Anomalies Of Tatarstan - Alternative View

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Anomalies Of Tatarstan - Alternative View
Anomalies Of Tatarstan - Alternative View

Video: Anomalies Of Tatarstan - Alternative View

Video: Anomalies Of Tatarstan - Alternative View
Video: THE VILLAGE LIFE IN TATARSTAN. Making pumpkin belesh - Tatar pie. LIFE in Russian contryside. ASMR 2024, September

Shurale is an anthropomorphic mythical creature of Tatar fairy tales. Usually described as short, hunchbacked, with long slender fingers, long nipples, and a small horn on the forehead. Kills people by tickling. Fights horses from the herd and rides them, can drive a horse to death.

The International Movement and the All-Russian Public Research Association "Cosmopoisk" (organized in 1983 on the basis of the Moscow Aviation Institute) investigate little-studied, including cryptophysical, anomalous phenomena and other borderline and breakthrough areas in science for the subsequent applied application of the knowledge gained. The world's largest public research association. Its regional office "Kazan-Kosmopoisk" is studying information about anomalous phenomena in Tatarstan

We talked with the head of Kazan-Cosmopoisk Maria PETROVA about what is mysterious in our republic.

- Maria, as far as I understand, your group regularly travels to the places of anomalous phenomena. Where have you been this year?

- For example, in the Tetyushsky reserve "Dolgaya Polyana". There are two interesting glades - Krolichya and Kamennaya. There is a forest around, but they have not overgrown for several centuries. The recently planted trees did not take root either. In these glades, something amiss is happening with electronic devices - for example, frames disappear from cameras, the clock goes astray, the compass behaves strangely. They assure that there is an increased number of sunny days in this area. Even if there are dense clouds around, the sky above the glades will let you through at least a ray. A person there feels warmth and calmness. It is believed that in the glades arterial pressure evens out, wounds heal faster and colds go away. By the way, in a neighboring abandoned farm we observed hanging large "plates".

We also went to the forest near the village of Shikhazda, Pestrechinsky district. Over the years, in this and nearby areas, we observed flights and hovering of huge silvery discs, hundred-meter fiery lenticular objects, plates with side lights, luminous balls with cones of light, just fireballs, and so on. In the 90s, there was a case of a UFO kidnapping here. When they brought him back, he had a blackout. After removing the memory lock, we managed to find out interesting details … In this forest, many trees grow in "rosettes" - several from one point. If you get into the "socket", it becomes bad - presses on the skull, pain in the eyes, aching teeth. Energy is being pumped out.

We visited the Spassky district, where the residents of the village of Krasny Val were literally shocked by several cases of low hanging of "plates". It was noticed that on the passing highway, cars often stall, except for trucks and traveling in only one direction. There is a high-voltage wire in the area of this village, and UFOs gravitate towards such things.

"Shurale" is not just a fiction

- Are there clearly anomalous areas in Tatarstan, like the famous M-triangle?

- Not found yet. But zones interesting from the point of view of anomalous phenomena can be distinguished - the same Pestrechinsky district.

- How does Kazan look from this perspective?

- There is no such thing for unusual phenomena to be regularly observed in the same place. Although … At one of the Kazan cemeteries, in a certain alley, every day at 23.00 a ghost of a girl appears - horror!.. By the frequency of messages, the Kirovsky district stands out. We can also note the frequency of receipt of information. For example, this summer, information about the sighting of UFOs went just a shaft.

You can also remember circles in the snow on Daurskaya. The picture is fascinating. It was as if a gigantic frying pan with a fluted bottom had been hit in the snow. The center is a birch, around which there are about sixty ideal circles, smoothly breaking against the walls of garages, bushes, swings. Awesome! There was a wild debate about whether this could be done by hand or not. We tried to portray the same, but it didn't work. Some, seeing these circles, began to believe in abnormal phenomena.

- Is there anything from the category of cryptozoology in the republic?

- Only legends. One Arab traveler wrote that in the Bulgar region there was something like a unicorn - Elasmotherium. And, according to legend, there were “shurales” all the same. In time immemorial they were caught, coated with resin, put on a horse, chased around the village and set on fire. The poor creatures howled, screamed and cursed people. And entire villages died out from these curses.

- Experience shows that people's "prejudices" should not be neglected …

- On the outskirts of the high-mountain village Kazaklar - a very beautiful place! - there is a stone Aktash, it is considered a saint, something like a talisman of the village. There is a belief that the White Stone heals and grants wishes. But you can't take anything from Aktash (and money is often left there), it's better not to pick berries nearby, you can't even touch him - it might not be good. It is believed that if someone wants to move the stone from its place, his hand will dry up or he will even die, or even trouble will happen to someone close. Once upon a time they wanted to develop a quarry near the stone, but nothing came of it - the engines of tractors and excavators stalled and the tracks flew off … One of our guys touched it. No, everything worked out, he was alive, but he lost some equipment and a few teeth. He "suspects" the stone, although we left the money there and read a special prayer.

And in one gardening partnership of the Verkhneuslonsky district, summer residents are frightened by an old three-headed statue installed on one of the sites. Moreover, in the nearest alleys, where the statue "looked", people began to die. The owner of the sculpture claims that it is a talisman and refuses to remove it. He looks especially scary at night … We arrived there, and really - already from the fence of the site pulls negative energy. And even a photograph is disgusting to look at a sculpture.

Out of this world

- They say that people studying anomalous phenomena sooner or later begin to feel their interest in themselves …

- It depends on how seriously a person is doing it. There was a group "Window" in Kazan, which studied in depth and UFO, and extrasensory perception, and ghosts, and the other world. And the moment came when they found themselves in another reality with one foot, and all evil spirits were already roaming around their apartments. I had to quit research. This is all dangerous, it is addictive. Even visits to UFO landing sites are dangerous - it can paralyze, for example. After all, UFOs and so on do not quite belong to our world … But Kazan-Kosmopoisk, apparently, is not yet at the level to be interested in us “there”.

- In a word, the Kosmopoisk employees must have strong nerves. What kind of people are working in a group?

- Mostly young people in their twenties and thirties. There are older ones. Education is mostly higher or incomplete higher. There are a lot of people who graduated from KSU - physicists, biologists, geologists. Their knowledge helps a lot in work. The backbone of the group is about fifteen people, and there are a lot of helpers and sympathizers.

Unfortunately, many who want to join us simply do not have any knowledge. They find it interesting to sit near the fire and eat porridge. And we need people who can act consciously. Well, you have to learn. In addition, we have a website for self-improvement. How, for example, to distinguish genuine photographs from montage, to recognize optical illusion. There is such a phenomenon when light is reflected from the atmosphere. And then the rustle begins in the media - people want a miracle … We try to really look at things, we don't try to assure anyone that little green men are among us.

To make sure of this, everyone can come to the first ufological seminar in Kazan - on January 5 at 10 o'clock in the Chemists' House of Culture. Let's sum up the “abnormal” results of the year. Our Moscow leadership will tell you about the state of ufology in Russia and about investigations on the Medveditskaya ridge - one of the most powerful anomalous zones in the country.