, which means that he has effectively brought the city back, the city is standing. And the fact that, at least 20 or 30 write, they still had nowhere to take in the conditions of that population of Russia. And how did they get there in such a crowd without roads? And without maritime communication. And technologically, you can bring at least a thousand "Tajiks" to the object, but before the foundation, you will not put up the walls. But, this is so, questions for the future, for the past. And today, let's look at the column, what's wrong with it, if you look closely. Official historians call people who doubt the capabilities of our ancestors - "Non-glimpses". Okay, I'll be tough today, but a little wrong. I will not argue that it is impossible to put it (it's worth it!), But I will doubt the accuracy of the official history of its origin and use. 3 minutes from the textbook The history of occurrence is described in the textbooks. Haven't been at school for a long time, has it been described? It was erected by Montferrand in 1834 in honor of the victory over Napoleon in 1812. Montferrand was an excellent draftsman and his sketches for creating a rustic sheet will be very useful to us Montferrand was an excellent draftsman and his sketches for creating a skewer will be very useful to us Montferrand was an excellent draftsman and his sketches for creating a sheerpiece will be very useful to us.

The column was named after the then acting Tsar Alexander the First, the main commander of the army. The pillar is the highest in the world, among other similar pillars. Yes, also solid. A large, polished piece of granite placed on the nightstand. She, in turn, is also made of granite and weighs, by the way, comparable to a pillar.

The column is held by its own weight and is not bolted or glued in any way. Modern tests have shown that it will withstand an earthquake. The surrounding buildings showed less endurance, so in the event of a major cataclysm it will be possible to navigate along it.

Large pieces of stones do not lie on the streets of cities, so I had to trudge to Finland. Nature ordered them to lie there. “The shelter of the wretched Chukhonts” in those years was part of the Russian Empire, and there were no customs problems.

Auguste Montferrand sketched the production of blanks. There is a wild amount of inconsistency not only with the official version, but also with common sense, the course of history and the rules of mining.

If someone managed to grab his head and bleat: “Well, what do you judge by the pictures? This is fiction!”, Wait to be indignant, first read the story. Firstly, it was not just who drew, but the head of the construction, Montferrand.

Secondly, he was an artist of the highest class, a virtuoso of the pencil. The sketch in our way.

Thirdly, in the days before the invention of photography, paintings were documentaries of their time. They were treated accordingly. They replaced photography, cinema, TV and iPhone at once.

Note, all sorts of abstractionism, cubism and other sick fantasies on the theme "I am an artist, as I see it," arose only when the technical means of image fixation were strengthened in society. Before that, the appearance of his grandfather could be judged solely by the picture on the wall. Knowing this, my grandfather was very interested in high-quality, realistic transmission of light, shadows and badges. I'm already silent about the face.

Thus, painting then and Pavlensky's fantasy now are completely two different eggs. Both in front and in profile. The first round, symmetrical and natural, the second … well, about the second on Red Square, you yourself know.

Antique blank

No, well, look at these pictures. Is this a quarry? Not every piece of butter from the refrigerator can be cut so smoothly. And let's remember that we are not cutting clay, but granite, which, after all, is one of the hardest stones on Earth. Moreover, regardless of whether it is round or flat.


The next picture says that a perfectly parallelepiped workpiece lay in a quarry, like the megalith in Baalbek, and they just decided to move it. Smooth back walls look very suspicious.

Even more suspicious are historians who, within the framework of official history, offer us a full range of stone formations to choose from. In some, a lump is loaded onto the ship, on others an almost finished product, on the third still some kind of surrogate.

The weight of the farm varies from 700 tons for almost finished to 4 thousand tons for blocks. I understand everything, but this is not a Roman viaduct built by aliens under the Pharaoh peas.

It's almost yesterday. And you claim that everything is documented, sketched and recorded. why is there no single version in your ranks? And after that, are you surprised by the appearance of alternative versions of the building?

