Indian Doctors Showed Photos Of Newborn Twins With One Head For Two - Alternative View

Indian Doctors Showed Photos Of Newborn Twins With One Head For Two - Alternative View
Indian Doctors Showed Photos Of Newborn Twins With One Head For Two - Alternative View

Video: Indian Doctors Showed Photos Of Newborn Twins With One Head For Two - Alternative View

Video: Indian Doctors Showed Photos Of Newborn Twins With One Head For Two - Alternative View
Video: The 2-Headed Baby Miracle | The Oprah Winfrey Show | Oprah Winfrey Network 2024, July

Even knowing that children are developing with an anomaly, doctors were extremely surprised when they saw mutant babies born by cesarean section.

In the east of India, unusual twins were born - babies have fused heads and, in fact, one face for two.

The photos of the children were published by the assistant professor of the gynecological department of the hospital, Dr. Kirtan Vias, telling the sad story of the birth and death of babies.

It turns out that the children are developing with an anomaly, ultrasound showed when their mother was seven months pregnant, but the woman refused to induce artificial childbirth to get rid of the "mutants". If failures in the process of separating the egg were noticed in the first trimester of pregnancy, the situation could be corrected, but since the parents of the crumbs are too poor, they delayed until the last, so as not to spend money on examinations.


As a result, the Siamese twins were born by cesarean section, but lived only six minutes. The Daily Mail writes that the unfortunate woman in childbirth and her husband, who wished to remain anonymous, handed over the calf of the children for research at the institute at the clinic.

- In principle, we were ready for the death of newborns, modern medicine does not allow the brain to be divided surgically. We warned the parents about the dire consequences, - said Dr. Vias, noting that, even knowing that the children would be born with an anomaly, the doctors were shocked by what they saw.

The babies had two arms and two legs, each with the necessary set of organs, with the exception of the common brain and, as a result, the head and one liver for two. Vias noted that this is the fourth case of the birth of Siamese twins in the 140-year history of the hospital, but the first when children are born with one face for two.

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