Doctors Want To Separate Siamese Twins With Three Legs - Alternative View

Doctors Want To Separate Siamese Twins With Three Legs - Alternative View
Doctors Want To Separate Siamese Twins With Three Legs - Alternative View

Video: Doctors Want To Separate Siamese Twins With Three Legs - Alternative View

Video: Doctors Want To Separate Siamese Twins With Three Legs - Alternative View
Video: Separated Conjoined Twin's Health Crisis 2024, July

Twin brothers Arthur and Heitor Roja were born in the Brazilian state of Bahia in April 2009. Fused twins have common organs such as the intestines, liver, bladder and genitals, children control three legs. The Roch brothers were connected long before birth in the pelvic region.

Since their first sensational ultrasound in the fifth month of pregnancy, Dr. Zacharias Kalil has been watching Arthur and Heitor, he also undertook to carry out an operation to separate the Brazilian "Siamese" twins, who were lucky to be born and live quite healthy, as for their anomalies, to the age of five, when both school and growing up are looming ahead.


After the fateful surgery, each of the brothers will be left with one functional leg. The third, their common, limb will be used to obtain vital tissue samples for prosthetics, primarily skin.

If everything goes well, then Arthur will have two kidneys, and his brother Heitor will only have one. In addition, after the separation, only one of the boys will have genitals, the second will need genital reconstruction.


The operation is risky, but the twins' parents, Delson and Eliane Roha, are well aware of this. Both dad and mom work as teachers, both are already under forty. The mother of Arthur and Heitor claims that both boys consciously want to live in the same family, but independently of each other. In this, Brazilian unique people differ from their Indian contemporaries in vice - the Sahu brothers, who, on the contrary, do not want to part, because one of the talented boys will remain completely without legs - for life.


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The Roja twins of Bayia are currently undergoing pretreatment in Goiânia. Doctors augment patients' skin for further transplant using silicone stretch inserts. This skin will be used by surgeons to patch up the chest, abdomen and pelvic area of Arthur and Eitor at the stage of their physical separation.


Doctors report that the operation itself to separate the brothers is not so difficult as the subsequent reconstruction of the human appearance and rehabilitation in general. Specialists, in particular, do not undertake to predict what will happen to the metabolism of twins, if they find themselves in more than one body and without common organs. Practitioners are sorely lacking in the scientific press and literature on this issue, so Brazilian surgeons are encouraged by active parental consent.


Until the age of four, the twins were very loud. And in order for Eliana to learn how to breastfeed the coupled children and bathe them correctly, a three-week special course was needed at the clinic. It still happens that one brother wakes up when the other is asleep. Previously, the Roch twins woke each other up, now they have grown up and have learned not to interfere.

At the same time, Arthur and Heitor have different personalities. One is more harsh, the other is as sentimental as a 5-year-old might be. Therefore, they usually want to play different games. And if the doctors from Goiânia do everything as planned, they will play.


Medical examination