Look closely at the blank for the column. On the right, on the front side, there are 3 holes that we always see on ancient megaliths and products. Bottom right Buddha and Asia, in the center Europe and Antiquity, with * mom *. On the left, the Incas, Maya and other Machu Picchu with * dad *
Look closely at the blank for the column. On the right, on the front side, there are 3 holes that we always see on ancient megaliths and products. Bottom right Buddha and Asia, in the center Europe and Antiquity, with * mom *. On the left, the Incas, Maya and other Machu Picchu with * dad *

Look closely at the blank for the column. On the right, on the front side, there are 3 holes that we always see on ancient megaliths and products. Bottom right Buddha and Asia, in the center Europe and Antiquity, with * mom *. On the left, the Incas, Maya and other Machu Picchu with * dad *.

This picture is also interesting because, besides the column, there is one more blank. Officials stand on it and help the workers in every possible way. I don't know about you, but I see it not just as a tribune for cones, but also as a stone for a pedestal prepared for transportation. The official version says that the pedestal was picked out in another place in Chukhonia and transported from there without stopping. Do you think that in the 19th century, even stones, ready to work as a pedestal, were just lying around next to the blanks for the columns?

Here the workpiece for the pedestal is already being moved along the Palace Square. Looks like a pebble?
Here the workpiece for the pedestal is already being moved along the Palace Square. Looks like a pebble?

Here the workpiece for the pedestal is already being moved along the Palace Square. Looks like a pebble?

The column was transported to St. Petersburg by water. They built a special boat, erected powerful decks and levers for loading. The captain was hired, the card was issued. Nobody expected an accident. For unknown reasons, the supports were poorly calculated and broke off. The column fell into the water …


300 Spartans, 600 marathon runners or one Montferrand

All preparations turned out to be in vain - the column sank and instead of it there is a free toilet from Vodokanal on the Palace Square. What's wrong? In reality, this is the expected outcome of the case?

In reality, yes, but not in the case of the official history. She had 600 soldiers at hand, who picked up 700 tons and cheerfully held him for two days until a new loading deck was made.

In different versions of the official (!!) history books, this story plays with all the colors. And the weight changes from 700 tons to 4 thousand and the column at times turns into a blank, or even a lump. Remember that we are talking about the well-documented 19th century, not the Pyramids!

By the way, the soldiers did not watch the convoy around the corner; they, according to historians, ran 36 versts (40 km) in the hilly terrain in 4 hours in the heat. After this warm-up run, which annulled not only all marathon records, but also biology textbooks in the section of human capabilities, they cheerfully picked up the column (workpiece, lump) and held on for 48 hours. What was the column doing while the soldiers were running? There is no drawing by Montferrand on this topic, so I will assume that it was he, sweating and cursing Russian reality, standing in the water with a column, like an atlas.

Even if the soldiers were nearby in the trenches, how can you catch a sinking stone? Isn't he tied around the neck of the drowned man, for the sake of faithfulness to the cause? How do you line up 600 people around a pillar to catch it? And how to arrange, to fish? I'll have to ask Elon Musk, who, I hope, is already adept at catching return parts of his missiles that have fallen into the ocean!

600 marathon weightlifters and a column hanging in the air - this does not cause objections among historians, any alternative version from researchers is heresy and mockery. Something like this.

I already expected that these six hundred giants would carry it to Peter, but it didn't happen, I had to use a boat.

Arrival of valuable cargo

In the city, the column was unloaded and began to roll around the square. We built forests, ramps and everything you need for a fun ride of 700 tons in advance.


But why does the column change in the process? Either she has rings, then she doesn't. Well, they would disappear after installation - remove the excess. So, from one drawing to another, they disappear and disappear. Draws, remember, the author. The rings could not drown in the pedestal either; the column stands on a smooth pedestal and is held by its own weight.

The middle image even has a hole at the base of the column
The middle image even has a hole at the base of the column

The middle image even has a hole at the base of the column.

Anyway. Not by washing, but literally by rolling, the stick was parked in the square and 2 thousand soldiers and several hundred assistants were called. There were also enough onlookers so that in the event of a problem the 600 soldiers did not have to repeat their marathon feat.


The specially designed structure worked clearly and the pillar stood on the square like a glove. 1 hour 40 minutes, still the record for the installation of pillars of this magnitude. Judging by the fact that even now with modern technology, they put on longer, we are degrading. True, not a fact, maybe not. They just don't put such sticks now to compare.

To establish the Guinness Book record, it was a pity that it was not yet at that time, Montferrand, in cooperation with Bettencourt, built a special structure.

