Will Aliens Be Able To Populate The Earth? - Alternative View

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Will Aliens Be Able To Populate The Earth? - Alternative View
Will Aliens Be Able To Populate The Earth? - Alternative View

Video: Will Aliens Be Able To Populate The Earth? - Alternative View

Video: Will Aliens Be Able To Populate The Earth? - Alternative View
Video: Is There Life On Other Planets? | SPACE WEEK 2018 2024, July

Many researchers from different countries are wondering whether the invasion of alien beings on Earth is possible and what in this case threatens humanity? Will aliens be able to populate our planet? Even if at present no one can say with one hundred percent certainty that aliens exist, many hypotheses have always been put forward on this score. So, the famous British scientist Stephen Hawking, considers the version of the invasion of beings from other planets to Earth quite real. He bases his assumption on mathematical calculations. The theoretical physicist sees the only way of salvation for earthlings in the search and development of other planets in the Universe. In any case, according to Hawking, our planet is facing a catastrophe and imminent death.

Intrusion to be

Now the scientist is overseeing a project to search for aliens, which is estimated at $ 100 million. The physicist notes that one of the existing exoplanets may well be inhabited by aliens. For example, an object from the constellation Crane could be suitable for alien life, but in this case, the creatures would have somehow made themselves felt. As part of his work, Hawking, with the help of sponsors, plans to create and launch a miniature probe to study planets outside the solar system. In his opinion, the discovery of evidence of another life will help earthlings to think over a further plan of action and direct efforts to avoid being detected by aliens.


He said that people should not make excessive efforts to search for aliens, but the moment will come when they themselves will send a signal to Earth. This meeting can end badly for humanity, as superdeveloped beings from other planets can enslave people. The Indians found themselves in a similar situation, after Columbus and the team first met with them. If an invasion does occur, will aliens be able to populate our planet? To do this, you need to consider the possible purposes of their stay.

Need for natural resources

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Seth Shostak, a specialist at the Search Institute for Extraterrestrial Civilizations (SETI), believes that the invasion of alien beings will not be simply due to the fact that they are not interested in Earth in terms of natural resources. After all, highly developed aliens would not need any signals coming from the Earth if they needed resources. In this case, they would have made themselves felt a long time ago by arriving for them. In addition, other planets and asteroids have reserves of water and other elements. But the scientist notes that the extraterrestrial race, like the human race, is most likely prone to aggression against encroachments on their resources. Shostak also supports his theory by the fact that radio signals regularly emitted from Earth could have aroused interest among aliens for a long time, but either they are simply not able to get here, or they do not see the point at all. In any case, this opinion is shared by most modern scientists. The astronomer also notes that even if the alien beings would like to make themselves known, they would prefer another highly developed, fast and convenient way of communication to the visit.


Getting rid of competitors and conquering space

Another hypothesis by Stephen Hawking is based on the existence of aliens who roam the planets, capturing them. From his mathematical point of view, these odds are incredibly high. The scientist also noted that people in this case will face a terrible future, as described in the movie "Independence Day". The only question that remains unclear is how the aliens might look and what their intentions are towards us.


Aliens among us

One of the hypotheses put forward by researchers more and more often is the version that aliens have long populated the Earth with people created by them, whose descendants are currently about a billion people. Thanks to this, the aliens, as such, go unnoticed, but they know everything about people. The version is connected with the mysterious planet Nubiru, the existence of which has never been proven, and from which representatives of the alien race were brought to Earth. According to Seth Shostak, this theory arose only due to the fact that people consider themselves to be exceptional creatures in the Universe, extolling their role in it and cannot be considered believable.


Human beings have not yet recognized signals from aliens

Jill Tarter, one of the founders of the SETI Institute, says that it will not be difficult for aliens to take control of everything on Earth upon arrival, so they will establish their own rules using advanced technology. The astronomer also suggested that their benevolent attitude is more likely than hostile, since only thanks to a peaceful life they could live and develop without destroying each other. The fact that alien beings have not yet given a signal to earthlings about their existence can only indicate that humanity does not yet have at its disposal such means that would recognize it, the scientist believes.


Aliens won't survive on Earth

It can be assumed that aliens lack immunity to the huge number of bacteria that inhabit our planet. Therefore, most likely the aliens will die from the diseases that attack them. If other civilizations are sane, Shostak believes, they will never come to Earth personally. Perhaps they use robots for these purposes. If the alien creatures turn out to be as close as possible in biochemical composition to humans, then it may take them over a thousand years to adapt to terrestrial conditions.


Thus, we can say that most scientists come to the conclusion that if the aliens come to our planet, it will only be for research purposes, but they are unlikely to live on it.

Svetlova Julia