On the left is a drawing, in the center is a sketch, on the right is a model in the city's museum. Anyone who wants to repeat the rise of the column can build the mechanism in full size. Nobody? It's a pity(
On the left is a drawing, in the center is a sketch, on the right is a model in the city's museum. Anyone who wants to repeat the rise of the column can build the mechanism in full size. Nobody? It's a pity(

On the left is a drawing, in the center is a sketch, on the right is a model in the city's museum. Anyone who wants to repeat the rise of the column can build the mechanism in full size. Nobody? It's a pity((

In the descriptions of raising, installing, riding and swimming the Alexandria Column, you can drown no worse than the heroine herself. Without 600 soldiers, you simply cannot swim out. But! There is one comrade who took upon himself all the work of calculating angles, forces, laws of physics, mechanics, capstans and block systems, and under the weight of documentation, he broke only two fingers when he was modeling capstans. This is not the main thing.

In principle, he clearly showed that the description of the installation of the column does not correspond to the real actions of the builders. Everything that could be misinterpreted was misinterpreted. That is, they wrote without understanding the physical meaning, the use of various mechanisms. Thus, they would not get anything. And it's not funny!

I repeat just in case: it's not about the impossibility of delivery, installation and receipt of a government order for creating a masterpiece. The point is that it is not clear how the documents were made, who wrote them, why and at what time.

For a second, I will digress from the column itself and show you a picture that is perfectly calm on the Wikipedia page and does not cause any questions for anyone. I wonder why?

Is there anything strange here? Or is there?

In the upper left corner, the painting itself by the artist Gagarin G. G. Alexander's column in the scaffolding
In the upper left corner, the painting itself by the artist Gagarin G. G. Alexander's column in the scaffolding

In the upper left corner, the painting itself by the artist Gagarin G. G. Alexander's column in the scaffolding.

Do you have a feeling that this picture is falling out of a neat row of lithographs, drawings and drawings? What the hell is a destroyed building doing there? No. Montferand's drawings also contain supports and brick ground structures. They served as supports. Two paragraphs above, they are in the pictures.

But this is clearly the remains of a structure. Elements of decor and other features unusual for technical buildings are visible. I’m already silent that the column looks strange in the woods. As if she wasn't there at all. But that's okay, let's pretend that the light just fell so badly.


The column is decorated with an angel. Raised hand, gaze down. For some reason, he is dressed in ancient Roman-Greek clothes. They could have given out a sheepskin coat for Peter. Well, it's okay, apparently, they flew openly, only in those days, therefore, by tradition, they are portrayed.

Angel with a cross, as it should be. Catholic. Why? Was it too lazy to put an extra crossbar? Perhaps historians have an explanation. Comprehensive and unopposed.

The face of the angel was made similar to the face of Alexander the first winner. Well, or harlots, also a poet and, apparently, a close friend of the sculptor Elisabeth Kuhlman.

As you wish, but I also see a figure in him, if not Elizabeth, it's just women, absolutely for sure. Wide hips, small (many people love) chest, general roundness of the body.

Below is a snake. Listen, with this Eden serpent everywhere, you will truly believe in the Anunnaki! Where is the spear then? or is it the right snake? Home
Below is a snake. Listen, with this Eden serpent everywhere, you will truly believe in the Anunnaki! Where is the spear then? or is it the right snake? Home

Below is a snake. Listen, with this Eden serpent everywhere, you will truly believe in the Anunnaki! Where is the spear then? or is it the right snake? Home.

A beautiful monument if you consider it a woman. If a man, this is already a matter of taste, but let's not deviate from our theory of general forgery and conspiracy. And the beauty of an angel will not let us be confused.

Just in case, I remind you that the reproductions are genuine. It was not me, I put the crosses there
Just in case, I remind you that the reproductions are genuine. It was not me, I put the crosses there

Just in case, I remind you that the reproductions are genuine. It was not me, I put the crosses there.

Well, as they say, that's all! Who is this guy with the broom in the second picture? The hand extends. The third is, in general, a masterpiece. Not a cross, not a month - a pure antenna. The fourth is also suspicious! The first one, so be it, let us leave to the imagination of the draftsman who provided the Angel with a modern body “body positive”, which, as you know, translates into Russian as “the joy of the sow”.

It's time to remember that there is another theory of the reason for finding a long elongated object on the area.

The life force of the radio signal


03 March 2018


5.4K reads

17.5 minutes

7.4K views. Unique visitors to the page.

5.4K reads, 74%. Users who have read to the end.

17.5 minutes Average time to read a publication.

What's wrong with the Alexander Column?

St. Petersburg is a pearl among the bones.

St. Petersburg is the pearl of Russia! The northernmost, most beautiful, fastest, most granite and one hundred million more epithets, each of which is absolutely correct. Walking around the city can be enjoyed all year round. It is advisable, of course, to dress warmly in winter, or even better, to delight yourself with the views from the car window. In addition to aesthetic pleasure, with proper imagination and knowledge of history, you can try to imagine how this city was built. Sometimes fantasy is not enough. Even if you keep before your eyes the official version in pictures.

As a person who was born and raised in St. Petersburg, I can confirm that everything is clear, only to those who do not bother with questions. He takes on faith what he was told, like in church and does not strain. By the way, he does the right thing. Full of worries, and then think about the past.

Most of the questions slip through, but no one really bothers himself, as, for example, in 20 years it is possible to build a city the size of the then Moscow and transfer to it the capital with all functional responsibilities.

They said in the textbook that this is because Peter brought in 10 million people for the sake of quick construction, which means that he has effectively brought the city back, the city is worth it. And the fact that, at least 20 at least 30 write, they still had nowhere to take in the conditions of that population of Russia. And how did they get there in such a crowd without roads? And without maritime communication. And technologically, you can bring at least a thousand "Tajiks" to the object, but before the foundation, you will not put up the walls. But, this is so, questions for the future, for the past. And today, let's look at the column, what's wrong with it, if you look closely.

Official historians call people who doubt the capabilities of our ancestors - "non-glamor". Okay, I'll be tough today, but a little wrong. I will not argue that it is impossible to put it (it's worth it!), But I will doubt the accuracy of the official history of its origin and use.

3 minutes from the tutorial

The history of occurrence is described in textbooks. Haven't been at school for a long time, has it been described? It was erected by Montferrand in 1834 in honor of the victory over Napoleon in 1812.

Montferrand was an excellent draftsman and his sketches for creating a rustic sheet will be very useful to us Montferrand was an excellent draftsman and his sketches for creating a shelework will be very useful to us

Montferrand was an excellent draftsman and his sketches for creating a rustic sheet will be very useful to us

The column was named after the then acting Tsar Alexander the First, the main commander of the army. The pillar is the highest in the world, among other similar pillars. Yes, also solid. A large, polished piece of granite placed on the nightstand. She, in turn, is also made of granite and weighs, by the way, comparable to a pillar.

The column is held by its own weight and is not bolted or glued in any way. Modern tests have shown that it will withstand an earthquake. The surrounding buildings showed less endurance, so in the event of a major cataclysm it will be possible to navigate along it.

Large pieces of stones do not lie on the streets of cities, so I had to trudge to Finland. Nature ordered them to lie there. “The shelter of the wretched Chukhonts” in those years was part of the Russian Empire, and there were no customs problems.

Auguste Montferrand sketched the production of blanks. There is a wild amount of inconsistency not only with the official version, but also with common sense, the course of history and the rules of mining.

If someone managed to grab his head and bleat: “Well, what do you judge by the pictures? This is fiction!”, Wait to be indignant, first read the story. Firstly, it was not just who drew, but the head of the construction, Montferrand.

Secondly, he was an artist of the highest class, a virtuoso of the pencil. The sketch in our way.

Thirdly, in the days before the invention of photography, paintings were documentaries of their time. They were treated accordingly. They replaced photography, cinema, TV and iPhone at once.

Note, all sorts of abstractionism, cubism and other sick fantasies on the theme "I am an artist, as I see it," arose only when the technical means of image fixation were strengthened in society. Before that, the appearance of his grandfather could be judged solely by the picture on the wall. Knowing this, my grandfather was very interested in high-quality, realistic transmission of light, shadows and badges. I'm already silent about the face.

Thus, painting then and Pavlensky's fantasy now are completely two different eggs. Both in front and in profile. The first round, symmetrical and natural, the second … well, about the second on Red Square, you yourself know.

Antique blank.

No, well, look at these pictures. Is this a quarry? Not every piece of butter from the refrigerator can be cut so smoothly. And let's remember that we are not cutting clay, but granite, which, after all, is one of the hardest stones on Earth. Moreover, regardless of whether it is round or flat.

The next picture says that a perfectly parallelepiped workpiece lay in a quarry, like the megalith in Baalbek, and they just decided to move it. Smooth back walls look very suspicious.

Even more suspicious are historians who, within the framework of official history, offer us a full range of stone formations to choose from. In some, a lump is loaded onto the ship, on others an almost finished product, on the third still some kind of surrogate.

The weight of the farm varies from 700 tons for almost finished to 4 thousand tons for blocks. I understand everything, but this is not a Roman viaduct built by aliens under the Pharaoh peas.

It's almost yesterday. And you claim that everything is documented, sketched and recorded. why is there no single version in your ranks? And after that, are you surprised by the appearance of alternative versions of the building?

Look closely at the blank for the column. On the right, on the front side, there are 3 holes that we always see on ancient megaliths and products. Below, on the right, Buddha and Asia, in the center Europe and Antiquity, with "mother". On the left, the Inca, Maya and other Machu Picchu with "Pope". Look closely at the blank for the column. On the right, on the front side, there are 3 holes that we always see on ancient megaliths and products. Below, on the right, Buddha and Asia, in the center Europe and Antiquity, with a “mother”. On the left, the Inca, Maya and other Machu Picchu with "Pope".

Look closely at the blank for the column. On the right, on the front side, there are 3 holes that we always see on ancient megaliths and products. Below, on the right, Buddha and Asia, in the center Europe and Antiquity, with "mother". On the left, the Inca, Maya and other Machu Picchu with "Pope".

This picture is also interesting because, besides the column, there is one more blank. Officials stand on it and help the workers in every possible way. I don't know about you, but I see it not just as a tribune for cones, but also as a stone for a pedestal prepared for transportation. The official version says that the pedestal was picked out in another place in Chukhonia and transported from there without stopping. Do you think that in the 19th century, even stones, ready to work as a pedestal, were just lying around next to the blanks for the columns?

Here the workpiece for the pedestal is already being moved along the Palace Square. Looks like a pebble? Here the workpiece for the pedestal is already being moved along the Palace Square. Looks like a pebble?

Here the workpiece for the pedestal is already being moved along the Palace Square. Looks like a pebble?

The column was transported to St. Petersburg by water. They built a special boat, erected powerful decks and levers for loading. The captain was hired, the card was issued. Nobody expected an accident. For unknown reasons, the supports were poorly calculated and broke off. The column fell into the water …

300 Spartans, 600 marathon runners or one Montferrand

All preparations turned out to be in vain - the column sank and instead of it there is a free toilet from Vodokanal on the Palace Square. What's wrong? In reality, this is the expected outcome of the case?

In reality, yes, but not in the case of the official history. She had 600 soldiers at hand, who picked up 700 tons and cheerfully held him for two days until a new loading deck was made.

In different versions of the official (!!) history books, this story plays with all the colors. And the weight changes from 700 tons to 4 thousand and the column at times turns into a blank, or even a lump. Remember that we are talking about the well-documented 19th century, not the Pyramids!

By the way, the soldiers did not watch the convoy around the corner; they, according to historians, ran 36 versts (40 km) in the hilly terrain in 4 hours in the heat. After this warm-up run, which annulled not only all marathon records, but also biology textbooks in the section of human capabilities, they cheerfully picked up the column (workpiece, lump) and held on for 48 hours. What was the column doing while the soldiers were running? There is no drawing by Montferrand on this topic, so I will assume that it was he, sweating and cursing Russian reality, standing in the water with a column, like an atlas.

Even if the soldiers were nearby in the trenches, how can you catch a sinking stone? Isn't he tied around the neck of the drowned man, for the sake of faithfulness to the cause? How do you line up 600 people around a pillar to catch it? And how to arrange, to fish? I'll have to ask Elon Musk, who, I hope, is already adept at catching return parts of his missiles that have fallen into the ocean!

600 marathon weightlifters and a column hanging in the air - this does not cause objections among historians, any alternative version from researchers is heresy and mockery. Something like this.

I already expected that these six hundred giants would carry it to Peter, but it didn't happen, I had to use a boat.

Arrival of valuable cargo

In the city, the column was unloaded and began to roll around the square. We built forests, ramps and everything you need for a fun ride of 700 tons in advance.

But why does the column change in the process? Either she has rings, then she doesn't. Well, they would disappear after installation - remove the excess. So, from one drawing to another, they disappear and disappear. Draws, remember, the author. The rings could not drown in the pedestal either; the column stands on a smooth pedestal and is held by its own weight.

The middle image even has a hole in the base of the column; the middle image even has a hole in the base of the column.

The middle image even has a hole at the base of the column.

Anyway. Not by washing, but literally by rolling, the stick was parked in the square and 2 thousand soldiers and several hundred assistants were called. There were also enough onlookers so that in the event of a problem the 600 soldiers did not have to repeat their marathon feat.

The specially designed structure worked clearly and the pillar stood on the square like a glove. 1 hour 40 minutes, still the record for the installation of pillars of this magnitude. Judging by the fact that even now with modern technology, they put on longer, we are degrading. True, not a fact, maybe not. They just don't put such sticks now to compare.

To establish the Guinness Book record, it was a pity that it was not yet at that time, Montferrand, in cooperation with Bettencourt, built a special structure.

On the left is a drawing, in the center is a sketch, on the right is a model in the city's museum. Anyone who wants to repeat the rise of the column can build the mechanism in full size. Nobody? It's a pity ((On the left is a drawing, a sketch in the center, on the right is a model in the city museum. Who wants to repeat the rise of the column, can build a mechanism in full size. Nobody? It's a pity ((On the left is a drawing, in the center is a sketch, on the right is a model in the city's museum. Anyone who wants to repeat the rise of the column can build the mechanism in full size. Nobody? It's a pity((In the descriptions of raising, installing, riding and swimming the Alexandria Column, you can drown no worse than the heroine herself. Without 600 soldiers, you simply cannot swim out. But! There is one comrade who took upon himself all the work of calculating angles, forces, laws of physics, mechanics, capstans and block systems, and under the weight of documentation, he broke only two fingers when he was modeling capstans. This is not the main thing.

In principle, he clearly showed that the description of the installation of the column does not correspond to the real actions of the builders. Everything that could be misinterpreted was misinterpreted. That is, they wrote without understanding the physical meaning, the use of various mechanisms. Thus, they would not get anything. And it's not funny!

I repeat just in case: it's not about the impossibility of delivery, installation and receipt of a government order for creating a masterpiece. The point is that it is not clear how the documents were made, who wrote them, why and at what time.

Follow the link, there are still a million interesting and sober thoughts, with links to documents and calculations, about the falsification of the whole action: https://levhudoi.blogspot.ru. Be sure to check out if this topic interests you.

And I, for a second, will digress from the column itself and show you a picture that is perfectly calm on the Wikipedia page and does not raise any questions for anyone. I wonder why?

Is there anything strange here? Or is there?

In the upper left corner, the painting itself by the artist Gagarin G. G. "Alexander's Column in the Scaffolding" In the upper left corner, the very picture of the artist Gagarin GG. "Alexander Column in the scaffolding"

In the upper left corner, the painting itself by the artist Gagarin G. G. "Alexander Column in the scaffolding"

Do you have a feeling that this picture is falling out of a neat row of lithographs, drawings and drawings? What the hell is a destroyed building doing there? No. Montferand's drawings also contain supports and brick ground structures. They served as supports. Two paragraphs above, they are in the pictures.

But this is clearly the remains of a structure. Elements of decor and other features unusual for technical buildings are visible. I’m already silent that the column looks strange in the woods. As if she wasn't there at all. But that's okay, let's pretend that the light just fell so badly.


The column is decorated with an angel. Raised hand, gaze down. For some reason, he is dressed in ancient Roman-Greek clothes. They could have given out a sheepskin coat for Peter. Well, it's okay, apparently, they flew openly, only in those days, therefore, by tradition, they are portrayed.

Angel with a cross, as it should be. Catholic. Why? Was it too lazy to put an extra crossbar? Perhaps historians have an explanation. Comprehensive and unopposed.

The face of the angel was made similar to the face of Alexander the first winner. Well, or harlots, also a poet and, apparently, a close friend of the sculptor Elisabeth Kuhlman.

As you wish, but I also see a figure in him, if not Elizabeth, it's just women, absolutely for sure. Wide hips, small (many people love) chest, general roundness of the body.

Below is a snake. Listen, with this Eden serpent everywhere, you will truly believe in the Anunnaki! Where is the spear then? or is it a true serpent? Home, there is a snake below. Listen, with this Eden serpent everywhere, you will truly believe in the Anunnaki! Where is the spear then? or is it a true serpent? Home.

Below is a snake. Listen, with this Eden serpent everywhere, you will truly believe in the Anunnaki! Where is the spear then? or is it a true serpent? Home.

A beautiful monument if you consider it a woman. If a man, this is already a matter of taste, but let's not deviate from our theory of general forgery and conspiracy. And the beauty of an angel will not let us be confused.

Just in case, I remind you that the reproductions are genuine. It was not me, I put the crosses there. Just in case, I remind you that the reproductions are genuine. It was not me, I put the crosses there.

Just in case, I remind you that the reproductions are genuine. It was not me, I put the crosses there.

Well, as they say, that's all! Who is this guy with the broom in the second picture? The hand extends. The third is, in general, a masterpiece. Not a cross, not a month - a pure antenna. The fourth is also suspicious! The first one, so be it, let us leave to the imagination of the draftsman who provided the Angel with a modern body “body positive”, which, as you know, translates into Russian as “the joy of the sow”.

It's time to remember that there is another theory of the reason for finding a long elongated object on the area.

The life force of the radio signal.

I am not ready to comment on this view of the use of the column. Let it just be. Perhaps it will be useful to someone.


I have not touched on here, probably, and half of the oddities that have been noticed by enthusiastic researchers. Some because they seemed to me to be an owl worn on a globe, others because they proceed from other laws of building civilization and their understanding. There it is impossible to tear small columns apart from the whole picture.

Due to the vagueness of the description of the official historical picture, I can safely assume that it was staged at a different time and for different purposes. This does not mean that the pharaohs from Egypt brought it here, carrying it in their arms and moving exclusively in profile. This means that freely available documents do not convince in the absence of other readings.

I want to say right away that the argument about the impossibility of falsifying a large number of artistic and written sources is very weak and, in fact, not an argument at all. Moreover, it contradicts the own statements of historical science.

It is no coincidence that I started by talking about the millions involved in the creation of St. Petersburg, because the number of people is the standard answer of official historians to all questions. How were the Pyramids built? A million slaves caught up! How did the yoke arise in Russia? 100 million Mongols caught up! How was this or that object made by hand without modern technologies? Crowds! Tens, hundreds, billions of people killed !!! Then nobody counted them! Have you spoken? Did they write? Catch the return line.

If you can catch up millions and billions on construction sites of the century, then you can also plant half of them to draw "evidence", and send others to seize the original historical artifacts.

What is it? A scaffolding ghost? No, it's on the right side - Domenico Fontana * Scaffolding used for support when lowering obelisk at the Circus Nero * 16th century. Swap the pillar and the obelisk, no one will suspect anything
What is it? A scaffolding ghost? No, it's on the right side - Domenico Fontana * Scaffolding used for support when lowering obelisk at the Circus Nero * 16th century. Swap the pillar and the obelisk, no one will suspect anything

What is it? A scaffolding ghost? No, it's on the right side - Domenico Fontana * Scaffolding used for support when lowering obelisk at the Circus Nero * 16th century. Swap the pillar and the obelisk, no one will suspect anything.

Or did Peter not order to burn all the books where the real Slavic chronology is indicated after the country was transferred to the year of Christ's birth? What happened to Lomonosov when he rebelled against the census of the history of Russia brought in by the Germans and Karamzin, who joined them? He was almost executed, despite all the regalia. Mikhailo Vasilyevich understood everything and went to look through a telescope. From sin, away into space.

And history is falsified without problems even now with all the Internet and photocopiers. You can ask the Americans who first flew into space or won the Second World War.